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'.. ;r'":'; ':-tKon't. '.mis's'," ; ';' r :...-';.' ■; THE' .'BEAUTIFUL- WSHOW. ' ,-• , O E ' IUTUMN! FISBI O^Sy . ' > ;IN■ : THBy,'wl.Np;p■WS;;:;^'■. t . :•; v ,-/ . .. T Oil O R^R OW !' .'' ■': ::■"■■■■■' li ■:■}: -■■■ .; : .■:::'.-.r^::--^.:''.v, -.:■; ■ G. SMITH, LTD.,:^;r ~'• CUBA STREET,; WELLINGTON.;. ! situations w^nt;eq.;;: it ;WANTED by: Dental disv i-. ■ -engaged, position;.'efficient and .cap-' . able in air branches, excellent'refs.' Apply d '^07 Evg.;post. .■;■-■■■ ■;. :■: .•.■■■:■■ ,-.-:, ■■ : . i- T ADY'.and..Daughter' would..:take carei y -M,.home, owner's absence; fond gardening;. r'efs.:3o9.Eyg..Post.-';•-;'.-■...-.■:.-.:.'■ :.:,.■ iy TDAINXER Seeks Work,. house painting/ ■V ■*•:•-;- all descriptions, (young, and-, active), S. yery reasonable. ,i 392 Evg..,Post. ■ ■■...] ■';' '-.'•; . ■; - "jV/rOTOR Tuition, ladies' and gents,, licence': it J.U-'- guaranteed,. no:; accidents.. •■ Ring Na-: ■ij: tional Motors, .54:617'0r .51-020.'';- ;. . TIBRARY/.'Booksellirig,- English' ■■Girl, -j: ':.thoroughly; experienced, ;desires '.en-1 a gagement, capable, of working -[up library: _, Excellent testimonials.; 396 Evg.:Post. ■/■; '- .IVrOTOR-DRIVING;Tuition, ternismoder-. 0 . "-'•'.•: ate, ;no. accidents' ladies and gents." '• IJondon: School,:-197. .Wakefield■ Street. 50-248; :.■■--■ .-, --•■:-. ■'~.'.-'.... "^■■^■:" -- :~:^] - "PiRESSMAKER .would .like: engagement' '• J-/. by day, 12s 6d,. or-in", own home;..used V to ,-first-class:work.' 321\Evg./Post.' ■:-; ■ '■ . .: r V^OUNG. West: Coaster' ..seeks/Position, '4--:'• anything; expert lorry and bus'driver. -' 363;-Evgr Post; ".;■■':■ Vmv :,'\;-:'.-^: y;./;-.;:Ai::; r IVTALE: Cook; wants, relieving work (half. _• -V-*-.or weekly), clean, reliable.l it- 295"Ev'g.-Post:;: -.'j,' •■■■••-:-'v'---i ';-'.:,■.';:::;- 3'. YOUNG - Woman, 24,' requires;. Position] v x -•: j n Upper. Hutt,: shop or- house.-Jrefs. [• Write 910 :Evg.;:Postr J'etdne. '.■..;,-,:' -■ .-'3, 3' (^J.OOD Blacksmith's Helper: requires, posi- -- VJ- J.tion/-Apply.lo9 Evg'.':Post:-1: ' ,'.;:; 3; ' ' •' -■'-■■■ - - ■■■■■■ ■ ' —_:. .;: -.- ./.■ "; : rWANTEPiTO^BUYv;:'"/,-V,/> WANTED =to Buy,: ; good .level ■ Building , '.■''.;■ Section, 7 cash.' -State, price; full par-' ,'. ticulars,:394 ■Evg;.-Pdst..':.-.'::.-:: ■'",.■' : '. '::--i:V 1 WANTED., to Buy,. Two;. JJozen; White : ;*'; Leghorn Pullets.. vßing 16-452 or .write f;: 327-;Evg;-Post. ;:■ ;■ -'■.:. v..-:-.'-.- -. >;.-'- ■' y •■. jq:,, ,"' XXT ANTED Buy/ Piano, suitable .'for^prir.'' :'• v.T vate" use;, state :inake /and'rprice/ 358 I Evg.:-.Post:,-. ■'■' :■,■:?..■■, ;.:,.;:-/ j;-^":,^ .:: VXTANTED:,Buy,.small:Range• or■ Stoye^ i- *■'!', ;.preferably ■ Dover.' '^Particulars<■ and price; "Dovef," 329: Post: Agency/Lower •'■• Hutt.':-;:-:- \{,■■■■■:;■:■ .. : -.^ry/.. -: 0-/Xi^ : :v; WANTED; good Second-hand;:,. Bath,; ~ /reasonable. Apply 115 Adelaide:Road'.! \. "WANTED 3uy", Modern Drop-back Pushs- ':"Y' ;;chair..i ;Ring 17-060. ,v^-:.; ;: ..I:;.'::. i\ WANTED to Buy, Ping-Pong.Table Top,' °' ; T.rstandard^'size;.' must'rbe ■reasonable.1' - B'nS'2^7l2.'':■;>-;.:':v.7;:''.;:;; ;-:-.■::::;;'■•■:. °. WANTED to .Buy>.-Drop-back : Push' i r'"-" r'-;' cllilir'-'• Apply'l9o Tasnian; Street-.' ,>.■'■'. ,_ VX/ANTED to iiuyl . Second-hand Furni; ". ,T'»>:.tufe,<.any quantity;«!for"'-/spot .-■ cash.'; i Vivian Street , Furniture" Market,, bpp. c Tra'desvHa-11/..--,- :;; .--■." iy-V^Cfi'-r^ ■.-;-; ■■:■;' s WANTED ..Buy', 'Second-hand • Furni- ,-■ /.T'vture.'any quantityvup 506 rooms,- for 1 cash.'; Davig-Bros.. 57 Lower' Cuba Street. | ; Tel.: 42-419; ::-.■-■ ;'- ■■■■.■^■y--V^-^:^^<.r^---6,' WANTED. ~to.; Buy;i.:;Secdnd.-hand;;F,urni : ; i v'y.":Vtur.e,:il«'an't4ty^up4o'6..rop'Triß;ifaf'! '-' cash.' f-Davis'Bros.y 57.'libwerVCub'a*Street.' ■ s - Tel: ■42419i:;:/'- ;^-?--:':?L''-C^'ivi^i?^^'^-j WANTEDVtp-B'uy,':urgeutl^vQffieejpe6lc;: g. .'?•»;■ and .S.afe,.,alsp',^Fijn3iture;,and. Sewing :'• Machirie..:;f6f;*h6use,' spot' .ca^h:'-'2799 ■ Evg.'i .! Pgt'.'•.■■.••■"'''/•'■■■?'■."■'•.- .V:*-;.-I'--'. ;iiV''■-''* -'/i" V^'iV' -"'i^' ?.'' T3UNGALO.W ■•. (3" bedrooms}, s|with . out- ;:■ xr*,lbok;;'preferably:.,OrientaT.'Bay3,o"r Rose-i c. neath;, good deposit.'right'place.. 466 Evg... ;■ Post. :+?':/;,;:■:*'■■■:,■'■■ .-^'-.r': -:,;;-?;,.:,.°'';.' 5-1 ]V/rOpERN:S.,Rooms, kitchenette, garage,- ---.' ■ i-'-~ : "'■ ■■:-Hataitai;' :■ Roserieath, lor. 1, genuinei .: buyer.; -Please 'communicate '.Me'Cracken,: 63'.-Willis'Street.-":45-9.1.6.-v.:''■';■ .-■.■■■' :-^.-;.-;■. TTRGENTLY: required,'-o-e-i'd: Bungalow, _ v.;any convenient'suburb; ;must have room "garage.: .Particular^ 389/ Eyg..Post'.': Tf1 ARMLET, about'2o acres,- with. :dwel- .-*•.. ■:ling,.handy Wellington,'Hutt.Yalley preferred,..deposit;:jEsoo-£600.' "Particulars 362; Post Agency, Lower.Hutt.■-. ■':.■ '.'..' ; :..y,-■:■-■;■' CELLERS—We .urgently, require Homes,' KJ.:[ no matter what you have to'.offerlWe would appreciate details. -Williamson and Co.j ~;2o • Panama ' Street: v 42-647. J. ■;■'■' ■ ■;. • iV-; T>ETOjS tE -or.■ Lower>■'.Hutt—Bungalow; ; ■*-\ . ; s£lso. to -:;£250 deposit;: Govt. loan.pre-; ferred; genuine buyer.- '-Write 917 .Jivg , P.6st,''Pet6ne./-:V-'-.'v.-:.-■'.-■■>'>■ ".i.-.-'.- '■.:-'--'"-':'.:r}iy'.' • T)UGHESSE,-.suitable for repainting; no •*-',- . borer;.-..reasonable;rprice.; ',:349. Evg. ■ Post:.------",.-'.;..'■ -..,;-,' -..--.■ iw---*\ ' CEVE'RAL: Sewing Machines, £, . £?.;.--fdr the best- machines., ~W. H. Ami- s 'strong, 156 Upper; Molesw'orth:: Street. .'-?' • £300 CASH available for. Modern House, ' : 5-rooms, Hataitaii Roseneath, Wadesiown, or Karori;' good Outlook;essential; i price, £1850. -.347 Evg; Post. ::.-,' , FURNITURE, Carpets,:-Machines--for ... . ; ..: :best cash price ,ori .'premises,-.ahd..cart-; ( age free..-Ring 40-372,;0r call-at'the old-. established' firm.. . T'i|igsways,: Auctioneers,' i L'ambton.Quay. .' . '■•.■.':,■••'.-:..• •/, ..:.■..'/:,•,''■: IF; you want a :gqod; price for your; Sec- 7 .■.:.• Ond-harid Furniture,. Carpets,;or'Sew- ; ing": Machine, ring* 41-279.;'...' ,-• •,',. .y \'.'.'; ( ANTED Buy, .Bungalow,: would any- . j having a Bungalow.of'o rpoms.or ■ 4 and • sunporch, price - about ; .£ 1200, /with j £200 depisit,7 in .Island/* Bay,; -Kilbirnie, * Miramar,..or other sunny-part, please write ' "Home," '342 Evg. Post. -'■' >'■'■■:■•■'" *: ■■■■■.■ ] SOVEREIGNS,. Old; Gold,. Silver, ■ Suits, j ; \ Tools, Sports Goods, Musical," Binocu- I lars, 'Trunks, Firearms, etc.; 'Wanted, urgent. G. Paris,'. '.Kia' Ora Pawnbroker ! and Dealer, 120 ■' Manners 'Street., :f Tel. ( 53-723. ' Opp.- Plaza ■ Theatre.-. •-'.:'::'-, ■:. WOODWARD'S,. 121 Vivian Street, are ? ... .-■Cash'Buyers,.'of.,Ladies",and .Genrs' 1 Superior.' Left-off■ Clothing,l Boots,. Shoes, - Travelling Bags.'-.etc.,. '.Tel. 51-243. : : ■ ] PROPERTY. OwnersM have, buyers:-for . ■ Wadestown; Hataitai,. Earori;'; -Roseheath, with deposits. "£3oo,'to'£soo, and' 1 pi-ices up- to'-£1950; also Kilbirnie, Mira-- J mar, IslSnd;-Bay,- and -Brooklyn; r good de- E posits for-modern homes. Ring; White, I Colonial Mutual Bldg. v 41-762. - .. ■ :, I ARS Wanted, "ars—Highest "prices; .immediate cash.;Wright,'Stephenson'B * Garage, 97 Taranaki Street. -Te.l,. 55-126.. ' s SEDr Cars -bougbt- ; for cash, exchanged, 1 • or sold for commission; highest price*. I ridepen'de'nt Motor , Sales, '> -138 : Wakefield. t Street.* .-. '._-.- —.'. ' ■'-'' ■".'.. .-.- .-; -;::-:.-:: c TVT.RS..' MIET, 6 Cash Buyer-any':quantity "j "■*■' ■ Ladies' and Gents'-.Superior, Left-off ' Clothing, Boots, etc., Old Gold,' Silver; ( best prices, Tel. 51-760, : 125 Vivian. St. r -; A T-TRGENTLY in need of Good Used Cars, "I '-'cash waiting. Wellington Motors. 15 J Tory.Street, ■ Tel. 51-502, ■'■ ■' : .'.■/ s WE Pay Highest Cash Price for Furni- s ture, Carpets., etc. Ring us before -1 selling. Tel:-52-973.. ' ■- ■■ '■ -:•'-■ ' - 1 RIFLES. "Jewellery,- Old Gold-, ..Cloth- J ing, Tools; Sportins;,.Travelling, Musi- n cal Requisites,' .Binoculars, etc;- -Highest \_ prices or money advanced! Monte" de Piete f Joan-Co., 129 Willis Street, opp.-Y.M.C.A. - date' Hotel St. George Bldg.t-Tel. 52-240, F WANTED TO SELL; "pURNITURE. Upholstery,' Bedding, etc., \ -*■ made, on the premises; direct ifrom d factory .'Wellington Cabinet Co., T Ltd.. 73.and 77 Boulcott Street. "' pOFFIELD Washing Machines. ; fast, J ..thorough; and safe, new action; cannot g tear.clothes; easy terms. Progress.Motors, 41 43 Victoria Street. ..'/. ■'.-.■■ ■'-.. . - AUALITY FURNISHERS, LTD.. Cuba ( y* Street (opp. Patrick's); Stockists of the Most Handsome Bedroom, Dining, and "; Chesterfield Suites in Wellington. - FT, 9000. Showroom rilled with the £5 latest Bedroomj Dining,, and Chesterfield ■ Suites, Carpets, Rugs, etc. : Rad- J( ford's, Furnishers. Manners. Street. . ]l ITATTRESSES—Kapok > and Mill Wool, / lfX- single from-17s 6d; double; from 30s; Kapok Pillows, 3s 6d. Jajie9;-Jjtd.,;l72 jc Riddiford Street. : . ,ai

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Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 51, 2 March 1937, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 51, 2 March 1937, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 51, 2 March 1937, Page 1