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(By Telegraph.)

(Special to "The Evening Post.")

CHRISTCHimCH, 27th June.

The Winter Meeting of the Ashburtbn County Kacing Club was held in bright sUnshinei track, waS slowi heavy rain".pyernight^^but: it_ improved v^during tie^day'.^ Barge fields :m most of "thVeVents provided • some gopd_ sport._ There ..a drop jn. the totalisator. investments.from £7658- 10s to £6503, but the balance-sheet' should':be.safefactory; ■;; ■_;'* ;;;"'"' -;. ! ' HINDS HURDLES. ; Eacing ; opened; with; a field of tenfforr r the-Hihds Hurdles.-' Ambfist'and;Barring-' 'ton.;Jed; Troilus,, West. Dome,;and Camisaderifrom thei first Hurdle. Troilus slipped and«feU"'at> :f.;&(B'i- i ';)tliira' r"- l hnM>c/ Vir"'where v ;. West" ,Donie. also^came-down... Gallivanter • then1 -took '-fourth ' place;' and. Was- just behind'-'. • the: 'leaders'i^iialf i: a'.hiile' ''{horn .hc(me,\where 'Arn'orist •iwa9rin" ;tr'buble. ~'Bari'ington went, on:'to beat; Camisader I. easily-by; three lengths^ Gallivanter':; being .four lengths ;away, with Anibrist :clos;e" up. 'The*;.winner,;is : a;, useful, customer-j-pliable; Jto° improve,;,as he' has be.en-'.m;*work"- only ja/'few' weeks.. 'Camisader .'ran' a ".'sound :race v went^exc^ptionally well !for a \npvice':1 -'H^'"^ trained in South Canterbury byl.K. Cii Keeper, and ■ apparently has a reputation, as he was' secondiaVbufite';*";lt".is" worth "noting/-tboj'lthat he.jrhas >been: noininated' ; for' ; ,the{;GrandNational and .Sydenham fflurdlesl;.: Amorist^ was'not f appied," bu£, rani.' a "'good" race: Lancer, having his first outing for a year, never'got into the picture. '' " . A CLOSE FINISH. Coroner, Moorbird, Crash, ■ .and Weatherly were smartest out m,th.e !Moreton Hack Handicap. The first-named pair soon drew clear, but. Coroner was done with at the home turn, Moorbird going on alone. Elude put in ,au appearance when the straight was leached, but Moorbud shook him x>ff. Then Tippling came with a late run, and got up two strides from the post to, boat Moorbud by a head. Elude was two lengths away, followed by Kamo and Miss .Redowa, both finishing strongly. Tipphng's performance was meritorious," as he was last after going two furlongs. It looked as if he was lucky to beat Mooibud, whose rider i seemed to think he had the race won | when he shook Elude off. This was jtfooibnd's first race, and she IS going to be very good. She is by The Arc from tho brilliant Moorfowl. Elude and 'Kamo both Went tv ell after beginning' slowly. Miss Redowa will do. better befoie long. ' LYNDHURST TROT. Deseit Rey, .Manoeuvre, and Nyallo'Silk broke at the start of the "Lyndhnrßt Tiot. Aimworthy and Logan Frascr were the early leaders, but Autowin'was in chaige after going two furlongs, with Aimworthy, Cno, Warbird, Native Cole, Claianda, and Raywood also prominent. Clio ran to the front at the entrance to the stiaight, but Aimwoi thy wore him down, and won by a neck. Plain Silk,'who came on' the scene late, won three lengths away, with Claranda and Autowin next. The favourite, Warbird, had every chance, but faded out ba^ly. MAYFIELD HANDICAP. Puuchestown and Tarago'na were evenlybacked in the Jlayfield Hack Handicap. Semper Paratus soon took charge, with Quinopal >in close attendance, y while Punchestown wasl- nest, followed by Locksley. 'They Tan™like this till 'half a mile from home, where Taragona was last. Locksley then moved up, joining Semper Paratus in the lead at the homo turn, !but he was beaten when the straight

was reached. .Punchestown put in. a good .'final run, but had to be ridden out to beat Semper Paratus by a length. ; Water Power oaiiie with a late rattle ■to get third, just:beating' Tnrngona, who moved up when the straight was reached. Punuhcstowu is useful in soft ground, and stays wol.l.':• Semper I'arntus ran. .a iSolid ■race,'1, showing both pace, and stamina. .Tiiragona did hot seem ;it home'on the ■.soft truck. Locksley will be useful later on, as ho has not had much racing. : V STEEPLECHASE TO ORIFLAMB. ■ Thuriua was a hot favourite. for the Dromorc ..Steeplechase, which proved a poor race/ Ra'iigiitahi fell at the' second fence, and Thurinn crashed heavily at the third. Diamond Jack then wont on from Fresh Breeze, with Oriflamb handy. Fresh Breeze was in , iron t when he fell seven furlongs. from home. Oriflamb took the lead a-little further on, and beat Diamond Jack easily by a length. Seaboy, the only other starter, was two furlongs away. The winner .showed a dislike for brush when first-raced over country, and even now he^is ..not' likely to take high rank as a steeplechaser. A. J. "Peart broke a collarbone, when. Thuriua foil. A GOOD Fl ELD. Royal Love was scratched ""for "the JU'aronaii Handicap, leaving fifteen runners, one.'.cif-"the 'best, class fields seen on the coufse.for many ;years; J. Glenrowan was favourite,' but got .into the picture. There was a^ldng delay at; the startj swing to the fractiousriess : : of several horses, Francolin being the worst offender. Eventually they went-off to a fair dispatch, Francplin" being last.away. .Quantum shot puf* smartly, and^soon opened out "a" gap of several lengths'" from. Rascal and Noteworthy;- with Ball;Ptess and Starshooter •next. Quantum fwas never troubled to win by .two. lengths fronv:Red Boa, who came on,stronglyiin'the straight. Francolin ran -a' great, race finish third.. .Then came-Rascal, Noteworthy* Duuraven,' and Taku: 'Tama. ; The" winner always . had plenty of speed, and since going to the West Coast/seems to have .improved in .stamina.'Red^Boa:-will-soon win. Rascal, the second favourite, had every ' chance, but faded out. Ball Dress went well to the straight, and then collapsed. It looks as if she is not genuine/ c ; WINCHMORE TROT. Tempo, May Chenault, and Licorice were the early leaders in the Winchmore Trot, with Silver Bingen, Native Cole, Bingen Spiers, Linella, and -Aimworthy also haridyX^ Licorice.,«;as in a front,, after going three furlongs. Glenville moved up along-, the back, and was in front with Linella half a mile from home,/.where Actor was next, with Silver Bingen close up. Actor took charge in the straight, and beat Silver Bingen easily by a length. Glenville wasthree lengths away, followed by Linella,} Native-Cole, Belle Somferton, and Master Don. The winner is one of' Tomlrinson's teami and is-.pretty smart "when .in the .m0pd,;,.v : .,..;..- : .,,; r ' :r ,...,, 1 . re ,.5.; i . '• ■ ..■■';■,: ■■■ -.■■": ■ Results: —;'. ;V ":'; ;..■■■ . :■' ■ ' ';:;-■;' Hinds-Hurdles Handicap, of'loo'■-.■sovS''1. mWatfa V half.—s. Barrington* 9.o r (TrlUo), , 1;; 1 Camisader,-9.6, 2;2 Gallivanter, 9.0, 3. Also; started.;.f63-Amprist., 11.13,.,9«JLancer.,10.4.3, -:4 Troiliis 10.1.3', S.West •P6'me"'9'.9r'l0:iDesert'G.lbw-: 9:2,-iS'Thurab'y:B.o,':7.' Haze.: : 9.o.; Troilus feU> knocking -over. West: Dome; .who . lost: his rideriWoiv by tlirep lengths, ' four lengths between; second, and^tWrd^glTlme.^ini^ 50secr; :; - ';'■. 4, £ Mpreton™Hack Handlcaprof"B6'sbVs;'slx"furS jjjngswg Tlpi)l(ng;.9.B (H. Dulteu) >*-l "i 4':Moorhlrd, 9.0, "2; 1' Kludo, 9.0;' 3;--Also-;started: 13 Sharp -Thorn 10.8, $ Hlbsj Kedowa, .9.5,, .5 Wea^ therly "9.4, '3 Crasli" 9:1,'~9 Ram0(.9.0, !ilo'Cow oner*9.o,' 7t,Countermarch ; 9.0 ' \Von by,.a two Jlengths between second .and third. \.TJnie; lmln v ;d6-. <tosec. r ;_.-, ;?j;.,. • - v Tr'r ■••:'-"*. '■i Lyndhurst Ttof'Handica^'':of:'!»6.:sovs; :3.45■ class! ; one milev and-a. half.^-3 ■ Aimwoithy, • scr; ■tFrpatj>Xli-:,2 'Clr6i?sor; ; 2r3 i :I>laln' Silk, scr,.-3i; Als6': started: 18' CJaranda.i^.Matchossvßlngeny. t, Edna^Vorthy > ii^Nati,veACple, j ;,l3..R.ayj(:os|d,>-M.-Shortly; 4 Desert '•Bey. 10'Gay^'Gordonr 16 Manoeuvre, 5 Logan Fraser, 1 Warblrd, 6 AutoWin, 19 Connaughtscr, 1 Golden Harvest 24yds bhd, 15 Llnella 36yds blid, IT Nyallo Silk, 11 Eokena ( 48yda bhdi ■, Aliiworthy:. and Plain 'Silk were'coupled. Won'tiya neck,'"three lengths between second/and'third. Time;: : 3min'.3l 2-Bsec.. k • Mayfleld• Hack' Handicap,' ,pf .-, 90 sbvs;* one ■ mile ; and a' quarter:—!' Punchestown, ■ 10.11 (Didliam), 1; 5 Semper Paratus, 9.12, 2; 3 Watorpower, 01, 3. Also started. 1 Taragona M.7, 7 Qulnopal 10 3, 4 Pahnary 9.0, 6 Locksluy 9 0 Won by a length, half a length botween second and third. Time, 2mln / 15sec DROMORB > HACK A>«D HtJNTERS; STEE^LECIIASE, of 120 sots; aboutitwo miles 'i " _ '>■- 2 Onflimb, 0 9 (O'Connor) .?..... 1 3 Diamond Jack, 99 (Pratt) ? 6 Seaboy, 9 3 (dirmont) 3 Also started: 1 Thurina 99, 4 Rangatahi 95, 5 Fresh Breeze 9.5, v ßangatahi, Thurina, »nd Fre&h Breere fell Won by a. length, Seaboy the best part of half a mile back. Time, lmln i 2 2-sbec Maronin Handicap, of 100 soys; seven fuilongs—3 Quantum, 9 9 (Youmr), 1; 4 Red Boa, 10 t, 2; 10 Ffancolln, 9 B,' 3* Also started : C Charmeuse 10 9, 14 Anklwal 10 6, 3 Ball Pres's ; 9 125 S Noteworthy 9.10, 2 .Rascal 9;9, 1 9 6,-7 Starshootor 9.0, 13 On Top 9 3, 12 Dunravcn 9 0) 9 Taku Tama 9 0, 11 Wlsi Choice 90, 15 Miss Morel.i 90. Won by two lengths, three lengths between second and tliird. Timo, limn 30sec. Wmchmore Trot Handicap, of 95 soys; 340 'class; one mile and a half—l Actor, 24yds bhd (Tomklnson) 1; 3 Silver Bingen, 12yds bhd, 2; t Glenville, 48}ds bhd, 3 Also started :■ 17 Nativo Cole, 10. Linella, ■ 9 Tempo, 2 Aimworthy, 6 RoKena, 8 Maj Chenault scr, 14 Major Brent. 12 1 a AiKe, 4 Master Don, 12 Belle Somertou, 15: Bingen Spiers- 12yds bhd, 11 licorjce 24jds bhd, 7-ami Uria, 16 Torohlight I 48yds bhd Won by a length, three lengths between second and third Tinie, 3min 28 i 4-os>ec.

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Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 151, 29 June 1931, Page 6

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ASHBURTON RACES Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 151, 29 June 1931, Page 6

ASHBURTON RACES Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 151, 29 June 1931, Page 6