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MEETING AT THE BASIN PINE FORM DISPLAYED There was a touch of the championship gathering about the Wellington Athletic Centre's electric light sports meeting at the Basin Eeserve on Saturday night. Performances throughout -were of a very high standard, and many fine achievements were recorded. When champions compete it is only natural to look for first-class performances. Among those taking part in the meeting on Saturday night were some of the best athletes and cyclists in New Zealand—men who hold Dominion athletic titles and fine records. They gave of their best, and the 4000 or so spectators were treated to a firstclass evening's sport. INTERESTING CYCLING EVENTS. A good deal of interest attached to the meeting of the champion cyclists, F. Inose, of Canterbury, and T. Oakley, of Jlasterton. Their first appearance was made in the 880 yards A grade cycle handicap. Both riders won their heats in lmm 5 2-ssec, and their riding was such as to point to greater achievements later in the evening. In the final, just as he was rounding the bend at the end of the first lap, Oakley had the misfortune to strike a post and fell heavily. With Oakley out of the race, Grose had no difficulty in scoring an easy win from C. Flett in the fast time of lmin 4sec. Again in the two miles cycle handicap Grose and Oakley secured first place in their respective heats. Then came the tmal, and what a splendid finish it provided! When the straight was. reached tor the last time. Oakley was in front. Grose made every effort to overtake the Masterton man, but it was of no avail. Oakley, amidst great excitement, flashed over the line a bare length ahead of Grose. OAKLEY PROVES HIMSELF. Although the half-mile aiifl two miles events had provided sterling .contests, the spectators' .looked for a further thrill in the "star" cycle race of the evening— the five-miles championship. After the first few laps the pace slackened for a time. At the bell there was a great juggling for places. H. Scarfe was the pilot, and close behind him came Oakley, J. Carswell, and L. Baker. Along the back straight Oakley and Grose showed their pace. Oakley took the lead, but Grose put in a strong challenge. The crowd was on its feet. Up the straight the two champions raced at a great pace, but Oakley again was successful in beating Grose home, this time by half a length. C. B. ALLAN RUNS WELL. Not only were performances of a high order in the cycle events. In the COO yards handicap, an event not often held in Wellington, C. B. Allan ('Varsity) ran his best race to date, and had he won undoubtedly would have created an Australasian record. Allan was well up in the run for the finish, but V. Wilson (15 yards) just beat him for first place. The time recorded was lmin 13 4-ssec—which is only 3 2-ssec outside the world's record for the distance. MISS MANTAN IN FORM. After failing to find a , place in the 75 yards ladies' handicap,, Miss E. Mantan the New Zealand lady champion, ran splendidly in the 120 yards event. Miss Mantan showed a great burst of speed at the finish, and secured first place from Miss M. Collins (2 yards). Her time was 14 2-ssec—the fastest registered by a lady for this event in New Zealand. C. H. Jenkins, -who has not been at his- best of late, displayed something of his old form in the 220 yards handicap.' H. Headland (20 yards) just beat Jenkins m the final for first place in 22 l-ssee. .Jenkins therefore must have clocked 22 2-ssee, which is the fastest time recorded lor a furlong on the Basin Eeserve. Coming up the straight he appeared to have an excellent chance of winning, but when about 40 yards from the tape he seemed to lose his stride. In the one mile handicap there was another fine tussle between the old rivals K. A. Eose and A. I). Priestley. Eose went to the front a furlong from the finish, and in spite of a good effort by Priestley he won by a good IB yards. There were two novelty events on the programme, including a race between two tandems and a three-seater cycle After doing a lap and a half one of the tandems retired, and the "triplet," which was conceded a start, had,a comfortable win I pints pined by the members of the various clubs counted for the Dewar bhield As a result of Saturday's meeting, the Wellington Club has a lead of 31% points from Athletic, foil; \ e T .£f sults of events in detail are as RUNNING EVENTS. 100 Yards Handicap.—First heat: J. Cunningham (7yds), 1; J. jj. Muckay (B^yils) "■ £. Iv. Eastwood ' Uyds), a. Time 10 "-osec' neat, 2. A good flntsli. Time, 10 l-s.sec 75 Yards Ladies' Handicap First liont- r Clarke (oyds), 1; N. Josephs (>/.yds) 2: N. Pedorser, (lOyda), 3. Tlmo !) l'sser Scco^ina,? MS« inJ'Zwa^ , .CO,?. Jar?f, Handicap.—P. Wilson (15yds), I; C. B. Allan (scr), 2; D. Barker 15yds .!. Allan camo through well 220 yards from lio post and was among tho leaders coming Into tho "strnlßht. With a great ilnlslilnd effort Wilson, however, secured first placo on the tape by a narrow margin. Time, lmin 13 1-5 440 Yards Junior Championship.—ll. Ellis UJ- Art,"urs,- ,2: A- Wclpley, 3. Ellis had tho' oad coming Into tho straI B ht, and won a wellJudKod race by four yards. Wch>ley put In a challenge over tho last twenty yards, but S™"," overhaul Arthurs, who Just man--54 1-Gsec 50COnd p!aco- TlmeOne Milo Handicap.—X. A. Rose (scr) 1A. D. Priestley (25yds), 2; T. Mulcahv NO yds), 3; G. w. GUchrlst (lOOydsK 41 Going into the last lap H. Gordon (85yds) led from Mulcahy, and Priestley was ahead of Rose. A furlong from tho tape Rose took tho lead and was _ Prlostloy into the straight. With a great final sprint Rose drow away further and finished 16 j'ards ahead of Priestley who was ten yards in front of Mulcahy! Time, 4min 25sec. 220 Yards Handicap.—First heat: E Murphy (10yds), 1; C. H. Jenkins (scr), 2; C. F Thompson (12yds), 3. Tlmo, 23sec. Second heat: R. Murray (10yds), 1; J. K. Brown (13yds), 2; J. T. Fleming (scr), 3. Time 22 4-ssec. Third heat: J. Cunningham (12 yds), 1; H. Headland (20yds), 2; F. S. Ramson (2yds), 3. Time, 22 2-ssec. Final: Headland 1, Jenkins 2, Cunningham 3. Won' by inches. Time, 22 l-ssec. 120 Yards Ladles' Handicap.—R. Mantan (scr), I; SI. Collins (2yds), 2; A. Murray (syds), 3. A great finish, Miss Mantan coming through with a great burst of speed. Time, 14 2-ssec. 100 Yards Boys' Handicap.—Final: Livingstone 1, Ross 2. Ono Mile and a Half Novelty Relay (two ladles each 110 yards, junior 220 yards 440 yards, 880, yards, 880 yards cyclo).—Wellington (Misses Mantan and Ross, Welply, Fleming, Colo, Kenny), 1; Olympic (Misses Miller and Murray, Barley, Campbell, Wilson, Mackle), 2; 'Varsity (Misses Clarke and Edwards, Arthurs, Eastwood, Allen, Bird), 3. Time, smln CYCLE EVENTS. 880 Yards A Grado Cycle Handicap.—First heat: F. Grose (scr), 1; C. Flett (scr), 2; A. Horsfall (40yds), 3. Grose was second at the bell, and in the last lap ho showed good paco and defeated Jlett by a length and a half. Time, lmin 5 2-ssec. Second heat: T. Oakley (scr), 1; D. M'Fedrles (10yds), 2; Pete (Carterton), GOyds, 3. OakUy early mado an impression in the last, lap and won easily. Time lmin 5 2-ssec. Final: Grose, 1; Flott, 2; M'Fedrles, 3; Horsfall, 4. Oakley had the misfortune to strike one .of tho posts xound tho track Just at the bend at the end of the first lap. At the bell Grose was third and was closely'followed by Flett. Tho New Zealand champion, however, opened out, and displaying i;reat speed won easily from Flett by six 'ongths. Time, lmin 4sec. One Mile B Grado Cyclo Handicap.—First ;eat: R. James (20yds), 1; R. Robinson (scr) 2; A. James (50yds), 3. Time, 2min 23 3-5 sec. Second heat: F. Brittaln (20yds), 1; L. Manning (10yds), 2; P. Sutherland (100 yds), 3. Time, 2mln 29 2-ssec. Final: R. James, 1; Robinson, 2; Brittaln, 3. James drow ahead over the last 25 yards and won by about a length and a half. Time, 2mln 25 3-ssec. Three-quarter Mllo Novelty Raco (two tan■lems v. three-seater cycle).—Triplet (R. Robinson, Grose, Scarfe), 1; No. 1 Tandem (Carswell and P. Robinson), 2. Tho triplet had a start and made good use of It, winning easily. No. 2 tandem, after completing a lap and a half, retired. Two Miles Cyclo Handicap.—First heat: V. Grose (scr), 1; M. Gano (40yds), 2; D. M'Fed•le3 (00yds), 3. Another great finish by 'irose. Timo, fimln ssec. Second heat: T Oakley (scr), 1; A. Dowries (110 yds), 2; Pete (Carterton), 110 yds, 3. Oakley rode splendidly and won easily. Time, 4m(n 55 3-ssec. Final: Oakley, 1; Grose, 2; Gane, 3; M'Fedries, 4.

With six laps covered the order was Downes, Oakley, Grose. Pete led into the last Inn, but Grose went to the front soon afterwards. Oakley went out after him, however, and came away 220 yards from the finish. He was then three lengths ahead of Grose. They cleared Gane and the others. Oakley was in front at the bend into the straight, and withstood a strong challenge from Grose to win by a bare length. Time, omin 1 2-ssec. 440 Yards Boys' Cycle Championship—First heat: Anderson, 1. Time, 36sec. Second heat: Inman, 1. Time, 38 l-ssec. Third heat: K. Williams, 1. Time, 37sec. Fourth heat: Sutherland, 1. Time, 3S 2-ssec. Fifth heat: Baker, 1. Time, 3Ssec. Sixth heat: Woods, 1. Time, Msec. Seventh heat: Brittain, 1. Time, 40sec. Semi-finals.—First heat: Anderson, 1. Time, 38 2-ssec. Second heat: K. Williams, 1. Time 36 4-ssec. Final, Anderson, 1; Williams, 2. Won by two lengths. Time, 37sec. Five Miles Cycle Championship.—T. Oakley, 1: F. Grose, 2; C. Flett, 3. Also started: J. Morris, T. Hayes, B. M'Fedries, H. Scarfe, J. Carswell, M. Gane, A. Horsfall, L. Baker. After the first few laps the pace slackened for a time. In the twelfth lap Horsfall came down. With "four to go" the order past the post was: Morris, Baker, M'Fedries, Oakley, Grose. Going Into the nineteenth lap Gane held tha lead from Hayes, Morris, and Scarfe. At the bell Scarfe was piloting the field, and the next behind him were Oakley, Carswell, and Baker. Flett, Oakley, and Grose went up fast along the back. Oakley In a flash took up the lead, but Grose challenged strongly. Up the straight the pair fought out a grand finish, Oakley crossing the line first by half a length. A length and a half separated second and third, and there was very little between third and fourth. Time, 13min 13 2-ssec. FIELD EVENTS. High Jump Handicap.—F. Brady (scr), oft 9in, l; G. J: Sceats (scr), sft Sin, 2; W. G. Kalaugher (2in), sft Bin, 3. In the jump-off Throwing the Discus.—F. Jones (scr), 97ft llin, 1; F. Perry (10ft), 78ft sin, 2; J. Cunningham (Bft), 75ft 9in, 3. Long Jump.—F. Perry (l%fO, 22ft 4in, 1; D. Barker (scr), 20ft 4in, 2; W. G. Kalaugher (scr), 19ft llin, 3. , DEWAR SHIELD POINTS. The Dewar Shield competition points are as follow, the points gained at the first meeting, on Saturday night, and the totals being given in that order;— Wellington, 39, 36—75; Athletic, 29, -14%—43% ; University, 23, 18—41; Selwyn,l9, 6—25; Lower Hutt, 7, 9—16; Masterton, 0, 14—14; Brooklyn, 3, o—3; East Harbour, 2, o—2; Kiwi,- 2, 2%—4«>; Olympic, 0, 6—6.

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Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 61, 14 March 1927, Page 15

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ELECTEIC LIGHT SPORTS Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 61, 14 March 1927, Page 15

ELECTEIC LIGHT SPORTS Evening Post, Volume CXIII, Issue 61, 14 March 1927, Page 15