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[rEuter’s telegrams.] HOME AND FOREIGN. LONDON, January 30. A New Zealand Agricultural Company is announced with a capital of a million. Roumania announces to Austria that she is ready to place 50,000 men upon the Russian frontier to form a sanitary cordon. They will permit Russians to return from Bulgaria, but will resist others crossing the mountains. At the conclusion of the new trial in the’ celebrated Bagot case judgment was reserved. The Bank of England has lowered its rate .of discount 1 per cent. January 31. The directors of the Glasgow Bank made no defence; they only called witnesses as to character. Potter and Stronach were found not guilty as charged. The others have been found guilty, of issuing false balances, and sentence will be passed on Saturday. The Colonial Institute has appointed a select committe of inquiry as to the practicability of arranging for a Colonial Exhibition. ♦ [Special to the Argus. J LONDON, February 1. The money market is rather firm. The bank reserve is stronger; it is now nearly L 13,000,000. The stock markets are firm ; consols, 96f. Australian securities have experienced a strong revival. The com market is unchanged. A quantity of inferior New Zealand wheat is in the market. Wool quiet; current rates are firm. There has been a recovery in the demand for fine wools. Business is less pressed.

(Press Association’s Telegrams.) INTERCOLONIAL. ADELAIDE, February 1. Parliament is further prorogued to March Letters patent have been refused to the University till its degrees are assimilated to those of Sydney, Melbourne, and New Zealand Universities. The Chief Secretary stated to a deputation that the depreciation of South Australian bonds was caused by the supposition that the democratic principles of Victoria also obtained in South Australia. •SYDNEY, February 1. Campbell, who said he had been shot apd robbed in the Domain, still lives. He denies attempting suicide. SPECIAL TO~THi STAR. PARIS, February 1., , Intense excitement reigned here over MacMahon’s resignation. Gambetta was eleote I President of the Chamber of Deputies by a large majority. M. Dufaure and his colleagues remain in office-. LONDON, January 31. Portugal i) sending an expedition to Guinea to chastise the invading i a rages. - -PfiuRUARY 1. Potter and Stomach wera found guilty yesterday of uttering false balances. They

and the * i The Zulu Icon <^mfnfl^the troops, .under. Lord,•,Chelinsl^rd»• crossed the Zulu border. . ' ’• •■, • '- S£DI9E7,. The Aacklandrbußt rwihgv tapgi received a shameful beating on; Saturday. , _;_j. • / [P*ii Press' Aotwinr.f J " GORE, February 3. Mr Conyers continues much about the same; if anything, his pulse •is rather weaker. [Sent 1.30 p.m.: received 3.J . AUCKLAND, February! Hone Piniha, the Maori who was sentenced to six mouths’ imprisonment v for larceny at Hokianga, and who subsequently H escaped from custody, was -brought down „in. the lona from Hokianga yesterday. He has been sentenced to three additional months for escaping from legal custody. He was recaptured by the Natives. ' A young lady while bathing this afternoon had a narrow escape. When jumping off the : spring board the wind blew her bathing gown over her head. She struggled in the water, but could not free her hands. Eventually two men were called, and the poor girl was - brought on shore apparently dead. Efforts having been made for about half an hour to restore animation, signs of life appeared, and a doctor was sent for. Her recovery is very doubtful. February Charles Veitch, charged with indecently assaulting a Maori woman, was. brought up - to-day. Jhe Bench thought there was not sufficient evidence to sommit on, and discharged the accused. [Sent 2.80 ; received 4.7-] • , At the North Shore Ferry Co.’s annual meeting to-day, the directors recommended a dividend of-5 per cent. The. balancesheet showed the earnings of the steamers for the year to have been L 8,594, and paid L 3,000 for wages. [Sent 2.10; -received 2.30.] • ' • The Open Sailing-boat Race was again contested to-day, and resulted in the Toy winning by seven minutes, the Volatile being second, the Missing Link third, and the Brothers fourth. A match has been arranged between the schooners Torea and Transit to rail to Cape Colville and back for LSO. [Sent 2.50; received 4.16.] WELLINGTON, February 2. ... The Court of Inquiry for the • hearing the charges made by the Surveyor-Gen oral against Mr Jackson, chief surveyor, is likely to last some days. Mr Jackson baa been allowed to be represented by his counsel, the Hon. . Mr. Buckley, who has demanded that the whole of the evidence be taken down in shorthand. This is being done. The decision in the case of the murderer Walsh is reserved until arrival of Mr Sheehan, Minister of who is expected here tomorrow.

February 3,

The house of Ardenacen, a shipwright, waS broken into last night while the family were at church and L4O in gold taken from it. There is no trace of the burglars. [Sent 2.30; received 4.10.] M'Kenzie’s house at the Hutt was burnt down on Saturday night. The fire arose from the explosion of a kerosene lamp. The flames spread with great rapidity, and in the confusion one little girl, aged five, was burned to death; the other children were rescued. The "house and all its contents were entirely consumed. The house Was injured in the South British for L 20 0; the stock and furniture were uninsured. Mr M'Kenzie besides losing the whole of his stock, valued at L2OO, and all His household goods, lost L4O in cash. Clalan’s store opposite had a narrow escape, being.on fire at one time, but jt was extinguished. It is understood that two or three gentle* men on the board of governors of the Wellington College intend resigning, owing to the circumstances connected with the recent system of management and the proposed changes in the same. Mr O’Rorke, Chairman of the Commission on Higher Education, has taken his seat at the Board. Mr Tancred, Chancellor of the New Zealand University, was examined on Saturday; but asreporters were excluded the nature of his evidence is' unknown. [Sent 1.30 p.m.; received 3.] CHRISTCHURCH, Ferruart 3. A Mr Gibson had a very narrow escape from death. He had received a hurt in the stomach, and went to Dr Stewart for some medicine. That gentleman gave him two bottles, one containing a linament in which there were large quanties of aconite and belladona, of course for outward application, and the other a draught. When Mr Gibson reached home with the medicine, he retired and by mistake swallowed the poisonous liniment instead of tie draught. The effects were at once felt, and he had great difficulty in calling the other inmates of the house by rapping on the wall with a brush. . On receiving the alarm they at once sent for Dr. Stewart, who speedily arrived, and with a stomach pump relieved the sufferer, who has now recovered. Had there been no medical man wit! ia a short distance, Gibson must have paid for his mistake with his life.

The insurances on the property destroyed by the fire at Sydenham were :—Fitzgerald’s house insured iu favor of the mortgagees, Messrs Louisson and Co., in the Standard office for L 250, in the South British for L 50 0; Fitzgerald’s furniture insured in the Standard office—furniture, ' L 265 ; piano, L 35. The empty house, the property of Mr Denis Black, in the National office for L 16 0; M'Mullin’a house in the National for L 100; The eight-roomed house burned down at Sandridge was insured in the Liverpool and Lancashire for L 400; and a small dwelling at Swannoa in the New Zealand for Ll5O.

February 3. The total number of nominated immigrants in Christchurch for the past month was 164 souls.

Mary Elizabeth Groves, a widow, aged 1 6, was found dead in her garden yesterday at noon. The supposed cause of death is apoplexy. An inquest will be held. GRAHAMSTOWN, February 2.' A fire early this morning destroyed four dwellings. It broke out in a grocery store kept by a widow named Campbell. The other premises burnt were occupied by O’Neill Fisher, a blacksmith, and’ Glassen, a miner. Mrs Campbell was insured in the Norwich Union for L 250: the others were uninsured.

. TAUPO, February 3. ' The missing trooper has arrived, safe. The search party met him on the coach road.’ Ete states that he met a man in ; a very exhausted condition who had lost himself for ten days on the Tokorea ranges. Rewi arrived at Ordinui last night. There are not many Natives here as yet. [Sent 11.37 a.m.; received 12.30 p.m.]

WESTPORT, February 3. Mr G, S. Cooper and Major Roberta; R.M. arrived by the Reefton coach on Saturday to sit as a commission to-day in regard to the. charges of intemperance and consequent neglect of duty made against Warden Broad* RriVl., by the police officer in charge to his superior. It is said that the latter had been incited by the warden to report the said officer undeservedly. [Sent 12.37 ; received 2 p.m.] BLENHEIM, February 3, The case of Henderson, J.P., v. the Mayor of Blenheim, for using threatening language, was called on for hearing to-day, but on the application of Mr M‘Nab, solicitor for the defendant, it was adjourned for seven days to enable defendant to obtain material witnesses, thirty-one of whom are to be called, [bent 2.30; receive I 4.15.] (From Our Own Corresponds -<i a ] x. s ' iNVKRCARGILL/'Februakt 3>.. On nMval 'uti-Ah* raitway; platform -on Saturday Ministers were rfct&ived by Mr Lnmsdeu, the Mayor, MrFeldwiok, M H.R. for Invercargill, and a large number of citiz n • Mr Stmt, in answer to a deputation fiom the Town Council, promised to attend to several matters of local interest, including the Supreme Court Building. Mr Ballance also received some deputations, piotnising a subsidy of L2 for every pound subscribed for hospital additions, and to bring before the Minister o' Work. the ty of abolishing the existing heavy, teimmal charges at Invercargill and Bluff. Jte the rabbit • loausj • lie ;said Parliament was w honor .-bound-to.paylhe hatfpehnyboiwis so long as the present legislation w«s in force."

A roSe vroild. be asked lor noxt year; meantime the Government would pay as far as their funds permit them to do so. Another deputation. interviewed Mr Ballance, and ' him to request Mr Macandrew to ci|se the mixed train leaving here at halfpost four to proceed the same dav to Balclhtha instead of only to Clinton. This enable two mails a day to bo sent from beta. The postal authorities at present despatch only ope miked train a day, and it arrives only eighteen minutes next day before the express. If a f’rajn were sent to Balclutha instead oftq'Clinton; the passengers and mails , would reach Dunedin at 10.40 o’clock next day. Mr Ballance promised to strongly recommend the alteration. Mr Stout and Mr Ballance, by Mr Joyce, started £t noon today for Riverton, [Sent 11.40-a.m. 5 received I,] f v

. _ TAPANUI, February 3. At a meeting of ;the Pastoral and Agricultural Society, on Saturday it wits decided j -’W R*ve antes' guinea cup for a prize .reaper* aid-binder competition, to take place in about three weeks, ’ ' The 'Weather here has been very cold during thepast three days,' Harvest will commence in about a fortnight, [Sent 11.30 a.m.; received 1.7p.m,] * ' f -it GORE, February 3. Mr J. H, Smith,/who sat up with Mr Conyers last night, reports,:—“ The dispositi<m to drowsiness continues. This morning heyreoogniaed me and Mr Grant, the Dun®u% manager. He was only awake for a time, and then dropped off to sleep again. The symptoms are not so hopeful as they might be. AUCKLAND, February 3. At the annual meeting,, of the Bay of Islands Coal Company the directors reported a steady increasing demand for the coal,. During the past year they sold 39,364 tons, or an increase of 9,103 tons over the previous year. The quality of the coal improves as the work is driven towards the new shaft. The directors anticipate the quality shortly to be fit for any part of the world. The aew works have cost to date L 6,100. The directors have decided to increase the capital .«• °f the company by the issue of 2,000 shares at LlO each, one-third of the shares to be issued at once. A dividend at the rate-of , J per cent.' for the half-year was declared, , making, with the interim dividend of July last, 10 per cent, per annum. [,Sent I.G ; received 4.] , WELLINGTON, February 3. The Hon. Mr Buckley has resigned as one of the governors of Wellington College, on the ground of dissatisfaction with the general management of the institution. ' - In the Resident Magistrate’s Court to-day, in the case of the ‘ Evening Post ’ v. J. jP. Hydes, comedian, a judgment summons for, L 36 was given. Defendant was ordered to pay within fourteen days, or three months’ imprisonment. For the Cup Danebury is still at 3 to 1; Laertes, 4to 1; Longlands and Lara, oto 1 each. [Sent 2,47; received 4. lO.] ;

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Evening Star, Issue 4967, 3 February 1879, Page 2

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TELEGRAPHIC Evening Star, Issue 4967, 3 February 1879, Page 2

TELEGRAPHIC Evening Star, Issue 4967, 3 February 1879, Page 2