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$§0£ jfljg!^ The Magic Cave, with io^ %Sm Father Christmas and \ • L hM 1 Shirley Coney Island, now open J^V? shi"iey uhe%e°f, beLu- I ■IWKM^^' Visit Father Christmas in his Magic Cave See Coney '* r\- '" \ *^| S'K tifuiy dre.^d. and A/lllltfll I : i^^rfS^^ Island, with its marvellous miniature mode]-, of io\- 'A- '- % ; •S'l V ley* 'woidln cur'u. Ms|J|i<lS«SHMß^g* wheels, merry-go-rounds, Punch and Jiuh, its gieat Wf |^_— JMfik *^**ff t . -f^h^f re-l cy-ia«hes,^eyes v^UT | | W^fit^ organ, the circus tent, and other excitements Seethe Jr J*? 4Bfc£/ *" , / X?* made from pracii- \ •>*; \ ♦£>/ wonderful working model of a dredge. And reccn c * %«„., jKjHf „ -ii l"''%*<^ j m"terMl. U Unnnnld rCcicvcr^ » V "il your gift from Santa Claus in his cave. «&* Vfi&Bßff '" " ™ *H' *5 and'endumiß sm°' y • - W W '" Admission—(Children, 6d.; Adults, 9d. yak JJSkSk; OfjV PriCe ■21'- Jf£ 85. TOY'LAND, THE TUCK SHOP, and the MAGIC <*■ •* ' **,' . 'If' -\ /•* *AJL]f ' c£^ l 3 CAVE—THIRD FLOOR. >"/*«'i-f O-^SH^f /\ Sketched below—Exqui- S{ ' \ The sealed iiginc on th* ,4£ "'"^ LAST-MINUTE VX^&r / site Lace-edged Sheer kl^ \ r right is wearing ,1 sma tWS mr%*o m ■▼■■■^wbm CT// / / \N- Linen .Handkerchief, ?' JJ /^~/\ Silk Locknit Blouse- f/ * JJK SLIET \\7vJT / ' v V^" ¥V II *% 111 s'nElrt stripes in ga\ v^^r iS^J^^^tiW^S^^J^f^^^Su / C^^-L V^^ty vMr 47 Un°G. sft Lu as ets> Fr^i 5/9 F+iWV m&i&M'!'St\£i*>ii Y^llffXXM. I // X >* >S^ /9V Yardley'« G.ft Set* From 4/6 >JK NSi^SK^^^^^-WilgfK WfSWR/ // \ Boyer G,ft Sets From 8/11 V^C< V WssS:!g&t3s*t Y^^V^k^^"'''^^'''^^' ir I \M X/ A VVL X^.l Bronneley's Gardenia Gift Sets KU ~: \ ' 1/ 1 \VV^ VV Colomal Dames G.ft Set/ 0™ \£H.jyV f |sKi^!!V^4^ C \P VOv 1/ 1 i\ 1 From 6/6 ', k:i'J?'2^§^S^/'?^'*^ j ;*^^V^ ' //>N| 1 / A-JU^V Evening in Pan, Perfume and ■ ' "C^& ' '"K;sv^ / k I I^JuSSSOOOGT Novefty Swan»down Puffs—ln " *v£V . _ AM >\\<S O-^\ / iy?CTnrVV>*»'Bt * lo^eh colours, in Georgette S^frli I I II 'I i " Nl"-\^ / I II indlvti chiefs From 5/6 |g|g c O¥-Hles V®^,. ~ . — , ~ , i tlV^^-^^vl^ Cl__l.«. ' jL/ti Ivorine Bangles—ln ill colour's M Unequalled Selections 'at James fet^^ 1/ Slacks- - 6/|l ed •*^>^H ~ ?I* V o^j 1 ' Coloured Enamel Cigarette Cases f^y Smitn S l^r*vf x> s---'-^^ As sketched above—Tn ro\al, green, sa\e, red and From 1/9 w r«^M> |s + | • brown. Sizes S S "S\ , SU, and \\ A\ ell cut, Powder Cases —In coloured ~f There a,r literally thousands of ,V ' SWi'J-N cool and serwcablc Enamel Petit Point, Chro. vPnfSSs&ZZ X i|lftoF«annel Slacks «=K- S ~ signs, but black and S> J . t t^'i \** " V Sketched on Jeft-J Smith s Sa.lor Upe, in "'f^ )r >re ' C'llendxr, Matrht white cannot do Iho.n f jj»\ fr |^l| 1 V-"^ T n?^' ™ *"* ""^ ''Vl'/' »' d ohiom.un f^m V 9 ouS are'unicn.e'' '' ,jP A7^^* J^ l^ll^H " " Playing Cards 3/11. 4/11 pack As sketched- <C M& \\ J? WOOIIV SWCOter elopes "ifX First —Pure Mercerised iW^T &&mt%~% Mf €Fj& KJ yV * A-Y* Cotton, in fast boiltim *£%^^^(BBws^^^ Wts^ In cream with tontnsl at ncik, in sm nl finc\ knil Wicker Picnic Baskets—\\ ith " - SV^V Handkerchief, one ol .i U^^ll^J^H«# y^fflL Sunbathing Scarves—Ml bright , --^sKtfris&s;. 4hHL noiiaay y^te^^m w n^ ssnr-s-E -. , , colours.. Made fiom liri II I^^^^S^t^r'^-'kJ^WmmE ianct\ At 2/6 , . est Eg} ptian Cotton, 6d / Hi'l't'C I'V'/'/LIJiC Niuc Island Hats—bhidv and jV- _ Als,o UJvnnboil 6J / $£ ■ ■^■%^ V^^3feg|PMHf „ lielil. lnmnicd contnst binds JJrthi7f AoT llfinc 'sheer • jK^ Usually 7^6 w // Lii^ n l *i™"* ~ \ Hmlv T2/li AcwV- 'range" of "Jot's, stupes, • M/T^ 'U™ sketch shows an Ideal Extra Hat \ "\f // Cotton o'tsr 7 V" B^ SX^lf and modernist designs /^§Csß||^J|k«L, for the Holiday*. It has a soft tulored \ f^^ / I F l p _IT bitt ned f_ on n!itural'grpund° IOUIS j/j^^^l^^mtL "hedMth fadlc*ribbon.^lnwhltTonh" V_^/>-fC/ conieS^.lnd Syed^handksi 1/3 each / / AC\\^ IT I^L. 24meto28in . From 13/6 > Fourth—Ariothei Sun- £ f f £ A Special Holiday Price /KB -*«**?l^?C^**- °rfrf *^ Fibre Cases—With leather straps, Un Linen Handker- J Jf> Nen hgl't an(^ strong, 22m to lOl^ each jl^lffiTn^^. ~ ' Hand Trunks—Can's as covered, fiH#.-™h-oneof:t!,c,io,, j&ffltfo^ French Basque Berets . fA mets stavecl and^ A7^si' Crepe' de SChine Hand" J§SS£&"*Wssl^B^ Jffl^K^T V ne" sl "Pnleilt. in smart shades of lemon, na^, blown, gie\. fnwn, .Wrg; kerchiefs. Exception ill» pink, blue, green, and-white .... Price 2/6 p HOWIC Mrf Xp^^^nl^ Linen Hats from -. - 8/11 Linen Damask _ Rob , nsollr and O^S^T / *'• *** ** /''^"s. d^ITT' * 1 V s %»• ik Fringed Tea Cloths —Check desM~yP Olher Linen Handker- * . \ . % //• ' > %^ ■■ * . _^*»*«^>-?lf^^^^. ra| signs, in B -old, blue, and green; ■I; d-^:x'^' >#"7:?-</ nosiery jS^nlßß Tu^rtSTtsra: X^T ke" , ' p rom 3/11 '">'# ?^ '"-y ■••"..■: dPfvStf^^ißßßfll Boxed jGuett white , *X\ t/r * ll,'*<>\*& limes Sniilhs offer, a complete- Y\ V^^^^^JPP^ W or daint.v 'shades, 5/6; 6/6 pair i ,\sfeS. White Crepe-dc Chine, '?/ ••' '' '^"'<f nngc of Pure Silk, Fully-fashioned \ \^\^\/'\£^^ Crown Ducal Ware—A newshipI rV'T^T* lace-edged .. From 2/6 ntH^f"^ Stockings, perfect goods, suitable \ , nicnt O-f-Dinner-and Tea Ware, I i^B*-l (V " NK^/^Rj^ j oi gifts, in all tlic vcryjlatcsl ' n yellow stitched with green ] "vT^Yi H JP* * tf* A shidcs V few of the most popular jß^' / \ or Prccl'1 stitclied black — A JoJ| t W_ I aw^ if Mf« * M IT "■ «■ V"^ numbcis include^- • • • ■ ■ ■ * 21-piece Tea Set 19/6 <Srm VIIOVC3 iOl f IT LS ' %, \ Cup and 5aucer....'...., 1/6 k?#r V ■ *^ ■ ■■ %•** Ul A/11 - Plate to match 9d. /sV>KA ,^TI Light service weight ....... 4/11 , c I *iH'' / JV sS\ Kayser Mir-o-Kleer ....... 5/11 s. , Dessert Knives ... 15/6 J-doz. j/^S. / Jyy /^j^\ "Nell Gwynne" service weight, • ' < • Fish Eaters'.. ....'.. 29/6 caws f >v / ///j 6/11 ' ' ' 3-piece Carver S«?t,'from 15/6 /-" \ / /// jf jy „ „„ ~• „ 7/ii \- - - " B.P.N.S. Teaspoons, 4/11 c*se til \ / / f / - Prestige Petalwisp ...7/11 , E :P.N.S. Cake Forks, 5/11 case / V If tf Holeproof "Loyalty" ...... 8/11 \ (All Cutlery carries Jarne* ««A- Jff W~if~r7Stk*m\ I r f/y^// Prestige service weigKt .. . . 9/11 ; Smith's guarantee.) SCfl// Tk£*udiir^%\.d%. I ,i, i W S d * «d Jki » o/ii ' ' ' ' Chinese Brassware — *^V H*^*»«i^J^V I I /// Prestige "Powderbloom-' ... 9/11, Candlesticks ...... From 1/\~*tyjif A *^|>^ r X» 1 I /// j, ff . ' - Comforts..... From 1/6 TSuJr f I' J I /////SK Vases ■.;•.,-.•.•.•..... From 1/M^^^^^^T^ i^L Bathing Suit Specials Lingerie Specials HJTGS" " F >V~~~~^*=^ All Wool Elastic Knit Bathing Suits—ln. ; , - 0; , Silk Nove lt y Umbrellas— 1 V-^^ / "i^S. ' hltc> red< grccn< royaU ova "Sc' a"d iJLX '- Spot and check effects;, in T-^V / *«W .-snxes-low backs, with novelty straps for a 'WgkX V' lovclv shades 17/6 , , „. , / '&A A youthful types, all more conservative ( |^>- Silk Umbre n as _i n black, brown, •- *f "•"•tilled— Fine Kid / i pr» \\\ sun-backs. ~ / W" m l, areen and navy .... 17/6 - Gloves, of si^enor «,«nlity, / fli A w ■ ' . . '*' % Mercerised Umbrellas-In black, vttl, „,„..rtflDrc.l Bn / IW| *\ • ■ S.A\ ; M. - /% red. green, b.w,i, navy, f finished «,tl,i nil »n. / ■ /\^l X\ .. A/||- 7/11 8/|| • ,'"' novelty handles 9/11----(rasting stitcluuii / . :/Mjlj* 3 Q' II #' IB B' II ' } lose-bcigo, and nc\\ :fc---.., ■,'«k»*>^<S^J^y • ' ' llmbl*AllflC Mnii*ni*occinfl Not SkcVehcd—Win-bi.. .uric Gloves, t mnrlh (oidedma- ilMll Ml V99111«| ~ 2/6 SCANTIES ■!. 1/6 flcml, in shades of chamois, beige and ueini 1 anc\ gauntlet : ■ . . . r., . , n..,,f v Special purchase in peach, sky, cuff 6/11 Visitors to the City are invited to make their Hairdvessing and Beauts i i . .- nriC o t aDD i e CUff , „ •••■■•, ;;' •', ' \ Treatment, appointments afe the James Smith's Salon, where they, are ™i\a W ' Doeskm Gloves — Gauntlets, with short lnngc, el .stic Must assured-of expert attention in all branches of Beauty Culture. «/ii PYIAMAS 6/6 t stjle In white and chamois 8/11 . .. o/ll ftJAIWAO .......... _o/o J SUkGloves-AVitl, stiffened .ace gaunllcl, in .hiteonh 5/11. JaffleS Sffllth'S LOV-BV Service' ■ V-C? Fringed Nappa Gloves—Llastic wrist, gauntlet style; in dark *#%■■■■«»<» •^■■■■•■»« — J f :•■"■•, \ a k/h UNDFRSKIRTS 3/11 brown ... , 12/11 Take advantage of this easy method of paying for.your future needs. 6/11 UNDERSKIRTS ■ ... • 3/U ' ■ Anything may be purchased on the Lay-by Plan, from inexpensive All shades in brassiere top AntM Til I in n '»» YMAC CUE - apparel to carpets, fur coats, washing machines;.arid.Hoover Electric style. UrCN I ILL lU p.m. AMAJ tVt . • Cleaners, absolutely free of interest. : . . ; . s > ■ ■ . ■ • JAMES SMITH'S

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Evening Post, Volume CXXII, Issue 149, 21 December 1936, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXXII, Issue 149, 21 December 1936, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXXII, Issue 149, 21 December 1936, Page 9