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I£ UEX ;E :M' A . v,;fREATM ENIY FOR.SKIN.. and SCAi,P;;AIL,J.LENXSV '.. ■'"•'.' Sufferers from ;...,.•..'■ ECZKJiA '-•■"•■■'■•■' :SEBORittiO.EA,V ■ ■PSOKIASia . ;.ALOPEGIA.v i ACNE .•,. - ■■•/ : fc'AIiLLNU HAIR ' ■■.BABy,'isezaMj;y.v;; iV-'.•;"•■:;•;■".•."■•.,. - :■, All .instantly relieved'and'suceessiully ; Treated; Call or write for Booklet, i .!•'.." •.'Consultations. Free. '-'■%,; „ ; !■•' ■:'■;, ','KLEiE^--ROQMs; }:-;,A \ ■ '■, 185; The, Terrace, -,-- feiephone1 42-882. j _■;; '■ ;- ■'.■ ;Jfivenings,,;6.3a:to'; .7.3().;:';;':.. !%.. '■ ' Visit I'ainier'st6n I Nortb :Club Übtei, ' '.'' ;■'■ vSATUKDAY.^APKIIi:L3.... ; ; \ ■;! PROPEHttES FOB SALE, H. ; T)ON'T / Misi; ,Y,pur. Opportunity!. \Buy, " ybur Sectioo; in .lavva i'lat how! -Beautiful; Large .Sunny: Sites.:: Dunbar ijloane, Ltd.;../,■;- . i;".';^;-"-1:'; ' ■■'-. ';:;■.;,..' £420-BUN,GALO W; ■ 3 rooms, - KHblimle; «*^, (upper 'end'Kbdrigb Road). Absentee owner sacrificing.'.-, :'J. -tl. .jteth.une. antKC'o.] £1100,: KlLßlßNlE—^Bungalow~s'rbbraJ,' Bear tramvshed3;'lmmediate^possession. £300 caskrequired. ;J;.H. Bethune and■ Ca:.:;- ■ ■,;■-. -..,.;:; :•■' •■.■"■..:■■' ;:....;.?. •.rV-'i T?i^ANCEMENIV/iri- v .value / .will;:take: -*^f: place,, when .Electfic, Trains.are rim-1 ning toTawa. Flat.' Dunbar Sloaue, Etc!. ■■■ pAKAi'AKAUMU-r^ections/-'for- Sale .•*■ • ■ (Kaumati South),''.;frqinv,-'£2s'; iai ,£75.< For further^particulari, apply Hi-J.!Kat-Well, Kniyatui House. :-lei.ygbߣ: -G."^-1V Clams.- l;--i'.'c;- - 'y--y.;;; ..- .\ :u ''\ ;■.'■ -:-".'.Tr..'.--•■ .V...1' ', X?"ARpRIT^JuBt;; completing,; ..Bungalow,; r:V i robins, kitchenette,.faithfully-con-J structed, : best ~,tim,bei:s,. .uijusual. features,-. duarJiot^'ater/rttyel'iisectioh; handy; traniji total weekly: putgp'uiigs, > including; principal, 33s 6d;' excellent' 'buying,' £1400; /sole agents. . Large. C 0.,; Sl-314/ 0r,,-see, R. OWood;.. 9 .Fiandi "Street. • Possession - one weekVv; .i' : ;>! ":>>-'.-'_ J' ;> \ii.-< :■'.;;%:! :^;: ■.•:'"'•..''.; T^WER;HUXT44;Kesidence.o(,'7Sa«ipus ■*-* ■.■'-. .roorttg-"1 (4 bedrooms), •' gas ..cooker,: electric 4i.*>, •garage/Splendid.; section {.(%-, acre); good locality,': immediate posses-; sibn.1-'»;i> ricei.fjEl6so.;.VKirkland! 6, P.O.;Gor-, ner,:.;Lower.;Hutt. ' ';;.'■: '-'-''■). ■•'.-. .'".; ''"'--.V. -; T.dWERT^-iT^ungiip^ii-^edrppms,; ■*-*■■'■ ■ 'aias'.cooker, el'edtric^K'.wi-./iga'rage/ section -55 x,'lßO, one ■■ minute station.. Price, £1130; deposit-1 '£100;; ■; Kirkland's,': KQ.| Corner. Tel.. 32'-232"duiriiig .hp.Kdayg:.-__|_|.^J-T^ELBURN. : 'Upland: V Road—Double-. -■•*-. ,storeIy'*House; .6: rooms/^k'ette,' billiard ■■ room,f?garage; -£2800, .-offer consid-; ered;'.' vacant;: possession. ' McCi-acken, j63 Willig'Streetv■ 45-916; ..•'• ::'.-'VV . I^AROR,I < (Hatton: Street)— B.ungal6w>, 5 ■**■ /, rooms,' garage ;:\ only " £ 1250; -owner occupier.; (Sole igent)', .McGracken,63 Wil-.: lip .Street.^^ol6,;;' .■••.- ,';-;?1 : r.~ '" '■'■'■---,- '■ :-'i ■-; T OWBR,-HUTT,:: handy.iraili-bug^rßun--V \ galow, 4 rooms, 'k'ette, ' nlbrtgages1 •£,830,. price ; £?30.; McCracken; 63 .Willis: 'Stre?tj-45^9itf..!;'i';:--'•'.•:.;.••■/ '.:vj's ':'•• >'-\:''';<>-i :\TrADI»TO,WN;(WiItpn/Road)—kodern; -T;y V Home,-5 'rooms,-; garage;'•'beautiful; 'situation;' native" bunh; = Particulars;. ;Mc-| 'Cracken;--v-:WiU»::-'Stre,et. '45-916,.-. ■>. -^, ;!■ T>AUMATI, -South;: Paraiiaraumu-e-Sec-; -JLV. .'tipiis/ elevated,.; ocean -View, pn'extenaibn esplanadeVi'^App'ly;fC;"J;"rMcKehzje,; 12 1 North Terrace;,; Wellington; (Te^^26-27<>); or>onv;6ite 'duririg;:holiday^v--ft' ■;■.':'■: -.'■:■■ ■( KARORI— 5: Rooms,'.,,modern -home, ; "of-. , : fering at;aybargain.'pnce,'-f : Wni. But-i ■le'r:-:ahd';Col;.''oppf'-P«blie-'-Jiinst'..''v':.^'.y.-;-.'.''-' ",*j TvE^LIE:. JONESr 101 ''-Willis', Street—J •-M > City Special! 6 Ear^e! Rooms, in. qliie^ position-,-5 j*et ;-bnly'Ca<iminute A rpin tram.; E^celleht'?;condiiibn^tfPyice '£950,'v"S':?■;■. f'ESLIE: ■ JONESfi ;10l ; : Willis;? S.treet--: JL-i y (Xo'vi'e'r ■-. 'iHutt,:\ Brand-npw: .Home^A:. %rtdal^'-'BungatoTCi'De'fLux«r;':>.4/-'r66ms. and" kitchei^tte'; ;:£lo7S,;deppsit;£lso.;&j,; l i '-tTiGfHßUßY'Estkte-.Sectidns;: adjoining 'tlS'Kelburn;'.:: Pjriee^i rom if 100^'Mag-, hifi.ce9it ■ city. 'aridVharbour'-':view-s.;-,.Gordon; ■Hareburt; 133-15oiFeathei'stoii; Street.; Tel.' 45450.1 V;--: ■"' :SV'- V- '■• JWt-A--^^ ■-'■'■ '■' •rpHE Cheapest' Sections ■ ron:fthe' market.; :^'""' Price 9 fro-m- v£iooS;i»-The v :Hi«hbury 'Esta'fe-i':(adsoinmg:vKe]bifrn;).r..iinsurpassed: ■parioriniic views. v-GordpnriHarcourt,.! lod^, lss:Featherstbri(Street:.JUTek-;454o0: ■: ; j Oth*'r / advertisaments; \u niker ;tWs «U3«inM««n vv.■.'. i v..--;. | aHßt»r^»n .i, ;',-;■■-. t -'-■'■■■'■■ FLATS'AND-ROOMS' TO> Cfel y j T'o'.'LEt'i' Unfurnished 'Suiiriy,''2r'rd; :.Self-| :containei;Flat,;'"orie:: 'section.'; Address at- Evg:'i'osti/;-.'.''! K;.'':-:,y '..^ij. :-.:'.■'.--;:'^.y.'^'-'"'■ ' rVO -LET,: ..Furnished ■ Bed-Sittirig-room,; ■Jr':''''Dressing-rooin,- and 'Kitphenette.'." '£py gly;22,'Hobson Street? ■; V. ; - r■;.' :.•■■•.--.■''. •.■".;i ■rpo LET/ 'Furnighed Sunny-Sirigie-Ba«li,: + :;.:8s 6d." *2l:-Hpnie;?Street;; off;: -Kent Terraced :j''...^;:.':.;v^r; ■■.-:'';., •.-■■"-..'-w.'''! TO LET/.Mt. .Victoria; .Flat, ..Tvell'fur-; \ .nished', ;2 ■■rpom'aV/and.^kitch'eriette; breakfast-roomy- Apply:' '^Glareigg^t^Grgve.rpO: LET, - completely-furniihed.'. Self-con- ■*■' ■ stained-■ Flat, A situated,'at•:,Thbrndon; every/, modern'■;>poky., .;livingiro;om, i dining-; tponij)'double. bedroom',^.kitchen, -and ;,bathr room.-.V.Tel.'; during;;-holidays:. 43-626.;'-. '■■'■-, O-LET;..FIat,,2; be,dropms; : .living-room,' , ':rsun-.porch, ,k'ette,,;.h.; and c; .water,' excellent harbour. >vie-w;,- 5 mins: Courtenay! 'Place: •i.l2B:.Evg:"Pjost.-v'";■:•. ;" ■'■-.'■'-■',.• ! TO; LET,'■ Comfortable .'Furnished.. Flat; . ■"■"•■ 2 large; rooms' ahd^k^ette; ev&y:conv., ciniral •Tinakbri'ißd,';- adults.-.-'only-;- /355. weekjyjn.advance? Rin'g42-270 after 6' p.m{ T~O .LTET.^Furnished^Ropm;, suit) friends . or' married', couple;'hot;* -water,-^mprn; ing, tray.' .18. Cblo'mbb" Street. 'i< ';;>', "'" .'',' TO LET, ■ Single".and,' .Double i Furnished ■' Room's, morning tray \ optional.1 -•' 18b Murphy^ Street:-: f;.J:;,!:J-:/fe; ?.--^ ; X ,'■ ■ -;-• rfiO' LET Sunny,;-' Small,r 'Self-contained ;^'.'-vFlat,:mIpderatere^^llai'Ro.dri_go;Rd., JCill>ir.nie'.v'.-'.-'-.-;'":"-':.--; ■■-:k'--'"'""-.f -A'•■:-- '■'■' '■-'■ .- XTEW Home, has large, bedroom,".built-in J^l. -wardrobe,-;-and:. small:' .living;, with ; fireplace,'.Let;.' ; .unfurnished, 3os per-,-wee'k; use.convs'.; 1- min;.,tram.;..i}andy suburb,', garage available; business women preferred. " Te1;.,'44-502.;;; " '' :^_ ARGE '■ Well .'. Furnished ■': ■. Bed-Sitting-' ; .Tpoih, \ harbour. vi4w, .[ kitchenette' tel.V 'convg'.;' select locality, 'business, couple preferred. HOOEvg: Post. ; ~ -, ■- ■■;■ BROOKLYN; '—-.: Unfurnished, ■;■ Flat, •■;'- 2 ;fooms/' .'oWn''meter,.'; 225: .Saturday morning, .10 o'clock, 2Q, Apuka.; Street. _J UIET Home, garden,; Unfurnished Flat, share.eonvs. with"sole.occupant,:-civil servant.- 82 Waipapa Road; • •■' ; SUNNY. Furnished; Single Room, -coofc . ving.'cpnva., ,suitl 'busiriess,.lady.. .Side. dobr,2l George, Street. ■*<■'■' V **..:' ." • ■ SMALL 'Single Room, with all'convs'. 30 Pirie Street.,.; ':'}■■,.:■. . ; . VfTELLINGTON TER.-Attractive .Furn. ttl' Flat, just finished, -large'■hving-r.oom; bedroom, '..kitcKen;.- \bathrppnv, separate entrance.; 251 The .Terrace. jTel.^lM.J B.OUBLE Room,rsuriny,; central locality,; i' ;gas,. convs:, , tel,; reasonable; refined Christian .girls: ;1016 ■rEyg ± lJ?ogt : _j DOUBLE Furnished Rpbm,2 single beds,' ' morning-tea. '69 Bo'ulcott Street; ' SUPERIOR. FLATS,; Rbserieath,' ; new. building,■ 4 rooms,.kitchenette, etc.; rentals '55s tb --'628".^, ' including ''garage; cloribus harbour .views.- For appointment Tel.'sl-849..;.?' -■'•' ■■';.■:V '-:.'.' ■ '.-., SINGLE Room,. suit business gentleman. • ■ good--locality,-.ihandy Courtenay i"I, '81 Roxburgh:, Street ;Tel. -50-533. ~ . ■. HOUSES TOLET. TO LET-you know; that. I have nothing to let; but some beautiful' homes for sale on easy terms, Leslie Jones. 101 Willis Street. ........ . ■ . t MIRAMAR— 5 Rooms, modern home, to approved tenant. Details, Wm, Butler and Co., bpp. Public. Trust. , ' ■ ■ •;',,- ---IW"EW Bungalow, Brooklyn, no climb, 7 -*-' mins.' level walk,' 5 rooms,; k'ette. £2 ss. Ring 17-320. .--..; ■ , ; ; . MISCELLANEOUS. £3 3a, SET Gold Pin Teeth, with 30 years, of .reliability, behind them. "Fitwell," look'well, and'wear well. American Dental, 132 Willis Street Repairs in .one hour. -' ■ ''■'• -' ■■.•■■■•■•■ ■. ■■ COMB, to Heimann'« for Smart Clothes on easy terms. Only ftddre&i, 12a Courtenax. ©acej , - J——— -~^'

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Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 71, 25 March 1937, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 71, 25 March 1937, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 71, 25 March 1937, Page 1