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The amount of revenue oolleoted at the Customhouse on goods o'.oired to-day for consumption was L 1,048 103 M. PROPERTY SALES. Mr G S. Brodriok reports having Bold to the mortgagee, for LI.OOO, the nine yeirs' lease of part of section 1, block 15, Duncdln, occupied by the Mutual Life Association of Australasia, and the Shades; also, to the mortgagee, for LBQO, seotions 42. 43, and 44, block 10, Dunedin. THE LONDON MARKETS. A speoial to Press Association, dated London, November S, reports l -" The wheat market is onco more subdued, with prices nominally unchanged. The milder weather has checked the demand. An Australian cargo on the passage has been sold at 88s. For the new crop 33s is asked for shipments fcr London din ot." THE FALL IN THE CUSTOMS REVENUE. A return has been oompiled showing the Customs revonue oolleoted during a series of twelve-monthly poriods ending September 80. The figures are somewhat startling, as showing the large and steady decrease that has taken place in this chief item of revenue since the year ended September 80, 1832. In that year Customs yielded the large sum of Ll.618,280; two years after it had fallen almost exactly LIOO,OOO-viz., L 1,410,584; in another two yoars U had deoreased nearly LIOO,OOO-to L 1,822,921 and this year it has fallen to L 1,263,000, thore being thus a falllng-off of L 255.000 (or at the rate of nearly 17 per cent) in five years. The imports for similar twelve-monthly periods are of lower value than in anv twelve months since 1880, and are less by L 767,053, L 1.214,780, And L 1.609,100 respectively than for the three previous years. For the same periods the value of exports for the year ended September 80 was L 7.044.237, being the largest for years, and L 819.209 in excess of the Imports. The net lnorease since last year in New Zealand produce Is L 866.862; wool also showing an inoroase of L 760.465 on the previous year, or at the rate of neatly 27 par cent. The increase in the weight of w6ol exported Is 7 por cent,'sothatMouttoo.eoO represents the inorease fn >yclgh*, and L 500.000 Improvement In valua. STOCK AND STATION REPORT, Mr Donald Stronach (on behalf of the Now Zealand Loan and Merpantlle Agency Company, Limited) reports for the week ended November 8,, aa follows Vi Fat Cattle.—A moderate supply oame forward today for the safes at Burnslde-vlz, 167 head, nearly all fair to good quality, with one or two pens prime. The demand was fairly active, all yarded being disposed of at prices about equal to lost week. Best bulloolts brought L 7 Es to L 8 IBs; extra prime, to LlO 6s; medium to good, M 2s 6d to LO 17s 6d; and,.oows in proportion. ■•■■•■■' ,»<,.« Fat Sheep.—The number penned to-day, viz., 1,606, was only about half the number to hand last week,

representing all qualities, both in wool and shorn. About 323 were merino wethers, the balance crossI recK Bidding atthe ata.t lacked spirit, but as the sale progressed competition became raoro animated, pi ices realised showing a slight advance on thoae obtaining eariisr, and at the finuh weie quite on a level with Ihosn of last wee!;. There was very little demand for export, or this miu>ll number would not have been auiticient for ordinary trade requirements. Beat cross-bred wethers, in the wool, brought IBs to 17s; medium do, 12* to 14s Cd ; shorn, 10s to lis 8d ; bist cross-bred ewes, in the wool, 14s to 16s, one pen to 17s 9d ; medium, Us 9d to 13a 6d ; shorn, Cs 3d to Us 9J; merino wetliors, in the woo), 9s to 12s 9d. Wo sold on account of Messrs Rots Brothers, Bushy Park, wethers from 12s 3d to 16s 9d ; Mr A. M'Aulay, Herbert, o.oas-bred ewes from 13s 9d to 143 3d. Fat Lambs.—62o were penned, medium to good quality. Tie latter were spiritedly competed for, while the former wero only in moderate demand, the range to-dity being 5s to lis 9d ; only a very few at the latter figure. We soit*, on aocount of Messrs Ross Bros, Bushy Park, 40 at 6s 6d; Mr A. M'Auley, Herbert, 40 at 63 3d to 0s 9d.

Pigs.- Only 66 wei e penned, mostly suokers and light stores, with a few porkers and baooners. Suokers brought 12s 6d; light stores, 16s 6d to 17s 6d ; porkers, 27s 6d to 363; baoonera, to 465. We sold 37 at 15s Oi to 83?. , , Store Cattle.-There is a very Mr demand experienced ; at the same time there is room forimprovement Several bales have been effected since our last report, and now all sorts are easily placed, but at priceß which do not glvo much encouragement to the grower. With the continuation of favorable weather no doubt a stronger demand will set iu, which must have an effect on present prices Stoie Sheep.—There are no transactions of any consequence transpiring, especially in shorn Bheep, and for a time both buye. sand sellers will be somewhat undecided as to prices; but from the unfavorable repor'e to hand of the Inmbing all over the provinces it is not probable that prices will rule so low as they did last season.

Wool.—There is no later intelligence from Europe to repoit ttv.s week. From Melbou>ne there are priced catalogues of the first and second sales by our branch there, which in some lots show full prices, while, on the average, a considerable decline on last season's rates is apparent, but tho arrival of a number of Home and foreign buyers U'er on influenced the range of values ta somo extent. Competition aldo improved as tho sales progressed, and ii still marked by briskness and animation. American interests are well represented, and all lots suitable for their requirements are bought for export to the United States. Per s.s Ruapehu there will be priced catalogues of the fourth series of London sales, with other reports ti date of sailing to hand, this week. Deliveries of the new clip are still limited, but after this week, weather permitting, consignments will bo on a more extensive soale.

Sheep;-kins.—At our regulir weekly'sale, whioh wss held as usua l on Monday, a heavy catalogue was offered, conpiiaing a variety of classes, both dry and green, to a full attendanca e.f the trade. Competition was fairly animated, and, although r.o improvement can be reported, prices obtained wore quite up to last week'.?. Country dry cross-breds, low to medium, brought Is to 3s 61; do do merino, lid to 33' 4d; dry pelts, 3d to 7d; gr< en do, 6d to 6d ; butohero' green cross-breds, 4a od, 4s Bd, 4s lOd, ss, 6s Id, 6s 2d, 6j 4d; do do merino, 3s 9d, 4s, 4s 3d, 4s 7d; lambskins, 9d, 101, lid, 12d, 13d. Rabbit-skins. - These continue in steady demand, but the small supplies now coming to hand aro chiefly spring-caught and suckers; hardly any good winter Bkins offering. All sorts are well competed for, tut the dtnnnd being only speculative, buyers are not inclined to exceed ce tain limits white the miiket at Home shows a drooping tendeooy. We ato in receipt of tho following telegram from our London office, dated 6th Inst., with respect to the s>lcshcld thereon tho4!hinst: "Sinoo last report New Zealand rabbit-skin?, best descriptions, have declineJ 3d, and other sorts Id per lb. At our weakly auction on Monday we submitted a catalogue of various descriptions. All the members of the trado were present, and competed spiritedly for every lot, whioh were disposed of at the following prices: 0 over WT, 1 bale medium grey, 16d; do, l do do, J4Jd ; MOM over O, 3 bags do do, 13} d ; R, 1 do do, 9Jd; K over W, Ido mixed inferior, 4d; Cover W T, 4 bales spring greys, 7Jd ; do, 1 do mixed black and grey, 7d; do, Ido suckers, 3Jd ; do, I do do, 2d per lb. Hides.—This market is still without materiil alteration, but, if anything, is slightly firmer There Is seemingly a desire on the part of shippers to operate, and a few lots have been placed for shipment, but the Ijujine.'s in this direction is limited, and has but little effect on values. We quote inferior and bulls', ljd to 2d ; light, 2Jd to 2gd ; medium, 2|d to 3Jd ; heavy, 3§d to 3Jd per lb Tallow.—There U no improvement to bo noted In value, but the dtmind continues quite active, all coming forward being readily placed for local requirements. The mv.ket in the meantime is baro of prime mutton fit. for shipm nt. We quote inferior and mixed 10s to 12s; medium to good, 183 to 153; boat mutton, when available, 17a to 18'. Rough fat, inferior 5a to 7', medium to good 8s to 9s; clean caul fat, fresh, 1 la per cwt. Grain.—Wheat: There is no change to report for the hotter. The nnrket continues extremely fkt. The price of flour being again reduced indicates fu 1 stocks of that commodity, and not a very lively prospect for an advance in wheat. Millers'supplies aro still for the moßt part drawn from the North, but are nos very heavy. Wc quote best milling velvet and Tuscan, 3s 6d to 3*Bd; best red still commands a shade more; Inferior and medium, 3s to 3a 6d (exstore) - -Oats: The market has b'en somewhat quieter during the last week. A few siles have been made for shipme nt at about late rates, and, as the quantity on hj >nd now U reduced toa miniu.U'ii, and but few oomlng forward, present values at any rato tire likely to be maintained, which wo trive as follows: For beet stout milling, Is 9J to Is 9£i; short bright, food, 1* Sd to Is 9d; m jdium and sparrowhills, Is 7Jd to Is 8d ; infeiior, Is 5d to Is Od (ex ttore).-B.irley: There havo been several inquiries for malting during the week, but, there being no stooks, business could not be done. Milling and feed is occasionally dealt in, but not to any extent, at from 3s 3d to 34 91. Ryegrass Seed.—Tt.e eis no alteration in tho aspect of the market, aid no business done worth mentioning. Cocksfoot of good quality and clean continues in very fair demand at up to 5d per lb. Potatoes, although not so heavy in stcck, aro only in slow demand in retail lots at from 80s to 35b for Southern, and 353 to 403 for Northern lrcsh picked. MINING NOTES. A Perth telegram to the Melbourne p:pirs states that splendid specimens of gold in quartz havo been discovered near N wcastlc, fifty milot east of Perth, by Anstey's party. It is beliovcd that the field will prove a n cond Mount Mor.'ar, |Mr C. M'Queen, of the firm of Kincaid, M'Queon, and Co, has eJesigned a machine oiled M'Quecn's Patent Gold-s vor and Pyrites fc'epaiator. The machine, as its name implies. U intendod as an addition to our gold-saving appliances, its special work being to intercept those particles of gold which would, olherwUe pass into the tail-r.ices. The machine will probably be of the greatest use in dealing with heavy auriferous sand ; and if it should turn out a success in this branch of tho work—and there is no room for douM 01 the point—Mr M'tjaeeu's invention will be ft I oon to many scores cf miners who at present lose much of the valuable metal. The maohine is simply constructod, and .when tried this afternoon those prefpnt e-xpressed themselves is satisfied that it wou'd turn out a succ^e. (By TmißQuaph.] Melbourne, November 7.—M asrs Dalgety and Co. held a very sucoe: sful sale of wool this afternoon at their rooms Tho caalegue comprised 2,SCO bales. The attendance of buyers was large, competition being very animated Two thousand three hundred bales were disposed of during the sile at highly situfactory p ices. Superior greasy merir.o realised as much as 13d per lb, being the highest price obtained during the pre ent season, Good light-conditioned me-inoes brought lOd, medium quality as high as BJd, and inferior descriptions as much as 7d per lb; pieces sold up to 9J, oross-breds to 9Jd. Go>d fcoured merino realised as much as JBJI per lh. Messrs Dalgety and Co. up to the present hive disposed of 0,200 bales this season.

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Evening Star, Issue 7363, 8 November 1887, Page 3

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COMMERCIAL Evening Star, Issue 7363, 8 November 1887, Page 3

COMMERCIAL Evening Star, Issue 7363, 8 November 1887, Page 3