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HIGH WATER. Today—Oh iSm a.m.;. Oh 21m p.m. To-morrow—Oh 44m a.m.,- 7h 17m p.m. ARRIVAL!. December 20— Athenic, «.s. (8.30 p.m.). .12,366 tons, Davies, from Loßdon and Southampton, via Panama. December 21—Rapuni, s.s. <I.IS a.m.), 275 tout, Robertson, from Paten. December 21—Hikitea, crane (8.40 a.m.), from England. December 21-Marania, «.i. (4.20 a.m.), 0497 tons, Hill, from Sydney. December 21—Arahura, s.s. (*.SO a.m.), 1203 tons, Wilflmau, from Nelsoa. December 21—Echo, auxiliary scow (4.46 a.m.), 09 tons, lUdforii, from Blenheim, December 21—Mcrnoo, s.s. (5.35 a.m.), . 3600 tons, Roy, irom Montreal, via Auckland. December 21—Bullaren, s.s. (6 a.m.),. 6772 tons, llallberg, from Oslo, via Panama. December 21—Oplhl, s.s. (6 a.m.), 1117 tons. Fish, from lyttelton. December 2V-Irls, cable chip (6 a.m.), 1430 tons, Hughes, from Cook Strait. December 21—Regulus, s.B. (6.50 a.m.), 584 tone, Wahlstrom, from Picton. December 21—Maori, s.s. (7 a.m.), 3412 tons, Irwin, from Lyttelton. December 21—lluanul, auxiliary schooner (8 a.m.), 144 tons, from Olsborne. December 21—Kennedy, i.e.- (9.W a.m.), 220 tons, Stuart, from Foxton. December 21—Inaha, motor ihlp (12.30 a.m.), 251 tone, Gibson, from Watigtnui. December 21—Nlkaii, ».s. (1!.45 p.m.), 248 tons, Vasta, from Waltapu. DIPARTURCS. December 20—Waverley, •.». (8.46 p.m.), IG7 tons, Brigden, fot Patea. December 20—Tamahlue, l.«. (3.58 p.m.), 1 1990 tons, Prosser, for Picton. December 20—Ngaio, s,«. (7.30 p.m.), 1203 tons, Wlldman, for Nelson. December 20—Wuhine, S.s. (8 p.m.), 44SStons, Cameron, for Lyttelton/. December 20—Opawa; motor ship (10 p.m.), 110 tons, M'Klttnon, fof Blenheim. December 20—Makura, s.s. (11.26 p.m.), 8076 tons, Davey, tor Sydney. • December 20—Koutunul, s.». (11,10 p.m.), 171 tons, Miles, for Eiiat Coast. December 31—Surprise, ittara yacht (7.6 a.m.) 2888 ton», King, for Picton. December 21—Knpiti. s.f. (10.30 a.m.), 242 tons, Btnith, for Wanganul. IXfIOTIO ARRIVAL!. Echo, Blenheim,. 2lst ; ' ' Regulus, Plctbn, 21st , . luaha, Wanganui, Sl«t Tamahlne, Picton, 21st . Kama, Dunedin, via ports, 21st Totara, New Plymouth, 21«t Kennedy, Foxton, 21st Wayerley, Patea, 22nd Port Sydney, tytteltod, B2nd ■' ' Kurow; Auckland, 22nd ■ . . Mahana, New Plymouth, 22nd Wahine, Lyttelton, 22nd Kamona, Napier, S2nd '■■ . Kaltangata, Oreymouth, 29nd ' Opawa, Blenheim, 22nd Ngaio, Nelson, Knd Ngakuta, Lyttelton, Mnd Arawa, Dunedin, - ttnd Koutumil, Eait Coast, Mnd Toogarlro, Timaru, itta Wairau, Blenheim, ISM Arahura, Nelson, ISrd Maori, Lyttelton, 2Srd Nlkau, Motueka, 23fd Echo, Blenheim, card Maheno, Melbourne, via southern ports, 23rd Pakura, Bast Coast, 26th Komata, Westport, !Bth Mataroa, Auckland, Mth Katoa, Bluff, via ports 28lh PROJECTM) DEPARTUM*. Maori, Lyttelton, 21st . Kennedy, Foxton, 21st Regulus, Westport and Oreymouth, 31st Arahura, Nelson, 21st Nikau, Motueka, 21 et Opihl, Nelson, 21«t Karno, Napier, 21st Pl»>ira, Eaat Coast, 21st AtlMnlo, Port Clulmefi, tlii Komata, Weslport, 21»t Kahika, aouthera ports, 21st ■ Vinemoor, Melbourne, 22nd Inaha. Wanganui, I2nd Koutunul, East Coast, 22nd Tamahine, Picton, 22nd Ngaio, Nelson, 22nd Onawa, Blenheim, 22nd Wahine, lyttelton, 22nd - Bullaren, Brisbane, 82nd Tofcara, Lytteltoii, 22nd ■ Kurow, southern ports, 23rd ' Canadian Spinner, tyUeltOU, 3Srd Wairau, Blenheim, JSrd Mernoo, Picton and Brisbane, 13rd Echo, Blenheim, 23rd Arawa, Napier, 24th . MaraiUa, Sydney, S4th Maheno, Melbourne, 28tn THI INTIROOLONIAL ItMVIOC. Wimaroa, left Wellington On 17th December for Sydney; due at Sydney on 21«t December; leaves Sydney on 24th December for Auckland; due at Auckland on 28th December. (HudckirtParker Co.). - ; Maraina, left Sydney on 17th December for Wellington; arrived at Wellington SUt Deoembet; leaves Wellington ba 24th December tor Sydney; due at Sydney on 2!th December. (HAS. Co.) ~laheno, left' Wellingtoß on 80th November for Melbourne, via southern ports; arrived at Melbourne on 11 th December; left Melbourne on 15th December for Wellington, via south em ports; due Wellington on 28rd December. (U.B.S. Co.) Maungahui, left Sydney on 17th December for Auckland; due at Auckland on list December; leaves Auckland on 24th December; due at Sydney on 28tH December. (U.B.S. Co.) Makura, left WellinKton oil 20th Decent' ber for Sydney; due at Sydney on 23rd December. (U.B.S. Co.) Niagara, left Auckland on 7th December for Sydney; arrived at Sydney on 11th December; left Sydney on 16th December for Auckland; arrived at Auckland 20th December. (U.S. S. Co.) OVIMEAt VIIHM Mernoo, left Montreal ■on Zlrd October for Auckland, Wellington, Pleton, and Brisbane; arrived at Auckland ICth December; arrived at Wellington on 21st December. (N.Z.B. Co.) Canadian Ssplnner,. left Montreal ua tn* Z7th October, via Sydney (C.Bj, for Auckland, Napier, WelllngtoD, L.Tttelton. Timtru, and Dun. edln; arrived it Auckland on 15th Deuember; arrived at Wellington on. the 2gth December. (C.0.M.M.) Carlnthla, left New York on Uth October on world cruise; duo »t Auckland on S;7th December I dv* at Wellloiton on sitt Dvcembtr. (C. and D Lille.) , Port Dowen left tlferpaol on 11th November for Auckland and Wellington.". Du* at Auckland on 24th December, and at Wellington on 31st December, (C. and D. tine.). Trevorlan loft New York on 13th November for Auckland, Napier, Wellington, I,yttelton, Dunedin; due at Auckland on 21st December; due at Wellington on 3l»t December. (A. and A. Line.) ■ Athenic left Southampton on 12th November for Wellington, Fort Chalmers, Lyttelton, .Kapler;'arrived at Wellington on 21st December. (S.S. and A. Co.) Itotorua, left Southampton on 17th November for Auckland; Wellington, Bluff; due at Auckland on 24th December;' due at' Wellington on 31st December. (N. 2.5. Co.) . Canadian Planter, left Montreal on 2«th Nov- ! ember tot Auckland, .Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru, and Dunedin; due at Auckland on oth January: due'at Wellington on .With Janu ary (C.0.M.M.) ' " • West Conob, left Los Aog«'.£i on the 20ih November for Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Lytteltou, Timafu, aad Danedin; arrived Auckland on the 17th December; due at Wellington on the 23rd December, (Burns, Philp, and Co.) 'Irelissick, left Montreal on 25th. November for Auckland, Welljngtoa, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Melbourne, and Sydney; due at Auckland on 9th January. (N.Z.B. Co.) , Corinthic, left Southampton on 3rd December for Wellington and Auckland; dv« at WellinKton on 9th January. . (S.S. and A. Co.). Wairuna, left San Francisco on 29th November for Auckland, Napier, Melbourne; and Byd-' ney; due at Auckland on 26th December. (t.S S. 'CO.) •■ ..' ■■■■:■ Otokia. left San Luie on the Bth December for Wellington; due at Wellington on Ist Jauuary. (U.S.S. Co.) . Anglo Columbian, left Galveston' on Ist December for Auckland, Port Chalmer*', Lyttelton, Sydney, and Geelong; due at Auckland on 80th December. , Waihora left Calcutta on Bth December for Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Blurt; due at Wellington on Bth' January. (U.S.S. Co.) Sussex left Calcutta on 6th December for Pcnaug, Singapore, Samarung, Auckland, Wel- ■ on, Lyttelton. .Timaru, Sunedlo, and Bluff; due at Auckland on Bth January; due velltngton on 19th January. (U.S.S. Co.) Northumberland, left Liverpool on Cth December for Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Port Chalmers; due at Auckland on 10th January; due at WetHOttton on 20th January. (F.S.N. Co.) '•■ ' Remuera, left Southampton oil 4th December for Wellln"ton. Lyttelton, Port Chalmers, and Hill IT; due-at Wellington on 9th January. (N.Z.S. Co.) .. •' Trevelan left New York on Jth December for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, ;Duuedln, Tasmania, and Australia; due it Auckland on Oth January; due at Wellington on lath January.. (A. and A. Line.) West Calera, left Los Angeles on {th December for Auckland, Wellington, and Australia; due at Auckland on 39th December;; due at Wcilineton on 6th Janunr.f. (Burns, Phllp, and Co.) Yomab, left New York on Sth December tor Auckland, Napier, Wellington: Lyttelton. Dunedin, and Bluff; due at Auckland on the J2th January; due at Wellington c:i 19ti> January. (C. and D. Line), .'■..'. ATHENIC FROM HOME. After an uneventful voyage from London and Southampton, via Panama, tho Shaw, Savlll liner Athenic arrived In the stream at 8.30 p.m. ycaterday, and berthed at Glasgow Wharf shortly after 11 a.m. to-day. The Athenic: left London on 10th November for Southampton,' where mails and passengers Were taken aboard. She left Southampton at l p.m. on Uth November, and arrived at Colon early In the morning of 28th November. After coaling at Colon, she made transit of the Panama Canal the'same day. Fltcatrn Island was reached on 10th December, and after staying there for two hours, the vessel stood on her course for Wellington. Good weather was experienced throughout the voyage, although fairly rough seas were encountered two days out from Southampton. ■•■■■■■'■ Captain K. Davis li In command, and his officer* are:—Chief, Mr. T. Kurd; first, Mr. O. Russet-Pope; second, Mr. T. Holmes; third, Mr. F. Kean; fourth, Mr. W. Hill; chief engineer, Mr. J. E. Roberts; second, Mr. H. Purvis; third, Mr. J. I'alkes; fourth, Mr. A, Atkinson; fifth, Mr, J. Fryor; sixth, Mr. J. Hovllng; boiler-

maker, Mr. S. Ablctt; electrician, Mr. A. Rushton; chief refrigerating engineer, Mr. H. Mossman; second, Mr. 1. Haosen; purser, Mr. E. Lancaster; surgeon, T". D. J. A. Fuller, M.8., Chß., 8.A.0. (treland) ! Wireless operators, Messrs. H. Rico-Byrne, M. Burkß, H. Wirrall; chief steward, Mr. J. BolßOr. The passenger list was published yesterday. The Athcnic leaves Wellington this evening for Port Chalmers to commence discharge of her cargo. MKRSTOO ARRIVES. An arrival in port at 5.35 o'clock tin's morning from MontreHl, via Auckland, was the Mernoo, a small cargo steamer, on her maiden voyage to Australia, and which was built to Ye order of the Melbourne Steamship Company, Ltd., by Swnii, Hunter, and Wlelwrn Richardson, Ltd., at their Neptune Works, Jfewcastli'-on-Tyue. Constructed to attain the highest class in Lloyd's Register, she is a single-screw, «teamer S9fift in length, by 42Jft In beam, and Will carfy over 3<>oo tons deadweight on a draft of 20ft. She bis it long bridge, short poop and forecastle. The propelling machinery consists of > set of triple expansion engines which, with their boilers, have been built by George Clark, Ltd., of Bunderland, ami on the War trip it forked Vith perfect satisfaction to all concerned. The appliances for handling the cargo and for the working of the ship are of the most modern design, and include a..steam windlasß, steam steering gear, nine steam winchei, a steel derrick, to, lift ten tons, eight steel derricks each to Hit five tons, and four steel coaling Raffs for two tons each. Captain L. H... Roy is in command of the Mernodi and has with him the following officers: chief, Mr. J. Ornham; second, Mr. W. If. Thompson; third, Mr. A. Murray; chief enpueer, Mr. J, PorteoU.?; second, Mr. A. It. Jobbing; third, Mr. j. Brjce; chief steward, Mr. N. Oarlylej wireless operator, Mr, Aaeppi; punier, Mr. 0. 8. Brammeli. The New Zealand Shipping Company are the local agents for the vessel. THE KAIWAHKA, The Union Company Huvises that the Kaiwarra will leave Lytteltou on the Blst December for Melbourne, where she will load'early In January for New Plymouth, Wellington, i?apier, and Auckland. ..-■-. THE CANADIAN SPINNER. The Canadian Government Line steamer Can.adian Spinner, which arrived at Wellington yesterday, from Auckland, will leave on ThUMrtny for Lyttelton, Timaru, and Dunedin, to complete discharge rf her Canadian cargo. PASBEXCERB FOR SYDNJSY. In continuation of her voyage from San Francisco, the Union Company's R.M.S. Makura left Wellington last night for Sydney. The following passengers joined the vessel here:— Saloon: Mm. and Miss Armstrong, Mils Baileyno, Mr. It. Andersftn, Mr. R. 1, Baldwin, Miss D. Belmonl, Mr. H. BroWn, Mr. and Mrs Bunting, Mr*. 15. A. Blssett, IHlss E. Bradley, Mrs.. Blgwood, Mr. T. Brcderlck, Mr. C. Brodley, Mr. J. Byrne, Mr. R. -Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. Confoy and 3 boys, Mr. G. Blapoffiiki, Miss J. Caffyn, Miss R. Crisp, Miss L. Clouston, Mr. R. Cane, Mr. L: - Daraton, Miss Douglas, Mr.. L. Fairfax, Mr. A. B: Glen, Mr. Griffiths, Misses Gotttn (2), Mr. P. Gordon, Miss L. Gay, Mr. Hay, Miss Buntet, Mf. J. W. Hunter, Miss B. C. Hendrick, Mr. Helford, Mr. Holmes, Miss R. Hartlng, Mlm G. Horntll, Mlai N. B. Jtoril«, Mr, Jofdoh, Mr. P. Jendln. Mr. H: Jakfaiob, Miss Jackion, Miss D. Kingsley, Mrs. and Miss Lathleen, Mm. Lund, Mr. and Mn. Lortday, Mlsa Jt'lnfles, Mr. X, Murton, Mr. D. B. Meneles, Miss M'Manus, Mr. I. Manson, Miss Mathieson, Mr. Mason, Mr. and Mr*. /. Manning, Miv Maradcn, Mr. and Mrs. Mettln, Master Math' ieson, Mrs. G. Murton, Miss Nlcoll, Mr. W. Nellson, Miss G. Nash, Miss A. ODea, Miss 0. Kellly, Miss O'Rourke, Mr. C. O'Connor, Miss B. Pratt, Mr. T. Pike, Mr, A. Penrose, Mr. J. B. Reid, Mr. and Mri, J. Balaton, SIM. A. Reid, Mr. Ramsay, Mr. anil tits. Robertson and 2 children, Mr. and Mrs. Shortland, Miss Stewart, Mr. W- Sutch, Mies E. ScorrM, Mr. T. Tarrant,. Mr. R.-Tanley, Miss Wilson, Miss Williamson, Mr. and Sirs. Walenn, Father Walsh, Mr. W. Winter, Mlsa G. A. WUllanu, Miss B. Yates, Miss BroWn, Miss H. Dilfyuiple, Mrs. L. Dilleston, Mr. and Mrs. %. 1., tan and boy, Mrs. and Mtu MlrUlan, Mr. X. 0. Hayes, -Mrs. Johnstone, Mr. P. Keogan, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Llnsett, Miss M'Callum (2), Mr, 8. It. Meachan, Miss D. Mattheys, Mrs. B. Martin, Mr. J. C. Martin, Miss Mayhead, Misses E. and M. Smith, Mr. 8. Slnget, Mr. *nd Mrs. Spar and 2 children, Mr? J. C. Thompson, Miss Tothtil, Mrs. F. L. and Miss E. M, Topp, and 35 third-data. MABAMA IN.PORT. The Union Company's inter-cblonial passenger steamer Maratna arrived In the stream at 4.20 o'clock this uiorning from Sydney, and was berthed shortly after 8 o'clock at No. 1 North Queen's WhSrf. She left- Sydney at 4 p.m. on Friday last with 427 ptMOmut m board, approximately 1300 bags of mall, and a Utue shipment of general cargo, including two horses. Until 6 O'clock yesterday aflirnoon it rafted throughout the jtrig, and It was not until then that the weather cleared up. Other than this the trip was uneventful, She brought the following saloon 'passengers: —Mr. J. B. Atholwooil, Mr. R. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. A -H. Allen, Mr. and Mr«..X. and A. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. A. and M. Anderson, Master A. Anderson, Miss E. M. Armstrong, Mts» A. Ayusley, Mr. p, Abercrombie, Mrs. h. Barnett, Miss X. Bawetj; ;Mlss .A,. M. Black, Mr. ami Mrs. B. Brown, Misses M. Brown, Mr. H. Brown, Mr. and 'lira. E. Boyes, Miss R. Bolton. Miss K. Bonnor, Missed D. and A. Bull, Mrs. M Burton, Sir. F. S. Beverldoe, Mr. G. Blunt, Mr.'D. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Baker, Mrs. and Miss A. Barclay, Mis* M. Ulatchforcl, Mr. G. Bromley Mr. G. Bourke, Miss N.- Barrass, Mrs. G. Clayton, Mil* M. Clayton; Mr. R. Cummins, Mr. D, M. Campbell, Mr. F. Car«lano, Mr. W. B. Clarkson, Sir. I. p., Coiter, Mrs 3. Cable, Mr. A. R. Cameroit, Mr. a»d MM, A. E. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. D. Coatello. Mr. L. Donaghy, Mra. and Master M. and S. Donahue, Mr W. T. Druce, Mr. and. Miss E. and M. Driscoll, Miss M. B. Dallow, Mr. ft,, 0. Dalrymple, Mr. W. D. Dymock, Mr. and Mri. S. Davys, Captain It. Ellis, Mrs. C. Ktherldße, Miss D. England, Miss M. Erickson, Misses F. and 3. Eaflen, Mrs. E. «. Kl«tob,. Dr. C. Farr, Mr. G. Franks, Mr. E. Jagm, Mrt. E. Viigan, Aliss J. 1). foster, Mlsi M. Farnham, Mr. L. C. Friend, Mr. W. J. G«ftlile», Mrt. M. Gorrlngl, Mr.' H. Grundtn, Mr. W. S. GMen, Miss E. Ferguson, Mr. and Mm. ». R. »*»•>;• Master and Miss I. and M. Healy, Miss C. Hendry. Mrs. and Miss H. and C. Healy, Mr. E. B. Hall, Mr. A. Hoby, Mr. J. Harper, Mriand Miss A. and J, Barvoy, Rev. A. HuWßlnson, Mr. S. Hewln», Mr». 1. Hyaflw, MM. 0. Hertiog, Mies E. Hazeltine, Mrs. M. Haggart, and Master A. Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. I*: G. HoHliouse, Mr. R. Hungerford, Mrs. J. ana Misses M. N. aa4 A. Jackson. ?»fr. H, Jackson, Mr. A. H. Johns. Mr. M.C. Johnston', MIM K. King, Miss K. Kelly, Mr. W. P. Kirkwood, Mr. E. Le Grove. Miss H. T. Lowe, Miss B. Lewi3, Miss B. law, Mr. and Mr». W. Linton. Miss and Master M. and R. Linton, Mr. and Mrs. J. and Misses B. and P. Martin. Mrs. A. V. Mazengarb, Mr. E. L. Ma»on. Miss M. Marks, Mr. E. Massey, Mr. V. Martin.' Dr. and Mrs. P. Marshall, Miss C. Mead, Rev. Father B. M'Gee, Miss and Master L. and J. M'Nally, Miss K. MacFarlane. ProfeMor 1, M'MillanBrown, Mr. S. Ji. M'lnnes, Mr. and Mrt. R. and F. Mitchell, Mrs. L. Slilverton, Master. B. Borrle, Mls« and Mr. M; »nd A. Miller, Mr. V. G. R. Miles, Rev. A. MdynlhdS, Mr*. L. B. Monk, Mr.. and Mrs. M. Moscovitch, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Morfee, Mr. and Mrs. H. Moses, Miss F. Moses, Mrs. and Miss H. and D. mi Master. B. Mooro, Miss M. Murray, Mrs. S. North, Mr. B. Newson, Mr. V, O'K»efe, MIM V. E. Olifent, Mr. and MM. A. OllTer, Mr. ». Price, Miss J. Perrlns, Mr. J. Powell, Mr.- D. H. Powell, Mr. and Mra. W. N. Pharaiyn; Mr. and Mrs. F. Fears*, Mr.l C. P»rrla, Jllss I». Pirie; Mrs. A. Porter. Mr. and Mm. ,J. aim Masters J. and H. -Pllmsoll, Mtss E. Pollock, Miss J. Paterson, Mr. A. H. Piper, Mr. B. Raymond, Mr.s D. Rothbury, Mm. B: Rothbury, Mrv and Mrs. F. Robertson, Miss /. Rose, Mrs. and Miss F. and P. Ryan, Mis* A. Beilly, Mr. J. Richard, Mm. J. Richard. Mts» K. M. Kapley. Mr. R. E. Suckling, Mra. R, Sneddoti, Miss E. Sharks, Mesdames E-. and B. Bcott, Mrs. U Scott. Master G. Barrett. Mr. J. Sherwln, Mr. A. Somcrviile, Mr. J. Shaw, Mr. C. SpMer, Mr. A. Saner. Mr. R. Smith. Miss h. Shlmmeld, Mr. E. A. Shrimpton,' Mr. G. Thornton, Mr. IJ. T. Thornton,' Miss M. Thomai, Mr. W. B. Topp, Mr. A. E. - Urwin. MM. A. Vllel, Mrs. M, E. Vennall. Sir. h, Vaughaq, Mr. T. Wignall, Mrs. G. C. WhltMn, Mr. and JIM. W. Way, Mr*. G. Woodman, Miss H. Wood, Mis* K. WebbJones, Mr. and Mra. A. ll, . Welsh, Mrs. 11. G. Williams, Dr. T.. A.. Wllllanus, Captain T. A. Williams, Mr. It. Wobater, Mr. 0. Zucco, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Brian, Miss X.* Btien. flccoud saloon: Mr. C. W. Armstrong,.Mr, E. Blackburn, Mr. R. Berryman, Mr.. J. Bell, Mrs. A. I Bowderi, Miss o.' Cole, Jlr. J. Cerchl, Mrs. C. B; Colls, Mr. H. P. Chin, Mr. D: Campbell, Mr. iL. Clarke, -Mrs. R. 0. Durtklejr, Mill'P. DunirI ley. Miss G. Dart, ,Jllss H. E. Day, Mr. K. M. Feck, Mrs. and Miss K. J. Fay, Miss A. h. Fray, Mts, M. flrocen, Mr. and Mm. C. Hall, Misses K. «nd M. Hart well. Mr. R. Janlan, Mr. A. Kilner, Mls« I. Kelly, Mrs. H. Krlth, »Il»s E. Kopper, Miss E. Lynch, Mrs. I. Lapere, Miss M. M'Gregor, Mlsa A. MelrllU. Mlns D. Morrison. Mr. 1. Mackay, Slf. H. MacLaghlan, Master J. Driver, Mr. and Mts. J. Murphy, Miss E. Murphy, Miss R. Masters, Mr. W. A. Mason, Messrs. 0. and .7. Jlollne, 'Muster P. Mollne, Mr. W. n. Molt. Mrs.t. J. Pulley, Ml«« W, Plfkles. Mr W. A. Qtlinn, Mis» V. ReyiioMn, Mr. C. Read, Mlsa V. Styles. Jlr, and Jfr». W. F. Slack, Mlm A. K. Black, Mrs. E. D. Stanton, Miss G. Taylor. Mr. J. Thorpe, Mr. T. Tibbie, Sir. 1. Walker, Mr. A. Wllkins, Ml«e M. V. Young.' ...'.. ... The Mar«ma Id to leare hero for Sydney on the return trip it 3 p.m. 'on Friday. BULLAREN FROM NORWAY. An interesting arrival in port this morning wal the Norwegian motor-ship Bullaren, from Oslo, via, Panama. The Bullaren, which Is tinder charter to the Federal Company, loaded at Stockholm, Gottenburg, and Oslo, for Wellington, Brlibane, Neweaitlc, Sydney, and Melbourne. She loft Oslo on 4th November, and reached Panama, on 29th November, after an uneventful passage across the Atlantic. Rough weather was experienced during the first week out from Oslo. Fine Weather prevailed during the run across the Pacific. On board the vessel-arc 11 pasienser* for Australian port*. She lias a small portion ot her carlo for dl»----charge at Wellington. Cftptain J. Ballberg 1* In command, and the crew number* 44. The Bullaren is a twin-screw yeuel, and hat d gross tonnage of 5722. Her principal dimensions are: Length 43fift, breadth 50ft, depth 26ft. Hlie wss launched In 1318 at Gottenburg. Like most Norwegian .vessels, aha Is beautifully ltept, and so spick and span is her appearance inside and outside that at first sight one would think »he wa* a new ship. With her fresh-looking white paint and oiled dcckß, and her neatly-lfept cabins, she is a great, deal superior to the usual type of cargo steamer that visits this port, An llttereatlng member of the ililp'a company, although hlu. name docs not appear among the articled. In a Norwegian police dog, which i* • great fnvourlte among the crew. He is the property of the captain, and has reached the ripe age of 11 years.

THE YOMAH. The Canadian Government Llni ad»(«s that the Yomah, en route from New York to Auck« land, passed through Panama Canal on Sunday last. She is due at Auckland on lit* January, and at Wellington on 19th Jikmiary. COASTAL STEAMERS. The Kurow is due here ou Thursday ffMa Auckland, and will later proceed on to Southern ports. The Kamo is due here this afternoon from the South, arid is to sail afJiin to-morrow fet Napier, Glsborne, and Auckland. The Kutoa is to leave Bluff this afternoon for Wellington, Napier, and Auckland, *ll ports. ' The Koraata is to leate her* to-night fet Wostport to load for thi* port. The Totnra is due here this afternoon fro* New Plymouth/ and sails ai;ain to-morrow (or Lyttelton. THE SIAMABI. The Shaw, Savlll steamer Mam&ri, at preatet completing loading at Port Chalmers, 1* to leave there at daybreak on Thursday for London, via Punta Arenas. THE CANADIAN SPINNER. The Canadian Government Line »t»mer Canadian Siiliuier, which arrived here yesterday, I* to sail again on Thursday for Lyttelton ttd Southern ports to put out the remainder of h«r Montreal cafgo. . THE HIATAROA. The Shaw, Savlll steadier M&taroa, at present discharging Home cargo at Auckland, Is to leave there on Friday for this pott, and 1» due here on Sunday to contpleW. Unloading. THE MATAKANA. The Shaw, Savill Company his received Advice that tho Matakana left Newcastle on Saturday evening for Auckland, and is due th#r» on Thursday to continue loading. From ther* ."he proceeds to New Plymouth, Wanganul, Pl«----toti, and Wellington. Due hefa on Slit January, she sails anally on Ist February from thil port for London, via Panama. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE., The following vessels • are expected to fee within rango of the ulideMneMlonttt wireltn' stations to-night:— Auckland: Tofua, .Hlnemoa, Trevorlan, »«- torua. Nucula, Wairuha, Queen Oiga, TremaWß rnraday, Omana, Niagara, (Jalltc. Chatham Islands: Port Bowun. ' ... Wollinktori: Maori, Wahine, Arahura, Tama--liine, Agalo, Makura, Iris, Kaiwarra, Atua Athenic, Kaitangata, Tongnriro, Mahana, Fort BydAwarua: Jlaheno, . Whahglpc, Tutanekal. persona! "Mr. J L. Adams has lignW on. the WainUl Z Cht'day* cef' rf wmf Mr" W/ :': eMiW Mr. C. Burgess, late chief officer, of the WingatHi, is on holiday leave. Mr. N. B. VV. Haszard ha* been appolalad temporary chief officer of the Kktoa, relievlls Mr. X. A, Cox for orders. Capuin K. J. M'Lellan hai joined th« N«kuta, rtllivlnE Captsin G. A. Grey lor holiday leave. Mr. W. A. Somerville will join the KM* ta third officer on Her trrital at Wiiuhmm. Mr. J. B. Gibson Has relieted Mr. C. t. t, Wliito «g second officer of tbe Kalmanawa. Mr. N. W. M'DonaM Inn illned . off th* X.M.S. Makura its chief ollcer, being r»plaeed by Mr. A. Russell. Mr. M'DonaM It pro* ceeding to Auckland to join E.M.B. Niagara as chief, officer. ; • ■YTCLEORXPH. SYDXKY, »th December. \ttliti— C6lae and Gustily, from Auckland. 20th DecenlMl. Arrived—Navua, from Dunedin. ■ ■ ' SYDNEY, 2lßt Dece*b«r. AfriVed-^-Ulimatoa (6 a.m.), from Wellington. i HALIFAX, 19th Decembir. ' Arrived—Canadian Commander, from Auckland. COLON, Mh December. Arrived—Corintbic, from London. AUCKLAND, 20th December. Arrived—Niagara (5.45 a.m.), from Bydaey; KiLiapqi' (2.30 p.m.), from Napier. Sailed—Kurow (midnight), for Wellington. 4 KEW PLYMOUtH. 20th Dccentb«r. Saiied^-Totiira (4.30 p.m.), for ■WellinftqU. NEW PLYMOUTH, 21, st Decembtr. Arrived—Gallic (11 fura.), from Sydney. PATKA, 30th December. Sailed—lnaha (10.16 p.m.), for "Wellington. PAI'EA, 21st December. Arrived—Wavedey (» >;m>)i from Wellltgtoß. PICTON, 20th DeceßlMr. Arrived—Tamahine (0.50 p.m.), from Wellington.' NELSON, Hit Deceniber. Arrived—Ngaio (fi.Bl) «.m.), from Wellington, To sail—Jigaio (7.a0 p.m.), for Wellington. LYTTEITOS, 20th Decernher Styled—Gale (C p.tih); for Wellington. Sailed-WU»n«»pe (j.5 p.m.), tor Sydney, via southern ports; Kattap (8.23 p.m^l, tor WellmgtYT'tELTON, 21st December. Arrived—Wahine (0.80 a.m.), from. Wellington; Progreu (6.40 a.m.), from Timaru. To sail—Wahine (S p.m.). for Wellington. PORT CHALMERS, 21«t December •Sailed—Arawa (4 •.in,), for Wellington. BLUFF, 20th December. Afrlfed—Malieno (4 p.m.), from Melbournej Kutoa (2.30 a.m.), from Lyttelton. BLUFF. 21st December. Soiled-Tutauekai (3 a.m.), for Puy«tf>Polnt and West Coast Sounds.

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Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 149, 21 December 1926, Page 11

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SHIPPING Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 149, 21 December 1926, Page 11

SHIPPING Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 149, 21 December 1926, Page 11