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The following are the awards mads at the Hutt Valley Horticultural Show :— The champion of champions narcissus was a "Peerless," grown by Jlr. H. J. Poole. The best trumpet (open class) was a "Tain," grown by Mr. A. Gibson. The best non-trumpet (open class), was a "Peerless," grown by Mr. H. J. Poole. The best trumpet (amateur class), was a "Kovalht," grown by Mr. R. Lewis. The best non-trumpet (amateur class) was a "Peerless." grown by Mr. TV. H. Booth. B.H.S. awards were:—Silver gilt mecial, Mr. N. R. Gibbons (cinemrias) ; silver medals, Mrs. A. K. Gower (novelty plants), Mr. C. F. Pilcher (palms), and Mr. H. J. Poole-(cinerarias and polyanthus) ; bronze medals, Mr. E. L. Rlddlford (polyanthus), and the Lower Hutt Borough reserves committee (flowering shrubs) ; R.H.S. certificates, Mr. A. McMillan, Mr. R. H. JohnEton, Eev. S. H. D. Peryman, and Mrs. T. C. Bilby. , . ■; ■ TROPHIES AND SPECIAL PRIZES. Trophies and special prizes w*re awarded a3 follows:— Hutt Valley Horticultural Society's trophy (open class) : Mr. H. J. Poole. Dr. G. -TV. Harty's trophy: Mr. H. J. Foole. Mr. A. T. Duncan's points prize: Mr. H. J. Poole. . ■. . . The Lowe Memorial Challenge Trophy: Mr. ti. Lewis. The Hutt Valley Horticultural Society's tro phy: Jlr. R. Lewis. '■'.: • Mr. H. Poole's points' prize: Mr. TV. H Booth. ■ •■■•;■•■ The Law Cup: Mr. • TV. H. Booth. • Mr; A. Xankivell's points prize: Mr. TV Lyall. ■••■■. The G. A. Chapman Memorial Prize: Mrs L. A. Stickells. Jlrs. E. L. Sanderson's points prie: Mrs L. ■A. Stickells. Mrs. H. TV. Kersley's Rose Bowl: Mr. H. TT Mitchell. '..-■• Mrs. A. R. Gower's trophy for bowl of flowers: Mrs. A. Jarman. The Elsie Memorial Challenge Trophy: Miss J. Stupple3. ■..-.•.. The Lady Bledisloe Silver Cup: Miss N. Garratt. . , . Mrs. S. M. Hobbs's points prize: Miss X Garratt. Mrs. X. B. Gibbons's points prize: Miss Elma Cunningham. ; ■ Mrs. E. L. Kiddiford's Silver Cup: Mrs. N. B. Gibbons. ' GENERAL AWARDS. The general awards were:— ' Narcissi (open class) : 18 varieties, Mr. H. I. Poole 1, Mr. A. Gibson 2; 12 varieties, Mr. H. J. Poole 1; « varieties Trumpet, Mr. H. J. Poole 1; 6 varieties Incomparabills, Jlr. H. I. Poole 1, the Rev.' S. H. I). Peryman 2; B varieties Leedsli, J. TV. Thomson and Sou 1, Sir. H. J. Poole 2; 6 varieties Barrii. Mr. a. 3. Pools 1; 3 varieties Tazett.^Mr. H. ,1. Poole 1, the Rev. S. H. D. Perymau 2; 3 varieties .Doubles, Mr. H. J. Poole 1, the Hoy. 3. H. D. Peryman 2; 3 Incomparabills (one rellow perianth), J. TV. Thomson and Son I, Mr. H. J. Poole 2; 3 Incomparabills (one -vhite perianth), Jlr. C. E. Buckingham 1, Mr. H. J. Poole 2; 3 Leedsli (one giant cup), Mr. 5. J. F001e.1,. Mr. C. E. Buckingham 2; 3 Ceedsif (one small cup), Mr. H. J. Poole 1, he Rev. S. H. D. Peryman 2; 3 Barrii (one ,-ellow perianth), Mr. H. J. Poole 1, the Rev. 5. H. D. Feryman 2; 3 Barrii (one white jerlanth), Mr. H. J. Poole 1; 3 red cup jlooms, .J. W. Thomson and Son 1, Sir. H. J. Poole ?; 12 blooms (bulbs, valued at not more ban IBs each), Mr. H. J. Poole 1, Mr. L^ Lewis !; 12 blooms (open to National Daffodil Society nembers only), Mr. A. Gibson 1, Mr. L. jewis 2. ' Narcissi (open class), single blooms only: : Yellow trumpet, Mr. A. Gibson 1, Mr. H. i. Pooie 2; 1 white trumpet, Mr. A. Gibson ~ Mr. H. J. Foole 2; 1 bl-colour trumpet, Mr. I. J. Poole 1, J. W. Thomson and Son, i; 1 Inconiparabllis (yellow perianth), Mr. A. Ilbson 1, J. TV. Thomson and Son 2; 1 Inomparabllis (whlta' perianth), Mr. H. J. Foola and 2; 1 Incomparabills (other than red up), 3. TV. Thomson 'and Son 1, Mr. H. J. 'oole 2; 1 Barrii (yellow perianth), J. W. 'homson and Son 1, Mr. A. Gibson 2; 1 iarrii (white perianth). Mr. A. Gibson 1, ■If, H. J. P.oole 2; 1 Leedsii (large cup), ■Ir. H. J. Poole 1, J. TV. Thomson and Son ; 1 Leedsii (small cup), Mr. C. E.. Bucknghani 1, Mr. H. J. Poole 2; 1 double daffo--11, J. TV. Thomson and Son 1, Mr. H. J. 'oole 2; I polyanthus or poetaz, Mr. C. ).. Buckingham 1, Mr. H. 1. Poole 2; 1 bloom, ny variety, Mr. H. J. Poole 1. Mr. A. Gibson Narcissi (open), New Zealand seedling clas3 1 Long trumpet (yellow), Mr. C. E. Buck ihgham 1, Mr. H.. J. Poole 2; 1 long truni pet (white), Mr. P. H. Slssons 1, Mr. H J, P001e..2; 1 lons, trumpet (bl-colour], Mr L. Lewis "i,:."Mr. Pr R.S-Stssons 2; 1 Incomparabills, Mr. H. J. Poole. 1, Mr. C. E. Bucking Jianj. 2.;,.l.Leedsii, Mr., L. Lewis 1, Mri C. E Buckingham 2; 1 Barrii, Jlr. C. E. Bucking' ham 1, Mr. H. J. Poole 2; 1 Poetlcus, Mr. H J.* Poole 1" and 2; 12 , varieties' narcissi, Mr L. Lewis 1, Mr. H. 7. Poole 2. Xarclsai (amateur class) : 12 Varieties, Mr B.'lLewls 1,. Mr. TT. If. .Booth 2; 9 varieties Mr. J. S. Stalker ;1, Mr. R. F. A. Jenness 2 B varieties, Mr. F. R. A. Jerinesa 1, Mr. J S. Stalker 2; 3 varieties "trumpet," Mr. TV. U. Booth 1, Mr. G. Harding 2 ; 3 b160m3 Incomparabilis, Mr., TV. H. Booth 1, Mr. A.: H. Ahrens 2; 3 red cups, Mr. TV. H. Booth 1, Mr. A. H. Ahrens 2; 3 Barrii, Mr. TV. H. Booth 1, Mr. E. X. Amoore 2; 3 Leeds!!, Mr. TV. H. Booth 1, Mr. R. F. A. Jenness 2; 3 daffodils, any variety, Mr. TV. H. Booth 1, Mrs. John Martin, 2. Narcissi Uraatour class)., single blooms: 1 yellow, 'trumpet; Mr. R. Lewis 1, Mr. TV. H; Booth 2; 1 bl-colour trumpet,' Mr. A. H. Ahrens 1, Mr. R. Lewis 2; 1 white trumpet, Mr. E. X. Amooro 1, Mr. J. R. Boyd 2; 1 Incomparabilis (yellow perianth), Mr. W. H. Booth 1, Mr. A. H. Ahrens 2; 1 Incomparabills (white perianth), Mr. TV. H. Booth 1, Mr. E. N. Amoore 2; 1 Incoaiparabllis (other than red cup), Mr. R. F. A. Jenness 1, Mr. W. H. Booth 2; 1 Barrii (yellow perianth), Mr. R, Lewis 1, Mr. TV. H. Booth 2; 1 Barrii (white perianth), Mr. TV. H. Booth 1, Mr. S. J. Hobbs 2; 1 Leedsii (large cup), Mr. E. N. Amoore 1, Mr. J. S. Stalker 2; 1 Leedsii (small cup), Sir. R. F. A. Jenness 1, Mr. TV. H. Booth 2; 1 double daffodil, Mr. E. N. Amoore 1, Mr. R. F. A. Jenness 2; 1 Tazetta hybrid, Mr. J. S. Stalker 1. Mr. E. N. Amooro 2. Narcissi (novice class). —Four varioties Mr TV. Lyall 1, Mr. G. L. Gleson 3; 2 trumpets Mr. G. L. Gieson 1, Mr, TV. Lyall 2; 1 Leedsii Mr. TV. Lyall 1, Mr. G. L. Gleson 2; 1 B»rrli Mr. G. L. Gleson 1, Mr. \V. Lyall 1. Decorative (open class).—Decorated basket, Jlrs. L. H. Stickells 1, Miss E, Smith 2; bowl of flowers, Jlrs. F. Jl. Bewa 1, Miss E. Smith 2; saucer posy, Mrs. W. Glover 1, Jlrs.' L. H. Stickells 2; bowl of flowers (garden circle), Sirs. A. Jarman 1, Mrs. H. TV. Mitchell 2 • decorated table, Miss E. Smith 1, Mrs. L. A. Stickells 2; bowl of Iceland popples, Miss B Gibbons 1, Mrs. TV. .Glover 2; vase of flowers, Mrs. H. TV. Mitchell 1, Mrs. A. TV. Freeman 2; floral box, Mrs. H. TV. Mitchell 1, Mrs. TV. Glover 2; bowl of daffodils. Mrs. Stuart Mitchell 1, Miss'E. Smith 2; shoulder' spray. Miss E. Smith 1, Mrs. H. TV. Mitchell 2; dish garden, Mrs. L. A. Stickells. 1, Miss M. Maclean 2. Decorative (junior class) .—Bowl of dowers, Miss J. Gibbons 1, Miss J. Stupples 2; bouquet, Miss K. Garrett 1, Miss J. Stupplei 2.; vase of flowers, Bliss J. Stupples 1, JDsa J. Gibbons 2. Decorative (Intermediate class).—Miniature flowers, Miss X. Garratt 1, Miss Betty Harvey 3; bowl of flowers. Miss X. Garratt 2. Decorative (class under 1G).—Bowl of fldwers, Miss Elma Cunningham 1, Miss Betty Harvey 2; posy of flowers, Jliss Elma Cunningham 1, Miss Betty Harvey 2; floral device. Miss Elma Cunningham 1, Miss Betty Harvey 2. Decorative (class under 13).—Floating bowl. Miss Prudence Duddlng 1. H. D. Poole 2; 2 buttonholes, H. D. Poole 1. Miss Rosalie Leslie 2; decorated horseshoe, H. D. Poole 1, Miss Joyce Toiler 2; named collection of native Plants, Miss D. Penelope Hetvar 1, Tom Grant Taylor 2. General Class (open).—Collection of flower! Mrs. N. B. Gibbons 1; 3 vases polyanthus. \ TVakeham 1 and 2; 3 vases primroses, V. TVake ham, 1 and 2; 6 blooms panstes. X. Wakehar 1 and 2; 12 blooms violas, H. J. Creely 1; pots cyclamen, H. J. Poole I; 3 pots cineraria! H. J. Poole. 1; new or rare plant, H. J. Pon] 1; 1 foliage plant, H. 3. Poole 1; 1 nowerin plant, H. J. Poole 1. General Class (amateur).—Four vases flowers Jlrs. X. B. Gibbons 1; Jlrs. P. jrcMUlan 2 3 vasea polyanthus, H. J. Crfiely 1, Mrs. X E. Cairns 2; 3 blooms hyacinths, Mrs. L. A Stickells 1. Jlrs. A. Grierson 2: 12 bloom anemones, Mrs. J. Bentley, sen., 1 r 12 bloom, Iceland popples, Jfrs. L. A. Stickells 1; S vase; freeslas. Jlrs. X. B. Gibbons 1, Jlrs. A. Rad cllffe 2; 6 violas, H. J. Creely 1; 1 cyclamen Mrs. C. A. Walnwrlght li Mrs. G. L. Gieson 2 1 foliaffe plant, Miss B. Harvey 1; 1 flowerin; plant, Mrs. E. Andrews 1. Miss B. Harvey 2

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Evening Post, Volume CXXII, Issue 68, 17 September 1936, Page 23

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SPRING FLOWERS Evening Post, Volume CXXII, Issue 68, 17 September 1936, Page 23

SPRING FLOWERS Evening Post, Volume CXXII, Issue 68, 17 September 1936, Page 23