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I v tommencing Thursday Morning at 9 o'clock I § Lvans bensatonal Doiiole-£vent Sale I § WINTER UNDERV/EAR — —— * ' „„„ I m HEAVILY RFDUCFn '.'■-..-.■ HUGE QUANTITY OF QUILTS R 1 W N n p^ LS°N^L^ S ASS{G^D D«APERY STOPK. "9A Single .WMarccUaQuS » Woven Nightdresses-. 8/n Purchased at 10/- m the £ and offered to you at astounds Usually 13/6, 15/6, 17/6 I I Winceyette Nightdresses — Silk- value prices. Included also.) oxir own stocks at tremendous Sale Prices 9/11,10/11, 12/6 I embroidered Usually 8/H ' reductions. . , Full Double-bed Size White | White Woven Combinations— DOU BLE ECONOMY FOR EVER YPU RCHASER. ' dually 15/-,' 30/-, 35/-, 40/H Nelson & Kelly's price 5/11 See the wonderful bargains. Prices far less than wholesale Sale Prices— B Sale Price 2/11 An opportunity indeed to secure Manchester Goods, Hosiery' 15/"6'19/s> 24/6> 29/6 1 £T? W°r ol Co"; binaU°"s- 7/6 Woollen IJnderwear, Combinations, Jilankets, Shirtin S -s' 50 c . W'"itf H°.™ycomb Quilts- | I sVun- s g FSS^ D—ks^ A«»™1. Corsets, Fuel Silks and Towels°- S'"^ 10 /«. 12/6 , 18 / 8 . I I > Sale Price 2/3 at ahmt &att usual. ■ Sale Prices— g I 126 doz. Saxe, Grey, Navy, DON'T DELAY—COME WITH THE FJRST RUSH. ■ S/11, 6/11,-7/H, 8/11 1 I Cream O.S. Women's Heavy Everyone knows tJiut an Evans' Sale means tremendous reduc- Coloured Quilts— g I FleCCy ISroT^^ 4 p^ r *»-• no one saw such basins as will be proved . s^^s %\- JJft ™: 1 ■ Heavy Grey Fleecy Underskirts— . *ri I"rougn tins sale. Kapop Quilts— Single-bed, 22/6 M a AVorth 7/11 Sale Price 4/11 FOR 14 DAYS ONLY. ' Double-bed, 29/6 | ■ Sample Winter Combinations— See our windows for Sensational Bargains in needed sroods Men' s Tweed Caps—Nelson & H g Sale Prices 3/11, 5/11, 6/11, ', \ Kelly's prices 3/6 to 5/6 g I 7^B^ I>lo/6 t, v r ' 5 doz. Girls' All-wool SCHOOL All shades Coloured Cashmere- „, 4, Sale Price 1/11 | m Mottled Woven Bodices—Long JEESEYS—Por age 7upto U Nelson & Kelly's price 4/6 Men s Felt Hats —Nelson & 1 m and short sleeves years; navy and cream, polo Sale Price 2/11 Kelly' prices 19/6 £o 35/6 | H Special to Clear 2/11 - collar Usually 13/6 Men's AH f&adcs Heavy AVinter " Sale Prices 3/11, S/11, 8/11 j§ I CHILDREN'S RAINCOATS— .„ .„ ,■ Sale -Price 5/11 Nelson & Kelly's price 1/6 ' Men's Soft Neßlige Shirts— I | Extraordinary Special; 40 only; All-wool Cardigan Coats-British Sale Price 1/- pair Nelson &KeU y s We 10/6 ■ P | sizes 27,30,33,36,45 in. wool, in every shade 30in. Fugi Silk— - ■ 4/11 i] p" I I lJ^, a ll v 2«!/B ?7/« 90/r <w/« Usually 14/11 Sale Price 8/11 ' Now 2/11 yard • ' -■ Sale Price 5/11 | 1 H 35/6 ' All-wool Jumpers - With and 40in. Silk Georgettes-All Men' s Soft-Cbllars-I/6, for 6d. I i Sale Prices 12/6 14/6 16/6 ' without collar Usually 14/0 shades Usually 1/11 Men's Silk Tics— \ 1 1 17/6 17/6 "* Sale Price 8/11 Sale Price-2/11 .yard ' Telson & Kelly's price 3/11 | I 3G Tweed. Coats-Smart style; EIBBON BARGAINS. , Silk ~F 4 /" m • R — v^ 1 m fawn.irrev navy TTqnillv fin/ f ' „ „.,,'" Men's Braces —Nelson & Kelly's H | tawn, grey, navy UsuaUj 03/- Navy and Eed Silk Eibbons- w ,„„,.■ 2^l yard prices 2/G to 4/(5 ' 1 M sale frice £d/<o , Worrall's Coloured Velveteen— ■ c i o- i/^ i<w H m 30 Crepon Frocks —In pink, ■' Batin Coloured Eibbon^—2!n Usually 5/11 Sale Price 3/9 yd.- -a!e Prices 1/6 and 2/- D I lemon, heliotrope floured iiibbons-2m. g ydg q^^ Ends _ All cr . Ail-linen Red Stripe Kitflien | ■ Nelson & Kelly's price 9/11 2in Silver Tinsel Ribbons ' ' ent Usually 5/11 Cloths-- > Usually 1/G ifij ta Sale Price 2/11 - Usually 1/11 yd Sale Price. 2/11. each Sale Price 9d. each | » 49 Sponge Cloth, Ratine, and ' Sale Price 6d! 3 Embroidery Sets—Mats Coloured Turkish Roller Towel- §! |1 Zephyr Frocks— > ' Silk/Scarves—Black mercerised, and runners ' ' .„ ing— Usually 1/-yard X | Nelson & Kelly's price We "^ged UsuaDy 4/6 gale ''" ■ . Sale Price 6d,yard | I Sale Pnce 6/11 Sale Pnce 1/- Eed . bordered supper Cloths- * pieces' Striped Cambric Shirt- g II 38 White Calico Nightdresses— SENSATIONAL HOSmRY To clear at 2/6, 3/6, 4/H, 5/11 ing—Reliable Worth 1/6 H g Embroidery trimmed BARGAINS eacll ' Sale Pr!ce 9d- yard S X Nelson & Kelly's price 7/11' ajjno. gatin ■ white Table D amas t_ l6 - 43 pieces Heavy Quality Striped § |g Sale Price 2/11 High-leg Silk-to-knee Hose — pieces Flannelette— Usually 1/6 H i Hand-embroidered Camisoles—' ' Black and colours Usually 4/6 Usually 2/11, 3/11, 4/6, 5/6 „ - Sale Price 1/- yard 1 I "*-"ffiU-Kl AU-wodß^otSS.^^ %"■"*««»» »^™.»™«j_ I I Sale Price 2/11 „ Worth o/n Sale Price 1/U 6 pieces Brown Corduroy Velvet- „• • ■'^ally ,1/Vl/e, 1/9 yard | B Infants' Gowns— 2/11 . Llama All-wool Fine Cashmere een—27in. Worth-8/11 .' frices 1/-, 1/3 yard H 1 Barras— ' 4/11 Hose— . Usually 3/11 . Sale Price 2/11 yard Flannelette Blankets,— "Huge. S n Petticoats - ' • 'Vi 1 --- - Sale Price 2/11 Napcry greatly reduced in price; quantity Cotton Blankets '-' gj H ■- Wide-ribbed Coloured All-wool Pmo^Shams^Runners;'etc.-.'-.'v : ,>;To Clear 2/11, 3/6,4/6 pair B M \ csts— 6d. Cashmere Hose —All shades All Linen Tea Cloths— ' - Single-bed size— 5/ll"eadi H H ' 1 ' ' • 1 ' Usually 6/11 - '■ ' l/-,1/3, 1/6 . Double-bed size—, 6/9 each |! H ' EXTRAORDINARY BAR: ' ' ' Sale Pllce 3/n Pr- 36in- Calico—l/ 3 Now lOid. yd. _ N.Z. All-wool- Grey Blankets— i I GAINS IN CORSETS " ' HUGE'QUANTITY OF TOWELS. -; ', V^^l* 9AS/^ 1 i B. &C. Corsets—Bluish white; I^o dozen Heavy Coloured Turkisli Towels— Usually 3/3 Full Double-bed All-wool N.Z. 'ff ffl 22, 23, 2t " Usually 8/11 ' i " Sale Price 2/5^ each ' Cream Blankets— • " 3 I Sale Price 4/ii pair 12 dozen Coloured Bath Towels— -. ' Usually 1/9, 1/11 ' 47/6 pair ' \ H D. &A. Corsets—2l and 22 ' Sale Price 1/- each Shetland N.Z. All-wool Flannel—M Usually 12/6 Sale Price 4/11 120 dozen Large White Bath Towels— Usually 3/6,' 3/9; 3/11 „ ■ Special to clear .1/n **"* | U C.S.L. Corsets— ' All at 2/11 each COin. Fine English Worsted Suit- >, I Nelson & Kelly's price 8/11 . ' ' ' sT7 C'^ ks c «i nd n slri Pcs I I Sale Price 3/11 pair — 1 —. Worth 12/6 Sale Price 4/« y^- } £J Dark Grey Matron's Corsets—All W T^TT 7 4 %T^l f\ A^ » 1 Our S Pecial Linen-finish White i i sizes 21 to 36 Sale Price 4/11 I M%/ ffi l%i V*. 11l IliJ Tw5U Sheeting — Guaranteed I H^so,°a^^it3/ Cn7^ L« HVAWO GL UJ.-ltd.^ 1 19/6* Theseareworthß/llt° Drapers, Millinery and Corset Specialists, MarcdirQuilts-9/W, 10/11 I I • 144-146 CUBA STREET, - 12/6,15/6,19/5,24/6,29/6' | i ~" g| ""•»»»"""<>nHiiiiiiiiimm»Hiuiim 1 i«iiiHiiiMiiiiMinniitiHiiii liiiii«iii,,,n,1 iiiii«iii,,,n,, II , Im) ,, 1 ,,, tI , 1I , t , IMIIIIIIIIMII ,, 1 , l . nIIIIMI , nl , I 1 „,„„,„.„„„„.„.,„..„„„. 151 I "/^V M, "^ tAT H I " •■■■■ iiiiiiiiiiiiui m ■■■■iMiiMMini>m>ii[]iiiinilllllMlllll K^M J -, ,«nw*■___ W' V W • V 1 = . 1 V&/ y^^^oy\ Laree (3%tiraes larger.) w/ fi - '' 'mm ' l mouw) Vi /VJ^ H BRITTAIN I §~Y YOU:R HAIR IS FALLING OUT, and each hair has a small I WMj/jP jM^K ss'S^Jf^ I J[ ,/ whi*e bulb on the root end; if your scalp has become tight and | M\\^fjo^-- " _?' e""^oKq I ' */ irritates; if the hair is excessively dry, harsh, and brittle, or • I • " . ll- — J I very oily, lays flat, and won't dress nicely; if you are going I | " bald and the hair is getting thin and short; or if your hair , I : : ■ | has lost that healthy sheen; then your scalp needs attention. . § - l . /I^^^Sfek y— <^cTci^JJ\ 1 , Let that attention be the best.' Consult men that have made I ft \ . a study of hair conditions for the last 50 years. A little { f|H||« Ji^iil^^^^l' | - correct treatment will remedy any of these conditions. f tftf /&Q) | Under the Donnelly system you simply pay 3/6 per sitting, '1 V/- A flrr^v" | one or two sittings a week as the case may require^and you . \ jL '*"t2g,JH\ | simply pay for each sitting as you have it. We treat both ladies | J <*^&Sr\.^O^N^ 7^^ | and gentlemen. Our rooms—nine in all—are the most com- i \ /7^vlf\ i | pletc in Australasia for the treatment of the hair. . _ = // V\. I Hours: 9to 6 daily; Saturdays, 1. | If /jjjj\ fl\Q< ■ I ■ , Open Tuesday and Friday evening td 9. f )J S^maL^ y \ If it is not possible for you to' consult us personally, send us 1 j\ '&'*ss[ ">^K^(Sf\)fI ' your name and address, and we will send you a special con- .1 A '"jtI!! $£US' m' | sultation form, which gives us all the required particulars. I V l!!!!!!J -■' i , Then we can supply tonic to suit your case. • , = \ \ Call or Phone 22-279. | . " Coffee, in the finer graded | , . | is beneficial. A pure essence I -^ _^ ---_.__ | is probably the best form of = C/Oj^«^|JX^T? FREE ' = coffee available, for in the esi -g^^ ■ | Bence , all unrequired material I i^^m 'ygar " __ _ @■ I has been eliminated." = ■ / . , * ' * Ba~&£csita.jaiiMt±JßdSiat ; value and better iii money value I HAIR. SPECIALISTS | -*etitatth— I 75 VIVIAN STREET I ifflHiiDiiirfflHinm!* s^*^ | ABOUT YOUR HAIR | v Coffee Essence

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Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 107, 7 May 1924, Page 14

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Page 14 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 107, 7 May 1924, Page 14

Page 14 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume CVII, Issue 107, 7 May 1924, Page 14