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■ • .■'■• ,- v .. A MILDURA AND GLENBROOK WHERETO DINE— ■ ■ n ~ . . |. l -r~~~^=S=SSSS: __^_~- , SST" T " "^.. '■ . 4tt^ . .■■^fefe'-- -. aV le I le ast.ob-house; t he s hop f or presents- Carpet Spares, ■ r~—— — —; ——| UNION^EAM^H^ COMPANY H TOD^T' P*™- I/* T HE San^L^Vd"*™ ™*ECT ORCHARD TO WILLIS-STREET, ■ 4K9 P "jV 1 O A I^^T" 1 O 1^ (Wither aad circumstance; normWingO: I<m MELBOURNbTvIA SOUTHERN DIRECT LINE To" THE UNITED .!™ E ■ C^.B^ MEE>. J^KST 3-course Lunch in Wellington, E 3 t. 1880. jStSgdgPg Tel 1133' KOIUICrS ffl LIfIMSSIOIS <1^ /% i-^ M ; P Subject to Alteration Without Notice. PORTS. KINGDOM, T HAVE been appointed Wellington « «to 2 p.m te^X?^, ■ &T^»'/"■"m H H '■■ jl EL^ii :<; ;;-' ' ' "— ". . CV^^^fe^^ «^ ti^ « " • JL MM \ ; .^ |f Wahine-Mon., Wed., Friday, .7.*5 p.m. rn imaro £ Thursday \pl 15 TON (JAMAICA), AND NEWPORT . BROOK ORCHARDS of Sunny Nelson, ness. No Frozen Meat used. tne L.o%ernor uene I\l?mjTl <S\ fA ' ; • - ' ' t "JT^T'^'JfT' SBroraTiFUAtmAND). ™. The Orchards -^-^ the Note p »™ pRANK QRA DV, KADI? OKI) tU tO. Burglary is certainly to the increase therefore it behoves ; SeS ■BIXifI'SESSSS t MOW f°r Biverina-^h Apnl. ge> M d enger J^^^^-a * P«*- r~—^ WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER. . M rf „t { you to take all reasonable precaution to safeguard your j j Passengere must be aboard by 7.30 p.m. All steamers-fitted with Wirele* Tele- learners, with W^sed Accoznmo- t0 i^^ti^TlS^ coshes 1000 P^V"l^ HOTEL, WILLIS-STREET. haVC 3"St ? n*ed *f^ I<Dt °£ important DEDers and valuables ■ ' ' $ ! Receives Cargo daily .tiU 2,30 .p.m. and B raphy.v /, ewes of highest standard of quality, Broadway, Palmerston North. English and Indian important papers ana valuables. , 5. 11 a.m. Saturdays. Tickets available for atop-over or re- — — ; — wrapped in paper, of equal quantity of -, „_j._ •4. v- ct m WATCHES, CLOCKS, WATCHES. P.ARPFT <snuißF<! iMn ' 4' Luggage cannot be received on board turn by Union Company's boats, or vice Steamer. Tons. From About oho £ e Cookers and Dessert. Now under the proprietorship of J.-T. ENGAGEMENT RINGS. CARPET SQUARES AND 3 „ before H p.m. versa. . , ?, c?l v"a ■ VmV 8 vJn""^ 011 -iMa*' ECONOMIC BRAND comprises 1000 . tfKAJJY ' PENDANTS CHOICE DESIGNS. RUNNERS. fl^ TVJ *"*■§- ilMlr»«r {■ M'"" st—.--'- JttffsAflr-"-' 1-8-'' g;= s5 E saja^aa'MrtJss <— ±E * W) . £== ss Alßo _ ■ Do IMot Delay v PICTON AND NELSON Agents tor Hebburn Colliery. ; 1_ leading household brand. _. . . . EBONY AND SILVER BRUfatIWAKJii. „■» 1 { See Special Advertisement below. - —— — : ———— Vmvu'k Return Tickets can be made available I can also supply all varieties of Jurat-class Accommodation. _ N.Z. ,GREENSTONE, BAGS, etc. 50 BOLTS OF LINOLEUMS AND : Owing to tile Government restrictions and labour unrest, in" *" Luggage cannot be received oh board M11"^0^ .-v, „Yt^S^t, AirJ^T fey P and O. or Orient Lines, via Suez. Cookers and Dessert m one or more case npHE ALBEMARLE PRIVATE MANUFACTURING, FLOORCLOTHS. i? 7 j j.t. • . 1 . » j. '• - ■*«,' ■»''* | t before 11 a.m. (JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP .Return First Saloon Tickets can also be lots dehvored free to all parts of the i. HOTEL, GHUZNEE-ST. ENGRAVING REPAIRING r uuunui-u Ino England, there IS an acute shortage of safes m Jiew sfca*» l» '"""^FIl^ \ ' Favourite mSrlu^'Japan, with f&Sg^^dS &'¥&T* rA^ ■T™ B*°* F° R P RESENTS' 8- '^ "^ ' W ' ™"» f°rtUliate ' WeV6r ' Wn = -V^j] ~#»%— "~ . B fiSsttkg.SßS^- S^v^lSd^^^^^^^ Under o, the FL°ORCLOTH F S r 7 m ,/3 —„ yarc, sMp m ent of English . , --..,-::; , M^ a^U^ VOM ZP^ AY ND LT SD HIPPING M-~^-S BNZraB| ; MarrfeTTEß -— Also _ „. ,„. ,-> . . Q , i,.'.. \ J.hursda.T. . SAILINGS FOR JAPAN, ' -r% o o< ' Box 103. To Aro. (Late Chef, Grand Hotel, Duuedin). ' r'lt'A flttlfi I fiTHtf'r- rS AeTCrnnrr i) v • MELBOURNE. via 6^^ TownsX Thursday ■ F. & S. • 'Phone 2202. THF/RANGE THAT BURNS 20 Cases Medium Beer Glasses and ! F ire aOU 1 Oier-|\eSSSOng CJarCS ;? Paloona-Early. Islandl, Zamboanga, Manila Hongkong, (FEDERAL AND SHIRE LINES.) 'r, n w a A r a WHERE TO STAY IN CHRIST- LIGNITE, AND GIVES . ' 20 Cases Cups and Saucers. _ „,,., m , -„. ■ ■'■■' ' .• DUNEDIN Nagasaki, Kobe, and Yokohama __ . . VALUABLF city propfrty CHURCH. PERFECT RESULTS! . Also _ in sizes suitable for home or office. Our shipment is, of L Corinna Thursday April 1 Sails Is oon VALUABLE OJ.IY PKOtiiiAl x. ■ nTWT'irTr-n'w-DAT Also — „ _ n . . ■ - i Cargoonly. St«mer. Tons. From Sydney. T> EGULAR SAILINGS FOR AVON-. Lai-e Block of Land, about 200 ft front- jFJ vlcnri« »n, ln r ß Phriitplinrrh Hearth Rues' Sofa Rues Door Mats necessity, small. In order to v aVold disappointment .we h NEW PLYMOUTH TO ONEHUNGA .£»&*-= IZ . £# 26 .^^CH^sS. aK&;S « n!Lfe^ m =bCl&Tn^' Pooa^^.^SSri--. Fo^S^^ would advise the placing of your order as ; soon as' possible, 5 **T^TfJn^^^^ I^T^ AU.o^^Sp^ Lace and Hall Curtains, Table • ■-, t .pecal advertisement.) Tango' Maru .7000. July 30 ■ EST CURRENT RATES. The Aground ?. f G ™ood "olid foundf: «10£, _.. Inm .^ 7o ' WutHufe "/ing no other tuef „. „ CoverS- „, , , Size, outside measurement ■ ' -- • FROM.NAPIER TO GISBORNE AND SPECIAL NOTICE.-All Passengers tion. Also, three smaller Sections. 1 . Ap- Bok 532. Telephones 1040. 2279. than LIGNITE! Tabhngs, Sheetings, Quilts, Blankets, Height 24in • "Width 18in • Denth ITih ■ ' 5 i?«t» rTlißnl4w DhwTV proceeding to JAPAN nwst have their FOR'LIVERPOOL. Ply George Anyon, 54 Derwent-street, PRIVATE HOTEL, Oriental Towels, etc. • _ ... „., '' „,.,,. ... "' _ , ' ■ - F©R GISBORNE ONLY _ Pas3ports . vised by the Consul-General for SUFFO LK-10th APRIL Island Bay. Phone 24-840. U Bay.-The most charming spot in T • Height 26m.; Width 19m.; Depth 18m. O . FCmrGISMHNE TAND AUCKLANET" JaP?. n * a<*°rd<™e with the regulations p °. U| I"^ an d Pa ™ apply to KO«n ACRES Sheep, and Cattle Run, Wellington, facing the harbour. Cross Ask your Ironmonger to BEST VALUE IN TOWN. ' , tuts, uibi&UKiMJi ajnd AUOiSL.DAiND. o f the Japanese Government. jjot Jjreignt ana, appiy co OUU" ■ limpsfnnn miint-rv mostly im- the road any. time and have a dip. Seven show you an "ORION." ' . — . - AF^-LJ**"**; Full pa&culars of Sailing Dates, Pas- THE NEW ZEALAND & t^^^ ■ . ~ CANADA, AMERICA- LONDON, VIA sage Money, Freights etc., apply _l STEAM SHIP C 0.,. LTD., . ■fflhid, SCI miles loi «hS"prolf fene- the door. Beautifully furnished. Excel- Call and inspect at / '-'','-, ,^ VANCOUVER, .' BURNS, PHILP, & COJIPANY, LTD., ,■ Agents, ... ing. All paddocks weir watered. Three, lent cuisine. Country visitors ' specially ■ V\ IFVF'Al'fe?^ ii /^A T" 1 XV 7 11 jril I O n •"^/^N • t';:'«'i ■ . ' p From Auckland. ■■ , 24. 26.. Harris-street. Wellington. Union Chambers, Cuatomhouse.qut.y. ; roads through block. Easy distance of catered for Terms on application to tt w SH4CKLOOEI LTD KHSlpllßlsi JSj |8 i h W VI I I I S fV ((' J ItH ' / Makura^-sth April. , — : ; : J M ' railway and saleyards. Fine lwmestead,' CHARLES THROSBY, Proprietor. J3- XJ- >3J:L u-u -/^lv ""• li/il/i iiF&9.£/ VV« *—!• »" • IVlll_il_j»J LX. V^Vy., J_jlvi. , i^ —T,^,,_1~ ORIENT ' LINE - mi ■•. ■ ,r, on all necessary buildings. Ten guineas per Telephone 21-259. Telegrams, Kiosk, rT , ■ !' ■ SAN-FRANCISCO. „•■■ " UibJ.Ji.ixx j-.j.j.>j-i Telephone 1780. acre, ■ easy terms, ' Wellington. DUNEDIN, WELLINGTON, AND COMPLETE FUPNISHERS n I • /-> U . J \/- • c ... „. '. „ : RABOTONGA, AND TAHITI, ■ -Of T a PT> T TATT? ~ GRAY AND COCKROFT. AUCKLAND complete FURNISHERS., Corner Jervois Quay, Hunter and Victoria Streets, Wellington Fr.m Wellingte*. ■ STEAMERS • CUJNAKJJ LllNJi Bank of N.S.W. Buildings, Wellington. -]Vf"ANSIONS ■ PRIVATE. HOTEL, auwvi^w. BBIMRirnP CT^r^'r . ' U.;\'-'' jl\ Moana-Abou^22nd April. .■■ ■. ■ . AUSTRALASIAN SERVICE. :—: A Ghuznee-stroet, Wellington, 4j-4j MAPlrJlilia OlMllil i -~-~>-^ == -~ gS£:s= ~g =aiiu - l -~--rsszsS2X£SSSS!2SLS~-±-^-JL ": "-^T ■ B-TTT «„„! TONGA fNukuaJofa Hal- SYDNEY/TO LONDON, COMMONWEALTH and DOMINION R^- .• g > «(g°ag «8» Is recognised as a Popular Besort for TrtITT^TTI „mtrr puctijb BOOF "^_ ," ' \^-^Z!^^^^^ ' FWI SvavS SAMOA (S Via Melbourne, Fremantle, Colombo, and V UNB, LIMITED. Huftdßlß^ 'I'lft^r Iflß Tr rißte, .Mld &c T f ral e"in£r MALTHOID-'THB BETTER HOOF- CTCT^m^m^!;^- ;;;;!!g^^^^ Navua-Early. •! ■ Suez Canal. - • Head Office, & and 11, Fenchuroh-avenue, B%fE|^O l,Hfsl | ill lally >t Kvery comfort assured. Cuisine ING." x ■n, l —, w^ i,iwTinTff»r-nfrrr^rT^niTT-!TrTiT-TnT^ " 3 ■ ... London EC ' H excellent. Letters and telegrams ( recei »o , ' 111 «m iimiih i in iii^i ,-n --T^.- tag^j«i»n7; nMn - n »^ mriMi^ , 6»I»h-and all particulars on application Steamship Tons Reg. 7- New Z6abnd Office,' Maritime Building, * ' @ H immediate attention. is a better Roofing be- . | A DTIC A MC» nTiT^/^f C '' ' : |!' Tickets available for Uop-over or re- Oronte3 . p ,. 9 . 023 AprU 17 WelUngton. Cssj***** as^REia L^mtt/f* Pa Box 46' 'Phone 348. Jsl oauGO it is made from genuine iPl«£&,d Hi"Sl¥d S AIV S S^AlN^ ICIC J 1 « turn by Messrs. Huddart, Parker, and Orvieto 12 , ]24 May 1 * f PtflSW ifdiii^ HBlJalis! Proprietor W. FIX. asphalt-not fish oil, tar, or animal. fat. Jf f tU&tslll.& I iljnl i VV/litJ > j Co.'s steamere. . ■ , . Ormonde 15,000 ' May 15 REGULAR SERVICES: HB^'SHa Wv&w&B Bie^'Bßastp . Trlpil for steen or flat roofs on all build- »fc/fcrf-<w jb«i »»rf g * Berths will only be allotted to passen- Orsova 12,036 May 29 N Zealand and, Australia to London. V 'Tf\n.^ GABLES," PAEKAKARIKI. w, 2dlv Malthoid i» heavier than 3-ply I (~!?irnP»ntl»r«; Pliimh^rQ Fn CriniaiarQ - ' gers on production of passage ticket, at tad«r., *,m .Tune 26 d^o New Zealand and Australia. gS9BBHinSi9BBiMRBBHBHn 1 The Ideal Holiday Resort. competitors Softer lip^rtiSate^lip^rtiSate^ •«!*„_„. f ae * • 8 DeiS, EJlgineerS, ; S5 *Jras-.«- SS^'^» *'.£«».. "-r^SS^pSr* * SS£-- Hy"l fc •"- — <S- t "f—rt-> - °"iSSSS «»»» -„ co.. Tiiat W!l! LaSt! - h „' Masons, Blacksmiths ■;. .;: -;, LateVttime for receiving cargo may, be SALOON-Single, £88 .to' £128. steamer From About «» attenfaon. Terms moderate. Corner Featherston and Brandon streets, /W§ TOYS) I Mechanics of every trade can be catered for from John Duthie's, had on application at Company's office. THIRD-CLASS-£2B, £40, £44. ■„ 11, w ,iw „ iln, One tablespoonful of Hycol in • —" Wellington. vl 7 8 Ltd., fine stock of tools, comprising-:— , C^£k^ J'ZrJ^^k^ For aSSlts apply SS KersV" .V.V. $3?? bucket of w.« will properly di.infect WANTED KNOWN We claim to have the best selection I SPEC.At. LINE OF ENC.MEERS' STOCKS AND D.ES, HAND i gSSSA^^r^iSflS un ON S SfHS COMPANY OF c- ?'VvtiTi- 6611" MRS. BLAKE, Proprietress. .WAN '* °— **O WN. usefu]> substamial &oods> suitabk DmULS( RATCH ET DR.LLS, AND BREAST'DR.LLS. U obtainedl« applicatm at ; ft. UNiOIN & KZ., LTD. oor Zod^on for Sn P^eng^l mate all smell ,nd kill all duewc pARLTON HUT EL, AH kinds of Cemetery Work executed. for presents for boys, girls, and FOR THE PLUMBER-Pipe Vices, Chain ».■ ■ Company • office. Agents in New Zealand. .'.:.. For freight a^id passage apply to gerras- WILLIS-ST. WELLINGTON. Granite and Marble Curbs Reinforced householders,' in the City. Pipe Wrenches, and Pipe Drills ' J — : ■ : ; —T—s ~— m-m rannatvot Awn m T Tn An Boz. bottle of Hycol makes 64 qu«t» of CLEANLINESS Concrete Walls. Direct Importer Granite - | FQR THE RRICKLAYFR—TroweIs and Js€^C\ SPECIAL EASTEE SERVICE. SAVILL, AND ALBION W: M' *A™t™ *l ' i^ZXVS&IZXi^iGSn: ™UHTm and Marble Memorials ALL AT OUR FAMOUS LOW I Chisels in full variedythef belt makers J^fftJS FOR LY^TELTON,. : COMPANY^LMITED. coMMONWEaW AND DOMINION Kfeo^'X So^T^ ' Monum6 nta, tu^f Kent-terrace. PRICES fe^SX"i^ -3^^^ ; Manute -."Ttager ] >?»| THE DIRECT LINE OF STEAMERS . LINK We.Un.ton. ufer^^'^*^ THESE ARE TUB CARLTON'S 'Phone 2L788. (Brin, less than wholesale) E^tSST"' *""* "*'* "^Siif" :■ Moeraki Tuesday Apl. & TO SOUTHAMPTON AND LONDON. : : ~ ' mps puitT™ p, ,- t , BEST COOKING APPLES, 7s 6d case, Stainless Table Knives Ai Quality; AND FOR THE BLACKSMITH-Tools of '^^^7 * a l FOR NELSON DIRECT '. ■ —- ' SHAW, SAVILL, AND ALBION CO., Y^IT ■ , rp^ FAULSEN- Propr.etress. EATINQ AppLEs> Spoons an Forks lAshbury's); every description ■ Q Bfci ' Pateena Thursday Apl, 1 11p.m. THE LARGEST PASSENGER .' ■ LTD. ° uL^^V^^m S^S 4s Jcwt, 7, 6d Ms lewt. Kn^. rSs, IgL, ffiletle, GOOD LINE OF ' CARBORUNDUM \££ WM\ / ; F OR PICTON AND NELSON ■ STEAMERS IN THE NEW ZEALAND RM g ATHENIC) FOR SOUTHAMP- WELLINGTON Worcester-street (west end), two minutes ■ Delivered Free, City or Suburbs. Durham Duplex; Scissors, 4to | * GRINDING STONES AND WHEELS. JT7 -»SM»,\ M^pourik. 8-^- Apl. | TR ~K - ■ ; ■■■ ;. S^^' 3- AU Too.s are warranted'best and American Manufactur.r.C ,; Pateena Monday Apl. 5 1.50 p.m. SAILINGS (Circumstances Permitting): ■ NOTICE TO PASSENGERS. 4m\, \, Jwris&&r P. J Murray, Proprietor 142, Cuba street, 'Phone 2217 pans felly Pans ■ \n<*lo Enam- i See Window Display. .; -o ,-•»;-■,"-'■ 5 > wm PTCTON ONLY ~~ ! ~~~ " Date of Final . \* %. 3WM^ 1/KEALS 3b. Courtonay-place. 'Phone 20-785 cl , ed Ket {i e ' s ( a l]' s i ze ° s ), Sauce- I ' '- 1' .r '. r',~ - ' t , m j ir> | fi ii . m Name. Tons. Com'nder. Leaving. Port. T>ASSENGERS are requested to note % \ W&WWr -M.EALS." TSrANTEIi; by Carpenter, Joiner,/ pans, Pie Dishes; Pyrex Cooking- p T^r^l^-irtk Tl«1!*l-ki*» Xl B^ r% " ¥ 4#l xMapounka Tuesday Apl. 0 U *.m. Athenlc „,. 12345 crossland Apl. 3 Wgtn. -■- that the Steamer will leave the \^?Wr,^' l s 3d THREE-COURSE HOT Is 3d VV an d Cabinetmaker, Houses to Build, , Vessels, new material, fireproof | JOHSS JL/\E.i&£lt? C* V-'U., J^iCl. ; ; UNIONS.S..CO.OFN.Z..LTD.. oo^io_.._ 123*3 Hart Apr» gggj. <^"^£ emS'afft. »f| S#P 1^ ti ffil ®v 3d woiSSd kM bissell's carpet sweepers- 1 / Hard wars Merchants, Willis Street, Wellington. \ — -— ' S, ••"" So iffig" jSne wftn --PT^' lstApril, and their Hnal em- s^ " ' " THE LEST IN CITY. Jobbing Work accepted. Plans, specifics- ' 27/8,32/6.37/6 %:—~^^.^ ' ■—■ " i -*/ TT -r^-o-r-,,, T^/^TTriM? ArOTa — - 1000° LeW'3 g ° ;barkation must be not later than 10 p.m. ' Tit [or Yourself. tionh, and details for any kind of work. Vacuum Sweeners 55/- ■ ■ ■■.■■.«■■« ——n. ' — • l^^^SSP- p Kgsst aft !!i!^g=#^ w *■*....—:-—^ ;bicycles are cheap :;• r-.-0^ 4- ,!,.!„!.„ ™,1,.0«,.A,«i, M.™'i«i,-«.W- fega - A l"'l^,^^?™™ 1""- J° NES AN° °°- BOYS'TRICYCLES-Plain and,*' " S.-. ..■.'..-. LEVIN AND CO LTD : be alongside^tho .Steamer by 9.30 a.m. on "-k '% -'/ j' lURE DEPOf. Clvde-nuav Wellington ber tires 27/6, 35/-, 3S/6 each SEWING MACHINES, LAMPS, PUMPS, BELLS, TYRES, ELECTRIC CANADIAN-AUSTRALASIAN ESA AND Ca™TD. , Saturday, 3rd tart.- „ !::==: s .,« s ,r Maas «,^ — Wydequaj, Wellington. .Rubber Tires-57/6, 63/-, G9/- each TORCHES. Etc. ALL MUST BE SOLD. GET OUR PRICES. ■R.M. LINE. MURRAY, ROBERTS. AND,CO.. LTD/ ; Lji-VIN AND CO., LTD., :::::::::::::::::::::::: h^ftr- d x:::;::-.:::::-.-. ::. iN , OTEr) FQR HIGH . CLABS SECOND. ¥anufaotare« oi clyfle B™nd Antifric- TRAVELLING REQUISITES—SoIid ' , REDUCTIONS ABSOLUTELY GENUINE. Xn.Co^c^^Canadiau.Pa^ N EW PLYMOUTH, ONEHUNGA, ||||| HAND FURNITURE. FEAR'S Street Widening Sate, 65 WILLIS St. Railway J-i & AUCKLAND SERVICE. : ———~ Would ?Z"<* M «J^ee( Full Stocks of Copper Sheets and Tubes, t ' nf - „?. * , **auwß»- ■ , ■ .. ...... _, "utu i'K Jr"AA«i} , Axminster Carpet (9 x J2), Oak Sideboard, I Brass Sheets and Tubes, Tin, Antimony. eib, etc., a gfteat vanety m mjm „„_.., , ■ y. .. ■-. ; . — _■ EASTER RUNNING. , i!/AbIUUU±<,JNJ<. y R^w-A ana Kauri Sideboard, Mahogany Scotch Cheat, Lead, Engineer Sundries. 5.8.8 L. GUNS—ReaI good, reliable ■ ' ; LONDON. LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, ivZtthli Ztc nermittme 1 (Day's Bay, Rona Bay, and Murrtoi) ' *0U *$2h&i2? Duchesses, Hall •Stand, Wardrobes, Toilet „-, .*rp „ n ,M. „.. *3/10/- §"■— j> COATj ' - ETC. (Weather, etc., permittm?.) FERRY SERVICE. , Re Daitllu ? f/are, Cut Glass, Jardinioro. and Stands, WANTED KNOWN. CARTRIDGFS _ « r , , r »C. I / COAL - /■ ■■■•-, .•■ ■ S.S. RARAWA • ■ , : .._....__ De y .Double and Single Wooden Bedsteads and V* faen black nowder- 5/6 I MeSSTS. tßaneS WteT« alUUqn ■Ts W a •'" ' » AUC^AND vi mSUVi- Y V^t^^nS: E^STER HOLID^. X&°Er&££ SfiJ^gn «-» r»r Bdg^rO-Jn™. to be Dry- ' Sl f okeless _ , e/ 6 per 25 UNDERTAKERS Prepare for J wine ' by getting fc .; Vl?n?^ ( °' WEDNESDAY (7th), and FRIDAY (9th). — A | ? . tf - Chairs (lift-out seats), Kitchen Chairs, («n™ a' wnnKt , FENDERS AND ANTIQUE KERBS Pn»JBITA Block of CODVER (BC.) Leaves Onehunga at , 3 p.m. on WED- J^ROM THURSDAY, Ist APRIL, 1920, 'AlHOilll iino. and HJI Lino. Ornamento, Crock- BSIALLS BIBAM DYE WORKS, _ Irons , Rests . Coal Vases; PORIRUA ' FIREWOOD ' MAKURA-Stb Apnl. ■> NESDAY (31et), TUESDAY (6th), and -T to MONDAY,! sth APRIL, 1920 •*■ A-A-H-8-^'41"""""* cry, Pictures, Books, and Music. 85, "VIVIAN-ST. [opp. Army). splendid asFonment Hoter Hearse by ArraßßenWit FIREWOOD : T HaoooH-.«r3 the GREATEST F , RES . S^lHis - Return A wonderful unscented antiseptic, - . . ffe^™ haS^r DrJ LAWN MDWERS-Ato variety L^_ , SWe havo amp]e - suppl^ ofthe best; .ndf I wondersi of the World ■^^^•ft,^^.Bl^^'^ undor=- white powder, absolutely harmless p KOBERSTEIN, -Phone 21405. Plenty of Parkes , ' sho 3 v ;!; sVJe wiU deliver any quanhty al lowest rates-l .&&tt:&gg%jr B; ,£| ¥ |r£a^As wsrr,ss^ s '- roKs^r 1"-w:" nol — T r-r rorai- —„*, •IH-«* »d ■ ' ■ w.- «*» «»•» ? „1 £, ~B TO! em &.S. Co., Lta., Joint Agents. trips from Town, trips will run at 9.30 . , A/M 1M „ilii cM -it nfrcnnnt TORE DEPOT, „.„.,„ . , COAL AND GRAIN MERCHANTS, ,- PASSPORTS., . LEVIN & CO..LTD- Agent,. an d 11.15 p.m. :' P AMOLIN neutral SCS all personal RINTOUL STREET NEWT OWN M7"B are Buyers of good sound SACKS HOSE (LR- AND FITTINGS-At , GHUZNEE-STREET. Travelers to any place outside the Do- „„„„„ __ TBTJTM _ , .„■_ ■ rrvnD FRTDAV 2nH APRTT Ifl2n odours. Does not prevent free per- 10. RJ-JNIOUL-bIKLLI, JNLVViUWiN. W .in any quantity. Highest ' cash our famous low prices , , RrancKes • '• minion are reminded that it is absolutely A NCHSWnR^WTn AN f w^ ' fn ' I - SDiration It Contains no talcum. OPEN EVENINGS. pr i ces . ELECTRIC IRONS, Spirit Irons, Sea Toun-road Kilbirnie *. necessary to obtain Passports, and that -t»- FOUNDRY CO., LTD. . ... Leave Wellington:' .10.30 a.m., 2.30, spir<uiuii. v/■""'" '"° , f , v W. H. LONG AND CO., Stoves, Potts' lions, etc. ' '?«" %l a %'JL IskndßiT it is advisable to make early application (Circumstances permuting.) 5.50,9.15 p.m. For chafing, douche and as a foot 57, Lowe" Cuba-street. Wellington. T AMP WAT? F TaM P and Hamrinir 163, Tha Parade, Island ,Bay. •- • to the Department of Internal Affairs for FOR NELSON, WESTPORT, GREY- Leave Day's Bay: 9.15 a.m., 1.15, 5.0, ease it has HO eaual FOR A .... ' LAMPWARE —Table and Hanging . „,,.., them. It is essential that passengers pro- MOUTH, AND HOKITIKA. 8.15 p.m. ease it iws. no cquai. iu±t a Furniture, etc., for Lamps; choice lot . . : : ___^ ceeding to America should have their ALEXANDER-WEDNESDAY, 5 p.m. Leave Rona Bay: 9.20 a.m., 1.25, 5.10, For sale at all chemists With free Or one month only RADFORD AND T^^T „„„ ' r tttr-W ANT> <?nN <"■ passports vised by the United States WRIGHT, STEPHBNSON AND CO., 8-30 P"m- ■ ' samples and descriptive pamphlet. GOOD PURE BEER CO. are holding a Clearing Sale of Car- LINOLEUM, CONGOLEUM /««tfc« . 0 b, l^ujuijanu w«, j Consul. „.tj c . ■ LTD., ■Agent..; . SATURDAY, 3rd APRIL, 1920. . «v^xy x wxlj_, xjxuxj^ ts _ L in oleum , ( Mattings,Rßu lers, So fa A splendid assortment. Really grand %g/^f: Pm »mmm £ jgmm RANGE AND GASFITTERS, HOT Through Booktogß to Umted States via Telephone 4050 and 2189. . : , LeaV6 Wellington: 7.40, 10.15 a.m., Gener.l distribut.r. , . b^ b . Sno valu6-* SfsljWS/Imi^l WATER^ ENGINEERS. & SHEET H All Keturn -and Round Tour Tickets FOR NELSON MOTUEKA, TAKAKA, 12-15, I.SO, 2.30, 4.15, 6.0, 9.30, #11.16 Salmond & Spraggon, Ltd. DRINK ONLY Quilts, blankets. Suites in Velvet, Tapes- The best assorted stock of FUR- *WB^&4ssW£§sJL METALWORKERS. , interchangeable with Union Ste^^Ship AND COLLINGWOOD. '^Leave Day's Bay •' 6 55, 8 0 9 0 11.0 F«tk.«to» Street, Wellin.ton, N.Z. I J?^diM MboSoSena^r loekw NISHING HARDWARE in the City. ~Z Coppd M ;Re. a Cn7 Parn^tio L nW^^^ f,. „ - „« . STAPLES' t^ttetSw^ Out of very few line, • " A paired andinst^d «£«£«.., union 88 co~^nz ltd S" iS I lsl *«l^, 1^ N«r Jcmy^AA. i.Jib h , llTi M nrn ' g^tfS^^o&S. UNION aS. CO. OF N.Z., LTD., Ni^VSat J^ A^l. 10 2 p.m. SUNDAY, 4th APRIL, 1920. THE AMOLIN COMPANY. Co Furnishers, Wholesale and, 43 rJ7f|Rffl WINPFR P if" drf ft rT' ConnL |" Managing Agent* .■■ ■ BANNATYNEAND CO., LTD., Leave Wellington: 10.30 a.m., 2.30, 5.50, ■ . rKN A WLEDrED BY ALL CQN and 45' UCUflylj If II iPilil, SSSf^SSled ' —— — u**^ Bay: , 15 _, Usi , 0 , f —-T ."^ A c-6 0 ™r tBo Y bT aSS: o£ .ate. ' WINDER'S CORNER . ®*st Pl£iS V; —°- _„.,. ,r»T-r -M^Ste^ 8.15 p.m. 1< 59111XT9 «3f f-fiJli?* LUTELY TT in Tiles just landed. New Hot • \ , : ROYAL MAIL SERYICJi ZmmeZ- ■■' . Leave Rona Bay: 9.25 a.m., 1.25,5.10, B. Ctaaaa*^ a *w** Water Service to Redwill Fires now thor- fIIRA AND MANNERS STS -> " "C^OUND-Spring Blossom Ointment all America^ points and ISS,"i^x;» «n, « L^l^;^!^ THE BEST 1 *|^irSSi! ' ■ ' |/^%H^ 0»* LONDON. BISpoSE^LA S GOW, ftY^LTON, Via KAIKOURA- 13^,|f« e^.^ll^' J^S tt f „ -^— — E^£ff&it«i^ ETC- On^^br^at^pm ■^"U^iUW trouble by applying BREWERY AND OFFICES: *»* 'Ph°°e S^' : BALLINSER BBOSm kinsV Instant Relief Asthma Powder, 1, , On XUJJ.J.UAY, at 4 p.m. Leave Rona Bay: 8.10, 9.10, 10.15, 11.10, KDirE'SL WANTED, SECOND-HAND MOTORS. Ki«B-B-ll^WSiri yllWWl) and 2s, post free. Address , WELLINGTON TO RAROTONGA; FOB, FOXTON- 11.55 a.m., 1.35, 3.40, 5.10, 7,0,.9.30 p.m. lll\lLt ij MOLESWORTH AND MURPHY. —- , MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS O M _ , ,?■ W• HAWKINS, TAHITI, and SAN FRANCISCO. . Th. «... KENNEDY, i RETURN FARES. > .. .■■ STREETS. WE Buy good^Second-W Cars take QF PLUM BERS' REQUISITES. OOGtV ' Herbahst- Geor.e-street. Dunedm. MOANA-About 22nd April. On TUESDAY, at 5 p.m. .■ ADTJLTS ; .... lß6d , . RFCTNFRATOR —— Sor Sdfon^mmisfion fo-7 client ®* m> ' tt«^&& ' ALL Return and Round Tour Tickets T^T'^ 7 t CHILDREN (under 12 years) 6d I\E.l3L.lMiUt\^ IWV ... : CAUTION. ■•.'/. For further particuWap^ M M ■ ■ A interchangeable ,vith C.A. Line "All AND CO, LTD.. A gra U *An f ditional charge of 6d .ill be , — . WEIXINCTON MOTORS ACCES- H^^ §I^* 7//anufaQtUred Red" Route. ICHARDSON AND CO. LTD. ■ Q«, ' ™ 4 W X."a«.TbehinJ U. T3EDDING Manufacturers, Furnisher. ; SORY CO ' H fflh H/Of ■ SHIELDS, Civil and' Militar> PASSPORTS. jj U1 .uvuuui, «j.>u w., iio.^. ■ S. S. HEATH, ■ . . . U Dealers, and users, are cautioned-not . 'Phone 22-092. . HJ Kfiii W g^*B" ' X. Tailor' 21 Willis-street for MillTravellers to any place outside the Do- Fer NAPIER (Inner Harbour) GIS- Manager. It is guaranteed free from to make use and handle Bedding infring- : : : • mJKffl Si if f M tary Ribbons, Servico Stripes,. Breeches, > minion are reminded[that it is absolutely BORNE WHARF a»d AKITIO-Th. : ' - '■ sulphur, lead, or any ingre- . nff on our PATENT RIGHTS. In- SACKS ' ' \S^F HB WfM , Hats, and Gaunt's Gold Gilt Buttons. All necessary to obtain Passports, and that es RIPPLE Early ~ DAIRY FARM : . dients injurious to the hair. fnngers will be prosecuted to the utmost saoivo. IHT |1 Badges stroked. .A splendid , ;t^S^.f^3B«S AN^Ca i LTD..A geJlt , . .- r _ % " A^o pri^ent oi: our Patent p- W^rfdetfc Te p^M bT BRAnT , gof New Season. Suitings i,, to XV2S •Sjraris INVERCAR- fk eaii^n!;fr e \ -*-c- v steward,l TD ., mti^^A™^? ■ ' :K~^ passports vised by the United States For f o fUS SO UNDS -fe :^ -^ »! tS £fc £^ SS^' 110 °Bihm-i°* S l^n^ FOWL FEED. T V ',', ' JgLra^ leSar^ PaSSBgeS 3"d *o^TO^T™ M^. ±eScer dh°U6eiandaUneCOT TV^Tl^o^ M-CRAE, ? ' J^lT^^^S'inAZ HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOWL FEED. - „ UN^.CO. OF.N. Z .,LTD. „ Tele P hone; N e . „' g , P ro P er ty , and J "*'**£&. SCRAP LEAD. W^d-head Nail, F"^, W^ .w/ ~ ■ = — ■ sSTchSSlia'^Stl P-'B^* 1?. 1*-1 WANTED to-iurchase; SC^AP Telephone No,: Warehouse 99, Office t ' „" ■ ■• ..-,■• . -««»&■, ■ with bnUdinge, but no house, £75 per w _„.„ . „«« Comstotmo BLINDS! BLINDS! TT LEAD, in any quantities. Apply ' w * J;^™™;,!,™ Country letters promptly attended to. T7 r TE haT e a Special Line or ■ __ _ _ , __ _,_ Tnfi'R. WANOANnT—Tto «• TfAPTTT acre W. BitlLfc & SUN llaiu Sr-r.OLii.isTs , WARING TAYLOR-biKJi-Jil, • W >3pei.ia.i jjiuo P. &O.S. N. CO. pQR WANGANUI-The «... KAPITI, acre. __ ' 2,fi Hi«h 5,™... Chriachurch V OU«quiro new F ado l O3s Blind,. to 3TFREOTYPER WELLINGTON. S. GLAZER, .- VV WHITE OATS ■■)-.. On SATURDAY. N.Z. FARMERS' CO-OP. DISTRIBU- H nujw^JJ ± Then call on t? p WPosfc . 51, Courtenay-place. X ■ "^VHITE OATS; T-6OYAL MAIL STEAMERS ■' TING CO.. LTD., , P. W. EVERETT, Blind Specialist,' The Evening Post., . t . L ■. .- Hi DALGETY. AND CO., Dominion. Farmers' Institute. v „ f^get a Quotation WELLINGTON SOCIETY FOR THE iof^Jr/n -\^' rf"\j^^' LEFT-OFF CLOTHING. Which makes excellent fowl feed. «-*- a. P_ ra 0,,,: - -»-— . p^tf «,?S^ f S IPifiiill "»™»~ LStS=S"£S IS V* ■OPTICIAN i tS^. — SAMUEL BROWN LTD .. FOR LONDON. . 13 Kind's Cbambera Wairarapa road passes this property, 11 mg now- SOCIETY FOR PROTECTION OF f%Vl E*%i% WELLINGTON* — TTO cmnT,^™. NALDERA and NARKUNDA 'Phen« 870 ° ' miles from Wellington. City Council's |?# This is a Kood-Driuk (Milk, \Vf| BARBER'S DRY CLEANING WORKS, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. tvf^f^S rflMCMirATirtWS'BßPff ' LEFT-OFIc CLOTHING. ■ TORY-STREET AND WILLIS-STREET. 1 . - irJlena a'u' _ milk lorries • pass ■ the property daily. WM Wheat, and Malt) which shouM \% . 125 Cuba-street 'Phono 226 — ii^iyie CONSUtIATiOJW .rK£t ' ■ . .v,^™™ „„ TT Large. It-roomed house, largo granary, «| find a place in every home. It M ' ■ ' ' . rpHE Secretary will be in attendance at% Ui&a— '■*&£ ~ •"-■■■'■ —>■■■■■■■■"» "SDTA.S it over occurred to you that you Passengers can book through from New NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. cowshed, stable, etc. fist in early before '■] has i ß comparable qualitias, and 1 — A the Rooms, Bridge's Buildings, 119, —— JIX l, av e ClothfnK Boots, or Jewellery " ' Zealand, being provided with Saloon Pas- • the rise. Property celling about one mile ! is aa ideal sfcmdby io the ontly- I TO MERCHANTS AND STORES. Willis-street, ou TUESDAY and FRI- WALL PAPER SHORTAGE. lvins about that you can turn into cash? _ " ,—„ — Z~l 7Z „ „ „ , ' sages to Australia. . — ' distant at over £500 per acre. Good ing districts where shops are I __ DAY MORNINGS., from 10 to 12.30. nnXIERE is absolutely no shortage at T. We Buy ClothiiiK of all descriptions T EVlN.—Foston Motor Mail bervice. im m TTn ' cuUihg up proposition. Apply. 1 distant. It keeps for years, i« I "OARCEL Sorvico to and from Welling- AU communication* strictly confidential A A. Wells, Ltd., new warehouse, 40, J e ,vellerv of am kind and eivo hiehest Quickest route to Foxton. Leave JOHNSTON AND CO., LTD., SUBSCRIBERS whose delivery of The * PFP WELCH m ad «, n a momlnt, no cooking. I 1 ton and ■ Petone daily. Special cafe 'Phone 1185. . Taranik-street,' or km, Manner.-streot: j^f e^^rJ^v .ttgdgd to? „gg^ u 7 Agents, _ . O Evening Post is unsatisfactory, please Land, Agent, Masterton,, or Wellington and tt always battsfaotory. | tdken. Luggage and Furniture _ DOCTOR We hold the largest stock in Now Zealand, M . NAUSBAUM, "* 3 1 1« Levin 7^ pm lawWellington and Wanganui. .Telephone or Write the Publ.her WITH- As<mt6' J LT_ Jt _,_.J 'Pl>one 3773 (3 rings). T^ANTB^-I& l^t^unUm Pens 260.000 roils, of the latest and most cxcl^ The Allies' Second-hand Dealer IbSS"'^ M 7 Rotaffl, fa &£ Moto»f.» Telephone 44. OUT DELAY. ■'Phone 315. -«^-*™v r i«'' -i ""■'"■■"■^^ KING BROS., W aroOnoto, Waterman, Conklm, «ye designs just to hand. Prices range 127, Manners-st.. Wellington. Tel. 21-813. H ir! Sundays. . . . . • „ ][)'An^ ]d 1( c a a r ™' M heaT Bstock ry £115 ' W^^^^^^W^^^^M I General Carriers, ■■ and Swan. T sell and repair them. Geo. from 2s "P t A WELL S PERCY WHITKHEAD. Proprietor. FOUND-That CmbreUa has a Paragon TTTIOR SALE, tlie Residence at corner of pa £2500 ' cash^bargaiu^alsoo^! acres S « I®| ®| %M Km® \ % | ■P °to"e' ?"J !6t7- 2lb' 'Phone 883. ' " 545 a. Manners-street. "ft/TRS. PHILLIPS, 55. Taranaki-street, | -¥XTHEN on trarisfer, write, 'phone' or Frame, Let Lethaby s Re-cover, it. 1? Pipitea and Mulgi'ave streets at-pre- close Palmerston, £65 p.a., £800 cash, HB^^^'i^-^^^^Si^S i VARICOSE Ulcers- "V arex Method" TTAVE you 'ever tried Sydal (Wilton's j -■ f*-*-. thg. estab'j,ai'ed Secondhand TV call on us, we c*n quote you^ for 6^ lid to 12s 6d. Fast dye, best materials Rent occupied by me, 9 large rooms, motor good buildings. Send for particulars. SM f, S l*! Fes & «*• fJVVi 3 B I * of ■ treatment hss never failed when I"! Hind Emollient)? It makes tlia T MAKE Keys ami mend Koyi, sell Uealor. Ring Phone 3256, or send letter, your furniture removal to any part ot and workmanship. Send yours, to-day., garage, all conveniences. Three-fifths pur- T a wira vivin nn 1P fig f 4^» IW L^UfJ USl^? | pioperly applied; no lying up. Write for s idn ?oft and supple, and as smooth as 1 Keys and iend Keys, and fit Keys bull value given for Boots, Suits, Jewel- New Zealand, exponenceA packers at your Lethaby's Umbrella gfleciahsts, ppp. ,hase money may remain at &i par cent.' J. A JNA^H AWU LO., i^^SS&^Wia^^wS^&S^iJ^^jS paiticul»ra, Ernest Ha»loy, ChomUt. Fox- velvet' Free from wbstitutui. OUeuiiets to imy locU. \Vychorl«v, under' No. I, lory, and goods of every description, disposal. J. J. Curtis aud Co., Ltd., U» qp 0 ' Andrew Wylie. Solicitor, 27, Panama-It. > Falmenston North. »Mmmmmmm!tlmmwl&BiifmX&ilim con. ' '»ai iit>i»*. it RW m, ' Wjljis-Sttotif, 'P.ijOße S&S, ■, Couutry. clients, mojaey. by return BSSf.. Jolwston-streot, 'Phone No, 8. ','

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Evening Post, Volume XCIX, Issue 78, 1 April 1920, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume XCIX, Issue 78, 1 April 1920, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume XCIX, Issue 78, 1 April 1920, Page 5