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■ The results of the Wellington 'Lawn Tennis Association intor-dub matches played on Saturday are as follovys : — 1 First Grade Men. .;■• '■■;. ;-- ;-.. Wellington.A v. Thorndon. Wellington beat ,Thorndon by. five matches to three. . Results, Wellington players mentioned first:— ■..'•■■ i■■ Singles.—D: Coombe beat N. Smith, 5-7, 0-4, fi-3; M. Ferkins lost to .1. Charters, 2-6,-5-7; E. A.'Roussell beat H. X. Burns, 6-1, 6-2; D. Putr.cs .beat H. D. lleid, 1-5,', .7-S. ■ Doubles.—Coombe and. Roussell lost to Charters and' Burns; 1-6, 8-6, 9-11; Purves andFerklfis beat .Smith and' Reid, 6-r, 4-6, 6-4; Coombo and Roussell' bent Smith and ReidV 6r2>'6-4; Purves and Ferkins lost to Charters and Burns,. 3-6, 4-6. ' University v. Scatqun. University beat: Seatoun by five matches'to' three. ' Results, University players mentioned first :— • Singles.—R. McL. Ferkins beat N. Bedford, 6-1, 8-6; J. McCarthy beat M. Smith, 7-5, 6-3; J. White ,beat J. Smith, 3-6, 6-4, 6-3; Band-ford-lost to C. Morrison, 1-6. 0-6. ' ■ - ~ ' Doubles.-r-Ferkins; and McCarthy beat; Bedford arid M. Smith, 6-3, 6-4; Ferkins.and McCarthy beat! J. Smith and Morrison, 6-2, 6-2; ■White and Sandford lost to Bedford and M. Smith. 3-6, 4-6;- White and Sandford, lost: to" J. Smith and Morrison, 7-5,. 1-6, 4-6. .! • i ;Brbt}gham Hill v. Kewtown B. ..'.;■;.;> ■ Newtown" i: B . beat 'Brougham , Hill -by "six matclies-to'. two.' Results, Brougham Hill play-, ers mentioned first; — •'■ _° ,'..,, SingleS.-^A. I>. Fratice beat J. Sbotland, G-z, fi-3- C.Dlxon lost to D. Polnton, 1-6, 1-G; F. Pears lost to Macarthur, 0-G, 1-6; Fisher lost to A. L.: Polloclc, 1-6, 3-G. ■ Doubles.—France and Pears beat Pollock and Polntbni 7-5, 5-7, 8-6; Fisher and Dixon lost to Scotland and Macarthur; 3-6, 3-6;, Fiahef and Dixon lost to Pollock and P<>lnton' G^: 3-6- France and Peara lost to Scotla-nd and Macarthur, 1-G, 6-2. 7-9. -......■ Newtown A v. Island Bay. . Kcwtown A beat Island Bay by eight matches to nil. Results, Newtown A players menliOSh? R le S r.-TT Lyon beat J. Kcvitt 6-2. Wj 6-°- Kealo and Dyer boat J. Ivevitt anu Ainea, S-6, 6-3. First «Brade,, Women. Broußham Hill v. Thorndon". Brougham Hill beat Thorndon by seven Junes to one. Results, Brougham Mill players. mentioned first:— H .. Siii'les: Miss Howe heat Mrs. A. D. Latham, by default; Mrs. N. Dickson beat Mis lumbull b-3 5-7 6 0, Miss .1 Domhett beat Mis.B MnMactsey:6-3,'6-2, -Alisa M. Warsaw boat and Miss Ho,e beat Mlbs .Nathan and Mr. l»™buU. t-0. 0-U Misses Doulhett and Warsaw-lost _to Mrs. Latham and Miss Macassev, J-li, G-3, ; >-i , Wis. Diiksou and Miss Howe beat Mrs. Latham and Miss Maoassey 6-3, b-3. Misses Douthett and Warbaw beat Mrs. TurnbuU and Miss .Nathan, 6-3, 6-1. Wellington A v. Wellington B. Wellington A beat Wellington B by seven matches to one. Results, Wellington A players T.S-Mt'.rD Nicholl. beat Ml ? »r WHHams b-4, 0-1; Miss 11.I1. Fcrnle beat Atlss M wwicr. 6-2, 6-3; Miss P; Cur beat Miss V. Willis, 6-0, 0-4; Miss A. Heard beat Mis.s M. EUou°b aies fc:' 2Mli"s Ti 6NichoHs and Ferme beat Misses Williams and Whisker, 6-1, b-2, Misses Carr and Heard beat Misses Willis and Everton by dctault; Misses Nlcholls and lirnie beat Misses Willis and Everton, 6-1, 6-^i; Misses Carr and Heard lost to Misses Williams and Whisker, 5-7, 3-G. , ' Third A Men. ■s. Wadcstown beat Lyall Bay'B by five matches to""Haroe. Results, Wadostown plajeis menOsfngles.— W. Prince beat >1. Warren, 4-6, 6-5, 6-0; A. James lost to T. Wircn, 6-3, 4 6, 0-6, R. Sarginson bcafß. Warren, 6-4, 3-G, 6-3; I. Hedger lost to J. Lloyd, 0-6, 6-5, 3-6. Doubles: Prince and James beat ,T. and R. Warren 6-1, 6-2; Prince and James lost to Wiren and Llojd, G-3, 4-6, 4-6; Sarginson and Hcdgcr beat J. and R Warren, 3-6, 6-5. 1.-l, Sarginson'and Hudger beat Wlren and Lloyd^ 0-3, li-3. Karorl v. Miramar B. Miramai B beat Karon by 4 eiglit matches to nil Results. Miramar B plajcis mentioned bingles—Clark beat Murphy, 0 0. 6-3, Telford beat Cooper, 6-i, 6-J, Klborn Catt.iuach, b-1, 6-0, McLean beat Mayo, 6-1, G-4 Doubles: Clark and Elborn beat Murphy and Cattanach, 2-6, 6-~, 6-3; Clark and Elboin beat Cooper and Mayo? 6-2, 3-6,'6-2^Teltoid and McLean beat Cooper and Maio, (T-2, 0-5, Telfoid and McLean beat Murphy and CatUnach, 6-4, 4-6, 7-5. D.I.C. v. Seatoun. Seatoun beat D.I.C. by six matches to two. Results, D.I.C. players mentioned first — Singles: Jeffs beat Hull, 6-1, 6-2; do Clifton lost to Latham, 6-2, 2-6, 3-6; Bell lost to Dohorty, 2-6, 3-6; Congrevci lost to Keir, G-3, 6-2. Doubles: Jeffs and de Clifton lost to Hull and Latham, 4-6, 4-6; Bell and Congrevc, lost to Dolierty and Keir, 3-6", 6-4, 1-6; Bell and Congreve lost to Hull and Latham. 2-6, 6-4, 2-6; ileffs and do Clifton boat Doherty and Keir, 4-6, 6-2, 6-1. Miramar A; v. Technical. Miramar A beat Technical by seven matches to one. Singles: Cockburn lost to Lander, 4-6, 1-6; Swinburne beat Calllrian, 6-2, 6-3; Walker beat Marshall, .4-6/ 6-0, 7-5; Davis beat McKenzie, 6-1, 6-4. Men's Doubles: Swinburne and Davis beat Lander and Callinan, 6-5, 6-2; Walker and Cockburn beat Marshall and McKenzie, 6-2, 6-2; Swinburne and Davis beat , 4-6, 6-4, 7-5; Walker ■ and ' Cockburn beat Lander' aild Callinan/ 6-2, 6-0. ... ' , Hataitai A; v. Rawhitl. ;f: Hataitai A beat Rawhitl by S matches to 0. Results, Hataitai players mentioned first: — Singles: Simmons beat Harper, 6-4,, 6-0,; Sneddon beat Lyons. 6-2, 6-1; Souncss beat Tait, 0-2, 6-0; Wellings beat Stevens, 6-1, 6-2. Doubles: Simmons and Sneddon beat Lyons and Harper, 6-5. 6-1; Souncss and Wollings heat Tait and Stevens, 6-1, 6-2; Souncss and VVelllngs beat Lyons and Harper, 6-0, 6-3; Simmons and Sneddon beat Tait and Stevens. Third A Women. Wade3lown v. Miramar. Wadcstown beat Miramar, by five matches to three. Results, Wadcstown players mentioned first:— Singles.—Miss J. Englert beat Miss E. Gilmour, 6-5, 6-5; Miss P. Qullter lost to Mrs. R. McL. Ferkins, 2-6/6-5, 6-8; Miss W., Kindred i beat Mrs. Miller, 6-1, 6-4; Miss B. Qiilltcr beat Miss M. Gllmour, 6-2, 6-5. Doubles.—Misses Englert and Kindred lost to Misses M. and E. Gilmour. 0-6, 1-6; Misses Qullter and Quilter beat Mesdames Ferkins and Miller, 6-3, 5-6, 7-5; Misses Knglert and Kindred beat Mesdames Ferkins and Miller, 6-4, 5-6, 6-0; Misses Qullter and Miller, lost to Misses Gilmour, 4-6, 5-6. Ngahoa r. Seatoun. Ngahoa rbeat Seatoun by five matches to three. Results, Ngahoa players mentioned first :-rSingles.—Miss N. Knox beat Miss Creighton, 6-0, 6-1; Miss M. Edwards lost to Miss Z. Philpott, 4-6, 3-6; Mrs. D. Taylor lost to Miss P. Philpott, 5-6, 6-4, 0-6; Mrs. Scott lost to Miss I. Blyth, 1-6, 3-6. Doubles. —Jlisse3 Taylor and Knox beat Misses Crelghtou and Z. Philpott, G-4, 6-3; Mrs. Scott and Miss Edwards beat Misses P. Philpott and Blyth, 3-6, 0-1, 7-5; Mrs. Taylor and Miss Knox beat Misses P. Philpott and Blyth, 6-2, 4-6, 6-3; Mrs. Scott and Miss Edwards beat Misses Creighton and Z. Philpott, 6-2, G-0. Wellesley v. Lyall Bay B. Wellesley beat Lyall Bay B by six matches tn two. Results, Wellesley players mentioned first :— Singles.—Miss Harris beat Miss Usher, 6-3, 0-5; Miss Harrison lost to Miss Parker, 4-li, 2-fi; Miss Leach beat Miss Lutzky, 6-1, G-3; Miss Baxter lost to Miss Edwards, 4-6, 6-5, Doubles.—Misses Harris and Harrison beat Misses Usher and Parker, 2-fi, 6-3, 7-5-/ Misses Harris and Harrison heat Misses Liitzky and Edwards, 6-1, 6-4: Misses Leach and Baxter heat Misses Lutzky and Edwards, 6-1, 1-G, 11-9. Third A Men. ■To Opo v. Wellesley A. Wellesley A beat Te Ope by six matches lo two. Results, Te Opo players mentioned first :— Singles.—Wilson lost to Dennis, 0-4, 2-6, 4-0; Urcn lost to Pitt, 2-6, 4-6: Buttenvortli beat. Hitching, fi-5, 3-6, 6-1; Wiiltmoro lost to Cross, 1-ti, G-3, 3-6. Doubles.—Wilson and Uren lost to Dennis and Pitt, 4-6, 2-G; Butterworth and Whitmore lost to Hitching and Cross, 2-6, 6-4, 2-G; Wilson and Uren beat Hitching and Crqss, 6-0, G-0; Butterworth and Whitmore lost to Dennis and Pitt, 2-G, 0-6. Halaltal B v. University B; University B beat Hataitai B by five matches to three. Results, Hataitai B players mentioned first: — Singles.—M, Shaw lost to Brock, 3-6, 4-G; D. Chambers lost to Hartley, 6-5, 1-6, 7-9; J. Craig lost to StcGregor, 5-6, 5-6; J. Benjamin lost to Pasley, 4-6, 5-6. Doubles.—Shaw ■ and Chambers beat Brock and Hartley, 6-2, 6-4; Shaw and Chambers beat McGregor and Pasley, 6-2, 6-4; Craig and Benjamin beat McGregor and Pasley, 1-6, 6-1, 6-2; Craig and Benjamin lost to Brock and Hartley, 3-6, 3r6. :.' St. Peter's v.. Miramar C. »*, Miramar C beat St. Peter's by six matches to two. Results, St. Peter's players mentioned first:— ; Singles.—Driscoll heat Johnson, C,.<t, G-0; Kword ' lout lo Adams. 1-6, 0-6; Stammers lost to Macdonald, 1-6, 1-6; Rlckard lost to Cowie, 3-6, 3-6. . Doubles. —Driscoir snd Sword beat Johnson and Adams, R-3, 1-6, 11.-!); Stnirrnirrs anrl Rickarri lost lo Mncdoniild and Cowie, 6-3, 1-6,

"■Hi Stammers and Rlckaid lost to Johnson and Adams, 5-0. 4-6: Drlscoll and Sword lost to Macdon'ald and Cowie, by default.

Te Rama v. Broadway.

Broadway beat Te Rama by six matches to two. Results, To Rama players mentioned first :—..■■

Singles.—J. V. Milsom lost to V. Calclnai ■ri'i °" 1 5-, 2-6; »C- Croskery ■ lost to U. I>. Calcinai, 1-C, -1-G; C. Cox beat A. Minifle 6 1 ;.'">; . B;~ Barkcr lost t0 X- Biatherwick,' 6-! i! •i-lt, 4-G. ■

Mllsom and Croskery lost to V Palclnat and Blatbcrwick, 2-6/5-6: Co"and Bir

•' Fourth Grade. Te Ope v. University. "tiS',5 tIOU-1;t Tonks"»' Women's Singles.—Miss 0. Cray 'beat Miss K. Singleton, 9-8; Hiss D.. Mucphy beat Miss S. .Caselberg, 9-1; MissM. Moult .lost;to'Miss Kin" I Bd' '" JIISS h' GraX l0?t t0 Mlss M' ~-^? n' s io«Wcs.—Smith and Tonks lost to "cob; anci-MdNaught,■ s*B;-CaMpbdl and Sinclair beat Button and Wansbrough; by default. . Womens. Doubles.—Misses .Moult and Murphy beat Misses singleton and Caselberg, 8-1; Misses Gray lost to Misses Fraser and King 7-S Mixed Doubles.—Sinclair and Miss Moult' beat Button and Miss Caselberg, 8-3; Smith and Miss -Murphy, beat McJCaught and Miss .Singleton, 8-7; Campbell arid Miss Gray beat Wansbroiigh anfl -Miss. .Fraser; 8-7; Tonks arid Miss L. Gray beat Webb and Miss King, 8-4;'. ; f: Trinity ■v.Broadwaj'..;--; -v ~ Broadway beat Trinity.'by ten matches to six.. Results,-Trinity-players mentioned first:— Men's Singles.—R.., Craig, beat, A.. McLean,----!>-7: S. Emmerson: ilosf to L. Allis, 5-9 • M Gosling beat A;-Altken, 9-3; J. Collins lost to ,T. Tonks,. 5-9. ;: ■ , ■...; i.--.. ■ Women's; Singles.—Miss D. Vod'lie beat Mrs. Jenkins;. S-2; Miss O. Komp lost to Mrs. McLean, 0-9;, Miss ,J.,Crewes lost: to Airs. Hawker, 7-9;;:Miss:.E. Winter lost to Miss Carrell 4-9. '..■■ '■■■:'„v' .';■;. .■ ■ "v* ■■'<, ' ' "■''■" . Men's' Doubles.—Craig and .Collins lost to McLean and'Allis,' 4-8; Emmerson and Gosling beat Aitkeii! and Tohks. 8 -6. ~■'-. Women's Doubles.—Misses Vealie and Kemp beat Mesdames Jenkins and McLean, 8-7 ; Misses Crowes and Winter lost to Mrs. Hawker and Miss Carrell, 1-S. . ■: ' ' i Mixed Doubles.—Craig and Miss Vealie beat Allis and Mrs. Jcnltlns. S-3; Emmerson and Miss Kemp lost to McLean and Mrs. McLean, B-8; Goslin and Miss .Winter lost to Tonks and Mrs. Hawker, 4-8; Collins and Miss Crowes lost to Aitken ana. Miss Carroll, 3-8. Victoria vv-Miramar C. Victoria beat Miramar C by sixteen matches to nil. Results, Victoria players mentioned first: - ■ Men's Singles.—D. Halley beat B. Davics, 9-7; Quinlan beat C. Morris, 9-2; L. Moffatt beat I. Davics, 9-2; L. Curtla beat Bannerman, 9 3 Women's Singles.—Miss Wllklns beat Miss Locke/9-5; Miss M. low beat Miss, Marshall, 1-2; Mrs. Sims beat Miss Stevens, 9-2, Mrs. McNoe beat Miss Hill, fl-4. Men's Double* —Ouinlan and Halley beat Morris and I. Davies, 9-4, MolTatt and Curtis bent B. Davies and Bannefman, 8-6. Women's Doubles.—Miss Wilklns and Mrs. Sims beat Misses Locke and Marshall, S 1, Miss Low and Mrs McXeo beat Mls'es Hill and Stevens, 8-2. Mi\ed Doubles —Quinlan and Miss Low B D.ivles and Miss Locke,. 8-5; Halley and Miss Wilklns beat Morris and Miss-Marshall, 8-2. Moffatt and Mrs. MeNec beat I Davics and Miss btevens, 8 2 ; Curtis aud Mrs. faims beat Bannerman and Miss Hill. I\i;aio v. Te Kama B. To Ranm beat Ngaio by nine matches to ceven Results, Ngaio plajcrs mentioned lien's Singles — Di\on beit Gcllatly. 9 3; Ramson beat Ilenshelvvood, 9-3; Dear lost to EaiM, 3-1; Liddell Robeits, 9-7. Women's Singles—Mis. Dlton Miss Tavlor 1-0 Miss M Rosa lost to Miss Walker, 8-9, Mis, M Ross lost to Miss V Organ, 3-9; Miss M. Whiting lost to Mis,s >. Alcxan Mern's r)"r)oubles-Di\on and Dear beat Gellatlj and Henshehvood, 8-3; Ramson and LidOrgan and Alexander, 4-8. whitimr Miiprt Doubles Ramson and Miss Whiting FUth Grade; *D.I.C. v. Broadway. ■Rrmdwiv beat I) I C. by thirteen matches to ken 8-3; Wheatlcv and Miss Orbell lobt to Sea and Miss, 4-8; Wakel.n and Mils King lost to Henshehvood and Miss Hcnshclwoodi 0-8.

To Ope v. University. To Ope beat University by 14 matches to two Results, Te Ope plajers mentioned first — Men's Singles— Warring beat Fleming, 8-4, Hooper lost to Mitchell, 4-8, Cox beat Mander, 8-6, Cooper beat Ekhoff, 8-3. Women's Singles.—Miss Crow boat Miss >.clson 8-1; Miss Crease beat Miss Bnnls, 8-2, Miss Homorsham beat Miss Bell, 8-3; Miss Pownall beat Miss Bush, 8-1. Men's Doubles— Warring and Hooper beat Mitchell and Fleming, 8-6; Cox and Cooper beat Mander and Ekhoff, 8-6. Women's Doubles —Misses Cross and Crease beat Misses Nelson and Evans. 8-4; Misses Homer&ham and Pownall beat Misses Bell and Mixed Doubles —Hooper and Miss Crow beat Fleming and Miss Nelson,' 8-6; Warring and Miss Crease beat Mitcheir and Miss Eunis, 8-4; Cox and Miss Homersham lost to Mander ;and Miss Bell, 6-8; Cooper and.Miss Pownall beat Ekhoff and Miss Biish, .8-0. ■ '..■- '■


Following are .the, ■ results,-of^; men's ranking N. Edwards beat J. McCarthy, 7-5, 4-6/ 0-2. D. Coombe beat D.:G. France, 10-S,; 3-6,

N Edwards beat .T. Charters, S-G. 2-0, 6-1 • J. McCarthy beat G.A. Poarce, 8-0. 6-8, 6-1. Athea beat L. H: Pollock, 8-6. 4-6, 6-2. Dennis beat B. Kelly, 6-1, «-2. A. 1). Latham beat Bundle, S-10, 6-1. 6-2. A. D. Latham beat Driscoll by default. Athea.beat M. Smith by default. Kelly beat M. Smith by default. Bold beat ■ Dennis, 7-5, 2-6, 6-4. Bold beat C. Dlxon, 6-3, 4-6, 6-1. D. Coombe heat E. A. Roussell, .7-5, 7-5. G. Pearco beat. J.'Charters, 8-6, 2-6, 6-3,


Following are the results of matches played during, last week In Jhe Brougham Hill Club's handicap events:— '< . Women's Singles (final).—Miss M, Howe (scr)beat Miss J. Douthett (4), 40-29. Moll's Doubles (final).—C. Dixon and Fisher (16) beat V. Dixon and A. H. Richards (scr), Women's Doubles.—Misses Z. Castle' and M. Warsaw (6) beat Misses J. Douthett and L. Berry (8), 40-38. • Mixed Doubles. —C. Dlxon and Mrs. Samuel (14) beat N. Dickson and Mrs. A. H. Richards (14), 40-30; S. McLaren and Miss M. Howe (scr) beat C. Dixon and Mrs. Samuel (14), 40-32. Challenge Match. —J. Fisher beat M. Elias, 9-7,7-5.' :'

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Evening Post, Volume CXXII, Issue 149, 21 December 1936, Page 10

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LAWN TENNIS Evening Post, Volume CXXII, Issue 149, 21 December 1936, Page 10

LAWN TENNIS Evening Post, Volume CXXII, Issue 149, 21 December 1936, Page 10