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To-day—3.oo a.m.; 6.18 p.m. To-morrow—o.4o a.m.; 7.0T p.m.


FRIDAY, 11th JANUARY. ■ TUTAXEKAI, s.s.: (3.45 p.m.), SSI tons, 801- --. lons, from Cook Strait. SATURDAY, 12th* JANUARY. TAMAHINE, s.s. (12.45 a.m.),. 10S9 tons, Fish, from Picton. ARAHURA, s.s. (4.15 a.m.), 1590 tons, Wildman, from Nelson. PROGRESS, s.s. (5.15 p.m.), 333 tons. Hay, from Mercer. MAORI, s.s. (7 a.m.), 31SS tons, Irvvin, from Lyttclton. 11OTOKUA, s.s. (7.35 a.m.), J2.151 tons, Hunter (put back through engino trouble)..


FRIDAY, lllh JANUARY. NIKAU, s.s. (5 p.m.), 248 tons, Yasta, for Nelson and Motuoka. CALM, s.s. (0.10 p.m.), 981 tons, Mansou'," for Wiinganui. NGAIO, s.s. (7.35 p.m.), 1203 tons, Wildman, for Nelson. WAHINE, s.s. (T.DO^p.m.), 4430 tons, Cameron, for Lyttelton. CYGNET, s.s. (0.3 p.m.), 124 tons, Larscn, for Kaikoura. SATURDAY, 12th JANUARY. HOLMDALE, s.s. (12.'5 a.m.), GSI tons, Williams, for Picton. ECHO, auxiliary scow (3.10 a.m.), 99 tons, ltaclford, for Blenheim.


Opawa, Blenheim, to-day Kapum, Patea, to-day Wairuua, Auckland, to-day Culm, Wanganui, to-morrow Orepuki, Tarujjcohe, to-morrow - iNuaio, Nelson, to-morrow Walilne, Lyttelton, to-morrow Tamahiue, Pictou, to-morrow Breeze Wanganui, to-morrow Koutunui, Bast Coast, to-morrow Ivamona, Westport, to-morrow Koutunui, East Coast, to-morrow iMuko,' Napier, 14th Kotiti, Sounds, 14th Corinna, New Plymouth, ltth Tahiti, San Francisco, 14th .Manuka, Melbourne, 14th Kaimauawa, Auckland, 14th Eutou, Auckland, 14th Northumberland, Auckland, 14th Maungauui, Sydney, 15th Totara, Lyttelton, 10th : Wairau, Blenheim, 15th Ilawura, Patpa, 15th Kapiti, Wanganui, 10th Cygnet, southern ports, 15th . Holmdalc, Wangiuiui, 15tli Storm, southern ports, 1 15th lvaltiina, Portland, istlj ■ Komata, Westport, 10lh Inaha, Wangauui, 10th , Niknu, Nelson, llitli JCcho, Blenheim,: llith .lolin, New Plymouth, 17th KiiiKara, Hokitika, lTth Corinthic, Southampton, 17th Kurow, Auckland, 18th Opihi, Westport, 18th , Progress, southern ports, ■ IStb


Kotili, Sounds, to-day . " ■ liaivura, I'atea, to-day ;' Jylm; Wangaimi, to-day . Koniata, Westport, to-day '-. I'iugruss, southerii ports, ta-day Kineara, Hokltika, to-day Arjiliura, Nelson, to-day Jliiori, Lyttelton, to-day Breeze, southern ports, to-morrow lnah'u, Wanganui, 14th Kaimanawa, Westport, 14th Calm, southern ports, 14th . Coriunai Dunedln, 14th Ngaio, Nelson, 14th Wahlne, Lyttelton, 14th Koutunul, East Coast, 14th Opuna, Blenheim, 14th Kapuut, I'atea, 14th Tamaliiuc, Picton, 14tli Kohl, Nelson, 14th ■ • Kotiti, Foxton, 14th. Canadian .Transporter, Lytteltou, 14th Holmdalc, southern 'ports, 10th Kariiona, Westport,' 15tli ■ • Wairuna, Melbourne, 15th . . . Orcpukl, Westport,' 10th! Htorm, Wanganui, 15th Mako, Napier, 15th Kaituua, Lyttelton, 15th Tahiti,. Sydney, 15th Manuka, Melbourne, via ports, 13th Walrau, Blenheim, 10th Knpitt; W:u>gunui,intli Totara; New. flymoutli, 10th . , 'Viowidclcn, Westport, 15th . C.vKiiet, Kalkoura, lliih Kujmai; Greymoutli,..ltM> ..■.'" Soinersut, Lyttelton, lGth . • . • Kcho/i Blenheim, lljtli . . . Nikitu, Nelson, 16th ' John, Lyttelton, 17th Progress, New Plymouth, 19th


Komata—Queen's Wharf, No. 1 north.. Kalmai—Queen's Wharf; No. 2. ■■' Tamahine—Queen's Wharf, No. 4- . Inaha—Queen's Wharf, No. 5 squill. Kotlti—Queen's Wharf, No. 7 north. Invercarglll—Queen's Wharf, No. 8. Nora Niven—Queen's Wharf, No. 9. Kennedy—Queen's Wharf, No. 11 south. Opawa—Queeifs Wharf, No. 11 north. Arahura —Queen's Wharf, No. 12. Kohl—Queen's Wharf, No. IS north. Progress—Queen's Wharf, No. 13 centre. j onn —Queen's Wharf, No. 13 north. ■ ' Maori—Ferry Wharf. . , Ttitanekai—Ferry. Wharf. ■ Itotorua—Railway Wharf, liaponga— Railway Wharf. Canadian Transporter—Glasgow Wharf. Somerset—Glasgow Wharf. Hawera—Glasgow Wharf, .iurrey—King's Wharf. Kaptinl—King's Wharf. Zingara—King's Wharf. , , ■ Kalwdcra—TUorndon Breastwork. Kanna—Thorndon Breastwork. Golden Harvest—Taranalsi Street Wharf. Kaitokc—Clyde Quay Wharf. . Maheno—Patent Slip Wharf. Mararoa —In tho Stream. . Deveron—ln the Stream. , .


MARAMA, left Sydney yesterday for Auckland; due Auckland .Tuesday; leaves ,Auckland 18th January for Sydney; due Sydney 22ud January. (U.S.S; Co.) : MANUKA, from Melbourne for Wellington, via Mllford Sound; due Wellington Monday; leaves Wellington Tuesday for Melbourne, via southern ports. (U.S.S. Co.) ULIJIAROA, left Wellington yesterday for Sydney; due. .Sydney Tuesday; • leaves Sydney 17th January for Auckland; due Auckland 22ud January. . (Huddart-Parker Co.) MAUNGANUI, left Sydney yesterday for Wellington; due.Wellington Tuesday; leaves. Wellington 18th January for Sydney; due Sydney 22nd January. (U.S.S. Co.) „


AORANGI, from Sydney, for Vancouver, ' via Auckland, Suva, and Honolulu due Auckland to-morrow. (U.S.S. Co.).

MAKUR.A, from Sydney tor San H'rancisco via Wellington, Rarotonga, and Papeete; due San Francisco Friday. (U.S.S. Co.) NIAOARA, from Vancouver for Sydney, via Honolulu, Suva, and Auckland: duo Uonolulu Wednesday; duo Suva 25th January. (U.S.S. Co.) " TAHITI, from San Francisco, ror Sydney, via Papeete, Rarotonga, and Wellington; due Wellington Monday; Sydney 19th January. (U.S.S. Co.) ,


ANGLO-COLUMBIAN, leaves. Galveston (Texas) early In February for Auckland and Australian ports; due Auckland in March. GOLDEN BEAR, leaves ■ Los Angeles Ist February for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Timani; due Auckland 27th February; due Wellington 4th March. (Burns, Pliilp.) HEIUHNUS, leaves Antwerp 12th January for Auckland; duo Auckland 9tb February. (S.S. and A. Co.) KEKERANGU, leaves Adelaide 24th January lor Melbourne, llobart, Dunedin, Lyttelton, Wellington, New Plymouth, Auckland; leaves Melbourne 2Sth January. (U.S.S. Co.) KAWAXIRI, leaves Newcastle 14th January for Napier. Lyttelton,.Tlmaru; duo Napicv 22nd f January; (U.S.S. 1 Co.) KEELUNG, leaves New torn 2IH1) January tor Auckland, 'Wellington Lyttelton. Ounedin (A. and A. Line.) MATAROA, loaves London 30tn Januatj fot Auckland and ' Wellington; due Auckland 6tu I March.. . (S.S. »nd A. Co.) ; MIDDLESEX, leaves Liverpool 19tb January ror Auckland,. Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin; duo Auckland 2nd March: due Wellinsloo 9th March (Federal Co.) OTIItA, leaves Liverpool 2nd February for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin; due Auckland . 12th March; Wellington about 19th March. (S.S. and A. Co.) rOItT CURTIS, leaves New York 23rd February for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin; due Auckland 23rd.March.;'duff^Wellington 30th March. (C. and D. Line.) „ PORT NAPIER, leaves London iatn February for Auckland, Wellington, New Plymouth; due Auckland 27th March; duo Wellington SOtb March. (C. and D. Line.) RUAHINE, leaves Southampton 18th. Jsnu-. ary for Wellington tnd Auckland; due Wellington 25th February' (N.Z.S Co.)RARANGA, leaves Capetown about 7th Febrtiary for Auckland; due Auckland about 22nd March. (S.S. and A. Co.) RIMUTAKA. leaves; Southampton «stti lanuary foi Wellington (passengers only). Port Chalmers, Lyttelton Timani, Oamaru: due Wellington sth March (NiZ.S Co.) TAINUI. leaves London 27tb February for Wellington and Auckland; duo Wellington about Glh April. (S.S. and A. Co.) TREWOItLAS. was leave New fork sth January for Auckland, VVclliiigtoii, Lytteltnn Dunodin. (A. and A. Line,) WAITEMATA, leaves Los Angeles 3rd February for. Auckland, Wellington, Melbourne Sydney; due Auckland 2Sth February. (O.S.S. WAIHEMO, leaves Lou Angolo3 22nd

February for Auckland, Wellington, Melbourne, Sydney; due Auckland 10th March. (U.S.S. °ZBADANDIC, leaves Antwerp end of January for New Plymouth; duo New Plymouth sth March. (5.6. and A. Co.), . ■■ ■


BRUNSWICK, left San Pedro 10th December for Melbourne, Sydney, Wellington, Auckland; due Wellington sth February. (A.U.O. Co.) BENTON, left Nauru Island 2nd January for New Plymouth and Wanganui;' duo New Plymouth 13th January. COKINTHIC, leti Southampton ftb December tor Wellington Auckland: duo Wellinstop 17lh January. (S.S. and A. Co.) CANADIAN CONQUEROR, left Halifax 4th January for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru, Duncdin, Bluff; duo Auckland 15th February; due Wellington ■ 20tli February. (C.N.S.) CORNWALL left Liverpool 9tb December Tor Auckland, Port Chalmers. New Plymouth; due Auckland lOth January. (Federal Col ' CAPE YORK, left Port Arthur (Texas) 31st December for Auckland, Napier, Wellington, New Plymouth, Australia; due Auckland 14th February. (Texas Oil Co.) GOLDEN STATE, left Los Angeles 31st December for Auckland, Wellington, Dunedln; due Auckland 26th January; due Wellington 2nd February. (Burns,, Philp.) HAUHAKI, left Vancouver 2nd January tor Auckland, Wellington, Melbourne, Adelaide, and Sydney: due Auckland 26th January. (U.S.S. Co.) ■ , HORORATA. lefl London 2isi December for Wellington. Auckland. Bluff; due Wellington Oth February- (N.Z.S. Co.) lONIC, left Southampton 4tb January tor Auckland and Port Chalmers; due Auckland 11th February. (S.S. and A. Co.) KIA OR A, left Antwerp 22na December for Auckland ; due Auckland. 20th January. (S.S. and A Co.) KILCREDANE, left Casablanca (Morocco) 2Gth November for Auckland, Lyttelton; due Auckland 20th January. MAMILIUS lefl Londoo I'll) (Moveinbei Cor Lyttelton, Port Chalmers, Timaru; due Lyttelton 12th January. (S.S. and A. Co.) NASSA, left Balikpapan Sth January for Wellington,. Lyttelton; due Wellington 28th January. (Shell Co.) JTOKIA, left San Pedro Bth January for Wellington; due Wellington 2nd February. (U.S.S. Co.) I'OKT'ibMA, left London ltsth Decembei for Uuuedin Lyttelion New Plymouth; due Dun»din 19th January (C. and D Lino.) ' POUT FREMAOTLE, left London sth January for Suva, Wellington,- Lyttelton, Napier; due Suva 7th February; duo Wellington loth February. (C. and D. Line.) • . ' PORT BOWEN, left Liverpool 23rd December for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Duncdin; due Auckland 31st January; due Wellington 7th February. (0. and D. Line.) PORT PIXIE, left New York 22nd December for Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin; due Auckland 21st January; due Wellington 30tb January. (C. and D.. Line.) ■ ', ■■ .■■-.■ TIiEGENiNA, icft Halifai 17th December for ! Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru', Dunedin ; due Auckland 30th' January; due Wellington 4th February. (C.N:S.) ■ , • TREKIEVE, left - New York 12th Decembei toi Auckland, Wellington.'_ Lyttelton. Dunedlo ; duo Auckland 20th January; due Wellington ,Uth January. (W Wallls and Co.l „ WAIKAWA, left Los Angeles 31st December for Napier, Lyttelton, Dunedln, Bluff, New Plymouth; due Napier 25th January. (U.S.S. Co.) • WESTMORELAND, left Liverpool stl) January for Auckland, Wellington, Lytteltou, Duncdln; due Auckland 18th February; due Wellington 25th- February. (Federal Co.) VVAIOTaPU, rrom Calcutta anu I'enang, left Singapore ■ 27th December for Newcastle, Lyticlton, Timaru, Dunedln,. Bluff, Wellington, Auckland; due Lytteltori 21st January. (U.S. S. .Co.) ,


BISeMFONTEIN, from New York, for Duncdin; at Lyttelton; leaves i Lyttelton -12th January. (W. Wallis and Co.) . : CUMBERLAND, from Liverpool, at .Timaru. (Federal Co.) ',".-' CANADIAN TRANSPORTER, from Montreal, for Lyttelton, Timaru, Dunedlu, at Wellington; leaves Wellington 14th January. (C.N.S.) ENTON, from New ¥ork, for Wellington, Lyttelton; at Auckland; leaves Auckland 12th • January; due Wellington 14tb January. (W. Wallis and Co.) . GOLDEN HARVEST, from Los Angeles for Lyttcltou, left Wellington 12th January; due Lyttelton 13th January. (Burns, Philp). NOKTHUMBEKLA.NLI, from Liverpool, for Wellington, Lyttelton, Port Chalmers, Bluff; at Auckland; leaves Auckland 12th January: duo Wellington 14th January. (Federal Co.) OLIVEBANK (motor-ship), from, Java; at Auckland. OLIVEBANK (Finnish barque), from' Mahe, Seychelles; at Auckland. (A. S. I'atorsouand Co.) . • JtEMUEKA, from I/ondou,, at Auckland. (N.Z.S. Co.) ■■■ '' ■■■'■■■ ■TREWIDDKN, from Woiitreal, for Wellington' and Australian, ports; left Auckland 11th January; due Wellington 14tli January. (C.K.S.') WAIRUXA, from Los Angeles, left Auckland 10U> January for Wellington, Melbourne, Sydney; duo AVcllingtou 12th January. (U.S.S. Co.) . . ,


ANGLO CHILEAN, from Port Kembla, for Wellington, Napier, Wanganui, Bluff; due-Wel-lington 24th January; sails from ' Bluff IStli February for. Dunkirk, London, and Hull, via Vanama. (G.* H. Scales). , ■ ■ .- CANADIAN BRITISHER, at Napier; to call M Auckland; was to leave Napier 11th January; sails from Auckland 14th January for New York, Boston, Halifax. (C.N.S.) . KARETD, leaves. Sydney 15th January for Lytteiton, Dunediu, Oamaru, Bluff; due Lyttelton 21st January. (U.S.S. Co.) IIAHIA, at Wanganui,. to call at Lyttelton, Wellington; leaves Wanganui 14th ■ January; due : Wellington 24th January; leaves Wellington 28th January for London, via Panama. (S.S. and A. Co.) MAHANA, left Townsville Bth January for Port Chalmers,! Bluff, .Gisborne, Wellington, Wanganui;, due Port Chalmers 16th January; Wellington-27th January; leaves Wanganui Uth February for London, via Panama. (S.S. a*d A. Co.) MAI.MOA, at Port Chalmers; to call at Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington, Napier; leaves Port Chalmers ' lfith- January; due Wellington 24th January; sails from Napier 2nd February for London, via Panama. (S.S. and A. Co.)

POKI CABOLINE, rroiu Australia, to call at Opua, Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, Timaru, New Plymouth, .Wanganui, Wellington: due Opua 23rd January; duo Wellington, 14th February; sails : from Wellington 17th February for London and West Coast ports.' via Panama. (C. ana D. Line.) . PORT DENISON, at Bluff; to callat Lyttelton; Wellington'; leaves Bluff 15th January; due Wellington 22nd January; leaves Wellington 25th January for London,;via Panama. (C. and D. Line.) /,./,. PORT HAKDY, at Lyttelton; sails from Lyttelton 17th January for London, via Panama. (C. and D..Line.) POKT HOB AIM', from Australia, to call at Auckland, New Plymouth. Wanganui, Wellington; due Auckland 23rd January; sails from Wellington 13th February for London, via Panama. (C. and D. Line.) REMUEKA, at Auckland; to call at Napier, Lyttelton, Wellington; . /leaves Auckland..l3th January; duo Wellington 28th January; sails from Wellington 2nd February for Southampton and liOndon, via Panama. ■ (N.Z.S. Co.) RUAPEHU, at New ' .Plymouth, to call at Nelson, Auckland, Lyttelton, Wellington; leaves New Plymouth 16tli January; sails from Wellington 29th January •'for-'Southampton and London, via Panama. (N.Z.S., Co.) SOMERSET,, at Wellington; to call at Lyttelton; leaves Wellington 16th January; due back at Wellington : 22nd'. January; sails from Wellington 24th January for London and .West Coast ports. (N.Z.S. Co.) SURREY, at Wellington, to call at Napier, Gisborne, Auckland;: leaves Wellington 13th January; leaves Auckland 24th January for New York, ■ Halifax, and London. : (Federal Co.) ■' ' ' : : TEKOA, at New Plymouth; to call at Wanganul, Plcton, Wellington, Waikokopu, Napier; leaves New Plymouth 12th January; leaves Napier 4th February for London, via Panama. (N.Z.S. Co.)' ■ ' TAMARO A, at, Auckland; leaves ■ Auckland 19th' January for Southampton and London, via Panama. (S.S. and A: Co.) :


Tho following vessels are expected'to bo within range of the undermentioned wlroless stations to-night:—•-,. „ : ■ „ Auckland. —Saturday -only:. Aorangi. Saturday and Sunday: Tofua, Olivebanlc, Enton, Kartigi, Northiunbei'land, Marama, nr.d Canadian Britisher. ■'•■': Chatham Islands.—Saturday and Sunday: Cornwall-and Port Alma. ■ Wellington.—Saturday only: Maori, Wahino, Ngaio, Avahura, Maniilius, Dana, and Wairuna. Saturday and Sunday: • Tamahine, . lillmarua'i Niagara, Mauugnnul," Kent, Tredlnnick, Taranalvi, Kawatlri, Mahia, Coriuthic, Maliana, Surrey, and Paroora. ..'.-Sunday only: Manuka and 'A-iva'rua.—Saturday 'only: Tahiti, .Port Hardy, Bloemfontein, and Manuka. Saturday and Sunday: C. A. Larsen, Sir ,T. C. Itoss, N. T. Nielsen Alonso, City of New .York, Eleanor Boiling, and Makura.; ..•'.'.


The Corlnthlc, from Southampton, reports by radio that, she expects 'to arrive at Wellington at daybreak on Thursday. ; :: -.- CANADIAN HIGHLANDER AT NEW YORK. The Canadian Highlander, which loft Auckland on the Sth December, arrived at New York on Wednesday. .-'. > v . *


CajJtain A. M'Arthur will resume command of the motor-vessel Zingara at Wellington today. ■ ' ' ' "'■■■ •'■ : ■ Captain Whltefleld has been appointed master of the Kartlgl to enable Captain A. B. Sizer to go on holiday leave. . Captain A. H. Prosser has taken charge of the Karctu at Sydney, Captain G. Ruxton being on holiday leave.


TOI'UA. left Apia yesterday for Suva, whore i ]„ t i ul ; on Tuesday next. She proceeds thence to .Aucklanddirect. (U.S.S. Co.) MMjIPOMARB, left Auckland Bth January for Apia and Niuc. (Gatdner and Binnie.)


The Tahiti, from San Francisco, reports by radio that ,sho expects to arrlye at Wellington at 0 o'clock on Monday morning. She will' berth between 8 o'clock and 0 o'clock at No. .1 south, Queen's Wharf. .


'•■ ■-.-■ .: SYDNEY, 12th January. Arrived—Karetu, from Bluff; Gabriella, from Croymouth. . AUCKLAND, 12lh January. To sail—Northumberland (3 p.m.) and Enton (5 p.m.), both for Wellington. - , TAItAKOHE, 12th January. Arrived—Ort'pulii (S a.m.),. from Wellington. WANGANUI, 12th January. Arrived —Calm (9.30 a.m.), from Wellington. NELSON, 12th January. Arrived—Ngaio (5.55 a.m.) and Nikau (0.30 a.m.), from Wellington. . To sail—Ngaio (7.30 p.m.), for Wellington. WAIRAU BAR, 12th January. Sailed—Opawa (7 a.m.), for Wellington; , PICTON, 12th January. : Arrived—Holmdale (8.30 a.m.), from Wellington. ..-■:. - , ■ . KAIKOURA, 12th January. Arrived—Cygnet (8.15 a.m.); from Wellington. • LYTTELTON, 12th January. Arrived—Wahine (0.35 a.m.), from Wellington; Port Hardy (6.45 a.m.), from Dunedin. To sail—Waliine (8 p.m.), for Wellington.

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Bibliographic details

Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 10, 12 January 1929, Page 12

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SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 10, 12 January 1929, Page 12

SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 10, 12 January 1929, Page 12