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I. ■■.-,.,: . ■ ■ ; • . ■ ' ■ : '. ■ ■ ' NEWMAN BROS., LTD. ' HEGUIoAR SERVICES. I'ICTON-HLENHEIM-CHRISTCHURCH. NELSON : MOTUEK;A-TAKAKA, ■ WEST COAST GLACIERS. ' ; FulJ Particulars from l, . •'. jV-LL Government Tourist Offices, Thos. * -Cook.and ,Sbn, T..;,and W. Toung, '.'-,'. .■■/"-,■•■. Wellington.1 ■ ;-:'"-'■•''■•.■> ; WANTED TO SELL ~~~ RANTED Sell,' Large Wardrobe Trunk: Evg. l>oft F"U"size Table. 173 WANTED Sell, Typewnter. Royal" Barlock, double keyboard,' excellent- apPearance> mechanical condition; 455. Write 414 Evg. ■ Post. ■■-, ■'..•■.... ' ' .... •'. •W^^EK to Sell, Double Oak Bed- . •:, s, tea{ i ', Wlre.' and Kapok,'as new: 'reasonablc.,'Apply 166 Daniell Street. WANTED^ Sell, Champion Gas Stove, s!fv»;f IU TjgO°i,'ordSr'; Price £3. 13 Mana ■street,^Brooklyn South. ' W"^'^ U t^Sell> Genu™e Atlas:' Muscle -Po'st 1"18 9Ul'? e ' chea P; for cash. 456 jseu, ; pair:;7ft. Ornamental ;'yyANTED . BeU New; Bird Aviary, on .**, legs,,3ft,6in high by 3ft wide by 2ft deep.v^iWexfordvStreet.-tolbh^nie/^ W^NTEII to Sell; ;Cane,Pramette, ■ also nlir K7 cl c i-^1?^)' -"reasonable: ■ ApP'y S7 Elizabeth Street. ■ ■ : ■.-..'..-.. W^l^- 0 i Sell ''; Clianipion Enamelled „', * Gas Vo^^' cheap; Apply. 10 Humber Street, Island Bay.;. .: ... , . .: WANTED Sell, Solid - Manuka -Fire: TT 6d'.per bagj 5 for 11s, 9for ±1; free - delivery ; ; Tuesdays and Thurs-: days,. .Apply.; Jame- Bros., ,11 Randwick Crescent, Lower. -Hutt; -Tel; 60-311.-. :. WANTEDSeII, Eureka'-;Vacuum Cleaner! *; ... perfect ..-condition",.Vail attachmentscheap :for} cash.: ::447;Evg; Post.: ;■:> ; >V ■WANTED Sell, .Comfoi%able ; Invalid ■__T-Chair,-\-no reasonable: offer,: refused; Wnte.-.355-.Evg.. i .;Pos*t,'':.'Petpne.V,;-.-- ■> y 'j. WANTED; 5e11,,. Singer1; Latest K4V. 6o" "_-;eneap; Treadle, round: shuttle; >£2ass Written guarantee. Globe,; Opera House; WANTED - toVSell,-Pjg-Dog .Pupg.-Buii :£» -Cattte, ■;. 5 weeks * old; ;30s each; -■'84StandenvStrect,.Ka'rori..-. f ■■ ''■ :.:;^i:^:i;;r ;■ WANTED,^ ,to Sell; 60gal. - Galvanised A- ■ ,D¥ um.^ 2.s-. Apply 3 AlpKa Street,'off Cambridge>Terr.ace:;.•. .'; ;^;r/ ;j ;j ;',."" TI^AiNTED' SELL, pnvatelj', Singer; (86)' '" .Drophead Machine,- £6,12s 6d (recommended) .V^Goba .Piano, £15 ;'• lbs.: ■: Write 181::Evg.;:Post:',o: : :..." .- -:'-\i- ■,- '■';" -tv. ;'■.-,' WANTED^Sell,,'lron ■: Barber^v Tchair .» T r/ (Archer) v £4! 10s; 11-stop Organ,-'£7 10a (removing) ;•: ' Write : 182 Evg; Post ;: riHAAIPION Gas-.Stove;., also Singer V " Drophead: Machine, both good order' cheap,: quick sale.' .475 Evg. Post;/ ;,- ;' CHOP Fittings,' Show, Stands.-'lronini: Boards, Pressing ..Glass'Cbun° ters, jand^: Show,Cases,',at' Specialty -'■Co Haimng Streets or'Tel.:s4-830. .:':';. ,'■■ , : ; : A LTERATIONS, .. Repairs,; .Additions; ■f;-*- carried out by Barr-Brown. -. Suggestions -and-estimates' free.' -Tel. 54-108 and our,;iriari',will,'call -upQiiVyou. .-■-.'•■•.■:■ ■" v ;;. (iJ.ENT'S- ; Brown: Suit;-height; sft; only V^i:.:worn';iew times,'too tight for owner' 30s^'.479yEvg>-Post;: .r-^-iA':■■';.;;■;;> ";..};Ay.~.' :ffELp,;^or^^ebfl^6,V.?.£6r:i;"Carp>ntei!'s'' VfTo6ls:.\::,or;:;MeppahoVf;Expa7iding iUini Tot)l,t i 'Jackj,..^^^Aleniite ;' Gun; ■ Valve-lifter i ;£2H7s,{6a:j^q.;Ev'g^Pb's'@^P^;^vg;^': ■pOR SALE;^ak7Dinihg.;.Tab'lc;;;t!hairsS !^;:vv:.Buffet;^pwner;;leaving;y^Tel;'s4:s64;;: il^pG-^Kenuel^well b.uilt; ■ fpr« ■. ;latge, dog.trApply'43;' Conhaugh't ,Te¥;; ■■ Brboklyil;f^ij:g';'pj;c;,.;r,- :S:n''y',:':,-^--:-;^:-T^OR * S^Bi--,'illefttrio" i:Range^<in.: .--:perfect: *:•«■ ;.prdier> s^ttMfbr;:«.cash" W-; 173 x: Pbst-Agency;;;;Ebwer;-Hutt.:%;:U-i;";" «h'k i^J,^;1 (^ENUINE^Johahh GbttfriedHanftniyip"~:lin,:iirgent sale irebluirea'; by ;estate;-^lßß4:'Ey'g^Ppst;tx*sVV' ':/■■■ :::-'\:1 ■f? |YCL'Ei and Accessbry- Sale.: .Cycles; frbni iV •■.!.3555 : -New^V;CyclesVi^v^ now; £s;;lsgV7Blue-'Bird*Cycle:Shpp;- Jacki; son 'Stfeet;''Petbne;,'-';'-V^;.-g^- ;-:.-;-V'-i- i.t\->ls:.l "PpR. ;SALEi-;;Outbpard.;Twin ; Motpr,;,re-: ' iVersible,^!brasS;,pw Ift' Humber:?Sfceet^lßland: {Bay^ -'.s:?;'j ft *r ?; SraGEß,;;very,>latest,-.i-66 K4 Machine/ •>.-.- brand-heWc-cbnditibni'.ac'cept'nalf '^cost. 142-Riddiford';'Strelet;;;Newtbwn:y,':<'V"!;;;;:u; ■ppUR-STRING,: •Base,shand-made,. excel- -^- ; lent tone, reasonable price; Particulars from- 284: '-Eyg;?-Post:;; ■"■:?j;:.:; 1 --f'':;^;;;jv^v- .W. orchestral. Value;£],P;-;reasonJ '.^■.•v ablet offer aciepted: S?^Appiy; SOTr'Eyg: Post;:-y.;:V;,- '•'y;:.r:;A;-^* ; i.:..v.-.J; -''.Viy^'j'y'-f.' ''p'PKvS^E; : -PoiiitrK i Hpuses/imt--x'--2pf<i(' :■??■ '. 40ft i. 20ft,'galYahised. iron, ,'complete,with perches,;etc.;excellent;cbndition;rAp^ ply :Lauder, Belmont.V- ';■■!";.'.:.;. ■>: «*■: m-;-:\ TTPHOLSTERED. Chesterfield;--3iiece' V-.-: Caiie: Suites beechwobd franies,; loose cushions,; best tapestry-^.made ;to order six- months ago;: great 'bargain. 68 Sala-manca,Road.Tel.26-676.;A.; ; ■:;--•■/;;' ■OROODERS:,Three, Newton Coke Brpbd- .'■*-? .-'■ ers;;'complete;:splendidrorder;:; cheap;' Apply 4455Evg,*Post;v ;; ; ;■-..-,^\A '■ '.'■'..*».'; '-■< iTJANARIES For Sale,: Yorkshires, singles V<; and'hens, "cheap.' '98-Freyburg Street. Tel,>l6-648..,: ■"■.,•;,-■■ .:..:/ {"'<:;- "DUDGIES.For Sale, outdoor controlbred '■*?;•: 'Greens, Laurels,': Cobalts,: from 10s pair;'■ 122* Nevajy}:Rbad,';;Miramar;i ' > '-/.;' ■ TrYPEWRITER.S,r: one/new office: maJ-. chine, one second-hand; 'accept lotv] pffer.;.,V4sl;:Eyg;Post;'N ■-.:':■.:■;:: GHALLEN; Baby .Grand,.• dpul-V" over- , (':V strung;'.. beautiful:- French satin wal-', nut frame, almost, new;:sacrifice,"-£9O ornearest 'offers V; Would"; accept;,: payments over period of six mbnths..Owner leaving/ Seen■ any evening.'.ol Ottawa Road, Ngaio/ SINGER Fur-Machine, ;in, perfect' con- ! ;-■;;dition, £7 :10s. .Write 388-,Eyg^Post/ T>USH Bike;; .new tiresi'b.p;- brake;-: per- '•*•''";; ''feet ■:condition,;^ £2 ;};Vb&'>. 1* :Kusßell; Terrace.:. '■';■■ ■■'. 'j.j..yi\:ii:-.-;;h\:;\.-:.r>\ v-;- v "':.: SMALL Electric' •' Ranges,:,;no"- special ;; wiring;'•. also Two 'Element: Hotplate cheap; vApply 2nd F100r,.: 96/ Cpurtenay Plac'e;-.-^O. ;...'■;. :'::',;.' : " :.::\i-.r-r---. :'z ; ■-.; >...■ PACKING Cases,: measurement ■ sft; Ap-; .•'••■"■ ply Cadbury Fry Hudsbni Ltd.i;. Ghnznee- Street, : City. "-,?;;. ';■":':; .. ; . v".-'.'::..'.' ; FOR. SALE, One , New ■ Lounge " Cane . Chair. ; : , :..'.\-, : ::k-";• .-;■-.;',:; PORt SALE, Single-barrelled '.Shotgun,: "•- Belgian make,; rl2 "gauge. 392-VEvg. Post; i[y: ■';.,■.'•;". - .-•';■. ',: r,. ;,■;.:■. ■■ ? \V; - ; - .1 T^OR SALE, 2 Single Mattresses; praetic-' ■*•;;, ally-new, cost £3 ea'cn; ■ selling 255: each*.'3B2 Evg. Post;: '~:;. .-;..-; :.-*'' v;: ■ :..i TMANP for :Sale, Spathe, good \instru-, ■■-ment;-owner leaving. : Write M 6 Evg. ■Post; .V.-.S•-;'':'■.". ■■ ■ ■■:':--.r''.-;-,'-;'-.." :.yf ':'-r:'<:?'■ T>IMU/Dropside Cot, 10s;: lA;Shacklock .-*•? Orion; Stove, right-hand , oven,-? h.p.' boUer, £410s;.Large Chip Heater,;£l. All; in: good condition: 437 Evg. Post. - . ; AT-'no other-hotel can you Buy, so much Quality for;so 'little' money";as f<bn ran .at the Carlton.' .•■•'■' .■/' 'J ' ;/, THE CARLTON is. the only Hotel in 'New. Zealand where: ypu.caii buy New ZeaJatid:Wines.-;■-.* "■■ ■.•■-.''■'-'..■'•■' ; ■'.!■_-■■ EW ZEALAND Wines, are as good as •■: Australian';. Wines.' Port 2s 9d;,Sherry 3s 6d, Madeira -'3a>6d.v Have ypii \'.: ever tried'theni ?.-:■';■•; X\---:'-X?-+-: .-'■;/■' ■ :.'::;;•-:;'# piVILITY and Service await you at the V Carltbri; Hotel..'Bottle Store, 'Willis Street.- Money refunded:if, obt.satisfied.. "TJUPLICATOR-REX for.Business School -*-_ or Club, : 15s. -. 'Particulars'-: gladly posted. Dibbs, .Station v House, Sydney. rj.RAMPPH.ONi!, Repairs-'-P.rompt Ser.V* '. vice, British; springs;;; Records, oldtime and modern; >fr;eshshipments. weekly. Columbia House; next King's Theatre; \ ClLyE.RFlSH, : ;Cockroaches, :Rats, Mice; ~ - :;Ants, Bugs,' etc.,: eradicated; ,nbndangeroug : : prepaj'atipn«; leaflets :freel' W J. Gandr, Ltd4; gWlTory r LStreet»j.Cat L'

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Evening Post, Issue 28, 1 August 1936, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Issue 28, 1 August 1936, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Issue 28, 1 August 1936, Page 1