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Wholesale Warehousemen and Importers (Established 1891) f\^\ X/F/^T^/^Of 7V One Minute from "Evening Post" \Jl m\Jt*J V IV/ 1 V^JT\JLIV \3 I'o Close to Public Library. Absolutely no connection with any other Open Warehouse in this City. ' =:3s TTHE extension to our Warehouse is now completed and we take this opportunity of expressing our 4 "~^ q*j /\'Tl7ll '/\'/\ Vjff appreciation to the many thousands of our customers, who despite the discomfort and inconvenience ■ f ' •* ' 9 mwj JSJtiV/ W .KvJv-rML from such extensive building operations, have favoured us with their patronage. FI6II S Ellu. DOYS Mfa&F . •■.,,«. , „" ,•„ ,i With our floor space practically doubled, wide staircases, and the^ installation of an up-to-date electric A wonderful offering of seasonable apparel m all the , ift „, „,„ „„'„!..■ , .Lv, : mnrnW(I H «r«irp This department covers every clothing-need for Men i t tf i at - n i,- p j pj f t^- t p pnt lift, we can now guarantee a vastly improved service. . - * ■ ■ J 6 latest styles sensationally reduced lor tnis great .event. . t» . j i j and Boys, and to buy at reduced wholesale prices is : ( bbitish pugi and crepe de chine FEdcKs^-in smiirt novelty We sropose to start by offering' some I economy indeed. ' i§ stripes . Usually S,\>/H/- and i,6/G/- .■■■■■ *" ■ r " - Extension Special Price 59/6 p^T> M I *fc A /\O T^¥T^T A T^^LT \7 A ¥ X Tf^Cl 50 pairs Strong TWEED TROUSEKS-Cuffi bottoms; all .sizes MODEL JERSEY SILK COSTUMES— Usually 7 gns. aud S gns. >4 jK ■ m£ #% ■ lir fl ■■ I^l Z^ H^K ■ lk/ *^ H SI EM ' Usually 12/6 pair Extension Special Prices 59/6 and 69/6 JL^I^V J. JLX<f*> \yl\L/ J.l J-±M^> J. V .T^JLif I.J A~tt*7 Extension Special Price 9/11 pair 1 only BLACK SILK COAT— . -.■■.. ..-• Usually 12 gns. w^» A W » »^.W*«^ A TX J|l IL. .J "B^. 1- |J m l- l ■ Extension Special Price 7 gns. ' | J^J JjL | | Tlr KARIMr NI S MEN'S STRONG SHIRTS—With reinforced necks; white grounds .with. • JERSEY SILK JUMPER SUlTS—Colours: Fawn, purple, almond, bois »A^ X ■ • JL/1 . mJmLjjL A AAV A X JLJL^X^ A\J % black and blue stripes " _ _■ _ : de rose, brown Extension Special Price 25/- each Extension Special Price 4/11 . STRIPED FUGI SILK FROCKS-.. These "EXTENSION SPECIALS" Will be available for . MEN'S WOVEN STRIPE ZBPHY* SHIRTS-With collar to match; ; ladies'beach and house rRocKS-^. usually is/-to 25/-each a limited period only commencing sraart stnpcs Extension Snecial Price 5/11 Extension Special Prices 5/-, 10/-, 12/6 each • F ' ' . liADIES''KNITTED SILK JUMPERS—Alargo.range,, usually priced at ««/\f% V\ ' M W^ MEN'S PINE COTTON UNDERPANTS AND SINOLETS—IdeaI for I' Al9/6"°A E^ension^pecial Prices 6/11, 7/11, 8/11,12/6 I CJ«» WIHJ AY I\iJ W JML \J I\ Jl .N VjiT summer wear Extension Special Price" 1/11 each 20 LADIES' WATERPROOF SILK COATS—Ia fashiouablo colours; . - . : 7- B«y yo*r Drapery «d Footwear in the Wholesale Warehouse. ™ Bn » m »m^.,^™, = , ;^ • ' •■ - Usually 75/- . ■ . ' ■ _ . „ . . . /«, Extension Special Price 29/6 . TX/lT CiliTW V IP^^D ¥ I^CCI 6 Extension Special Pnce 9/11, : LADIES' TAILORED COATS—In Eepps, Gabs., and Kasha , . WF^ W* I I 1* \JI\ M r^wJ*^ I (Nothing bie this o«Eering in New Zealand) -.' ' : All at Extension Special Prices w* """^ <m- **^ «^'-r • t MATRONS' MAROOAIN FROCKS—In O.S. and Ex.O.S. sizes ■ MEN'S GABARDINE RAINCOATS—Check rubber lined; bolt all round i , . , usually 70/6 to £6/19/0. __ - Regular 39/6 value 49765 9766976 IT ' : ■ • .. Extension Special Price 29/6 [- —' —^^^ooR-^AKETHXLixx,—^^ OUR NEW DEPARTMENTS ' T\III^CC Extension Special Price, sizes sto 7,1/11; 8 and 9, 2/3 ?■ : M .'■■;..;, M I .B I %^V W ■% I (ciround floor) '. In this Department we have always lead the way for JL w £ J^JL^^t - j value, and now we make some further extraordinary . ~ ~~ ' •■ ' \. ■ ■ offering's. ;. summer dress fabrics at less than LADIES'AND CHILDREN'S MEN'S AND BOYS' M A'kl/%IJIirCTrir<D I\ITWP '■ MANUFACTURER S COST. IIAW Vllt3 ItK 1/ILJI JL • - 65 pieces ginghams, muslin's, printed MARocAiN, striped To appreciate these values you must see tKe goods— i GEORGETTE, and STRIPED VOILE Usually I/"! to 3/G yard . ,-'- r ... . ■. .„ ■.- _, . Z, - „ " . . . .',. «-. !te i * «« w ': Vi^. '" Sxtassion Special Price-9d. yard ■: visit our warehouse for all your Footwear Needs. Here's your opportunity to secure your household 15.% .:"'■■ "-'•'"■ ■'"■ :■,.•■ drapery needs at a substantial saving. This departI do-inch art silk embroidered MAROCAIN- LADIES' DEPT., Second Floor—TaKe the Lift MEN'S AND YOUTHS* ment offers startling values. 40-inch CHECK RAY DE CHINE— Usually 6/11 LADIES' SHOES— FOOTWEAR COLOURED TOWELS—Good strong make; will stand plenty of hard : 40-inch ART SILK CHECK: GEORGETTES- Usually 5/11 Tho^very latest .shades in Glace Kid for tlus Summer Season Tvear; size 19 xSS ' |-= ;. 40-incnPRINTEDART^ . _Usu^yV3 Ihe se SHADES are difficult to BLONDE Thi^ N^ Depaxtmcnt is right at t^ Maia door with : Extension Special Price 1/11 pair I Extension Special Pnce 2/6 yard | procure. You caix ootain them from us in separate entrance. All classes of quality Footwear at SEMI-BLEACHED DAMASK-AU pure Linen. Wo strongly recommend • ■;.■ . . . ■ ' every variety of design at or in SAUTERNE WHOLESALE PRICES. IS i| nc . n gives entire satisfaction and bleaches very quickly; 63in. t 40-inch PRINTED COTTON MAROCAlN—Effectively Striped Art ' WHOLESALE PRICES PROM " ASCOT TAN -wide. ; . . a dually 4/G PATENT SHOES are always in demand. ■ Why pay more than / . BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN specially catered ' Extension Special Price 2/11 yard ij Extension Special Pnce 1/6 | WholpsaiA Pri«><! frnm 17/r for with MARLOW'S Famous Boots and Shoes, and ' . i ■ 40-inch ART SILK MAROCAIN- . Usually 3/6 ■ «,r a t rZV™o " ' numerous other brands of Quality Footwear. WHITE FACE TOWELS-TMs is a good drying, very absorbent quality; - Extension Special Price 1/6 ALL FIRST QUALITY SHOES. one of our popular numbers; size 20 x 40 X 44-inch FLORAL ORGANDIE—BoId floral design on white grounds You have never before bought High-grade Shoes at the ... Extension Special Price 1/11 pair % - Usually 5/(3, 6/3- TJnvC nnnTC '■■•■■ • ■ " ■'■■■-. i , Extension Special Price 2/6 yard JJQYb BOOTS. • priceß we are oflfcring. It will,pay you every time to shop PILLOWCASES-This is quite a sensational offer of a splendid quality; '.' i;- ' FOR SCHOOL AND EVERYDAY: - : ■ . in the WAREHOUSE. case, beautifully made. We recommend this lino for hard wear f Ml m *V I box derby BOOTS-stout aSO ics '„»„.,„'. ,m lftTTir .. T r, „.T , ,n« Extension Special Prices 8 cases for 5/9 It Cf / • WM/VtO ■ 10 and 13, 12/9; land 2, 13/9; 3 aud 5, 14/0 Note the following-WHOLESALE VALUES: | J r <L fM' f*ftfjtfgjJ££> I'OR BEST WEAR: , ENGLISH BOX DERBYS-Fnirstitchcd 1 6/9 .BA™S-We^lffor tero a beautiful ra^go of riiado. in » good quality !]• yfj%4£*£&* s**~ o~'^0 ~'^ ' BOX derby BOOis^.jlis^; cxta^tscj^^ English all kip. DERBYS-Bciuforced ba.k and toe co P 18/6 • °°in' Extension Special Price 9d. yard '■a &^^^^^ „ , * See these and you will buy your Boy's Boots nowhere else. ENGLISH GLACE DERBY SHOES— 18/9 CREPON —An Ideal Lingerie Fabric, washes and wears cxccptioually ~ '. ... x<xrnTTßTr sat -nftj-uva -wr n i -n ,n ivell; a large range of shades to chooso from; 38in. wide ;, 3D-inch TRicoLiNE-m beautiful striped designs _ Usually .4/3 CHILDRSN'S SHOES- English box derbys-m el led 19/6 Extension Special Price lid. yard '■ • , Extension Special Price 2/11 Whep buying Children's Shoes look to boo that they ato ENGLISH FIELD BOOTS-Black and Tan .. 21/- ---; 29-inch GOVERNMENT SILK— Colours: Lemon, mauve, sky, cinnamon, ALL LEATHER. You can buy them in our Warehouse at NURSERY FLANNELETTE—In a semi-bleached finish. Will wash and ', light saxc, jade v Extension Special Price 1/- yard :. unequalled prices All-mado by prominent English Makers. Guaranteed by '_ wear well: 2rtii. wido ' i 29-inch floral crimp—Small designs, .coloured grounds . From sizes 4-6, 4/11 \ 7-10, 5/11; 11-l, 8/9 them and by us. Extension Special Price 6/6 and 7/6 per doMn y«d« '' ■» ■-' •■ ; Extension Special Price 6d. yard J} ' 39-inch PRINTEd'shANTUNGS— " Usually 5/U : • (GROUND FLOOR—JTTST INSIDE MAIN ENTRANCE.) '■■ ". Extension Special Price 2/6 .-— - ' ' :■ ■ ' 39-inch PRINTED PRIMROSE SILKS— Usually 13/0 (| 36 -inch PURE SILK PUGI-Colours: Gre^S«SS^ 110816^ Sllld GIOVCS FflllCy DCpEF IXII6 lit |pT JD "MI SHITVC S I EE^A^^a^s of Benanants^af^K^^S ' TJIT fJZ^T^Z^T T^T^T And even the S mall accessories offer big savings if you ' U IViH IOIA 11^1 VJTO B^. etc, etc. Selling-at .Half Marked Prices obtainable and now d we^^er^^e goods at further ta.e advantage of these re m ar ba ble reduction, . It costs Uttle to bright€ll the hoffiC if you our .(PIRST floor-take the lift.) . RIBBED MILANESE silk HOSE-Colours: Black, navy, n igger S ro^0 ND BAGS-In roa[ Persitt- b 2^ oras/- f'vi Warehouse. We oflfer all you need at a saving. : __ : aMgro,Bc s tß:iti S h^ _ t0%23/o Extension Special Price 17/6' each extension Special Fnce 6/11 pair smart KAr<t_ tt n is/,- LINOLEUM BATH MATS—In good assortment of colours and patterns, ITNnFRn OTHINC *S?s, ra«°—d»*- - '»• <* s *%. •"•.*™»"- ExtensiraSpMlal s^ ■ . w-ta. "-/*.., ««/*,„ .- „„/«». V.l\l#l^*\\^la#\/ A &AUI \J Extension Special Price 5/11 pair taffeta silk ribbons-a inr X c range oi: colours Extension Special Price 1/- each . ■ . .■■■•■ • . 6720 BURLINGTON SILK HOSE—Colours: Light beige, dark AVidt.hs SA-incli Ji-incli 5-inch . I At the beeinnino- nf ihp <U>n.«nn <tnt>h wnnrlprfnl hnv bcige ' Oriental, pearl, black, white, Trench nude, peach, blush, Usually lid. 1/2 .1/5 MOHAIR HEARTH RUGS—In serviceable colours and good wearing ucgiimuig vi me wason SUCfI WOnacnm oai- • thrush, tanbark, polo, Airclale, buuny Usually 5/11 Extension Special Price 7d. 9d. lid. quality; special price to clear Usually, size 27 x 60,35/6; 24 x 48, 29/6 gains as these cannot be passed by. _ Extension Special Price 3/11 pair CHIHBSE BWSHAMS _ lMy 8A 9/11 " Extension Special Price 19/6, 15/6 CHILDREN'S JERSEY SILK FROCKS-Sizes ISin., 20in., 22in. LADIES' COTTON HOSE—In black, white , . Extension Special Price S/11, 6/11 Usually 5/11, 5/] 1, 7/J1 ' Extension Special Price 9d. pair autthtat snNWAnrK r,ri;,.«»,nin,;i,i,™' s rLOORTEX LINOLEUM—In large new range of patterns; a pattern Extension Special Prices 2/6 2/6,2/11 "HARVEY" SILK HOSE-J/1 ribbed, tops. Colour*: Nude ORIENTAL SUNSHADES-L^e, and Cl x " 3 '■' suitab.e for every room in the house; 6ft, wide ' LADIES' crepf, NIGHTDRESSES-in popular lingerie .hades, _ " ' '' °a J' Exten'sio^Special Price 3/11 Extension Special Prices 1/11, 2/9, 3/3, 3/6 ' Extension Speciaf Price 5/« Pvtoticin « -1 P^ Mlr Q/71/1 MILANESE SILK GLOVES—T.wo domes, doublo finger tips, 36-inch WATERPROOF TULLE—A wide range of colours * " ' ' f . XiXiension special rrice o/ l^a. Colours: Nigger, grey, white, (.•ream Usually 5/31 Usually-/- • WILTON PILE CARPET SQUARES —In blue ground medallion, centre. LADIES' WHITE WOVEN COTTON BLOOMERS-Elastic waist and Extension Special Price" 3/11 Extension Special Price 1/-yard This is a very heavy quality; 12ft. x 9ft.,,10ft. Gin. x 9ft, 9ft. X 9ft. 0 Usually 2/fi MILANESE SILK GLOVES—EIbow length, double finger tins; T .t^tx-q. ctt-c- wtx-c m i m • . i- n ..^. »»/«»/« ml <n» mjia> .Extension Special Price 1/9 nigger, .navy, black " Usually 7/ii • LADIES' silk TIES-In Crepe do Chines, etc. Usually ?,/b . Extension Special Prices £9/19/6, £8/19/6. n/10/- - ladies' cotton VESTS-Fuil w.'s size; no sleeves Extension Special Price 4/11 . Extension Special Price 1/11 each F*t«- :Q -m^^^ii?^ (FEST FLOOR, TAKE THE LIFT.) ■ FIRST FLOOR-TAKE THE LIFT.) . , 30-InHOTOBD OBBIOiroB-In attractive design.; heavy quaUty b^« . Extension Special Pnce 9d., ll^d. «- JJ suitable for coveting » Lsuaiiy 1/3 LADIES' COTTON VESTS—Short sleeves; 42in. length Usually 1/9 ; =:, . . :■&. ' Extension Special Prioe 11 Jd. Extension Special Price lOd. LADIES' BRASSIERES—Sizes 38\s to 44's w " * Usually 2/11 GROUND FLOOR —Mel*'* and Youth*' FOOtwear . . 38-inch LINBNB CASEMENT CLOTH—In all the new plain shades of Extension Special Price Bd. each Men's and BOYS* ClOthintf rose, cream, saxe, blue . i only SILK KIMONA GOWNS-Gooa quality embroidered. Colours: 1! «w^a w» » -*>•» . , Extension Special Price 1/3 yard .. Pink, mauve, reseda . Usually D7/G - - Manchester - FtimiSlllingJ . . ' Extension Special Price 20/- each ALL-WOOL ARTSER^E—^In red, green, and brown; heavy quality, most • LADIES' PRINCESS trNDERSKTRTS—In superior qjiality Satin FIRST FLOOR. (Take the Lift) — iShOWrOOIIV - DreSS Goods and iSilkS suitable for covering and hall curtains . ; E°Jnl. Extension Special ttw^l/ffiffiffil Fancy and Haberdashery - Gloves and Hosiery Extension Special Price 50in. 4/3, 70ui. 5/6 (first floor-take the lift.) SECOND FLOOR (Take the LiTO-Ladies and Children's Footwear ~ (ground floor-near lift.) S\ # ' Offices ■ . ' . . /i GEORGE & DOUGHTY LTD.

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Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 131, 30 November 1926, Page 15

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Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 131, 30 November 1926, Page 15

Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 131, 30 November 1926, Page 15