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The Wellington Club's representatives just about scooped the pool in the first of the inter-club contests for the Dewnr Shield at Athletic Park ou Saturday afternoon. Wellington won eleven events. The only other successful clubs were Olympic and Kiwi, which won one event each. All events were scratch contests, and the competition was conducted on a teams' basis, each team consisting of three men for all flat and cycle events, two men for field events, and one man for hurdles, and competitors were graded A, B, C, etc. it is intended holding the second Dewar Shield meeting on 7th March. Although the Wellington Club won eleven of the events, there were some keen finishes and several performances ot merit. The strong northerly wind did not help competitors, and during the alternoon sortie rain fell, making the track somewhat greasy for the cyclists, ihe attendance was under a thousand, but possibly the threatening weather before the meeting commenced had something to do with the small "gate." POLICE FORCE SUCCESSES. Not long after the meeting liad started an announcement that P. Muiiro, m the shot-putting event, had broken his Australian and New Zealand record of 4btt o%in with a putt of 48ft l%in, caused a. stir, but it was found later that a mistake had been made. Munro's best effort had been 41ft Sin- and not 48ft I%id. This well-known field events athlete, who has stood supreme for years now, in addition to his success in the shot-putting event, won the discus event, and was third in the javelin contest. In this department of athletics E. G. Sutherland also showed that he is still a force to be reckoned with. Sutherland won the high jump and javelin events, and was third in the discus throwing. R. Griffiths was another consistent performer. He gained a second and two thirds. All three athletes are members of the Police Force. W. Ogg (Olympic Club), who registered a fine performance at Masterton on Anniversary Day over a similar distance, outclassed the big the 880 yards race. His time of 2min 1 4-Dsec was good under the circumstances. The ex-Queensland champion, E. V. Wills, who runs for the Kiwi Club and was responsible for an outstanding performance in the mile against the American, Rufus Kiser, at Masterton, was not pushed to win the mile event easily in 4 mm 34 3-ssec. There was also a big field in the 440 yards race, which was an excellent contest. T. Pickering (Wellington) made the pace, but in the straight J. T. Fleming (Wellington), holder of the New Zealand ciuarter-mile. title and the distinction of the best performance by a New Zealander, challenged his club-mate, and won by about a foot in 52sec. Another Wellington man, C. Thompson, was third. YOUNG CYCLIST TRIUMPHS. Among the cyclists, T. Roe, a young Petone rider, was outstanding. His achievement of defeating M. Gane in the halfmile, mite, and three miles cycle events, while coming as a surprise, was a splendid ,one. In addition to the scratch coutests, there were seven handicap events which did not count for the shield. Miss T. Kench, New Zealand ladies' 100 yards champion, was set a solid task by the handicapper. She had to start from behind scratch in both the 100 yards and 120 yards ladies' handicaps, but in each, although unable to gain first place, she ran splendidly, and^ was clearly in a class of her own., P. Eyton and E. Wheaton, besides riding successfully in the Dewar Shield races, -were prominent in each of the two ,cycle haridiIn' the detailed results, which follow, the competing clubs are shown in this -way:—Wellington, W.; University, V.; Olympic, O.; Kiwi, X..; Lower Hutt, L.H.; Athletic, A.; Scottish Harrier*, S.H.; Brooklyn Harriers, 8.H.; Miramar, M.; Petone, P. DEWAR SHIELD EVENTS. High Jump.—-E. O. Sutherland (W.), sft 4in, I; A. Flighty (A.), sft 31n, 2; J. M'Donald (W.), 4ft Sin, 3. 100 Yards.—First race: C. Jenkins (W.), 1; T. Matthews (A.), 2; W. Glover (0.), 3. Time, 10 4-ssec. Second race: ,T. Fleming (W.), 1; A. Welply (W.), 2. Time, 10 4-5 soc. Third race: H. Lo Grovo (W.), 1; K. M'lntyre (L.H.), 2; E. Austin (K.), 3. A. Telfar (W.) was fourth. Time, 10 4-ssec. ... Putting tbo Shot.—P. Muiiro (W.), 41ft SJn, 1; F. Jones (O.), 35ft 6Vim, 2; R. Griffiths (L.H.), 33ft 11 Ms in, 3. SSO Yards Cycle.—First race: T. Roe (P.), 1; M. Gane (W.), 2; P. N. Robinson (A.), 3i D. Tooraer (W.), 4. Gane swung out wide at the southern end of the track just before reaching tho bend into the straight. Ho was unable to overhaul Roe, who had led all tho way. Roc rode most convincingly, and won by 15 yards. Time, lmin 17sec. Second race: L. Labcme (W-), l; A. Putniti (W.), 2; P. Christensen (A.), 3. Christensen fell during tho course of the race, but remounted. Labone won by a little over a length. Time, lmin 15 l-sscc. Third race: J. Morris (P.), 1: C. Johnston (W.). 2; P. Eyton (A.), 3. E. Wheaton (W.) was fourth. Won by ono and a half lengths. Time, Iroln 14 2-ssec. , SSO Yards.—W. Ogs (O,), 1: C. Campbell (O.), 2; E. Watson (K.), 3. After having Jed tho field at a fast clip from the start, Campbell was caught by Ogg in the straight, OgK goiug ou to win by 5Ms yards. J. Wilby (V.) was J. C. Watt (V.) fifth, and B. Lawer (S.H.) sixth. There were fourteen starters. Time, 2min 1 4-ssec. ' Throwing the Discus.—P. Muiiro (W.), 12-lft 2%tn, 1; K. Griffiths: (L.H.), 107 ft ll'/ 2 in, 2; E. C. Sutherland (W.), 101 ft OVain, 3. 320 Yards Hurdles. —First race: J. M'Donald (W.), I;.P. C. M'Cullough, (K.), 2. Won by 2ft. Time, 19 2-sscc. Second race: W. H. Fisher (W.), 1; Cuuningham (L.H.), 2. Time, 20 1-Sscc. One Mile Cycle,—First race: T. Roe (P.), 1; M. Gane (W.), 2. P. N. Robinson (A.) had trouble with his chain just after he got away, and the race was restarted, but Robinson's ill-luck clung to him; he fell on tho track which had become greasy as a result of the rain. In the sprint for the line Roe had too much in reserve for Gane, and won by two and a half lengths. Time, 2min 43 l-ssec. Second race: L. Labone (W.), 1; J. Hoare (P.), 2; F. Christensen (A.), 3. Won by three-quarters of a length. A length and a half separated second and third. A. Puiniti (W.) was fourth. Time, 2min 38 3-ssec. Third race: P. Eyton (A.), 1; C. Johnston (W.), 2; J. Morris (P.), 3; E. Wheaton (W.), 4. All except Eyton fell during the race. Time, 2min 50 4-ssec. Throwing the Javelin.—E. G. Sutherland (W.), 144 ft 3in, 1: R. Griffiths (L.H.), 139 ft llin, 2; P. Munro (W.), 134 ft 4in,.3. 220 Yards.—First race: C. Jenkins (W.), 1: W. Ball (K.), 2; C. Thompson (W.), 3. Won with little trouble by 10 yards; 2ft between second and third. Tune, 23 2-ssec. Second heat: J. Fleming (W.), 1; H. Le Grovo (W.), 2; L. Veitch (K.), 3. Won by a yard and a half. Time, 23 l-ssec. Third heat: A. Welply (W.), 1; A. Telfar (W.), 2; K. M'lntyre (L.H.), 3. Time, 24see. One Mile Flat.—E. V. Wills (IC), 1; S. Frosser (8.H.), 2; C. Gibbons (W.), 3. A fine field of 16 starters took part in this event. Wills jumped out at the start to take the lead from L. A. Sinclair (S.H.), who held his place until the third lap, when Wills drew further ahead with every stride. The rest of the field was well strung out, but Prosser at this stage was coming out from the string of runners and making a good run. He had no hope of catching Wills, who won as he liked by about 28 yards. Gibbons, who put ■in a rather late run and finished fast, was 3% yards behind Prosser. D. Pedersen (8.H.) was fourth, Sinclair fifth, H. M'Kinnon (W.) sixth, and J. Shephard, who was well placed in the early part of the race, seventh. Time, 4min 34 3-ssec. Long Jump.—D. Barker (V.), 19ft lO^ln, 1: J. M'Donald (W.), 19ft Si/-in, 2; T. Mextcd (E.), 19ft sin, 3. Three Miles Cycle.—First race: T. Roe (P.), 1; M. Gane (W.), 2; L. Labone (W.), 3: F. Christensen (A.), 4. P. N. Robinspn (A.) was again unfortunate. He fell just after the start of the last lap. Won by Z\'» lengths. Cane, riding on the outside, Ikad to" push his machine hard to get second place. Time, Bmin 16sec. Second race: J. Morris (P.), 1; A. Puiniti (W.l, 2: P. Eyton (A.), 3; E. Wheaton (W.), 4. Wou by a wheel. Time, Smin 14 2-5 sec. 440 Yards Flat.—J. T. Fleming (W.), 1; T. Pickeriug (W.), 2; C. Thompson (W.). 3. A big "field" started, and Pickering made the pace, Fleming running behind him until the straight was readied. Fleming then pulled ahead to win well by a foot. Thompson was three yards back third. Time, 52sec. HANDICAP EVENTS. ' 100 Yards Junior.—J. D. Lang (K.), 3%yds, 1; A. M'lntyre (O.), 4yds, 2; A. Badland (O.), 3Viyds, 3. Lang led all the way. Time, 11 2-ssec. 120 Yards Ladies.—First heat: Miss G. Edwards (W.), BV«.yds, 1: Miss K. Sharp (syds), 2; Miss D. Martin (M.), B%yds, 3. Miss T. Kench, who started from 2yds behind scratch, was faced with a solid task. She ran a good race, and was close to the place winners. Time, 15sec. Second heat: Miss B. Battersby (A.), S'/jyds, 1: Miss W. O'Sulllvan CM.). 16 yds, 2; Miss J. Murray (A.), 4%>'da, 3. Time, 14 4-!isec. Third heat: Miss J. Sharp (W.), 14 yds, 1; Miss S. Corbett (W.), B^yd3, 2: Miss

E. Blalhenvick (W.), 6yds, 3. Time, 14 4-sscc. Final: Miss O'Sulllvnn, 1; Miss J. Sharp, 2; Miss Battersby, 3. Miss Murray was fourth, inches behind Miss Battersby. Time, 14 3-5 sec. BSO Yards B Grade Cycle.—E. Wlicalcu (\V.), 40yds, 1; P. Eytoa (A.), 2; A. Toomcr OV.), scr, 3. Won by a wheel. Time, lmiu 17 2-5 sec. 100 Yards Ladies.—First heat: Miss W. O'Sulllvan (14V-yds), 1; Miss B. Battersby (7 yds), 2; Miss T. Kench (lyd behind scratch), a. Time, 12 l-ssec. Second heat: Miss J. Sharp (12i/.yds), 1; Miss E. Blathenvick (syds), 2; Miss J. Murray (3yds), a. Time, 12 l-ssec. Third heat: Miss D. Martin (M.), T^yds, 1; Miss E. Sharp (4'/ : yds), 2; Miss O. Boyes (H.), 3yds, 3. Time, 12 1-osec. Final: Miss O'Sullivan, 1; Miss J. Sharp, 2; Miss Kenci], 3., Time, 12 l-ssec. Two Miles B Grade Cycle.—P. Eyton (A.), 1; E. Wheaton (\V.), 90yds, 2: H. Compton (W.), 140 yds, 3. Won by half a length. Compton was well back third. Time, smln 47sec. SSO Yards Junior (Flat).—E. J. Beuton (L.H.), 10yds, 1; K. C. Stott (A.), 10yds, 2; G. W. Ward (S.H.), 30yds, 3. Stott challenced strongly in the straight, and it seemed that be must get through, but Benton made a flual effort, withstood Stott's effort, and won by a foot. Ward was a yard back. Time, 2min 13 1-jsec. 440 Yards Ladies' Relay.—Wellington A., 1; Wellington B-, 2; Miramar; 3. Won by 3% yards, with ,i similar distance between second and third. Time, 55 3-ssec.

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Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 21, 26 January 1931, Page 16

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DEWAR SHIELD SPORTS Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 21, 26 January 1931, Page 16

DEWAR SHIELD SPORTS Evening Post, Volume CXI, Issue 21, 26 January 1931, Page 16