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;. ;..:lf's'. GOOD. TASTE *■".•■'•' ■ ;;'..;'.' " TO serve .:, :,- ---■ ■".-■""':: SW-AN.-1 Y-2-r , .(.''., '■ -. , .SAUSAGES; ,'' ';..■'■'■■. .-'I • r ,- ; . .: . .1 '"THEY'RE purest,.tend'erest pork, tempt-, '. -*■' . ingly seasoned-and so deliciously fresh in-the..-special'cellophane wrapping. ■'..-. 1 Serve "Swan"-^-for good taste. ■ , " . See the name on 'the band. -...v ■: WANTED i'O SELL. ' ' ANTED Sell, '1-2-3 Light ..Casement Windows, with fanlights-arid without. 331 Evg. Post. ... ~.' . WANTED Sell,. Pianos, Chesterfield' Suites,. Tallboys, . Wardrobes, Duch■esse Chests; everything, (cheap). Ramsey Wilson; 98 Manners Street. . : , .. WANTED Sell, Oak'Cot,'Mitre v Box,. Bench, Tiles, Timber;.. Wheelbarrow, •Shorels; ■ Bead-plane^ Mantel,' etc. Ring: '43-901.-. ,-■'-.■■■ ■■.'•■ ■ , ■■■ .-; '.-.;.' : ' WANTED:SeII, -Beeston Boiler -Hot V' 'Water Service; with 15-gal.-. Copper : l Tank, Accessories. ,15 ; Palm Avenue, Lyall Bay, after 6.p.m.-. .'::.:.; ■'■:'.l" '■■'■':■"'.'. WANTED to: Sell, Tiled Grate,: in.good' order,.'cheap.- 364''Evg. Post. .. 1 WANTED Sell,,. Mannequin Model, as' .. ., real-hairj false, teeth, ..cost. £15 15s; -"also Stock of Good,r.Cleari Millinery, this season's; up reasonable, offer, refused' for either,'.-" 1.14 'Evg. Post; : ~'.'■ -. ■ :;■■'■■■;■ XXf ANTED 'Sell, 30 per cent; below retail, '"..Latest Art';' Modern ■ .Oak Dining;' arid ; Chesterfield'.Suites.-. . .Silverstone's Mart,: IK). Lambton Quay, ;near Scoullars.- •.*',....■. '". ; '.-'.'-' I-1-.'-'-. ';■' -'■ J :'. . VIZ ANTED to. 5e11,.; 600-19 ■ H.D. Motor '.** ..Tyres.' Apply .81.Evg. Post.'■■:' :. .... ANXlii) Seii, 'VVonderJul. assortment ..Household .Furniture,' .Carpets,: etc. Davis .Bros.1; H .':ie Furniture /Mart,. 57-59 Lower Cuba Street (below James Smith). AiNXEDtiell, "C-'happell".Player,Piuuo, .•■Ca'rpetsi''':Runners, Chesterfield 'Siiites-, Easy Chairs... Davis Bros.' Auction Rooms; 57-5H . IJowtT. Cuba Street. ~ ■':■.;." ■ ■-■': AiN XiiU- Sell—Davis -Bros.' -Furniture ... ;Mart have best.;selection;".Household Furniture; • save , mo.ney,.: visit our .rooms, 57-59 - Lower *Cuba: Street. .' '■'■-■■ ; ■'.';;. WAN.IED: Sell',,Bedi;o9m. Suites,."Che's-. -.*■" ■ terfield'-'S.uites'ii-.pining'.' Suites,-; Duch--esses^.'Waidrobes, ' etc.; • tiaye money, at Da\ns Bros.; .57-59. Lower : Cuba-, Street!' ■' Vyi'Ml'iJ Sell,: 50'liuiigiilow Pianos, bar-' ''-gain prices, from . £15 to .£45; terms from; 5s weekly.' "Nimmo's; Ltd!;-',,■■'.'.■■-,; :■,.' VXMNTED Sell 1.. -Beautiful-L'punge'Suitug: .'■»" froin';£9,l9s.6d atrKenner's'3 shops, opp. : King's^ Theatre, Courtenay 'Placa; Larabton yuayVopp. D.1.C.; and at-Jaek; son Street,' Petbne.-':.'-,'■'.:->■-!:v.v.;-" :;';jr ' -" .■'; WANTED -.5e11!.., Six-piece.: Oak Dining-. » " : room .Suites "( rom £13;- 10s at Kenne cLtd.,: opp.,; vKing's1..', Theatre,;■ Coiirtenaj; Place; Lambton Quay.i opp. D.l.C;' aiso'; Jackson Street, "etone. ' ■ ■■■ a.". ■' ,1 WANTED '..'Sell! ."Furniture .direct to ■"'• public"- at .Glide-Rink,Furniture Factory;. iWakeneld Streetr-500"';-Chesterneid Suites to 'choose from. :See usofirst; opp., Reserve.-•' ■■■:'•': ■■■'■•:■■■' ■■■■■■'■■ :-: j;;V 'in;i :'■--■•■ ■.'■■ VH ANTED- Sell!.. :New;and;Second-hand .** Fiiroiture; atvVivian; Street.v Furniture. Market, '.-.Late"car Sale Robms, ; 6ppi:Trailtis. Hall; ''painted red;'for<-bar°airi,sH.-.i;■:''"'.•; '."}■■■:■'. \\T ANTED SelU.-yiyian,Street-!Furniture •■'■•',;-Marketr-We have opened '■ New 'and: Second-hand Furniture .■.Market.J:a6. dopt'e'.; from; Cuba^StreefcvPaihted^RedL^A A,; visit: wiH.:pay'~you.;.-; '.':' J'-jy-, V'X,', '.'iX'l&v*-•<■':■; '■'•■'' , ■*"'. Factory,;h'av'e';rebpened-"their'factory from': January' 4.;60- cpme-fa)on| i»irid^6a':«e i . money. :: "Direct to "Public;" vTcJryV'Street,' 6 doors below. Gas: Co.. See: yellow sign; 9','tO;s',ahd :iate,-Friday,.night.. i aJsp;;9 tp;i2. Saturday. ■'. ;'■•■■ ".'. ■■.-.".■.'. '•■''■ .■•'.■'"'■ '.■?■".'■"*■..' '•;'.;.-iS WANTED.Sell!.;,,\yho!esale; .Furniture. TT,. Factory, are;openi";fcain,"' all in :full swing.;:""Direct;:to Public.",i'ory, Street;'6,doors below Gas.; Co;, ,8 to 6 afnd ■ 9; Friday, night, arid.9 to 12 Saturdays ..:-. ANTED'SeII! v Kenne.r's. ;V."lt,'s easier: to v pay\ the- Kenner.: way." , Fireside Chairs, Is >week)y; .Bed and Wire"; Is Sd weekly; Suitesirom 25.6 d :; weekly;. China Cabinets. Is 6d'weekly. Great efter-Xmas ■5a1e.;...---. ': ".'".-,-■. :-i-^---■'■"'■'■" ';;-';'^ \I7ANTED Sell!,.1 "Furniture" '» I .Public" at'.Glide-R'irik-Furniture Maetory, Wakefield' Str^etj'late Glide. Skating. Rink.'See.Blue Nebn.'Sign'. Sa^e big : :money,. VS7ANTED, Sell!;,Glide-Rink ;,Furniture ■yy:'Factory r-'"direct.» to' republic.";;. S"av'e. : raiddleriian's profit;^ which: is 50:: per cent; Late.' Glide' SkatiDg'y.RirikoWak.efield' Sti opp; Reserve; -"- -:' '; ■■'' '.'••.'-;-:-'"'.'-.'.-'.'-...'.' ' VTtTANTED ■ Sell! ,Glide: Rink ..-.Furniture '.* "Direct .'to'-.'Public."- ( Lounge Suites' at ;■ least'sos' below .-'shop', prices";. Wak'efield Street, iiextJMagri'iis .Motors. ; ; \\7ANTED.:SeII! 'Kenner's : '.haye.;opeDed **•', a .Quality. Furniture .Store.'iri'La'rab-. ton(Qaay, opp. 'D.1.C,,;. 'Beautiful Walnut Bedroom Suites' at- reasonable .'prices'.'-^."-:',. ANTED. -Sell, '.Rebuilt; .GuaranteeJ . Pianos, condition as new. Brinsmead, Broad wood, 'Haake,. etc. Terms from i.6s weekly; Nimmo's,;Ltd. ■"-■'• ■•.'•'.' ■'; '. PHESTERFIELD .Suites,; latest' style, . double sprung,; '£18 ;:10s;;:Oak ■ Sideboards,',.£4 10s;!'' Perbmbulators, •7s 6d; Hand. Machine,■ 255; Duchtsse Chests. City Furniture Mart,. :Blair" Street::: ■ 'J;;.'.;.. WONDERFUL. Bargains; in;.,-' Ladies'. Handbags, in' best, leathers. .Usually 2Qs; Now 3s"6d. At Alston's 'Handbag''Sale. 52 Willis Street, opp.,'Windsor'Hotel.'-, ALSTON'S,-, the place f or/Handbag Bargains^Mprocco, !.Calf; Snake, Crocodile Leathers, greatly reduced at Alston's Handbag Sale, 52"Willis Street. ■-.- . ... '-. NCE Again! -Alston's Great' Handbag Sale:. Morocco :Leather ; Handbags, usually.priced 12s'6d, Now ss, 'Alston's Bag.'Shop, 52 Willis street. ' .-'.,;:., ELP to: prevent1 Infantile Paralysis. ■•: by .using Cinnbpine,.- ,tlie iriew'j■wonderful^ Nasal r-and-";. Throat/Antiseptic. 2e Perrett,.'.Chemist. -, ■:,';; , : .',. ■ , . McGOWAN, AND MAGEB,"LTD.—CoaI '.', Merchants, 'Customhouse' Agents an/) Carriers". , .'22 .Customhouse ; Quay. ~ .Tel. 42-006 (3 lines); ;:: - ,/: ;V ;•.- ■r :■ ■■■ ' : FOR acid stomach, flatulence, wind, and : 'all::idigestiv::,tbubles;; i :'t.-tke tAnti-, fe'rmentpse, 2s'; 6d;*v Perrett,"'.Chemist. ■„ ■ CUNBEAM;. English':,;• Electric ■■ Cleaner, Q-'; guaranteed 12 months, full, size, with accessories, £8 ss:-cash. or. on_. terms. Todd Motors, 'Ltd... './■■•-■'■ . '■'<'■ ■■■ -'■ '■" " ■-' ■ ■ ' F ATEST Square-arm Chesterfield•;■ Suite, *-* covered1 Genoa velvet, fully-sprung. £15:i08. 30s:.deposit.-7s 6(1 weekly. Rad-' for'fl's,':-.Manners,Street. '■■■"■". '■' ■''■■'" /QUALITY FURNISHERS. LTD., Cuba Street.-.(pp'p.,-Patrick's); -have a Huge Basement Floor packed with ..Magnificent Furniture. ■'Inspection welcomed. . :■ ENTS nil sizes and styles,. from 13s Gd; Flys, 8s; unbeatable value: price lists "from Meltzer Bros.. 131 : Manners St. Tel/'fi3-494.: "'■ '-. - .■'::' - ' ■ ■'■- ■'■'■ T INOS! Linos! Lino's! 60 new designs, JLi ■.' 2- ■ yards wide, 3s 6d yard j" Passage Linos,"is 6d, 2s 3d,"2s lid yard.' Radford'ft Stocktaking Sale. :. , .. •■'■■■ ■ '■■ ■ FURNITURE and Upholstery •■ direct from factory, to piiblic enables us to supply at old prices. -Wellington Cabinet Co.. Ltd.. 73 anrl 77 Boulcotf Street. EVV-ZEALAND Wines are as good is imported wines and should at least be tried before being criticised. . . . .:, ;*I no other Hotel can you Buy so ■t-» much Quality for so little money as you can'at "-the Carlton. •■•••.■ CHERRY may be in short supply from Spain, biit there is a plentiful supply of Ne\y Zealand' Sherry at the Carlton. "CHERRY, quarts ,3s .. 6d, pints 2s: ►J , Madeira, quarts 3s 6d, pints 2s; Pon Wine, quarts 2s 9d. Procurable solely at thp Carltnn. Hotel.,Willis'.Street. ,■■■. pARBONATi: of Lime 3s 6d per cwt, 2s per %cwt;, Unslacked Lime, 4s 6d per tin; delivered. Meadows (near Library). 45-028:'Petone, 63-922. : ' POTATOES; 281b 2s 3d, sGlb'4s, 1121b ■t - 7s 6d; free delivery to any suburb. Meadows, 114 Wakefield : Street (near Library).. 45-028; ,Petone.-63-922 - ■<. . TTOR SALE, Aviary and.4o Birds—canJ- .avie's,- finches,"Bengalese,..budgies.' Apply 338 Evg. .Post.

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Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 51, 2 March 1937, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 51, 2 March 1937, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 51, 2 March 1937, Page 1