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MEW .ZEALAND INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. FIRE. MARINE, AND ACCIDENT ' -INSURANCE. .'.. ..-'■■; Accepted at 'Lowest Currents Kates. ; The, Company Special ■ \ Act of .Parliament to Transact ' i TRUSTEE. EXECUTOR,'AND.'AGiNCY, ;•.•.! : /.','. BUSINESS/ "••■' .-i . •'•• .'; ' '■'. .' • . N. (-W.. NELSON, Manager. [ . Office:. :A.M;P.' Bui]diDg^:/;i •:'''■•■: ■.; ■'""■■'' ' . 7 -V4O-.223. - fV , ' .' , -.■'-'. ■'.'■■•' ;'.;:;-r''";. ;,, . : --^:; .■:''■•;':.. ■ ■;,TRADE^ PERSONALS. C CET Teetli' from?£l; •.remodelling from ~' ' iss; Repairs from 3a, Bd. Frost, nearly opposite D.J.O. .Tel. 42-967. ', . .UU.VJfiIiS^IXHS/. Silverpiater,B, Mauu-: V,: .fact'uring and Repairs, Sheffield ; experts, v N.Z.'Platers, Ltd.; IQO DUon St.' fJote -A'.ew. Address, Tel. 51-923.,-.. -:.,.-:■■ :■..■■< SPECIAL Eura-Gonah Corn Cure, ls;6d; . [■:! bottle.•','Mais .'Clark, Foot 'Specialist, Hotel St.:-Georgevcorner. '.•■,•■■■■;■ :-.:.".-..y-. Wf:s.i '■ •WELLINGTON..- FOOT HOSPITAL—; ~*'-.-^Principal, A: "A."Parsons; Chiropodist,, Burlington Arcade,. Cuba Street, Welling-; tonl Tel.' 52423. ;;. ■■ ''.... ■■■- i. -.:-v. ;■: i PERMANENT Waving-ironv 15s,'Resets' ; 2a 6d; .Marcels 2s ?6d, .Shampoo and. Set 3s ,6d,- Haircut -Is '3d;" >Grace -Potter; McDonald Bldg., 132 Willig St. Te\. 50-253. "TJ"'I'rWEJjL Teeth" have made Siuipsoii i ■ y Dentist. "Fitw'ell; Teeth"" can , make you;v Tei; 50-783.'/': '■ -1.'.;.': v.. : ; .■■:' :- J HOLIDAY AfiCOMMpPATIdN. ■, ■ j E"~'AWATIRA-GUE^T''fibUSE; Para.: . . . .paraumu,;;n6w booking for-Easter ; Holidays.;' FiEhing; boating, . tennisj': etc.. Trips to Kap-.ti arranged; ; -Mrß. Eatwell; ,Propr.:-.-'■•■■' v .'-'; - ; '■''-■A:— ■--:,--:v-;'-; :^\\^ i TITAIMARIE GUEST -HOUSE, ,:Para-: .T*7;:paraurnu..Vldekl for Holidays;at all! seasoiis,;.handy beacn,. bowling, tennis,: golf,;--cuisine- unsurpassed.:; Mr., and ..Mrs.1 4laurice Smith- (prop.)... TarifF-Jrom, Ua tojl2s6dper day. t -Tel; 35.;* : "::: '.'■, C■'.-'■ (Ti'pßbNAfipN -Tourists—Comfy' - Furn.' •V.j'Rqoinsj"moderate, .singles, doubles, all. convs.,1 gas rings; breakfast optional. - Mrs.i Eliz War'nerj 29 Oxford Terrace,.London,! WZ.;. ; v ,-, - .-]y: ■■.-.,:■ .-■ ;;. :;__} TITAHI.,BAY— Enjoy your' Easter; Holi-| days at .the. Club Hotel, good',,accbin-; modatidn,''close io- golf links and? tennis COUrtB. .■.■.■.'-'••,:'"■.■'■•■■'■■"')■.*:•;■.■•.' ■•'■ .'•7i--.U::i. ;"■■•■'.',; TiTOTpRISTSI-f-AlHoliday^^ Suggestion. -A, f^-r-: ruii;to'the Otaki Bridge'for. a'Devon-i shire. Cream. Tea';at ,' v,, •'.,•,;'...■■■'■'.''.:■ "f -"r::'';.'.•' '■ ■'■:': ..the-.'green-'hPrseshoe.'.- ; -.; .- ,r ...v PAEKAKARIEIfHOTEL..'.; ;,■"; -~-! /^OME and- enjoy;, a quiet. spell .at Pae-; V- .-kakariki.-;Bowling,- tennis,-vor-pquet,-; and surfing/ Have ;a weekend break; Tel.j S^;B6x',2o:'i7"- !;-'V-'^^'-;" -U '"^y?r , ]:<. ■; .,; i i, : - /:■ f ;:.SYnjsTEY;-.. >■.:r<^<^ifc }\ ,\T^ITORB,-to;' Sydney/ read- Advertise-. ';*.,' ments. fop/ St. James' :■:. Flats ; this, ;cSlumn v next: Saturday.; :•':■'-'-v { y''.'»Al '--'v :''': ■:f:-.; ■;^,rad'io ! -apparatus;:-':;,.-^:--;- :j WANTED' 5e11,.. • Majestic : : Combina-j ti . tioh' ''Radio-Grainophpne, .'large-Val-' iiut cabinet:, ' vßirig'.2s-727.- '?<;•'-[-;\;":-.;"3.;} -.;.; TfOR ■ SALE;: Philipßi Q.P.. Radio ;Set.-i per--P-!'.' feet order/-£2/10s.'-Flafe?,' 252 Willis' .Street,.after-i6:t>:m.•;.:. > i -;-'-V:.gfevV':.;-^r-'i. :,A, LL ..stations, calling. :witb.v.-H.M.^.-- Clip■rf*¥ vper ■■All-vvave v 10.37' niira'cle;';'!fromV 3s, .3rlj'Yepk.]y,:-::'.Cwba.vSts-eety-.;fl'ext;;Hanriah!B.' 25-'o^f>m6defe*;':v';^'''7.i-V?;' ; V?'.:'V:-,JT:"' ■[ .(D'UKVl^^-^.yateej.7lJu^s'?ve-;li; Mantel,'_ ing.. Bre.yiUe\sta^dir.'ds;j>tlie?".rogicaJ:;M choice. ;■':'43-?4B'.:f9ri.'^eihpnftja'tion;; 'f -Sl.v^; T WHY ■ deny yoursejf th^ ihrill of good; ...!.:radio reiception;? -vHafve a'Brevflle— eventually, why not now? . .Breville, fjWdioi .Di'stribiitflrs,"Ss.Cus£o'riiho'use*-,.Quay...v-^' '- LOOK!— Pilot Radios, 4 valves,: Dual . ,_tUi»Tube,jmaiin;,N.Z.:.,stations;;i4-:bnly,;;at /£'ir,.ite".6d ::iash;;; terms' 'Arranged^;: VVriKnt. St'ep'h'ensbn,?o7■ Taranaki Street. :.':.':.'• ■-.'■ ."■ *■ ■ TATK" New; \Models 'nbw f jpiit: .. . yhomeV demoristnitiott.-:;-.ring'i-.:,42^7:1. Radiart Co.,iSduthern Cross';Bldg.i Bran-dpti-.Stfee'fc. T- ;. *■ . - ;:'*'"-';-':.' ::::.: 'y..>- v ; QERyiCE^Xour Radio ..can beI 'repaired '*P.-' ■quicker ; and;: cheaper : by 42-871. 22 Brandon-Street.;,^ ■■'',/'. '■'.■'. "■■■'■•;, T^KGO; Engladd's:Super.Alj-waye Radio, Jr*:'-, ibeaut!fully,.! r finish'ed---in:;,black and chrome' Wfigh't, Stepherison,.; and■ Co, Ltd., 97. laranaki Street: 85-126., ■■ A RGDSi; ;■• .7-val«e;i'. : frith <fMagic"''."i^e; 1' '£22 ' 15s; :- -Ring > for v demonstration 43-836. S. A. Hunt and Co«. .144i'Feathcrs| ton. Street.- ."-'V.'.V;'-.'-.'- '' -■■'.* '■"<"'■: ■'-"''":: 'M'?-i; i ALL^Makes of: Radio-Valve Tested;Ftee; : ~ ; The Lamphouse,"27 Manners Street.; RING iyour; Radio.. to; the Lamp House .:::for%Firste!ass;ißepair'Worlc::' Electric" Lamp House, 27;Macnetf Street.,- " ~:■:?':',! KGOStf -S. :New., 5-valye Dual - Wave. i, Radio is^ even-better and-,more distinctive 'th'ab p're'vibus'mbctels. ■ vSee.:'it-, at S.J-A?,fli]nb^nH, Co..' I^4'Teatherston St.' RADIO RUNNING.:-• SHOES:.'WiWhat?. ULJMlN,4TlN,G..extranequs,iUoises from -E^ r your Aeriat with s Eliminpise. : Ring Bob'Horr6bin;;Cambridge"Terface. 50-920. RADION.- the.Aristocrat, priced from.£3 10s cash;'; 12 months 'free service;: .terms', no ;deposit; .and'l3s,. 6dvW<iekjy. .Todd; Motors. ~'•• ..: ": .'■.•>?:?.&•■; S'"-.'"'1/. .■V.V-- ';- '' -• 'I WOBURN RADIO ;SERyiCE.. ': RODNEY '.STREET- (19), -.Lower .Hutt. , .' TeU,,63-525'. for ""■ reasonab'le,.-reliable, Radio; Repairs...v Aerials, erected. \AII -work b'y ; registered: servicemen. ;,..,'. ,- , ;.:.i.'V..: DX .ers!:' 18-tube:; ;Midwest fat ■ '.75: gs. .. • Beats.alli'other"'sefs''for:performance.1 Terms::arranged.;.; ■Braithwaite's . ■Radio. Supplies, 132' Lam'btoh"Quay'.'■' ■ '■'' •■■ '■': RCA/' VICTOR Clipper Mo.del,-Rested 4 by Pan-Americari! on 21,'0M)-mile flight;l Available only Associated ißadio,';B Bond Streets 'Tel:-41-553.-:v.:;-.;;v'.'./- '4 ;/vV "■,') • MISCELLANEOUS.: | triNGAGEMENT "■. Rings; ■';Ja'testidesignsi :*-i au'ality guaranteed;-prices' right.l Slier-. woqdrs,: Jewellers, 103 Willis :Street. Estab-| lish'ed'over 40. years...:.,..'i >.'...- t ' : OOK Smart; buy. your Suit,from.Hei-; : manns on easy terms. : Only address. 13a Courtenay ; Place.: ■'■:■■' ..■■■■ ■-' FOR grey men and women ive recommend-. "Van-Grey -hair; tonic. ' 'Grows natural colour- back.; .ss : :6d.'.'Perrett's/ Chemists,.-:-.'; .- "'■■ " '-.' : '■'- -•,'■-■''.--■■ pyCLISTS Note! End March, .'last' day.i reflectors. Approved type here. Couchman ■ Cycle*- Co.; ■42 ' Dixon Street (o'ppi Royal: Oak).: ■': .' ■■'• ; YGLISTS: Note!,' .'.End;. March,'; inspection, ■ reflectors..'. -Approved typ^ here. -,Coachman "Cycle Co., 42 Dixon Street (opp. Royal 0ak)1 ; ,,.. ..,.,.....,...■■■ I WKAR Smart Clothes, buy them on east' , terms from HeimannV- Onlvaddres?" ■13a Ooiirtenay Place ' ' • ■ • > ' (CYCLISTS Note! ' End March, last dayi V" inspection reflectors; Approved . type here. Couchman Cycle ,Co., -42 - Dixori Street (opp. Royal Oak)'. .' • '"•- • "DAILLIE'S Creme-o-Riee. Simple to mix; -V economical ,in.use. (The children love it. From, nil grocers.' -.. :■. ■ ■ : SLUTISi Blazers, Sports '>oats. Shoes, on . .-•,; easy -terms:, .'large stocks: to ,-chopac. frnm Tfeimann *. 13aOourt-pna^ Place ■' pKlN'i'lNU' or every description: iShow •*•■' Cards, Catalogues, Invitations, Busioess Stationery.. All: orders, executed promptly by tha "Evening-Post" Printing Department. HalfTone and Line Jlocki made .at. shortest. notice. Stereo Work a Specialty. '. -'Phonet for quotations. Tel 44-040. -.:■ ~; . .-.' .'- : SEEDS. PLANTS. AND SHRUBS. A NEMONESI Ranunculi! "Giant Flor-; ** entine," eaormou's double,' 3s 6d 100.; Sanderg, Bo* 931, Auckland. , GIANT Florentine' Ranunculu- and Anemonee, 5s hundred; Crocuses, 2a doz. Wheatley'a Nurseries, Lower'Hutt. Tel. 60-216. ■-'-'.'• ; ' NEMONES, Ranunculus, "Claremont Super Hybrids," fis 100. Reliance Nurseries. Box 449. Auckland. , r^UALITy Printing or Every, Descrip- *"» tioh. Place your next order with the "Evening P.ost," " __I_.'

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Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 71, 25 March 1937, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 71, 25 March 1937, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 71, 25 March 1937, Page 1