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KLEXEMA; .TREATMENT. FOR'SKIN and. SCALP ; AILMENTS. Sufferers from ; ■ eczema : seborrhoea ' '.. psoriasis . .alopecia . . acne falling hair1 -;■; ;-..;. baby eczema • All instantly relieved -and successfully Treated. , Call: or write.- for Booklet. .;\. i Consultations Free.'. • •>. : V ■KLE X EM A : \R. O O M S. V . The Terrace. Tel.. 42-882. Evenings, - .¥isit;-.Palmerston North Club: Hotel first Saturday each month; - . PROPERTIES FOR SALE. WANTED: Sell, Stokes Valley, 14 acrel 'good land, stream running through, suitable market gardening, poultry farm, lit IC6' —-'' CaSh ■ £m:- 17*'.'.Evg. T-O\VER^HUTT—£ISO deposit, Brand- -*-• new Bungalow, 4 roomu; kitchenette, iatest convs.; .garage, handy, everything, £9aO. 'Ferguson, 57 High' Street;; ,v> . ° T^OWERHUTT—Sections, 55ft frontage' ±* close Huti;; Station; ; £175; '.handy Waterloo. 73ft frontage,. £175, and 50 i 2i)o, fenced, £125. Ferguson,' 57 High St T^OWER^JtiUTT, close Ford works, Mod--■^C..' em bungalow, 5. rboms,vgarage; section, solid -value, £875,, terms'-"arranged I ergusou,'s7. High-Street.:; " ?" ' XJROOKLYN— grd: ::;Bungalow,-.".- every ■*-?.. modem /convenience, built two years, £350; also good level Section,-with concrete garage, £250.-. -Owner selling.: Write 39i;Evg. : :Post...:;;- '-}y.\ '■:.-. ':;;;:■*.■■.:.■>■■+.,. rpRUSTEES-are.instructed. to sell- excel- ■*■;':■• lent,freehold^factory site,. 9300 k<\. ft, two g00d... frontages '•': ta- r wide through streets, ,5..-minutes; Courtenay.Place, cash or.'terms. Trustee^; G.P.0.: 677.,.:.,- ■■.'.:: >'■ pAEKAKARIK-l-^For Sale, S-rd! Housei *.:••,\;eyery;'cbnv, large,section,,handy^position; .vacant.; Apply "Owner,",' 132 Wallace Street; .-..■..y--..-^ ':-«-;>,.. •:'... -.:■;;.,;■;-.: ■-■.-■. I?"ARPRI--Dwelling,,. 7 ; "-;. rooms,. ; heart folding: doors^ between, sittirigand dining-room,; built-in w f ->'drob'eß, seryery, pretty, garden and lawnj '■: 'jbst ieyelscction,,v'brit:kv ; fence; Price £1800, teririsV Apply G.",G.T6lhurst and. Son, Bank of N;Z. Bldgs..LambtonQy; ; ]iTODERN Bungalow; 'Mirainar,-:built:to . : Gov t;.;;' specifications, ■•' '.electrically equipped,; model -' kitchen,- sun porch; Price : £1150. G. H. Tolhurst.r• and v Son, Bank of NvZ.' Bldgs^Lambtbn'iQu'ay.y:, ■PXCHANGE^-Retired.: gentlemanl will .JH;.i consider- Small: ; Marine; -Suburban' Home,,; part: exchange Modern 9-rd.- Residence, v double section, valuation .' £3500, Kilbirnie 'Park; :\ 37l Evg.*.Post. .; ■"..' ;■'."•■.,:;■■". TO-'._Builders^F,p"r-;f,-"Bale,* i Section^ ••<'. SI ■*■; :; Ma]pribanks:: Street;; with fold ■ house thereon;; eminently suited for-flats. Parfaculars; ;Tel.-: 52-312; .-■. Principals; only.y.'.vV-;. Xf OR,- SALE,' Johrisonville,- Flat Scctibn,; ,?■';:■; readyipr ;b.uildirig,.. with Shed 10. x 18,; £65ccash:;'316 Evg^PPst. ::;'. ■:.-';■ '•'. -: l:. WELLINGTON; SPUTH,; Owner's: Pri* -"';: pefty, 9■rooms: and, suri robm>--2-;.hit-chenottes,-.h.; and,, c.; water;; chip iheater; including 2-rd.: Flat, self-con'taiiied, '. spacious grounds, sun all day; price'£l3so.:- Reply 339;Bv'g^Post.-';.;:;-;:y,V;t',."^ ;'|'--;-r -.^>^ TJETONE, just;off main street;"s Rooms As;\and /kitchenette;/newly ;papered: interior,.." concrete'i paths;; gbod buying . at' £625.: ;Tel/; ,63^68.': Kirkland's," Solei Agenfe,, P.P;-. Corner; LojVeriHutt., .. , ;;T^PWERI HtITT,; close ,^Vpburn>Statibn ,^^ v;;aM;?b^,-jesidi?^tial;3pc^it^Pamily''. Home ;of; s spacious rooms and:Bcullery,'' aUVhewly. :papered;;hb^e;^and,. section.'.1 together,;. with.', t wo.; yjtlier^'gobd '•'.. shelterecl. sections;' ';fqr'i'-:.£ 1250. ',',' 'Excellent' yalue!KirWan'd'BV^PiO^lCbrrieri^.l^Jv;'.^--'-'::;-;;-^.": T-PWER' HUTO?,Shandy;^J;C;<andj just:-•■i^.qi'offi-iMji^:gW!ttq^;SbundH'6«®3^cS^P^ ostßsy(Mf'siffiMisii&-i rsii ■ Mg!>; ■ cobd) :s^elt^ds^Mptfi-^tH^n'bttl^sly&.ijsp^^ ■Pric6?£aso;;:Heftnß^rianTßed;>vjs:^Kl[a'nil%';. P.O. ;Cbrner;;:.LpTyer':Hutt;'';;Tei: 63-669. ~:.X'j H" A!TAITAI-^Family'<Residen'ce,7.7:roomsi' ;;sutf;balcbhy-;;finb 'outlook,-; haiidy''haiiii' and;shbps;*;j£ls3s.-,vMcGracken; Williii Sf.:, KABORl^VerytFiWSection,,'..-■with -live '■ , ... ,;hedges, also: Gbucfete"Garage,'1 sunny .position;; \£47s.:;BMi!Cra'cken, WiHia-■ St.'*. % JvPHE 1: ■'? 8 .'>rppms, • W 2 PWMpbking'S City "and1 Harbour,'- splendid ■;-iirtrcstmciit;.s^eißSo.^- McCrackeh, Willis I,Street.Sf^4s-916;:.: v twiti - ;-'.-:S ;-'':>;': :/>-<: > {ITlGHLAND^vEAßK^Magnificent^ put^ 'r^ilpbki-j-.Si'^bbnM^'latt^desigi^'convemi' .eht',traJtt;;r£i7oo,VbfferVvMcCiacken,'^ lis';Stree't?i;4s-916Ai>;^;.:;.: ;;;:'i;:;\-;';,-;;:■;.',■.-.;■;} ,T; ARGE: Sectibn,with-:4-rd;;Cottage; price'7 *? :-£3oo;.'(£hefprice ofi the section),; "do-; pbsif;;7£ioo;;^4soyEyg;;-Post.; '■■^;'.y?' : -v;t--:-;.-HIROPI' STREET-; Newtown-rS, Booms , X'and' kit.i'l' floor,; good'locality,, level; ,£ll()o:a'444';;Evg.>;pbs't;.>--,,:;:v.:>;.:.'-;r;-':;-'>-: ;S : ; CEGTIPNS frbm; :• £30; '■;-. several. suburbs. ■>? > v:^Sj>.Jßvg;:JPoat:V^.J:-?-''^v;.^i>'v^V;:v - '' $•130; DEPOSIT, ' fKarbfir^Bungalow, 5 •^■^r66^''and^ketter/^;i:l2b f ?level.vw'alk.' tram' (leased .11' ioohths); 'i £750. i i: 463 ■■'Emcj-Hm^^yw-V^S^-K^ !^A ■■■■:■'. '■■■: •--';■»". V, i?3O DEPOSIT; BfooklynTTT* Large Booms, ■* ■■■-. modern:cp"nys;;',iprice?:£697;; 1 .Post.^V^'v-irt'-h^Vf^j-K';;"^'.;-*";-.::^,.^'';:'-^'*'-:? SOTfNmST' Part ;Island;fiay—Brand-new; ,-. :Bungalow;'4 roomß,"lkitchenette; sun-pbrch;;-levelt-sectipril ;■ £ 127jc.' ;'Particularß; 467-;Evg.;:Pbst;:;--:|;;;;/;; v i -.i:v:Si;?'J ,>-;:.;:::'.--: 7i SMIOTTES ,-jPerrett's-,* Corner, •.cpmple-' . .-■•■;' ;.tion: '.next vw feefe^4; Rooms,: kitchenette, diniiig';:'. alcoye;j;;;;>£105p,:! ideposit ; £125; genuine; . Pieajse;'^iteJ4BB.'Evg.* Post. \,j ;TT^T^Tv^;\v.ja6:;'.cUmb^':-.-'^oms,r;kit:" rM-l'.chehettei:--= suri-pbrch;iv: close;' tram;,' :urgefft;;iiale;R£l3oo^ or -(ia&et^'y. Inspection advised.' For> app.oihtment'.^yrrite-^wZ'-.-ETgV SEATpjJN^-rDelightf ul' -;New .: Bungalow; i»(cdr^er t-ilropetl^)/is;.:tbpms,lKitc-h'en-:,----ettefn£l4oo; veasy/- terms: '(bargain).. 433 i 'Eyg:JP6sti, vi'h;a-';':->-' ■^^■J'v :-';.-.- ■- - :-.", "CTATAITAI:; marvellous harbour, view—: 'Jp^i-"Mbde'i^-S-Bto'galbwi..vhSrbflur>-.^eV;76; rbpms;i'kitcUenette;' Home-tb-lunch.-,local-ity^ ;£nso;^ easy; terms; ~:£.loo;Vdeposit; bwnei-:Belling;:}439;;Evg^Pbßt.: '■"■:-j:-j ;>■: --'. , rrHORNDPI!I-CIT.Y,: £980^-4 Rooms,, kit- : Jt-, ■ chenette;:Rarbour"yiew,. sunny J shelter-' ed^lpyely'-gardeh;; :520: Eyg;;Ppst:--v;' ;. VniTY—Bungalow, 5 rooms; kitchenette, V >:: large-garage, Jcloser -Willis'? Street; £1250;wsmall: deposit;-genuine.--497- Evg.: ■Vos^ii^i^-*'^?:& '■■■^■ •;. ■■ ■: '■■■■ ■■ ■'"'■: ■. £50 DEPOSIT (CityJ^-Nice- Little Semi- .'■'■ i Bungalow, 4 ".;rpoms; right' on ■ tram ■r'biifeiJ--%.itKin-.';ieV.;V'nunutes--'-ceiitre: '--:city;' '£850, only; 20s week; Wrjite 457 Evg. ■Pbst.-i';,-: r:;;-lv:'> .:>.-"' ■-'■-■ i-.r-f^-A - '•::'-•---' T PWER :HUTT—Brand-new Bungalow, '*j>si..£tf)s; a-perfectly delightful home;very: easy- terms.- -Write':. ''Builder,'' 492 Evg.;pQßt.;: : ;': -■■": ■■■."-■■ --V- ■■■ ;,:.^:-': ■■'■-*-V,-'' -■■■••■ BOSENEATH— New;Bungalpw.,-;s.rooms,' •:kitchenette;" easy 'terms,; wonderful harbour .view;: £1450; ."Builder/1- 416 Evg;; P08t;;;i.-^.;!v:g':-"!'--';---v:"^ v';:: VTEWTOWN, •;■ £750^4 Rooms, kitchen'J\; etfc, partly, furnished, •:musfc:.be_sold quickly;'; genuine sacrifice.;; 515 Evg. Post. OITY £1050-^Brand-new : f.Bungalow,, 4 VV rooms, kitchenette, dining .alcove^ deposit £125,, a :lovely iome;..close Willis Street; VApply 411,Evg. Post. ..;■.-■.. - ■-.- TfSLAND BAY, deposit £1000Te,,£1200 1 :_6: Koon«;and;-.garage.-r^br.;fuU;Hi-. formation write' 487.'Evg. :Po"st. , ..■■ -.-■-■^.-,-; TTPPER HUTT-^-4 llboms,:' kitchenette, IJ^Kbfch:(garage); £750; good.^arden; - 478'.Evg. Post.- : S" MALL ■ deposit (balance .government loan)-Superioi^-Modern,Bungalow, 5 separate workshop; blinds free!.v (Vacant.) 458 Evg.'Post;- :•■".:.-:. ,'• ■-'■' '-V' ■- - -' "VTEWTOWN,■.. £475 itcost : ,'£7so)-4 1 JS -Robms;- good order,,; large .workshop;' '■ :^t • ■"^"""^fc.' 448 Evg. Post. P~"AEKAEARIKI,:price; £3UD-JN rew Cottage and quarter;acre, ,4 rooms, electric light, electric cooker, water supply; ; handy*golr. Write 400 Evg.'Post. , - : LPWER - HDTT— TSuyr. \ Bungalow. 5 •-■: rooms, kitchenette," -sun-porch (gar-: ■ age); £ 1050; ,-■ easy .; private, confi- • dential. 473 '-E^g'. Post;-. ,;.''..;:: HATAITAI: Bargain!-r^sß6oin_s, kitchen- . ette, vvery large garaße;. price £1550, easy terms. ■Writ8 v.''SoHcitpr i ": Box ,6, ? G.P.0., Wellington. #i.:'.\:, :^''S -"'-.:^''"■""■;...'-. \ Other td«trtlMm«nt»; aa««i ■ IkU •itMlflMtlon ■ '..,-■ '-.:--.*l'PfaF»'Wlr'.-piW-l»'--;■;■■■ J ■;'■ ':-..

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Evening Post, Issue 28, 1 August 1936, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Issue 28, 1 August 1936, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Issue 28, 1 August 1936, Page 1