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THE A.R.C. MEETING. [By Our Special Reporter.] The first day’s racing in connection with the Auckland Racing Club’s annual meeting was an unqualified success. The weather was fine, but exceedingly dusty, and the fields were poor, while the starting at times was miserable. Only two horses started for the Derby Stakes, the third money of 50 a ivs going begging. Sextant pulled up lame after his race, and it is doubtful whether he will take part in the Cup race on Monday next. The start for the Railway Plate was a scandal, Nelson being left hopelessly in the rear. He, however, was started in pursuit of the other two, and made up his ground in grand style. Though carrying Oat lib, he covered six furlongs in Imin loacc, and the Cup race may now be regarded as a foregone conclusion for Major George’s horse. The officers of the Nelson and Raven were present throughout the day. There were good finishes for the Hurdles and Racing Club Handicap, and, though the protest entered in the latter race was dismissed, there can be no question that Antelope’s rider was interfered with. Cuirassier is the biggest two-year-old I have ever seen stripped, and he will doubtless be heard of next spring. Pearl Shell, who is full sister to Industry, is possessed of great dash of foot, and made an exhibition of the rest of the field in the Foal Stakes. The following are the results:—

MAIDEN PLATE, of 30 sovs. Weight for age, One mile and a half.

The Hon. E. Mitcbelsou’s br f Fusee, by Musket Titiania, 3 yrs .. .. .. (Wright) 1 Mr D. M Kinno’s Sir Walter, 3 yrs .. (Wilmott) 2 Mr E. Fnset’a Pikau, by Auteros— Araohia, 3 yrs (O’Meara) 3

Betting : 2 to 1 on Fusee. On the fall of the flag Pikau went to the front, Sir Walter being the next on his legs, with Fusee last. Leading into the home turn Sir Walter had the pride of position, but passing the stand Pikau was on racing terms with him, Fusee being four lengths behind. Sir Walter was first in the straight, and looked all over a winner till Fusee was given her head, and cutting down Sir Walter m a dozen strides she ran home a clear winner by a length and a half. Time, 2min SOsec. Dividend, L2 and Ll 14s.

THE GREAT NORTHERN FOAL STAKES, of 300 Bovs ; the second horse to receive &0 aova and the third 25 govs from the stakes. For two-year-olds. Six furlongs Ur J. Marshall's br f Pearl Shell, by Musktt-Pearl Ash, Brt 71b .. .. iJ. Kean) 1 Ur W. Somerville’s br f Hilda, by Mu»ket—Guide, Bst Tin.. .. .. (T. TUylor) 2 Mr J. Chaafe's Forest Kins-, by Ktvo—Memento (Sutherland) 3 Tartar (liiimmer) and Cuirassier (Pearson) also started.

Pearl Ash was a firm favorite. After two breaks away the field were despatched to a grand start, all moving off together. Cuirassier was the first to show in front, but this brother to Trenton soon retired, and Pearl Shell, Hilda, and Forest King took up the running, and entering the straight the trio were racing abreast. Once in the straight Kean gave the favorite her head, and she simply romped in, eventually beating Hilda by five lengths. Forest King was three lengths off, and Cuirassier last. Time, Imin lO^sec,

GREAT NORTHERN DERRY, of 750 sovq; the secoi d horae to receive 100 eova and the thirl 00 out of the stakes. For thrte-yet voids. One mile and a-half. Mr G G. Stead’s br c Sextant, by Ro inson Cnt-oo —Sunshine ... ... ... (Clifford) 1

Mt 'i' Cbi.K’s br f Banglo, by Muaket-Looku (Sutherland) 2

Only the two started. The belting was any odds cn Sextant. The pair got away on even terms, but Bangle was soon taken to the front, and she led Sextant past the stand by two lengths. At the back of the course Clifford took Sextant up to Bangle, aud by the lime that the top stretch was reached she was fully three lengths in the rear. Entering the turn for home Bangle got on terms with Sextant, but it was only on suffrance, for. Sextant being given his head, be came on full of running, and won in the commonest of canters. Time, 2mln 46|sec. Dividend, LI ss.

HANDICAP HURDLES, of 100 sov?, with a sweepstakes of 4 sovs each to go to the second horse. Two miles and a-quarter. Mr W. U. Latham’s b s Uranus, 4 yrs. 10st (Jherwin) 1 Mr D. O’Brien’s b g Imao, 10st .. (Hickey) 2 Mr J, B. Williams's Shillelagh, 4 yrs. Sit IOIh (Hodgson) 3 Peter Oabeck (list 12lb), Coral (9st oib), and Sirloin (Bst 71b) also started. The flag was lowered to a terrible start, of which Osbeok and Sirloin had tho best, Uranus being left at the post. Coral was the quickest over the first obstacle, Sirloin and Peter Osbeck being together next, with Shillelagh and Uranus last. Coral and Sirloin led all the way along the back of the course, but at the turn into the straight Uranus had the advantage, and passing the stand he led Sirloin and Isaac by half a length. Uramus, Sirloin, aud Isaac alternately had the pride of position at the back of the course, but Sirloin died away at the Cutting, aud Uranus and Isaac taking the command of affairs led into the straight, and the finish was left to these two. Both horses came under the whip on terms to the last hurdle. Here Isaac in jumping gained a slight lead, and his victory seemed certain ; but Sherwin, taking advantage of the inside running, brought Uianus up with a great rush, and in the last few strides succeeded in securing the judge’s verdict by a head. Time, 4inin 37isec. Dividend, L2 19s.

RACING HANDICAP, of 250 sovg. One mile and a

quarter. Mr Bobhet’s b m Lady Norah, by CadovanSteppe, 4 yrs, Bst 61b .. .. (Kidd) 1 Mr lied vet’a b g Antelope, 4 yrs, 7»t 71b (Morrison) 2 Mr W. Somervl'le’s Uk I Palista, 3 jib, 7st 71b (Taylor) 8

There also started Tetford (8.12, Carey), Wapiti (7.12, Clifford), Tennyson (6.12, Murray), Leorina (6, Katterns). Antelope and Leorina were the favorites. After a lot of fiddling at the post and three or four break-aways the field was despatched to a bad start, of which Leorina had the worst. Lady Norah’s colors were the first to show In front, her stable companion Tetford and Wapiti being the most prominent of the others, with Leorina last. Passing the stand Tetford assumed the lead, and at the bottom turn he was two lengths in front of Wapiti and Antelope, Lady Norah having dropped back into fourth place. The last-named, however, was on terms with Tetford at the cutting, the rest of the field being close up. Rounding the top stretch Lady Norah had the command of affairs, but at the turn for home the field were in such a thickly packs i bunch that it was almost impossible to distinguish the colors. Here Tedford cried enough, and Lady Norah and Antelope singling themselves out a very exciting struggle took place down the straight, ending in Lady Norah defeating Antelope in the last three or four strides by a bare head. A protest was entered against the winner for Kidd catching Antelope’s bridle, but after consideration it w»s dismissed by the stewards. Time, 2mm 13|sec. Dividends, L 3 10a and L 3 ss. RAILWAY PLATE, of 80 sovg. Three-quarters of mile. Weight (or a?e. Mr 1). TwohilTs Cinderella, by Javelin—Benva, Bst - - (Carey) 1 M.ijor George's Nelson, OR lib.. .. (Brown) 2 Mr W. Robertson’s Muskerina, 6it 41b (Katterns) 8

These were the only starters. The flag fell when Nelson was some distance behind the starting post and had his head turned in the opposite direction. The result of this was that the favorite was fully twenty lengths behind when he was set going, and, though he came gamely under the whip, the distance was too short to enable him to make up his lost ground, and he was beaten for first place by two lengths. Time, Imin IQsec. Dividend, L 5 14s. The crowd hooted the starter when he returned to the paddock. MAORI EAIK RACES. The enpual Maori Ka»k races were held yesterday on p new course situated nearer Pqrtobello than the old place, and necessitating a three-mile walk from the jetty for visitors who went there in the excursion boats. This caused a great dpal of justifiable Sumbling ; and it is evident that if the aori Kaik races are to remain an annual fixture a more easily-reached course will have to be provided. And this long tramp through heavy sand was not all, for on the course being reached it was found to be Under water, and a delay of two hours ensued before the tide receded and left the track —which is along the beach—fit for racing on. There was a large crowd of visitors, much larger than will ever be found at the same spot again, and there was a good deal of speculation over the various events, Mr P. Dow putting L 664 through the totalisator. The following are the results of the races: — HURDLE RACE. Two miles, over six flights of hurdles, Bft 61n high. First horse, Lfl; second. Ur b hj Melton, 6 y”, Mr A. North’s oh e Ogden, 6 vrs, 9st Wlb (M. Allen) 2 If, ->• wb ’ 8 S° rder Mlaßt,el * 6 { |%tfon) 3 Mr White’s b hj .Joker, aged, 10st 121b (J. Allen) 0 * ' Won by two lengths. t)ividend, L2 14s.

MAIDEN PLATE One mile and a half. Fiist horse L 5 ; second, LI 10s; third, 10a. ilr H. Harwood’s oh hj Chester, aged, Os'. Clb (.1. Allen) 1 Mr A. North’s oh g Ogden, Byrs, 9st Bib (M. Allen) 2 Mr A. H. Macandrew’s b hj Melton, 5 yrs, Set Bib (T, Cotton) 8 Mr T. Walker’s b m Poll y, 4 y rs, Brt 91b .. .. 0 Won easily. Dividend, LI 15a.

DISTRICT HANDICAP. Ouo n lie and a half. First horse, L 6; second, LI 10s; third, LI. Mr H. Duckmantou’a b hj Sir Garnet, aged, 9s, 61b (J. Cotton) 1 Mr T. Edmond hr hj Panura, 6 yrs, 9st 61b (Poole) 2 Mr P. Ryan’s b m Romania, 5 yrs, Ist 61b (Price) 3 Mr R. Harwood’s oh hj Chester, aged, Bst 71b .. 0 Won rather easily. Dividend, LI 12s. TROTTING HANDICAP. Three miles. First horse, LB; second, LI 10s; third, 10. Mr T. Walker's ghj Fenian, aged, scr .. (Owner) 1 Mr P. Ryan's b m Nelly, B yrs, SBseo .. (Owner) 2 Mr A. North’s b f Stel'a, 3 yrs, 4Bsec .. (J. Allen) 3 Mr .1. Challis’s b m Eiuma. aged, scr .. „ 0 Mr H. Goodman’s cb hj Pat. a:;t:d, so.' .. .. 0 Mr H. Duokmanton's b m Zllla, 6 yrs, SOseo .. 0 Mr J. Christie’s 1> m Nellie, 4 yrs, 85sfc .. .. 0 Mr J. Dohaty’s blk m Polly, a/ed, 40seo .. ..0

■\Von easily. Dividend, L 4 12s. *MAORI KAIK PLATE. Two miles. First horse, LU; second, L2; third, LI. Messrs M, and J. Allen’s g in Daisy, 6 yrs, 9st 01b (M. Allen) 1 Mr 11. Duckmanton’s br hj Sir Garnet, aged, 9st (J. Cotton) 2 Mr R. Harwood’s ch m Lady Cougbtrey, aged, 7st Bib .. .. .. .. (T. Allen) 3 Mr T. Edmonds’s br hj Pakura, 6 yrs, 9st Bib 0 Won easily. Dividend, Ll 12b. HACK RACE. One mile. Maj.r 1 Dividend, L 3 IGa. CONSOLATION STAKES. One mile. Mr R. Harwood’s oh m Lady Cough trey (R. Alien) 1 Mr T. Edwards’s br hj Pakura, 6 yrs (J. Allen) 2 Dividend, L2 3s. HAWKE’S BAY. The Hawke’s Bay Jockey Club's Boxing Day meeting yesterday was largely attended. The weather was beautiful and the racing good:— Maiden Plats, of 50 sovs. One mile and a half.— Falconer 1, Whisperer 2, Bronte 3. Harold and Rlmu also ran. Dividends, Ll 18s and L2, Christmas Handicap, of 80 sovs. One mile and a quarter.—Rivulet 1, Salisbu>y 2, Miss Drrgon 3. Melville also ran. Dividends. Ll 12s and Ll 18s. Hurdles, of 89 sovs. Two miles and a half Chemist 1, Echo 2, Rimu 8. Denbigh, Volcano, Clyde, and On Tiial also ran. Dividends, L 4 8a and L 4 Ua. Hastings Handicap, of 200 sovs. Two miles.— Pearl 1, Warama ?, Fa'coner 8. Expelled and Serpentine also ran. Dividends, Ll 12s and Ll 14s, Two-yp.AK old Plats, of SO sovs Five furlongs.— Kotuku 1, Ratenaka 2, Yatterina 3 Lady’s Maid also ran. Dividends, Ll 18s and Ll 18s. Scurry Stares, of 20 sovs. One mile.—The Arrow 1, Nlkau 2, Norab 3. Dividends, L2lls and Ll 18s. Consolation, of 40 sovs. One mile.—Whisper 1, Expelled 2. Dividends, Ll lOsand Ll lls. M ASTERTON-OP AKI. The Masterton-Opaki summer meeting commenced yesterday. Results: — Bkrdv - Orator 1, Cupid 2. Lt ncor 3. Won easily. Time, ‘.nun 47 2-seeo. Dividend, Ll 18s. Opaki Starks.—Smooth 1, Rumor 2, Administrator 3. Smooth ltd from sUit to finish. Time, 2mln 4‘. : 3sec. Dividend, L 4 IBs. Champagne Starks.- Boaz 1, Brunette 2, Harlequin 3. Time, linin 29 l-.-stc. Ladies’ Hr icri.kt. -Mariner 1, Talent 2, Highland M-ty3. Ti >e, Imm 23}3tP. Dividend, L 8 lls Railway Plate. —Little Scrub 1, Cupid 2, Kangaroo 3. Won by a head ; the same distance separ iting the next three horses. Time, Imin 20}«w. Dividend, l/ 3 10?. . PALMERSTON NORTH. The summer meeting was held yesterday. The weather was disagreeable, but the attendance was fair. Ha- dicap Hurdles.— Reform 1 Premium 2, Allegro 3. Dividend, L 7 13°. Maidkv Plate.— Voltigeur 1, Escapade 2, Vision 3. Divid nd, LS 7a. Jubilee Handicap. -Tongariro 1, Premium 2, Giriri 3. Dividend, Ll lls. Palmerston guhpas. Germaine X, Orwell 2, Strenuous 3. Dividend, L 4 lls. Flying Handicap.—Strenuous 1. Rufus 2. DlvidcDd, L2 Be. WESTLAND RACING CLUB. For the first day of the meeting the woat! er was showery, but the course was in good order. Results Open Handicap.—Tarantu'us 1, Zulu 2, Starlights. Dividend, L2 17s. Hack Rack —Sensation beat four others. Produce Stakes.— Playboy 1, Ofra 2, Colonel 8. Verbena, Cutty Sark, and Miss Guy also ran. Dividend, L2 9'. Hokitika Handicap.— Temukal, Madonna 2. Leodogran and Portfolio also ran. A good race, the two leaders having a hard struggle half-way round the course. Dividend, L2 19 J . President's Handicap.- Tarnntulus 1, Zulu 2. Sensation, Madonna, and Billy Kraft also ran. An exciting fini-ih ; won by a head. Dividend, L2. Hurdles.—Master Guy 1, Marquis 2, Little Jack 3. HE ATI!COTE RACES. This meeting yesterday was fairly attended. Results: — Time Saddle Trot nf 50 sovs. About three miles. —W. C. Kerr’s Gipsy (scraicn) 1, T. Walker’s Energy (2fssc) 2, D. Orange’s Gip (S(isco) 3. Time, 8 nin 24seo. Dividends, L 7 4s 6J, L 9 B<6 '. IIEATHCoTfI Cup, of 60 sovs. One mile and a qmrter.—O. Hulrue’s Rosebud (6st 81b) 1, H Vallance’s Moo (7st 41b) 2, 11. Ho i-fvd’s Leon !6rt 71b) 3. Eighteen others started. Time, 2min Id ec Dividends, L 0 9i 01, L 6 fis 6d.

Playboy, who won the Hack Hurdle and Hack Races, is alleged to be Warepa, otherwise Problem, who was disqualified by the D.J.C. some time ago. It is said that a protest has been lodged.


The bicycle races at Lancaster Park were attended by 500 people. The racing was very interesting owing to the presence of Fred Wood, the professional champion rider of the world, he being engaged in a series of teat races of one, five, and ten miles, for prizes aggregating LIOO. The five-mile and the first heats of the one-mile were decided today. In the first heat of the mile Wood met N. Hall (Pioneer), J. Howlison (Dunedin), Handysides (Waitemata), Charlesworth (Christchurch), Barlow (Rangiora). Wood and Hall ran in company rill the last 200 yds, when the champion drew rway, winning easily by 3 yds ; Handysides second. Time, 2min 54 3-sth sec.

The second heat was won easily by Willmot (North Canterbury), with Bean (Christ) church) s cond and Steadman (Dunedin third. Brown, the English rider, was nowhere. Time, 2min 59sec. In the Five-mile Race Wood was first, Wlllmot second, Handysides third, Kerr (Dunedin) fourth, Barlow fifth, Brown sixth. Hall, Charlesworth, and Howard (Waitemata) also started, Hall, Wood, and Wlllmot In this order ran together until 300 yards from the post. Wood then spurted and passed Hall, who, in endeavoring to respond, missed his pedal and fell heavily, dislocating his wrist. Wood won by forty yards from Willmot, the others a long wav behind. Time, Ifimin 52 2-3 th sec, The Ten mile Handicap was won by Steadman (400 yds), North (Christchurch, 400 yds) second. N. F. Hall (Pioneer, 700 yds) thirdi Time. 34min 31sec. The Ladies’ Bracelet resulted in a dead heat between Handysides and N. P. Hall, which is to be run off, In the Half-milo Race Steadman and Bean came into collision, and both received severe cuts about the face. CANTERBURY RIFLE ASSOCIATION. The first meeting of the newly-formed Canterbury Rifle Association was hold at Opawa yesterday. There were about sixty entries. The Field-firing Match was won by the Scottish Rifles, with the Kaiapoi Rifles second. No. 2 Match, seven shots at 200 and 300 yards, was won by Sergeant Templeton, *of Kaiapoi, with 48 points ; Lieutenant Oakden, Peninsula Navals, 47, second; Quartermaster-sergeant Dougall, Christchurch Artillery, 47, third. WAKARI RIFLES’ SPORTS. The Wakari Rifles held their annual sports yesterday in Mr Fraser’s paddock, There was a considerable number of spectators, and the Kaikorai Band enlivened the proceedings with some selections. The results of the various races, etc,, are as follows : Youths' Handicap (under 17), 220 yards. —Cities pie. 1: U'Millan, 2 ; Roast, 3. . Hop, Sxpp, and Jump.—Mitchell, 1 ; Wintrop, 2; Stevenson, 8. , _ Wakari Handicap (first distance), 120 yards.-Ray, 1; Arnold, 2: Keogh, 3. , „ , Handicap Walk, fine mile.— Grose, 1; Keast, i , Winders’ 3. Married Ladies’ Race.— Mrs Wlleon, 1; Mrs ForHandicap (second distance), 220 yards.— Keogh, 1 : H»y, 2; Arnold, 3. k , . .. Running High Jump,— Mitchell (s(tlin),t; Arnold (third distance), 410 yards.— Ray, 1; Kcoeh, 2; Arnold, 3. Vaulting with Pole.— Mitchell, 1; Ramsay, i.

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Evening Star, Issue 7404, 27 December 1887, Page 3

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SPORTING INTELLIGENCE. Evening Star, Issue 7404, 27 December 1887, Page 3

SPORTING INTELLIGENCE. Evening Star, Issue 7404, 27 December 1887, Page 3