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HIGH WATER. To r day—6.4B a.m.; 7."' p.m. To-morrow—7.36 a.m.; 7.57 p.m. ARRIVALS. •Tune 17—Toiara, s.s. (3.20 p.m.), 421 tons, wahlsiron), from Lyttelton. June 17—Echo, auxiliary scow (3.20 p.m.), 90 tuns. Kadford, from Blenheim. June 17—Breeze, s.s. (5.30 p.m.), 553 tons. Slieppard, from Picton. „.r,V, no 17—Holmdale, s.s. (8.30 p.m.). 631 tons, Williams, from Picton ' June 17—Progress, s.s. (5.50 p.m.), 28J tons, Hay, from Port Waikato. June 18—Arahura, s.s. (4 a.m.), 1506 tons, N Hainan, from Nelson. June 18—Alexander, s.s. (5 a.m.), 377 tons, O Donriell, from Tarakohe. Juno 18-^Hotorua, s.s. (G a.m.), 12,184 tons. Cameron, from Lyttelton. June 18-^Kurow, s.s. (7.30 a.m.), 2625 tons, Clark, from Auckland. Juno IS—Tees, s.s. (8.5 a.m.), 533 tons, Donel], from Greymoutb. June IS—Manuka, s.s. (8.25 a.m.), 4634 tons, Prosser, from Lyttelton. Juno 18—Remuera, s.j. (11.45 a.m.), 11,158 tons, Cameron, from Southampton, via Auckland. . ■ June 18—Jnvercargill, s.s. (11.15 a.m.), 224 tons. Smith, from Wanganui. DEPARTURES. June 17—Tamahinc, s.s. (3 p.m.), 1900 tons, M'Clellan, for Picton. June 17—Nikau, s.s. (6.55 p.m.), 248 tons, vasta, for Nelson. June 17—Wahine, s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 4436 tons, Cameron, for Lyttelton.' . June 17—Breeze, s.s. (11 p.m.), 553 tons, Shei>pard, for Wanganui. • June 17—Wa'lrau, s.s. (11.15 p.m.), 143 tons, Jackson, for Blenheim. • June 18—Foyle'. s.s. (12.40 p.m.), 4739 tons, I Jones, for Lyttelton. ! June 18—Totara,. s.s. (12.40 p.m.), 421 tons, Wahlstrom, for New Plymouth. June 18—Progress, s.s. (1 p.m.), 333 tons, Hay, for DUnedih. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. To-day—KapunT, Patea;' Remuera, London, Auckland; Tamahlne, Picton; Inaha, Patea; Waverley, Patea; To-morrow-^Wahine, Lyttelton; Nikau, Nelson; Pakufa, Napier, Glsbofne; West Nivarla, San Pedro, Auckland, Napier; Komata Westport; Coolana, Newcastle, Lyttelton; Kamona, Greymouth. Monday—Makura, Sydney; Walrau. Blenheim ; Wingatiii, Auckland, Portland. Tuesday—Manuka, Lyltelton; Arahura, Nelson; Taniahine, picton; Tairoa, Lyttelton, Mamari, Lyttelfon; Mabeno, Sydney; Totara, New Plymouth; Opawa, Blenheim; Echo, Blenheim. Wedneiday—Wahine, Lyttelton; Nikau, Nelson; Tairoa, Lyttelton; Mamari, Lyttelton. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. To-dty—Manuka, Lyttelton; Arahura, Neli son; Kurbw, Lyttelton, Dunediri, Bluff; Opawa, [ Blenheim; Totafa, New Plymouth; Foyle, Lyttelton, Melbourne; Echo, Blenheim. Monday^Wahine, Lytteltoa; Nikau, Nelson; Tamahlne, Picton; Alexander, Westport, Greymouth; Wavefley,- Patea; Kaimai, Greymouth; Wingatul, Lyttoltdn; Wairau, Blenheim, Inaha, Wanganui. Tuesday—Manuka, Lyttelton; Arahura, Nelson ; Totara, Lyttelton; Makura, - San Francisco, via ports; Pakiira, Napier, Gisborne; Rotorua, Southampton, London, via Panama. | Wednesday—Wahine, Lyttelton; Nikau, Nelj son;.Tamahlne, Picton;, Komata, Westport. j \ INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. Marama, left Sydney i7th June for Auck- ! land; duo Auckland 21s< June; leaves Auckland l7i'i^ uno for Sydney; due Sydney 28th June. (U. 0.0. CO.) . : .' ! *"MoeraW, left Wellington lfltK Jtine for Melbourne direct; due Melbourne 21st June; leaves Melbourne 24th June for Wellirictdß direct; due 29th June. (U.S.S. Co.) Maheno, left Sydney 17th June; <fue Wellington 21st June; leaves Weiiiijgtoii titti June for Sydney; due Sydney 28tB June. (tJ.S.S. left Sydlney 16th June, for Sari Jurne nC'!Co ( 'xj.S.l: PCo? J dUe WeIUDgtOD *'* Ullmaroa, leaves Sydney Bth July for Wellington; due Wellington 12th July, (fluddart- , iftrksr Co.) ■ . „ - . "••■■, BERfHAGE LIST. Foylo—Queen's Wharf, No. 1. llolmdale— Queen's Wharf, No. 2. Invercafgill—Queen's.Wlutf, No. S, Breeze— Queori's Wharf, No. ?. Mawbra—Queen's Wharf, No. 7. Alexander—Queen's Wharf, No. 10 Opawa—Queen's Wharf, No. 11; Arahura-^ueen's Whan(, No. 12. i Progress'—Queen's wharf, No. 13. | Echd-^Queen's Wharf, No. It. Kurow—Queen's WHar'tV No. 16. ! Manuka—Ferry Wharf. i Kaimai—Railway Wharf. Rolorua—Glasgow Wharf. Kcrihedy^Glasgow \Vharf. Kaponga—Glasgow Wharf. Inaha—king's Wharf. !. .Kapiti^Klilg's Wharf.. . . ' ' s Kcmiiera—Plpitea Wh^rf. ' Antonio^-Thotndofl Breastwork. ' Tecs^-Clydß Qiiay Wharf. '■■> Koforaiko-^Clyde Quay MTiaff. i Totara—Mlrainar Wharf. Mararoa—On Slip. OVERSEAS VEBSELS. ' Aorancl, left Vancouver Ist June for Auckland, Sydney; due Auckland 19Uj June. (U.S.S. I Canadian Seigneur, left Sjdn.y (C.8.) lit Juno for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru, Dunedln; due Auckland 12th July; duo Wellington i9th July. (C.0.M.M.) Cambridge, left Liverpool 4th June for Auckland, Wellington, Lytteltoa, Dus«"dln; aue Auckland 14U> July; due Wellington 2hit July. (Federal Co.) City of Khartoum, from N"ew tpttt for Lyttelton, Tlmarii, Dunedln, Bluff, Liunoeston; at Lyttelton. . (A. and A. Line.) City of Co intb, left New tork loth iiin« for Auckland, Wellington, lytteltori, Tlmalu, Dunedln/ Blufft inn Auckland 15tl> July; due Wellington. 21st l\l\y. . (A. and A. Line*) Foylo, from St. .John for Wellington, LytteUon. Melbourne, Sydney; at Wellington. (N.IC.S. Co.) Huntingdon, from Liverpool for Port Chalmers, Bluff; at-Port Chalmers. (Federal Co.) Hdurakl, loft San' Francisco Sitli May for Aiitklarid and Australia; due Auckland 19th Juno. (D.S.Sj Co.) Hororata, left London 3rd ,7un» tot Stirs, Welllnston, Auckland; due Wellington 16tb July. (N.B.S. Co.) lonic, left Sotifhamjiton 20t(j May for Wellington, Lyttelton, Port Chalmers, Bluff; dm Wellington 28th June. (S.S. and A. Co.) Mamari, from London for Lyttelton, Wcllinitoii: at Lyiteltrin; duo Weitinjton 2itid Juiie. (S.S. and A. Co.) Matatua, left Liverpool 21st May for Auckland, Wellington. Lyttelton, Dunedln; due Auckland 28th Juno; dv» Wclllnjto* sth Jaly. (S.S. and A ; Co.) Maunyo, left New Tqrk 26th May for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dnnodla; duo Auckland 30th June; due Wellington 7tb July. (C. and D. Line.) Port Dunedln, left toßdon 20th M«y (or Wellington, Auckland, N»pltr; dv« WeUlaftoo 25UJ June, (c and OiLlne.) Rlmutaks, left Southampton Wth. Jufle for Wellington. Port Chalmers, LyUelton, New Plymouth; duo Wellington 24th July. (N.Z.S.

Remuera, from Southampton fo* Auckland, Wellington; at Auckland; due Wellington. IStn June. (N.Z.S. Co.) n Tekoa, left Llrerpool 7th Hit for Auckland. Wellington, lyUelton, Dunedln, jMtt Plymouth; due Auckland 14th Junes; due Weiiingtdn 21st June. (JJ.Z.S. C 6.) „ Tahiti; left S»n Francisco 15th Juae for Papeete, Rarotohga; Wellington, Bydneyi due Wellington 4th July. (U.S.S. Ca) Walhemo, left San Frinpltcd 4th June fat Apis, Wellington, tylteiton, flnUfu, »Unedlß( Bluflf, New Plymouth; due Wellington 30th Juno. (UiS.g. Co.) Wlrral, left New tort 14th May fo* Auckland, Napier Wellington, LyMelteii, DUnedW, Wanianut; due Auckland »Sfd JUne; due Wellington 2nd July. (A. attd A. Use.) West Nirafia, front. San PedfO f"6r Kapler, Wellington, iyit«H6fi, DuDedln, UeW Piynioutli; at Napier; due Wellington 19th iline. (Burns, VESSELS LOADING. Corliitiilc, at Lyltelton; dii«- Wellington 24th June; sails 20th ilihc. ft* . SouiliaiiiptOn', London, rla Panama. (S.S. arid A. Cd.) •■••. Cumberland, at AUckiaiid;, to call at Olaborne, WaikokopU, Kapler, Wangaßulj due Wellington Ist JlllyJ salts 4th July for, tohdon, Avoumoudi, Glasgow, Lirerpodl. IFederai Rotorim, at .Wellington; sails 21st June for Southampton, London, tla Panama. ' (N.Z.S. Co.) Talroaj at Lytteildnj due Wellington 22hd June; sails 24th Jiirie fo* Ldilddh, Montevideo.. (S.S. and A. Co.) I Port Hardy, at Plcton; to call at Blurt, Port i Chalmers, Lyttelton, Wellington, Olsbofne, Auckland; due Wellington 16th June) sails from Aiidklabd 80<h June for New York, Boston, arid London^ (C. ahd D. LWe.) Canadian Pioneer, at tlmaru; to call at Duri«lln,.Wcllliißton, Auckland; .4.o6Wellington 26th June; Sails from Aiicklahd SOth iiliie fdf.New Boston, arid Montreal* (tt(3.M:it.t ROf ORUA LOADING. :. The Rotdfua arrlred at Welilhttdfl eafiy {His morning from Lyttelton to complete' loading for Home. She is to sail at 3 p.m. on Tuesday for Southampton and London, via Panama. MIDDLESEX LEAVES PANAMA; Cable, advice has been received stating that tne Middlesex arrived at Panama on Tuesday, en route , from Wellington to England, and sailed ttßaiu the sanio day. She left Wellirigtoii oii the 25th May. . - THE HERTFORD. Informatldii has been received that the Hertford arrived at Panama on Tuesday from Wellington, and salted again the siibie day in continuation of her voyago to West of England ports: The Hertford left .Wellington on the 22hd May. , TKANS-PACIFIC CARGO STEAMERS. Tlie Waitpmata leaves Sari-Franclscd on 21st Juno..for Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Melbourne, and Sydney. The Walhemo, from Vancouver and' Sun Francisco, is due at Apia on Tuesday next, and at Wellington on 30th June. The WalrUria is due at Suva on Thursday next, and later proceed* to Fanning Island, Vancouver, and San Francisco. Tin Bauratt v dv» v Auckland * «•*•

break ou Sunday from the Pacific Coast, and | sails on Tuesday for Melbourne, Adelaide, and Sydney. The Waiotapu was to havo left Melbourne yesterday for Sydney to complete her discharge. The following are the forward loading dates of vessels at the Pacific Coast:— I The Wairuna loads at Vancouver and San Francisco during July for Papeete, Auckland (possibly Wellington), Melbourne, and Sydney. ■ . | The Waiotapu loads at Vancouver and San I Francisco during August for New Zealand aud I Australian ports. I The Walhemo loads at Vancouver and San j Francisco late In August ond early In September for New Zealanfl oi \ rts. The Haurakl loads at Vancouver ond San Francisco late in September and early in October for Auckland, Wellington, Melbourne, Adelaide, and Sydney. The Waltemau loads at Vancouver and San Francisco during September and October for New Zealand and Australian poffa. •■ ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. The Aorangi, from Vancouver, is due atAuckland to-morrow afternoon, aud leaves again on Monday for Sydney, where she is duo on tho 24th June. The Maunganul Is due at Vancouver on the 24th June. Tho Tahiti, which left San Francisco' on Wednesday last, ts due at Papeete on the 25th June, and at Wellington on 4th July. The Makiira, which left Sydney on Thursday last, is due at Wellington on Monday morning, and sails again on Tuesday afternoon for Harotonga," Papeete, and San Francisco. She will berth at No. 1 north. Queen's Wharf. ■ ISLANDS SERVICE. . ■ Tho Waipabi, from Barotonga, Is "due at Auckland on Tuesday. The Tofua leaves Auckland to-day for Fiji, Tonga, and Samoa. She is dua at Suva on Thursday next. The Wairuna, from Sydney, is due at Suva on Thursday next. THE PORT CAROLINE. Cabled advice has been received that the Port. Caroline, which sailed from Wellington on the 30th April, arrived at London yesterday. * . • KAPONGA FROM NEWCASTLE. The Kaponga arrived at Wellington yesterday from Newcastlo to discharge a full cargo of coal. She sailed from' Newcastle at II a.m. on Saturday, and experienced heavy seas with moderate southerly gales for three days. The weather cleared on Monday enabling the vessel to arrive well before her scheduled time. Captain C. A. Rankine is in command and associated with lilin ire the following officers: Chief, Mr. C. Long! second, Mr. W. Millward; third,.Mr. S. Taylor; chief engineer, it «■ J£K? uga," ; s<*°nd- Mr- ■»■ Deer; third Mr. t. MKenzle; wireless operator Mr L Whitlock. The Kaponga is to sail on the return trip to Newcastle on Thursday next* REMUERA IN PORT. The Remuera arrived at Wellington shortly before midday from Auckland to complete discharge of her Home cargo. She will tommence loading at Wellington, and iater proceeds to TlmarU, Lyttollori, and Auckland to complete sadlne from ilie northern port ou the leth July for Southampton and London, via Pltc.itrn Island and Panama. THE PORT PIKtE. The Port Pirie is to' leave Port Kembla on> Wednesday for loading at Gisborne, Napier, Lyttclton, Wanganui, and Wellington. She is due. here ort the lltli July, and is to sail on 14th July for London. BY TELEGRAPH. „.,.,,.,. LONDON, 15th June. Arrived—Kia Ora, from Wellington. Sailed—Tamaroa, for Wellington. • „„ - „ SYDNEt, 17th June. Sailed—Marama (4 p.m.), for Auckland; Maheuo (6 p.m.), for Wellington. .' NEWCASTLE, ISta June. Arrived—Kauri, tfroiri Wellington, i Sailed—Kaikoral, for Dunedln. oi. a n PORT STEpHENS, 18th June. . Sailed—Omana, for New Zealand. AUCKLAND,. 17th June. Arrived—Karori (7 a.m.), from Westport. Sailed—Huia (11 a.m.), for HoManga; West Calerr. (4.30 p.m.), for Hobaftj Walporl (6.15 p.m.), for Newcastle. ' . ' „ „ PATE A, 17th June. jailed—lnaha (10.53 p.m.) and Waverley (11 p.m.), for Wellington: • „ ' ' PATEA, 38th June. Sailed—Kapuni (ll!30 a.m.), for Wellington. „„ , ..NAPIER,'IBth June, oailed—Corinthic (2 a.m.)i for Lyttetton. » . =. ■ • WANGANUI, 18th June. Arrived—Storm (liifdnlght), from Welling- , , , ■ PICTON, I7th June. Arrived—Tamahlne (6.20 p.m.) > from Welling- i ton. ■ ' . ' ' i ' , BLENHEIJf, 18th June. Arrived—Watrau (9.30 a.m.), from WelUng- . „, ■ NELSON, 18th June. Arrived—Nikau (r a.m.), from Wellington. To sail—Nikau (11 p.m.), .for Wellington. 1 „„ „ • LYTTM/FON, 17th June.' Sailed—Cygnet (9.5 p>nu), for Kaikoura. 1 . ■"" , ' LtTTELTON,.IBth June. Arrived—Wahine (6.55 a.m.), from Wellington. r. : '■• ■; ■ ■.'■■■■■■■.. To sail—Wahine (8 p.itt.j, for Wellington.

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Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 141, 18 June 1927, Page 11

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SHIPPING Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 141, 18 June 1927, Page 11

SHIPPING Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 141, 18 June 1927, Page 11