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Shipping Tflegrapis.

High Water.

Tomorrow.— Talaroa Heads: 7.3 u.m,, 7.24 pm, Port Chalmers: 7.43 a.m., 8 4 p.m. Dunedin 8.28 a.ui., 8.49 p.m

Port Chalmers. ARRIVED.—March 17. Woodlark, barque, 863 tons, White, from New York (November 29). Beautiful Star, s.s , 140 tons, Fenn, from Oauiaru. Passengers; Fifteen saloon, fifteen steerage, March 19. Southern Cross, s.s., 174 tons, Todd, from Auckland. BAILED.— March 19. Penguin, s.s., 442 tone, Stott, for Northern ports. Passengers : For L\ltelton —Mr and Mrs Townsend. Messrs Burton and Evelyn. For Wellington—Miss Holmes, Messrs Wright, Gray, and two In the steerage. March 18, Koranul, s s , 301 tons, Oliver, for Grey mouth via Oamaru and intermediate ports. Catlin, ketch, 48 tons, Norman, for Wanganui.

The barque Woodlark was towed up from the Lower Harbor this morning by the tugs Koputal and Plucky and berthed at the cross wharf, where she will discharge her Dunedin cargo without delay. The Penguin left the Rattray street wharf this afternoon for Northern ports. The ship Kakaia is to be towed up bo Dunedin on this evening’s tide. According to an Auckland telegram to the ‘ Dally Times ’ Captain Babot has Informed the Harbor Board that ho will not recommend the calling of any more of the Shaw, Savill Company’s steamers at Auckland until the shipping accommodation of the port is improved. During the week commencing on the 12th and ending on the 18th Inst, the arrrivais at and departures from the Dunedin wharves have been as follows: —Arrivals: Tarawera, s.s., 1,269 tons; Walhora, s.s., 1,209; Grafton, ss., 297 ; Beautiful Star (twice), 292; Penguin, s.s, 442; Apirlmi, fishing schooner, 55 ; Koranui, s.s., 301; total, 8,895 tons. Departures : Tarawera. ss , 1,269 tons ; Kakanui, s.s , 50; Hawea, s s., 462; Invercargill, s.s., 132; HMA Swinger, 400; Natal Queen, barque, 230; Beautiful S'ar, s s. (twice), 292 ; Catlln, ketch, 40; Waihora, s s., 1 269 ; Grafton, s.s., 297 ; Koranui, s.s , 301; total, 4,745 tons. Tin Beautiful Star kit Oamaru at 3 p.m. on Saturday, had N.E. winds with dull weather along the coast, and reached Dunedin wharf at 9 p.m. same dav. The departure of H.M.S. Goal has been postponed until to-morrow no n ng. She was opened to the publio jesterday af ernoon, but owing to the inclemency of the weather very few persons availed themselves of the opportunity of vlsiiing this fine vessel. The Southern Cross, from Auckland direct, arrived at Port Chalmers at 0 a.m. to-day, and steamed alongside the George street pier in readiness (cr her periodical overhaul. She left Auckland at 10.15 p.m. on the 13th inst.; experienced northerly winds until breasting Gisborne, which was passed at 10 a.m. on the 16th; thence she bad variable winds until passing Castle Point at 2 p in., when a s rong northerly gale set in, which held until she breasted the Kaikoures, when it moderated ; passed Akaroa light at 10 p.m. on the 17th, and was off Oamaru at 11 a.m. on the 18'h, when a strong S.W. gale sprang up, attended by a heavy sea, which held to arrival at the Heads, and berthed alongside the pier as above. Passengers and periodicals ex s.s. Coptic, from London, will arrive hero per Manapomi on Wednesday, ami cargo lor Dunedin will be transhipped per Rotorua, arriving here on Friday. The barque Cingalese, mentioned in the cablegrams as having been spoken dismasted in longitude 20leg W., latitude Sldeg S., is the Cingalese belongh g to Mr C. W. Turner, of Lyttelton. She sailed from Wellington on December 18 for London, with a full cargo of wool and other produce, under the command 1 f Captain S r .annard, She has since pot into Rio de Janeiro for repairs. Lyttelton Times.' Captain Ewen, of the steamer Wareatea, which arrived from Westport, reports having experienced a S W. gale on the Wist Coast, which veered around to the north-west on nearing Cook Strait, and blew from that quTter until the vessel got into port. At 10 a.m, on Thursday a deeply-iaden square-rigged ship was sighted between West Wanganui and Korangi. The wind was S W. at the time, and the ship was under reduced sail, and standing In towards the land, but was shortly afterwards seen to go about on the oiher tack. It was rather thick at the time, and the vessel was soon lost sight of. The shjp sighted was doubtless tho Pleione, which went ashore on Walkanae Beach on Thursday night.—lbid.

THE DIRECT STEAMERS. The Near Zealand Shipping Company’s Kalkoura left Plymouth on March 10, and will make Port Chalmers the first port of call in the colony.


The barque which was reported off Cape Saunders on Saturday forenoon proved to be the Woodlark, from New York. She was tendered by the Plucky, which brought her across the bar at 4 p.m. under the charge of Pilot Moore, anchoring off Carey Bay until this morning, when she was towed up to town. The Woodlark Is a flne-looklng oorop'site barque, of 869 tonsreglster, and|was bollt by Messrs A. Stephens and Son, ol Dundee, in 1870. Her dimensions are; Length, 182 ft din; breadth of beam, 32ft lln ; and depth of hold. 19ft Sin. She brings 1,600 tons of cargo, half of which Is for Dunedin and the remalnder for Lyttelton, and comes consigned to Messrs Bates, Slse, and Co. Her passage from port to port has occupied 109 days, which Is eftsily accounted for by the fact that at the outset she met heavy N K and easterly gales for eight days, poor S.E. trade, which drove her so f r to the westward that she was ten days beating In order to clear the Brazilian coast; strong winds and heavy seas across the Souths n Ocean, during whloh she shipped large quantities of water, her decks being continually flooded. One sea broke on board whleh smashed one of the boats on the skids, burst open the cabin door, and flooded the saloon. She Is under the command of Captain White, a gentleman who Is on his first visit to Otago, and to whom we are Indebted for the fdlowtng report Left New York on November 20 with a fresh N.E. gale, which held lor five days, followed by a strong northern wind until December 7, wben it moderated, and was succeeded by light variable winds until December 11, when the first of the N.E. trades was taken in latltudeJ2odeg4ommN , longitude 49deg 40min W. The trade was moderate a- d gave tut on the 18th In latitude 12dcg 44mln N., longitude 43d eg W., followed by doldrum weather until the 24th, in latitude 4deg N., when she picked up the |3 E. trade. It was very fickle, and drove her so far to the westward that she was ten davs beating to clear the Brazilian coast; and she finally’crossed the Equator on January 11, In longitude 33deg W., and lost the S.E. trade on January 17 In lati'udo 18deg S., longitude 29deg W. Thenoe she had a succession of moderate variable winds, not holding in one quarter for twenty-four hours, until February 5, on which day ehe crossed the meridian of Greenwich in latitude 41deg S., when she took the passage winds and rounded the Cape of Good Hope on February 11 in latitude 44deg S. Thence she had a succession of heavy gales from N.W. to S.W., with thick rainy weather and high seas, which continually broke on board, flooding the decks and smashing one of her boats. This weather continued until she passed the meridian of Kerguelen Land on February 25, when the weather moderated. Carried fresh westerly winds up to the meridian of Cape Leeuwin, which was crossed on March 6 in latitude 47deg 8., wben the wind again Increased to heavy gales, attended by high sea, and passed the island of Tasmania on the 11th Inst. ; still keeping similar weather ehe was hove-to on the night ol the 14th Inst, until daylight of the 16th, when she was again put on her course, and passed the Solanders at noon: ran through Foveaux Strait with hurtioano squalls from W S.W. to W.N.W., and passed the Bluff at 0 p.m. same day, when a S.E. gale eet In, whloh held along the coast, and hove-to off Cape Saunders at 9 p.m on Friday; stood In towards the Heads on Saturday morning, and towed Into port as above. No lee or wreckage was seen, and the only vessel spoken was on March 5, the ship Benoleugh, from Liverpool to Melbourne.

movements of the union steam ship COMPANY’S FLEET.

Monday, Mahcii 19. Blbff.—Te Anau strived 8 a.m. from Hobart sai'ed 5 p.m. for Pott Chalmers. Lyttblton —Wanaka arrived B a.m. from Wellmiitton ; returns 9 p.m,—Grafton sailed 2 p.m. lor Wei Wellington.— Rotorua sailed 1 p.m. for Nelson.— Manapourl salted 8 p.m. for Lyttelton. Auckland, — Tarawera arrived 11.80 a.m, from Gisborne.

Bloff, March 10 —The Te Anau arrived at 6.90 am, to-day. She left Melbourne at 2.80 p.m.. and Wiillamstown at 4.80 p.m. on the 18fch; reached Hobart at 7.15 a.m. on the IBth, Bailed the same day at 4.85 p.m.; anchored off Stewart Island at U p.m.

on tho 18th; had fresh south-west and southerly winds, with fine weather; on the 10th and 17th experienced extremely cold weather, the glass registering only 28. For Dunedin Ucsdames Lippert, White, and Balfour, Miss Ingram, Messrs Lawless, W. P. Street, Mathewson, Hegarty, Hughes (2), Blair, Jefferson, and Noake. For Lyttelton—Mr and Mrs H»y and four children and nurse, Uesdames Felton and Gibson, Misses Gibson (2) and Duflrayer, Messrs M'Cracken, Richards, White, Felton, Hawkins, and Weniey. For Wellington—Mr and Mrs Harrison, Misses Hill and Harrison, Messrs 0. De Beetham, Popham (2), Garrett, Pimmiger, Greenhill, Curtis. For Napier—Mrs Popplewell and four children, Mr 0. Farmer. FurAuckand —Messrs Paton and Wholdon. For Sydney—Messrs Lloyd and Brewer. Twenty-five in the steerage for all ports. Nkw Plymouth, March 10.— Judgment was given in the Bellinger case at noon to-day. The court suspended Captain Benson's certificate lor six months, and recommended under section 24 that a certificate as first officer be issued to him instead. The court censured the mate for turning in before being properly relieved, but bis certificate was returned. The engineer’s certificate was also returned, as there was no evidence that he had anything to do with the casualty. No order was made as to costs. Wellington, March 18.—Calliope, from Pott Cha'mers.

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Evening Star, Issue 7474, 19 March 1888, Page 3

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SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 7474, 19 March 1888, Page 3

SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 7474, 19 March 1888, Page 3