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HIGH WATEB. To-day—2.l7 a.m.; 2.39 p.m. To-morrow—3.l a.m.; 3.22 p.m.

. ARRIVALS. May 13—Tutanekal, s.s. (3.15 p.m.), 811 tons, Bollens, from Cook Strait. May 13—Rotorua, s.s. (4.10 p.m.). 12,112 tons. Hunter, from London and Southampton, via Panama. May 13—Walpiata, s.s. (10.30 p.m.), 2826 tons, Eiders, from Auckland. May 13—Echo, auxiliary schooner (11.30 p.m.), 99 tons, Kadford, from Blenheim. May 14—Arahura, s.s. (4.25 a.m.), 1596 tons, Wlldman, from Nelson.. May 14—Komata, s.s. (6.30 a.m.), 2115 tons, Sewell, from Westport. May 14—Maori, s.s. (6.55 a.m.), 34SS tons, Irwln, from Lyttelton. May 14—Kaitoa, s.s. (7.10 a.m.), 319 tons, Martin, from Motueka. May 14—John, s.s. (7.45 a.m.), 342 tons, Hawick, from New Plymouth. May 14—Kapitl, b.s. (8 a.m.), 242 tons. Smith, from Wanganui. May 14—Hawera, s.s. (10.20 a.m.). 174 tons, M'Lachlan, from Patea. DEPARTURES. May 13—Tamahine, s.s. (3 p.m.), 1990 tons, Prosser, for Plcton. May 13—Inaha, motor ship (3 p.m.), 251 tons, Gibson, for Patea. May 13—Storm, s.s. (10.15 p.m.),' 749 tons, Manson, for Wanganul. May 13—Karorl, s.s. '(11.5 p.m.), 1863 tons, DalKleish, for Westport. May 13—Maunganul, s.s. (3.15 p.m.), 7527 tons. Davey, for Sydney. May, 13—Mawhera, dredge (4.35 p.m.), for Groymouth. May 13—Gale, s.s. (5 p.m.), 934 tons, Rodger, for Wansanul. May 13—Kalmai, s.s, (6.20 p.m.), 1428 tons, M'Clellan, for Greymouth.. May 13—Ngaio, s.s. (7.30 p.m.), 1203 tons, Wlldman, for Nelson. May 13—Wahlno, s.s.' (7.50 p.m.), 4436 tons, Cameron, for Lyttelton. • May 14—Petrtcola, oil-tanker (7 a.m.), 5880 tons, Fretwell. for tlmaru.

EXPECTED ARRIVALS. To-day—Tamahine, Plcton; Cumberland, Napler; Kaitoa, Mapua. To-morrow—Wahtne, Lyttelton; Ngato, Nel-» son; Oplhl, Lyttelton; Opawa, Blenheim; Waverley, Patea; Kamo, Napier; Pakura, NaPler; Walrau, Blenheim; Alexander, Wanganul. Moiiday—Arawa, London,- Auckland; Walruna, San Francisco, Auckland; Canadian Britisher, Halifax, Auckland; Inaua, ratea. ' •Tuesday—Maori, Lyttelton; Arshura, Nelson, Taraahlne, Plcton; Kaltangata, Newcastle; Kanunl, Patea; Moerakl, Melbourne; Hertford, Napier; Echo, Blenheim. Wednesday—Wahine, Lyttelton; Ngaio, Nelson; Kaimal, Greymouth; Nlkau, Motueka. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. ' To-day—MaorJ, Lyttelton; Aialiura, Nelson ; Waiplata, Dunedin;. Katoa, Auckland; Jongarlro,, Oamarii; Kamona, New Plymouth; Echo, Blenheim; Australlnd, Lyttelton; Kapuni, Wanganui; Kaitoa; Nelson; West Carmona. Lyttolton. . . Monday—Wahine, Lyttelton;. Ngaio, Nelson; Tamahine, Plcton; Totara, Now Plymouth: Oplhl, Nelson; Opawa, Blenheim; Nlkau, Motuoka; Kamo. Dunedin, Bluff; Walrau, Blenheim; Waverley, Fatea; Alexander, Westport, Groymouth. . .'■ Tuesday—Maori, Lyttelton; Arahura, Nelson; Pakura, Napier; Inaha, Wanganui; Kennedy, Lyttolton. . Wodnosday—Wahine, Lyttelton; Ngaio, Nelson; Tamahine, Plcton; Norfolk, Auckland; Koraata, Westport; Kittawa, Greymouth; Moeraki, bouthorn ports.. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. Ullmaroa, left Sydney on 13th .May for Auckland: duo at Auckland on 17th May; leaves Auckland on 20th May for Sydney; duoi at Sydney on 24th May. (Huddart-Parker Co.) Marama, left Auckland on 13th May for Sydney; duo at Sydney on 17th May; leaves bydney on 20th Way for Wellington; duo at Wellington on 24th May. (U.S.S. Cu.) Maungamil, left Wellington on 13th May tor Sydnoy; duo at Sydney on 17th May; leaves Sydney on 20th May for Auckland; duo at Auckland on 24th May. (U.S.S. Co.) Moerakl, loft Molbourno on 12th May for - Wellington dlroct; due at Wellington on I.Hi May; leaves Wellington on ISth May for Melbourne via southern ports; duo at Melbourne on 28th May. (U.S.SI Co.) Tahiti, from San Francisco, loft Wellington on 10th May for Sydnoy; duo at Sydney on 14th May; loaves Sydney on 19th May for San Francisco, via ports; duo at Wellington on 23rd May. (U.S.S. Co.) BERTHAGE LIST. • Tongarlro—Queen's Wharf, No. 1, centre. Waiplata—Queen's Wharf, No. 2. Otokla—Queen's Wharf, No. 4. Kanltl— Queen's Wharf, No. 5. Nikaii—Quoen's Wharf, No. G. Knpunl^Qirccn'.'T Wharf, No, 5. ■' • Invercargill—Queen's Wharf, No. 7. Wairau—Queen's' Wharf. No. 11. Konnedy—Queen's Wharf; No. 11. Arahura—Queen's Wharf, No. 12. Kcho—Qjieen'B Wharf, No. 13. John—Queen's Wharf, No. IS. I'rogress—Queen's Wharf, No. 13. iCiitoa—Queen's Wharf, No. 14. Maori—Ferry Wharf. Tutanekal—Kerry Wharf. Knniata—Railway Wharf, ivairanga—Railway Wharf. Norfolk—Glasgow Wharf. Kaitoa—Glasgow Wharf. Australlnd—Glasgow Wharf. Rotorua—King's Wharf. Ilawera—King's Wharf. \ Kittawa—Klnu'a Wharf. Cumberland—PiDltca Wharf. Mataroa—Plpltea Wharf. West Carmona—Thorndou Breastwork. Holmdalo—Taranakl Street Wliarf. Knraona—Taranakl Street Wharf. Maheno—Clyde Quay Wliarf Petrlcola—Miraraar Wharf. Manuka—Slip Wharf. Koromlko—On Slip. Corlnna—ln Stream. OVERSEAS VESSELS. Huntingdon, left Llvorpool on 17[h April for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Port Clulmers, and muff; duo-at Auckland on the 24tli May; duo at Wellington on 31st M»y. (Federal Company), . Cumberland,- left Liverpool on 15th Mirch for AuckUnd. N»pl«r, Wellington, Lyttelton, and DuDcdln; arrived at Auckland on 24th April; duo at Wellington on nth May. (FcdeMataroa, left Southampton on 25th March for Auckland and Wellington; arrived at Auckland on 2nd May; arrived at Wellington on 13th May. (Shaw-Savlll Co.) .Arawa, loft Liverpool on !6th March for AuckUnd, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin; arrived at Auckland on Bth May; duo at Wellington on 16th May. (S.S. and A. Co.) Canadian Britisher, lctl n»llf»x on S7th March for Auckland, Wellington, Lytteiton, Tlmaru, and Dunedin; arrived at Auckland on ™' Mjv; due n t Wellington on JOth May. iCO.M.M.) ■ » Sussex, left Calcutta- on 3rd April for Auckland, Wellington. Lyttelton, and Dunedin; due at Auckland on 15th May; duo at Wellington on 25tb May. (U.S.S. Co.)Port Hardy, left London on Bth April for Auckland, Dunedin and New Plymouth; due at Auckland on 10th May. (C. and D Line ) Rotorua, left London on Bth April for Wellington, Lyttolton, Bluff, and Auckland; arrived at Wellington on 13th May. (N.Z.S. Walruna, ieft San Francisco on llth April Tor Papeete, Auckland,- Wellington, Melbourne nnd Sydney;- due at Auckland on Mtli May: due at VVollinston 4on 21st May. (U.S.S. Co.) Canadian Pioneer, lc« Halifax on 25th April for Auckland. Wellington. Lyttolton. Tlmaru. and Duncdln; due nt Auckland on «:li June: due at-Wellington on 13th June. (C.G.M.M.) Walotapu. left Sail Francisco on 24th April for Auckland. Nanlor, Wellington, Melbourne, and Sydney; duo at Auckland on 20th May. Mamiirl, left London on 29th April foi Auclt--land. Duncdln. Lyttelton. and Wellington; duo at Auckland on June. (S.S. and A Co.) Cty of Khartoum, left New York on 28th Aptll for Auckland. Wellington, Tim•nni Duncdln. IllufT. and Laum-eston: due at Auckland on «|, j llm . : due at Wellington on Hth Juno. (A. nnd A. Line.) iv .?i r" c> '°rt So»tharapton on 23rd April for Wellington and Auckland; duo at Wellington' on 31st May. Niagara, left Vancouver on 4lh .V.iv Tor Honolulu, Suva. Auckland, and Sydney; due nt Auckland on 23rd May. (U.S.S. Co.) Kcmuera. left Southampton on sth May for Auckland and Wellington; dv« at Auckland in llth June. (N.Z.S.. Co.) i ' ? ,v,,.eft I'lverl>ool on 7th May for Auckland Wellington, Lyttelton. Dimertln, New Plymouth; due at Auckland oii 13tli June; duo nt VteMiißton on 20th June. (N.Z.S. Co.) VESSELS LOADING.' The following vessels are at present loading and are at the fir.<\ named ports. The sailing dates given are those, of .the departure irom tin?' Ddnjtnjotr* — ■ Welllnistoi.; ,1,10 Wcllin/tosi 1711. M ; iv: sails )Uth May. (,i.-..ij»rnl O. ) Middlesex,- Tor I'nltcd Ki;v.M..-n, n< Soi- ! I l.vmoulh, Wellington; du.j \Vollhi;:ion ISlii May; sails 21st May. ' '<i.'o<Wal Co.) ..prt'.iuii!h,..-!ninl. .foi- l.on.Jnti. .■,,. Wail.-rt-.,r,u ymr-.<\\, tnr .v,-«- Yoi-i:. ■n, ) ,i,..i,,'c,iii 1 ..i i,i k .' ™<a, nt,n \ ■ -i-i-vo-1 'in S'roT"^ 1"" 'M;'v; snils' -l:;:' 'Mu'- ''(lv':V-': Port I'enlson, for Lnnil'in, at Naplrj W.-niKa- " A oil '"Won i ''UO Wellington Kstl. May; mMs 20th. May. '(C. and D. Line.) naratißa, for London, nt Naplo:-. Waii!:anul W cliin B ton ; duo. Wellinston 22nd May ; sails 2oth May. . (S.S. and A . Co .) . "«?«' for Lonc!o". at Wellington. Oam--1 u 'oßl,ulT> LJ'ttc!tnn. Wellington: duo Wellington 30th May; anils nist May. (N.Z.S. Co.) Iftlron. for London, at Opua, New IMymuutli. Waiißamii, Lyttelton. Wellington: due Welllngton 10th June; sails 22nd June. (S.S. and Mataroav for Soiithamplon, London', iit Wcliiii! mi, Tiniaru, Lyttelton. Welllnslon; duo uml " Co) 20"' May: a"1IS 'Uh •"""-'• (S'HUOTORUA IN PORT. 'After a flue wrnthcr voynire from London nnd Southampton, Uio New Zealand Shipping Lompany s liner Koturua arrived at WellinEton

at ten minutes past 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and was berthed at 6 o'clock at No. 3, Kings Wharf. The Rotorua loaded at London, and then embarked her passengers at Southampton, sailing from there at 1 p.m. on Ihe Bth April. Fine weather prevailed on r"11 across the Atlantic, and she arrived at Colon In the forenoon of the 22nd April, passed straight through the Canal, arriving at Balboa tho same evening. Her oil tanks were replenished here, and the Rotorua sailed again at 1.20 o'clock the next morning. Good weather was encountered on the Journey to Iltcairn Island, where she arrived at 4.45 P.m. on the 3rd May. She sailed again shortly after 7 o'clock that evening for Wellington, rather heavy weather beina encountered on the last stages of the voyago. Captain J. L. B. Hunter retains command of the Rotorua, and the following are the officers:— Chief, Mr. SL J. Anderson; second, Mr. B. H. Lawrence; supernumerary second, Mr. R- G. Rees; third, Mr. H. K. Cockerlll; surgeon. Dr. A. R. Redfern; chief engineer, Mr. G. Little; second, Mr. J. Smith; third, Mr. E. Mcholls; chief refrigerating engineer, Mr. 1. Dltton; second, Mr. L. Freeman; electrician, Mr. J. Sullivan; chief steward, Mr. I Brain; wireless operators, Messrs. K. W. Harwood, E. Spice, and F. Fowler. She brought the following passengers to Wellington:—Saloon: Mrs. M. M. Crawford, Mr. C. G. Flannery Mrs. H. Haddow, Mr. T. R. Johnson, Mrs. Johnson, Major R. Walpole, Mrs. Walpole, Master J. Walpole, and 192 steerage. The Rotorua has a large quantity of cargo to, discharge here, and will sail asfain on Friday next for Lyttelton, Bluff, and Auckland to complete discharge. She will then load at Auckland, Napier, Lyttelton, and Wellington, and sails from here on the. 18th Juno lor Southampton and London, via Panama. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. The Aorangi left Suva yesterday for Honolulu and Vancouver. She is due at Honolulu on Friday. The Niagara left Honolulu on Wednesday for Suva, Auckland, and Sydney. She Is due at Suva on Friday. The Makura was due at San Francisco yesterday from Papeete, and Is to sail on Wednesday for Papeete, Rarotonga, Wellington, and Sydney. Tho Tahiti is .due at Sydney to-day from Wellington, and sails on Thursday for Wellington, Rarotonga, Papeete, and San Francisco. • ISLANDS STEAMERS. The Tofua left' Suva on Thursday Tor Auckland, where she is due on Monday. Tho Kartlgl leaves Sydney on Tuesday for Fiji, taking " through cargo for Tonga and bamoan ports.

RUAHINE AT PANAMA. Advice has been received that the Ruahine, which left Wellington on tho 23rd April for London, via Panama, arrived at Panama yesterday. , THE TONGAKIRO. The Tongarlro is to sail from^, Wellington at 3 o'clock this afternon for Homeward loading at Oamaru, Bluff, Lyttelton, and Wellington. She is to sail from here on the 31st May for London. THE NORTHUMBERLAND. The Northumberland Is due here on Monday from Walkokopu to complete loading for Home, She Is to sail on the 17th May for Londou, via the Panama, Canal. SUSSEX FROM CALCUTTA. The Sussex Is duo at Auckland on Sunday from Calcutta, via Eastern ports. Sho Is later to sail for Wellington. Lyttelton, and Dunedin to complete discharge. NORFOLK IN PORT. , Tho Norfolk arrived at Wellington at 8.40 a.m. to-day from Lyttelton to continue loading. ..She Is later to proceed to Auckland to complete, sailing from there on the 28th May for New York, Boston, London, and West Coast ports of Great Britain. MOVEMENTS OF TRANS-PACIFIC CARGO ' STEAMERS. 9 The Waiotapu left San Francisco on the 24th April for Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Melbourne, and Sydnoy, and is duo at Auckland on tho 20th May. The Haurakl arrived at Vancouvor on 29th April, and Is to leave Powell River on Tuesday for San Francisco to complete loading for Auckland, Melbourne, Adelaide, and Sydney. She is expected to leave San Francisco about 26th May. .

Tho Waihemo left J*airo Taso on the 30th April for Vancouver, .where sho is duo on Wednesday; Tho Waltemata sailed from Suva on tho 7tli May for Vancouver and San Francisco, and Is duo at Vancouver on 27th Jlay. Tho Walriina arrived at Auckland yesterday mornlne from Papeete, and tails'again on Saturday for Wellington, Melbourne, and Sydney. Tho forward loading dates at the Pacific Coast are approximately as follow:— Waihemo loads at Vancouver and San Francisco during May for Apia, Wellington, Lytteltou, Tlmaru, Dunedin. Bluff, and New Plymouth. The Waltemata loads nt Vancouver and San Francisco In : June for Auckland, Melbourne, and Sydnoy. Tho Walruna loads at Vancouver and San Francisco In July for Auckland (possibly Wellington), Melbourne, and Sydnoy. The Waiotapu loads at. Vancouver and San Francisco early In August for Now Zealand and Australian ports. The Baurakl loads it Vancouver and San Francisco In September for Auckland, Melbourne, Adelaide, and Sydney. Tho oil-tanker Otolrta Is to leave Wellington to-morrow for Port Chalmers, whore sho is to dock for cleaning.. She will later procoed on the return Journey to America. The Austr'aHnd Is to nail from Wellington .it T> o'clock this evening for Lyttelton, Dunedin, nnd Wanganui to compluto discharge nf Viitrlcan cargo. Tho Canadian Britisher is due hero on Monday moraine from Halifax, via Auckland, and. is to berth at Ng. 1«, Quetn's Wharf. Captain J. E. Roop is In command, and the following are his officers:! First, Mr. H R Mamhall; second, Mr. J. L. Jones; third,'Mr C. Martin; wireless operator, Mr. J. Desotcaux: chl«f engineer, Mr. J. Stoel; second, Mr. H. P. Rogers; third, Mr. C. French; chief stoward, Mr. R. C. Turner; cadets, Messrs. M. Smith and li. Wood. BY TELEGRAPH. TKNKIIIKI'K. llith Miiv. fnllril-Xlalnioa. fur London. XHvyeASTu:, i-turjiay. Arrived—Knrtigl. from Auckland, hailed —Whaneapc, for Napier. DUBLIN, llth May. Sailed—Southland, tug, for .Muff. HONOLULU, llth May. Arrived—Niagara, from Vancouver. ■„ „ • . SiYDNKY, 13tli May. Sailed—tllmaroa (2 p.m.), for Auckland. ,' , J SYDNEY. Htli May. Arrived—Tahiti (0 a.m.), from Wellington. SUVA. I3th May. Sailed—Aoraiißl, for Vancouver. i AUCKLAND, 13th May. Sailed—Marama (3.15 p.m.). for Sydney; Canadian Brltluher (4.30 p.m.),.for Wellington; Wairuna (7.30 p.m.), for Wellington. „ „ . . llth May. Sailed—Ariwa (6.80 a.m.), for Wellington. „ „ „ giSBORNE, 14th May. Sailed—Pakura (3 a.m.). for Wellington. ' . ' NAPIER, 13th May. Sailed—Cumberland (10 p.m.) and Totara (11 p.m.). for Wellington.

, , NAPIER,-. 14th May. Arrived—Raranga (4 a.m.), from Auckland. bi\!led--Cuml>or!and (11.35 p.m. yestordny), for Wellington. NEW TLYMOUTH, lltli May. Arrived-Middlesex (7.30 a.m.), from Wellington, making tho fourth oveaseas vessel berthed simultaneously. , , PATEA, nth May. Inaha (T. 30 a.m.) and Waverley ii.iO a.m.), from Wellington. .. „ , " WANOANUI, ISth May. ■Snlloil—Kniiltl (6.45 p.m.) and John 10.30 p.m.), for Wellington. . , WANOANUI, 14tli May. Arrived—(ialo (7.4.- a.m.), from Wellington. Storm ■ (!).!',5 a.m.), from Wclllng--I'ICTON, Kith Slay. . Arrived—Tamahlno (0.15 p.m.), frnm Wellington. „ , W.KNHKIM. 1 l.tli Jlay. - .billed—()|iau-a (1 a.m.), for Welllnxttm." .. I.YTTELTON. Nth May. Arrived—Wahiue (GMS a.m.), from Wcllins-Arrlvcl-Oulhl (V.'r.On.m.), from Tlmarii, To sail—Wahine (S p.m.), for Wellington. UUNEUIN, 13t!i Jlay. Arrlvrd-Calm (I a.m.) nnd Kahlka (7 a.m.), from Wellington. Arrived—Wallrou'altl (4.43 p.m.), from Syd-

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Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 112, 14 May 1927, Page 11

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SHIPPING Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 112, 14 May 1927, Page 11

SHIPPING Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 112, 14 May 1927, Page 11