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! SUGGESTIONS FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING 1 >P A A M4fc If«n tf A V OXJR TENDER ACCEPTED. . - t3®B3fa*:'-' ' ' . . ■ -: X 9 ArO HOUSe our tender accepted. f) TTTVT^^T r\l7 !/*• I 4t» C*l ♦ f Cuba-street. GIFT TIME IS COMING! a few of the lines at the f 1 17/ 111 t L | V_ 1/ I/O LV U iDbMI/I^A 0 XT'MMaI^ . Has m a,v suggestion to make GREAT SALE CtegJ UHUJVIIJL QL I\LjVi.OLi£j I |\ 11 |\( d ILI IP Ac^ I 11l SI V by way of helping one and all in " • - WjflßJ ' ■ ~ 1 1111 I!>V'wU%llw%nA2r V Vlll l£/JL^ the difficulties commonly expert Of > • 'ROT 1478 11 1 11 WELLINGTON. ' paIBIaBBaaHI i aIMaiaMIM X I|IIHIMH^MM^ *need when deciding the question '. hbp' WC SOLVE 188 R. G. KAIN'S UUAI47B Ijlll wjuji-. LIMITEDß gjp^a'f^ /"M WELLINGTON WHAT BEST TO GIVE wholesalsmvarehouse . =-*;■ • • , ■"^^^^"^^'^■^^^ l<l* Christmas Gifts-above all others %&£ ™2Sf5Jf " ' ■ '"■ "T —must bear the stamp of Quality GIFT PROBLEM THOUGHT AT -I R/_ IN THE c» > —--_•. ■.~ -—— 'w —to ensure which selection . . JJ XO/ -S», . " A a TkT 11 k.r « ' svlVf'A ft Ci'T'WS' 'tSmsF&tSTti what to buy. HUWB^^«dHfc. TTTFj Dt c ' MAGIC CAVE XMAS NE'fSr > iAO iJCiCT with confidence at . fine &m ad»p., full cut, worth 12s 6d, IUJJi . V.1.1,. lftAW^ A V J3, A FINE DISPLAY IN ALL DEPARTMENTS \ TE ARO HOUSE — w StFSV 1 ffi " ' . . MENTIONING VARIOUS INTERESTING ITEMS out buyer. ,in nrjNW&.-phi w P en 'Wjiir-*.'. v '■ _, a _ ■ „ r^F 6* 'S-"^t*?, 14^ ni ... o AND TWO nTTWBCS ' Wonderful variety of Reasonable and. practicalgifts Bow available - W'^S™^ ™ BSS? BELOW WE OFFER A FEW ***%&{&£?&?£% FOR GUTS. - m w e,u& with all«,. FROM OUR VVIDIi SJiLiJiC- SUGGESTIONS lid. s ■ " ' latest novelties, and so wide ie the range that choice becomes TION AS AN INDICATION OF THE 39 Su^rfine Voile Combs. h«d embroH- . /in iTkJT| rTTPT^TIIf AS IT ATO —— ' an easy, matter. :The prices are rea^mable, too! VARIETY OFFERING THROUGHOUT __ „ Clfi'TattvVet"c£&£?°»sffi6a txXfcAJN-D T AIK . *.; -;. ./ .: , THIS CENTRAL STORE FOR XMAS fid. Sale Pnce 4s lid. ' -DECADBE D«inty Hand-Embroidered Work is always sure of a hearty welcome ATTRACTIVE GIFTS FOR YOUNG AND OLD . GIFTS 31 Girls' 27in Princess Slips, trimmed h.a. ■** .. .. ..... . , . , , . .. . . _, < _ _" EVERY ONE SERVICEABLE AND and fine lace, worth 8s 6d—Ss lid. —«r»n if the recipient has already had some presented her, she can stflJ Once again we urge yon to make your purchases early and "' ' WB BEGIN WITH GLOVES YET NOT EXPENSIVE. . 120 £oz. Infants^ "Kumphy^S^tands, ■ ' . , BEGAN TO-DAY. do with aome more. It takes a lot of beating as a Christmas Gift. avoid the inevitable rush toiwanfe the-end.' U you mala, yoor Kft TJ^TME AS^ &" ifl'^e^s m O'th ' ™ M E day r» «by «* ehM»n wiß whw *" "" not —<" "^^ Do3y? * **' • ***** possibility of replacing them at^he^e »«ta}...fl« *«- browns, and black, 7s lid, 8s lid, 9s lid. fYVR FANCY DEPARTMENT haa 10 doz Infants 1 Fine L.C. Slips, trimmed oay, r> «ny, me cnuoiwi Duchesse Runners, or Sets; and so on, right ttooughout the list of neat and morrow if you can, or wnte i£.yon -cannot calL 2-Button Deerskin, for motoring;l un- V' always maintained a reputation for olose embroidery, 3s 6d value for 2s 6d. ' have their ChristniSJl FfstWties, r . ; . „-. _ „ t , WA „-.« « ' a"«^. t »^™. » . -. l§ UM edA Weari inbr°^° rey8 ' QoALlTY'roupledwithLOW^^ • m he bns«ai fts pretty little creatons below. Why, precisely ti»,s«ne could be said of each one. H AND BA G S ARE ALWAYS ACCEPTABLE ATTRAOTIONS TOO, IN HOSE to^Tll^-Z^^^l « itar ' D jo LaGIo'cAVE L tndy '.* ' B-^ oc^-lh.--^.-^ CU^-a... p^fc^. BlackSeall.atherßag-^s^ ta Wh,te Mercerised Lisle, spliced heels and * mow) 5t6 Mat Is. , D'LC' M^lo UAVB " y Oonridering ill this, don't you think it well worth while to read the uWof Sn L^uSeiotTlf Leathered, mckel frame^ BU 6 "dArtincial Silk Lisle • .um-te are^ABSOLUTELY THE LOWEST. 9 *%™& l^iA^l^ ' WthM^ " »—'■ *"* * • Embroidery Work now on view at George and Kersle^ especially „ the ' ' ? ? Mcc 47.:6 d... .Bliek, Morocco Squwe • toes, suspender tops, Es lid, 4s 6d,' - Coloured Satin Underskirts, worth 12s 6d, • Ssnta CSaus himself. X , .- Black Seal Leather Bag--Deep shape, „-.:.: shape Bag-iNickd-frame. tops, wool, felt, 7s 6d. for 7s lid . °*BW """ '""""' ? values are so magnetw. covered frame, fitted with centre Price 21* ;T^i^=U-ts, 8!|^ r - 6 "HTfcl^ MJ&fiS a «ere,t, always r-es**. Come and see them eariy. They're most attractively displayed, and a courteous "XSSd^S^^' - NECKWEAR NICETIES. CAtL^ AND SEE O UR SPECUL DIS- 8 d oT°L«JW TwoWe Navy Bathing .^u-j t ' 'a. nr« • rtaff wfll save your time. Black Seal Leather Bag -r Square ;,: ,:.:;.:..;, ;...,: P^cTWs 6d. Geo^tte Collars beautifuUy em- », ay at nm, Co S ScaSaKS. wSI mulfataie o! BUrPrMM' «"»•*» ...... shape, outeide pocket, nickel Gxey Velvet Puma Bag-Gflt fiwne, > -broiderd and'inlet with pit and silver PLAY AT OUR V S lid. Kor 5s lid. MAGIC CAVE thu TBar-thomrk late °»U To-morrow. frame, fitted with mirror, pin box, - leatteiJined, cent»: pocket. insertion in ivory, pink, sky, heho, V 12 doz Ladies' Fine White Woven Vests. MAGIC CAVE Una ye«-tnoiiyli JaMr ITEMS: , . ' perfume bottle. Price 69s 6d. 7-T? ■■•••.^^ sfc g^ wS-iF£lim 1 BIG CHBISTMAS FAIR I , *" "™'"i# *--*-"- V HANb-EMBEOIDEKED UNEN MADEIBA - %™^£S^«S v«S»S*" o=«t.f IfcJi'-s i M .* -■ "TS^a^rtaftfe ■-*-— work.- ■^r^r^jife!"^»^-i**iaiU£ - white, mole, grey, and black- and _ __„, i, AVPV iTATVinTrpwrwTFW^ Girls' Fine White Brill Tailor Jumpers . . . xv _!„ >l - Brown Velvet Calf Bag—Deep shape, green, fawn, and purple; finished • . white;. 39s 6d, Sss, 635, 70s. , LADIES' FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS. t ri^d in saxror vieux roT^te.' ' As in previous years pw» el' 6IN MADEIRA DOILIES, hand-em- ed and sooll^ied. edges. Prices covered frame, fitted with centre ■ with tassel or leatter fringe. BLOUSES ARE USEFUL PRESENTS. LADIES' FANCY EMBROIDERED Worth 10s ta, 12s 6d—7s lid, 8s lid. . . . . „ v !,„„«« «;„«, broidered and eyelet worked, all 16s 6d, 17s 6d, and 18s 6d each. pocket, mirror, perfume bottle. Prices Ss lld^ 6s. lid, 7s lid, Well-cut &hirt Blouse, in Japanese crepe, , HANDKERCHIEFS, daintily boxed OuM^ White Pi™ Jumpw, lace up to admiss.on is the same humble Sixpence, PrICBS ls M ' ls 1W ' 2s M OBLONG LINEN MADEIRA TRAY- Price 79s 6d. ■". . . - ; in various coloured narrow and block ™ m,.^, nn j h.ifJmnn Thw> »™ necK. wortn os ua, os lid. aaie it alwav« has been, whether jou be 6 ■ .^^^.l^.^.^. TT ,c . j CLOTHS, embroidered, eyelet work- , :, „ •'. . stripes, on white grounds; all sizes, in quarter and^half-dozens. These are price 3s lid. . n aiway. nas oeen, wnewer you w » BIN.^MADEIRA DOILIES, hand-em- ed, and soolloped edges. Prices «OAP«* ANT) PTI"RT?TTMFa MATTT? "WTnP, OTTTTR( lOaod. : luce!y embroidered, and neat Laoa 3 doz Ladies' Crepe Kunonas, soft crepe, M , „ ThaDIC ' broidered, scolloped edge, and eye- 7s lid 12s 6d 14s 6d 18s 6d 25i 6d BUAr& AJN U J Jiih J U JM-JSO - IVIA 1\ JS ■ JN XUxi Ajrlr IBS Smartly-cut Blouse, in wide block stripe -Edges'. . T . ,S°^ deslSs=- ,g»le prica 6s lid. year, or on years ot age. me «.x.u. let worked, all ]W. Prices 2s 9d, £^, J« «», «s 00, «s oa, «s_oa , t - Jap. silk; deep rever collar, in a va- . Irish Lawn Handkerchiefs (half-dozen), traate everyone as youaßsters when they 4s Ud, 5s lid, 7s 6d each. BFAUTIFTTI, HANDffMHR.OTTiFRTi'n Atkinson's Large Round Bath Tabs* 6io*; in cokwne, lavendetjViolet oatmeal, riety.of shades; three sizes, 27s 6d. OUR PBICES-ls 6d, is 9d, to lid, 2« 3d, o "W- T■,. ,J, „, „ . traats everyone a« youagsiers wnen, iney dMN MADEIJU j^j^ <co] BEAUTffm HAND-EMBROIDERED viole* glycerme and oicumber, verfena, li]v ofthe valley. Price Is 3d cake. Dainty; Georgette Blouse', in sky, helio, 2s 6d 2a lid to 15s 6d box. 80 ?, oze, n r 1?, ,™, .^ ?°»S? m go throofh the MAGIC CAVE, and ' loped edge, and plain centres. »U OM)THS seoi^id^^iLH i,« Atkinson's No. 40 Blue Label Eau-de-Cologne Toilet Soap. Price Is 6d cake. ' . ivory,, with round neck, sailor collar *.oa, «no to ics oa dox. black Worth 4s lid. For 2s 9d. go wwwfn «» au»»xy wa *„ . Un^ Prices, Bin, Is Ud; 9in, 2s nificS^^'wl?k^a dS^mW Sff" Atkinson's Toilet Soaps, one cake in a boasTperfumed pomseUa. . af. Sack prettily embroidered, • 69a 6d. 11 Doi.Moirette Underskirt Frills, good that is just where the best fun comes ■ 3d each. 3to sqLre Pric^ 35s 6& '^'. : V ' ' - Price Is Ud cake "'• OR A RICHLY WOVEN JERSEY. LADIES'EMBROIDERED HANDKER- y' W 4s lld- baleFnce . _ WIN MADEIRA DOILIES, haad-em- 57s 6d. 60s, 62s 6d, 65* 70s', 75s Atkinson's Toilet Soaps, one cake in a box, perfumed; verbena, white rose, - LRdies' Knitted Silk Jerssys, deep sailor CHIEFS, finely embroidered.corners, 15 p OZi All-wool ? Sox, in black size in, for oW and young joni in the spirit broidered'_ and eyelet worked, all each. carnation, violet. „ Price Is 6d cake. collar, roll front, sash and pockets; also embroidered and neat Laco 1 and 2 only. Worth 2s 6d. For Hid B t Ch*?«l«ii»fL >b<l w«l<nm n tha lunoi "nCD' PrK» 7s 1W each- MADEIRA HAND - EMBROIDERED Roger and Gallet's Toilet Soap.'ttoee csies in a boij many of the following .in -black,, ivory, champagne, havy, ;- Ed _^: pair. « unnswnas, ana welcome mo nappy OVAL LINEN MADEIRA. TRAY-, HANDKERCHIEF SACHETS, . odours: verbena, lavender,-Violet; carnation,' Kuliotrope, peau d'espagne, \ bottle; shell • pink, .heho, sky, grey, , 3 283 Crepe do Chene and Silk Sailor Col- times they have together in the MAGIO CLOTHS, handsomely embroidered, ■ square shape; a useful gift. Price .dragon fly, sweet pea. Price Is Ud cake. .-rose and;safe, 72s 6d, 755. '. OUR PRICSS-64d, 84d, IQid,, Is, le 3d, lars, pink sky and ivory. Worth 4s ' scolloped edge; a suitable present. 8s lid each. , Zenobia English Perfumes; in different odoutt: uightrscented stock, sweet Ladies Knitted Silk Jerseys, roll collar, . „';" 1 :. ** lid. For 2s 6d. ' BAVE ■ ' Prices 8s 6d, 8s lid, 10b 6d, 18s od, MABTCTRA TTAKm PMT»TffHTIiriMi 1n „,,, ™J rnW - PK-« K. V«HU ■^^SiS£TS^ ™S> hand embr°lderCd ' TarK)Ue «« %. li*'S^ Linen Carabrie,. ** ~» *..**»» *• °hri*»" , HAND-MADE REAL INDIAN CROCHET WORK. At&Ss Face Powder, in different odours: California^£ feta; deep gauged Qounce, 39s 6d. ! Is 3d, Is 6d .each. super quality. Worth 1b lid. For Is without him, so the D.1.0. hat made ' rambling rose; in pink and'brunette shades. Prices 3s 6d, 4s 6d Ladies' Merv. Satin Underskirts, in , .L a™V,. f , B T .;„_ , nn ; n r. Ay „ ■ . „ INDIAN HAND CROCHET DOILIES, in aU sues and shapes. Prices Is, Is 3d, Cmet's Pot Poum-Petals of floweis, dried and preaerved, which give off a de- ■ &eKev^^^^ Si^'woXfsSa^ale Price wrangements to h.v. dear old 1, lid, 25,6 d, 2s 9d, 3s 3d, 3s 6d, 3s lid, 4s 6d, 4s lid, 5s od each. . hghtful fragrance in room. In tins 2.3d each,m perforated jars 3s3d<«h j^W.W.«™.*«. .g^^^,^^^^^^ - hold hi. Court and greet ■ . HA^CRCCH^^ HOSIERY ■ Dainty^Jap. Silk Kimono Gowns,' in OVR u6d * M 12 fecej c White Terry Towelling. K. large eWe of frie»ds te the MAGIC INDL^NHAm, CROCHET m A YCLOTHS, oval shape, Prices I3s 6d, 15s 6d, snk ta _ h Ladies' Silk Hc*e-With cotton 5n5---.....8M, navy, rose, *y, apricot;, prettily OUR PRICE&-K 1« 6d, 2. 3d box. Worth Is Bd. Salo Price Is 3d. .. CAVE. ■ white, royal, navy, tan, grey, .pender tops, toes, and heels; in 1 : -ombrcidered floral -de'siens in P^k, , '...., INDIAN HAND CROCHET COSEY,COVERS. Prices l?s 6d, 15s 6d, 19s 6d each. . gabadine. /4s 6d pah. silver, drab, oyster, fawn, buff, ?V«K^Tinai^ COLE'S DRAPERY HO' ' . ' t.. ....-.- t , INDIAN HAND CROCHET PIN CUSHION COVERS. Prices 2s lid, 3s 3d, Ladies' Fibre Hose-With cotton greys, gabardine, navy, bottle Colours prettilvXbr^dXf' white UV^^J^ O U&JXtr JYK, I W., .It's *U a secret just l»w tovejy tte 3s 6d, 4s 3d, 4s 6d each. . expanding tops, in black and green,, cinnamon, and all wanted facings'; P U, ,'kydielio, grey, scarlet, LADIES 1 SMART UMBRELLAS 108. 110, 112, CUBA-STREET, MAGIC OWE is. It is "bosker" as INDIAN HAND CROCHET DUCHESSE SETS. A present which would be ' '. .ft.. ... „ I.^ „ 1^ ?£ brown, navy, sand, cinnamon; mole, 6MAKI UMBRELLAS. > . i .. a4Ull/ ■voUl " oo«er mm much appreciated. Prices 30s, 355, 42a set. • Ladies' Silk Ankle Hose—With cot- Black All-Silk Hose—WiU» wide silk : l'3s 6d,' 14s 6d,-15s 6d, 16s 6d. ■ .» ■ ,• .. •, ' , , '• ; : . xt. v--- „„ „- „ «,_» mrmU iwl: )fc_ • ton suspender top in black, suspender welt and reinforced - '..• - ■'- ? ■ All reliable frames . and irood atronp *«c DOys say, or as BOzne WOUiQ' Pus w~ . -.. X , r? ' ijii_ino^j , m f . ■. • - ' :■ ' i a , , 8 , "wrong -r_,___.__ __ . .—.^ ._ • ctTTTTOO a "Kni XT at> Ti-iTTcs T7\TT>Ti/\TTtTiii'nrk -nr/-wx» tt white, silver, champagne, navy, toes and heels. 22s 6d and 27s 6d. _. covers, In long and short handles. STEWART • DAWSON'S.^ «*un»ar.*! . SWISS AND VARIOUS EMBROIDERED WORK. ox blood, grey, slate" nigger, t»n, Smart Sflk Ho S e- r With Wack or X.A.vJ. » ii-IJUXi i\ttb -onrnva c nj v hj o i«j « ' " drab, peacock, electric, saxe,, and white vertical pin stripes, in tan, 'IN GIFTS FOR THE XMAS BABY. OUR lid to lfe&d each' CONSIDERATE . ' ' BWISSr EMBROIDERED DUOHESSE HEMSTITCHED ; EMBROIDERED evening shades. 6s lid pair. " champagne, greys, navya, black, ■ In7iW Matin PP T^k P t, H a intv rl« PEOPLFABF TnVF-RY VTSTTOTI TO TOT? Tl T P UTAftTf! TAVF f^';B^ 1?^-^^3^^' PILLOW SHAMS, a vwied assort- White Spun Silk Hose- ,- — white, drab. 14s 6d and 15s 6d pr. l.ntants Matinee Jackets, dainty de- i'JiUl'l^ AKii JiVJliJttl ViOXXUXV IVJ XJJLJCi U.l.C'. JVlAtrl^ V^A-Vil* 3s 9d, 3s Ud, 4s 6d, 4s lid, 5» 6d, ment of these goods. Price 8s 6d, m.r n. iij o. fi j q, fi j „:. wiiffp rVitt^n !!«»_ V,SiK^S&?^ "■ -■-■■ «-SST-™ B^CEIVBS A FBEE GIFT BBOM BABY TQ „. H^S&ffit^Jh& - i*! «-. -*&»«"« ; fective styles, Empire yokes and em- ' 'ivnunnvwiw NOW! GRANDFATHER. ' ' '•• "' mi lPriJes' 6s M TWud EMf <>P™D "TRAY CLOTHS, « Ladies' Cokraied Lisle Hose—ln gabardine, navy, light navy, os /.•broidered skirts, 9s lid to 21s. . ANTIMONY WARE. . . uxmiii/j.a.j.u,iiui. : ; l % n%\ ? nSu om' n m t ' all shapes and sizes. Prices Is 3d, . fawn, eabardine, sand, khaki, blood, prunella, ch«mpanie,slate> AND QUILTS FOR LITTLE FOLK. -P^fST^ S^dleSS " fiSr»& Useiffe,^ * Uon ri g ht in the in^en^ TOY AHB - V finable shades Ss lid, 6s Ud,,7, lid, »6d pa. fc^f&^'J^ m^«: etc' ' x^afcr^S^^ Christmas fair sEcnoN-THB ; ; ARMENIAN HAND WORK. ■ '' ' ™ AT , q Molll! , --j,™, tttav niTTTERV lavender, greon, and vieux rose, 8s lid, A marked at OUR FAMOUS LOW - only will it express a kindly oon- m t>tp v» h«« A.->» »«». i« ■■''" ; ■ ■ W MAT »% MU ltA U O Jq-JH UJj IMAJN UUIIjJCiiVX . „95.6 d. 10s 6d, Ils6d, 1356d,-15s. W LIOW 'adMation for^ ovei-workod wstol manage to . 'ARMENIAN HAND-EMBROIDERED TABLE CENTRES: made of brown Silk Cot Down Quilts, " Osocosie" PRICES ante—it will ensure more comfort ff pt, thmnirh thn MATIO 'OAVF *» *' Jinen, in square, round, and oval shapes. Prices 5s lid, 6s 6d, 7s 6d, 8s 6d, ' Christopher Johnson's.Kitchen Knives and Forks, rosewood handles. Brand; size %x 25; in pink green, • and better sa^sfaction to yourself. 8=« ""uga uw ™*ulu «^»», "• a 10 s 6d. " . Price 12s 6d dojt«ll. blue, ana red,, lrsbd, ils,^s6d. , By making your•purohasos before very sure you have a SIXPENNY DIP ' ' "•-' 'ARMENIAN HAND-EMBROIDERED MATS, square shape and beautifully White-handled Knives—Christopher Johnaon's and Wmgfield Rowbothain's. ' *? Christmas Rush' you will bo • • embroidered. Prices Is, Is 6d, Is 9d, 2s Ud, 3s 6d, 3s lid each. ■ Dessert- > Prices 17s 6d, \l9s 6d, 22s 6d, 27s 6d dozen. .HANDKERCHIEFS FOR A LADY. ; able to select with more oare, and , in. the BRAN TUB. r ABM Ti-MTAM hamt. MRnnmvßm nnrnwcif nrrxnvjpp« j ii Km Table— ~ Prices 22s 6d, 255, 30a, oss dozen. »., T . v ■ i i • i . ~ consider each item without the - AKMKiNiAIN tiAsxu-nNUSiiULU&i&aIJ UlJOrlJcjSSJii KUWiNJiRS, made-of brown »,, , , -.^ „, ■, ■r ■ , «i._:-i _i.— t v > , .-■•-Irish Linen, haDd-embroidered corners, HANDKERCHIEF SATCHETS. hurry and discomfort of the bustla . linen and two-tone coloured embroidery. Prices 5s lid, 6s lid, .7s 6d, 8s 6d, Fluted Metal-handM Knives-Oinstopher Johnson s. _. __ , narrow and wide hem, Is 9d, Is lid, 2s -T SUT to-coma later ' - 10s 6d to 20s each. Dessert—Price 27s 6d dozen.- - Table—Price 33s 6d d<nen. ■&*££2L** si, daint, col- GIFTS OF ' ) v Of cour« it's fun, and .ots of H, be- ARMENIAN HAND-EMBROIDERED TABLE COVERS, made of brown linei Joseph Rodgers' Best Ivory-handled Knives. ... fft^JS'Sr^S^fflS'-^ bS^^sSf'ShSr^ JEwSSy •' . — «* We* surprises .«« . and embroidery with two colour, Prices 15s 6d, 16s 6,i, 17s 6d, 20, . ..^w; Table K,^W^ handS^S 7^, |S^ ORM; G& 6FOR dA RAINY DAY P^ AND PLATE wonderfol for the 6d you spend. VARIOUS DAINTY EMBROIDERED ARTICLES. **~ 833^^18 fc OR A GIFT FOR A RAINY DAY. OUR PRICES-^ lid, 5s 6d, 7s lid 9b Form tho moet acceptable souven- i . White-handled E P-N-S". Fish Kniws and Forks. Price 49s 6d set of 6 pairs. lirtifc strong frames ■q?rtiw7blaHrV^ 6d, 12s 6d each ' irk of regard at this season. Last •, _. '„. j. .. . -. . HAND-PAINTED TABLE CENTRES, >' mous variety of linen and cotton, E.P.N.S. Desijert Knives and Forks-lElain design. Pnce 42s 6d set of 6 pairs. A?£ 1 Jffi3 g ?U M,fii oaeacn. jng, , beaatiful, and oseftil, such Take th" *"* direct fren» S«Ha ma de of B Uk gauze, with dainty which are wonderful value. See these E.P.N.S Dessert Knives and ForksHObristopber Johnson's) fluted handle. "B^^S^iSl^ ■■ - ■■■ ST^r^SiffiS both CAVE and BRAN «----^ colouri ng s. Price 3 S ■ . & «. & «, j.^.fSSfLSirTHESE D'OYLEYS'ARE SPECIALS'. WORK BASKETS. ■ fj,l?%,X> - f- e^h, but that is just where> . design, Price _„ .' ■ . QUALITY STATIONERY AND GIFT BOOKS Z° Chet J" LA™' Wo^< BASKETS, iaDryarf joke comes in, you wiU .get two ,ifts .. HAND,EMBROIDERED CUSHION JriES* ' BO v^n STATIOM^V AT-'l. 6d •'r'r^»- J Co n t a inin, 24 sheet. «d Wtth No <Ston §"ovlev S lTio Cano, neatly lined wRK silk, in dainty togetherf and thus Effort tJ « , CENTRES, made of satin and beau- Prices 2s 6d, 2, lid, 3s 6d, 4s 6d,^ SJ A™NIiRY *£ U. "' GsT^"i^^T£j^tS^wUh : 6V Centre? 3s lid S 12s 6d colourings. economies, which are passed Slon S instead of one. - tifully worked; » smtable gift. 4s lid, 5s lid, 6* lid each. "ChantLny"-Contaming 20 _sheet* 24eBvelopes; chma blue, with ' Runners, wHh^mats to match 29sId ntm i«™a c „.. , ' to our Client , \ ■ Pnce 4s 6d each. WHITE EMBROIDERED BRUSH and 20 envelop.* of white paper, purple linmg. , Tray Cloths, all lotton OUR PRICES-a lid, 3s 6d, 4s 6d, 5s 6d v 4OTl \, w ,™»™»» *«.,!»•,. • JAPANESE CUSHION TOPS, in a AND COMB BAGS. Price. 2s 3d, , hned brown tissue. . loin x 18in 3s 3d 3s 6d 4s 6d 4s lid to 15s 6d each. SO MANY AND REMEMBER, THE MAGIC large and varied assortment of de- 25,6 d, 28^, 3s 6d, 3s lid, 4i 6d ' "Onana'—Containing 20 sheet* and —— 24in x 24in, 3s6d, 4s 6d, 4s lid. , < - • LOVELY.GIFTS! ' . . mm* tn. t>tV. j-. . signs and colourings. Prices 2s lid, each. 20 envelopes, plain white. 36in x 36in,,7s 6d, 8s 6d, 9s 6d. , . OAVJi at the DJ.U is open daily from 3s 6d, 3a lid, 4s 6d, 5s 6d to 19s 6d WHITE EMBROIDERED DUCHESSE "Paulina"—Containing 24 sheets and Calendars—With vim, children, A BIG RANGE OF CUSHIONS Suoh a. host to ? athor amongst! . „„ . SJO Sllt ,,j>,_, «.-_. Ift3o ,^ a™- RUNNERS Prices Is lid, 2s 3d, 24 envelopes, lavender. , and head studies. Prices Is lid, In Cretonnf Ti,«J «,i V- Something to suit everyone, of Z.30t05.30. S.tura.ys, from 10.30 AVHTTE EMBROIDERED AFTER- 2s 6d, ,3s 6d,'4s M, 5s 6d, 6s 6d "Benavon'-Jcontaming 20 sheets 2s 6d, 2s Ud, 3s 6d, 3s lid, to . from 7s lid to 32s 6d. HANDBAGS. whatever a o e. . . , a.ra. to 12.30 p.m. Cows as oftaa a» ; NOON TEA OLOTHS. «> enor- 7s 6d, 8s 6d, 8s lid each. and 20 envelopes, white. - 8s 6d. Striped Silk Stockinette Tea Coseys, in ■ • ' NEW PEARTi PPNniNT?- i . " "Richesse —Containing 20 sheets Fountain Pens—Waterman s Ideal- : all wlours, at 8s Ud. LADIES' HANDBAGS, in Black Morocco. Some to he w~ a> i you can, acd the, more the merrier. MANCHESTER GOODS THAT'WILL MAKE and 20 envelopes; pale blue, lined 21s; "Onoto" 20s. Crash Table Covers, from 2s lidl to 12s 6d. Smart shapes, leather-lined. Brooches. Unusually graceful ' - _ V/^IT - T T _.„_ -. TT , mC( , „„ d, ee P ,V lv?: '. . « . 1 " . Wonder Books of soldiers, Empire, Crash Runners, from 3s 6d to 9s 6d. . in design and of very hi"-h ' EXCELLENT GIFTS. ■ "Sylvan"—Containing 20 sheets and ships, railways, and children. JAPANESE ANTIMONY WARE. OUR PRICES—7s 6d, 8s lid, 3b lid 10s quality. Prices 80a, £5 ss, I Then there is the FANCY TOT . '20 envelopes; pale blue, lined - Price 7s 6d each. Fine Quality; in White and Bronze. , 6d, 1& 6d, to 25* 6d. ' unwardf& &1 £° 10S ■ BAZAAR »nd ' CKRTSTM4S F4IR PRINTED BEDSPREADS, for single and three-quarter beds. Prices lit 6d, 14s deep green. ..', Ethel Turner's Books— . Trinket Boxes, satin and wool lined, - upwards. - , WMAH and OUKIbfMAS I'AIK. 6d 16s6d ' ' " Price 4» 6d eachi _PERFUMERY ALWAYS PLEASES. OUR PRICES--25e 6d, 32s 6d, 35» 6d . elegant! finished;' WatSTJnd * waaiirons itopUy of T«^^ Oai»W» WHITE MARCELLA QUILTS, for double beds. Prices 355, 37s 6d, 42s 6d, 45»'. "Cingalese"—Containing 24 sheets_ Leslie Brooka's Book* for Children— v^^«»? -* , GENttEMS^ "WRIST Dolls, Engin^ Scoots 800,.,^ ALL^IN^N DAMASK CLOTHS, 2i yards long. Prices 35s 6d, 37s 6d, 39s 6d, 45,, and^^elopes,- white, with" each j£Lßinin@ and Vanity i? air, 4s. WATCr-TTT^ THi t ■' 7 ■ "N&^fV^a^.JSK ■ . 'W - 8 5rt D lTO ?;S . B-dHW** **■**■*•-•. DAMASK CLOTHS, 3 yards .ong. Pri- 35 37s "2" «?'47' «« mQ y L ANJ) ,» jg NOW JN FTJLL SWING .■ and White Rose. 2s 6d. * vl- ' . which have given such splen- thouaands of iihfcgs th»t ro to nwk* ' • lUIIjAIMI IOKIUVVII\XUJJiJOWX«VT YardleyY Eau-de-Cologne, Is 6d, 25,3s 3d, MALTESE WORK 10?/ ■ FJ° nt- De" WINCEYETTE, 20 INCHES WIDE, in cream only, unbeatable for wash and „m ^v, 7 . x . ,T Tk, , xo -KmxtT x-vr tittt t OTrTTXrr« 4s6d;ss6d. ■ ■ pendable for everyday wear;-■ Ohrirtmas Farms at th» D.I.C. W wear. Price Is 6d yard. " " TOYLAND " 18 NOW IN FULL SWING Roger and GaJlet's Eau-de-Cologne, 4s 6d. MALTESE LACE NECKWEAR, LA- some gif Pricoissumv^dt ' . „nu -^_ » -m WINCEYETTE, 40 INCHES WIDE, in cream only; exceptional quality. Prices „. „. , ......... „ j^j., . Ranmels Lavender Water, 45.6 d, 5s 6d. DIES'SCARVES. Good lengths and TABLE SILVER—A few Sns "Chrwtmacsj" as ever posable. 3s 3d and 3s-6d. yard.. The children's greatest delight is always in the grand display ' quaUtiee. and Forks of gooT qu'aUty ' BEACH SUITING, 36 INCHES WIDE, in light grounds, with neat hair-line • , , of Toys and Games, and this year we can promise the O VALUE nr rr. n «x ra , n "• make a mosii desirablo gift— ~j^ 4. ._ ,_j - M A . •■ k . „, stripes, suitable for summer dresses, costumes, sports coats, etc Price 3» 6d sters an array that will cause them to open their «yes wide ■ INPRe'Snt^Swm^N OUR PRICES-6S lid, 5s IW, 1256d,.1& treasured and used for £Us. . Come th«i, and «jo, ft. ««**•! yar §. : _ mft astonishment. The variety is as large as ever, and in »;ik Neckwear, fancy designs. 2s 6d ,ach. "' " r-modSy"rioed! , this w»m!ctlul T^l*nd -* F«' kaf 4blW^' gUW- consequence of very fortunate buying most of the lines are ■■^^^•TSJST^^^I^ 1111"1^ "^HJE?^- "^"^ oMKll~lto- COUNTRY CUSTOMERS. -.U P r^ at the D.I.C. and anteed we ar and wash, in all the newest stripe, Price U6d yard. at la & year's pr K es. . ■S'^ffl^ Haif-Hose, ' ■ Crl^^St ' act w«iy. SILK FLAGS POR XMAS DECORATIONS, TWO LARGE ROOMS AND NO CONGESTION Softiran^HarPanamas and Boater,, OUR PRICES-& 6d, 5. Ud, 75.6 d, to 12s rfWto *%^ »*£*s** .. A hrg. selectior^^ of all Nationalities, including New Zealand, Union Jacks Am«- Auy and light, situated jnst above the Hardware Department , all suitable for season's gifts. , M flaon- caUed personally. We pack and T) T /"« Tif Af I P <1 i XTIS can, French, Belgium, White Ensigns, and Italian. Prices Is, Is 6d, Is 9d, , m the space lately occupied by the Bargain Room and Picture FOR THOSE WHO TRAVEL. ■■ _ P°f eoods st our own risk with- MJ* *• Vf« JX A«lv VA' £i Is lid each. GaUery. Bring the "little mothers" to see our wonderful Gents' Suit Csses, green or fawn canvas, cut extra charge. ,- ■ coUectioiv of lovely Dolis, and then there are Table Games, mv, $te CS> ' 24U1< 25$ 6d' i DO YOUR nVXfK TVATTV 9QO TH «^ * W Musical Toys, Gu^s, Cncket Bats, Tennis Racquete, Bans, Gents' Brief Bags. 14s6d to 30s TAMF6? 9MTTPT T TTJ CHRISTMAS SHOPPING VrXflN X/illJjl, Z.OU AU O.OU r.iU> , Animals, Mechanical Tojs, Waislups, Submarines, Field Gnns, OtineKugS, 27s'M; wvejal fine pxttems. umu+o oivuia, iiiU, EARLY! . • . . , Soldiers-everyUimg,and moic,that the childian could wish for. Buah Rugs, 10s6d, 19s 6d..' , — • /^* TTI T», /I' Til JP» T?^ XH 13 d T Tj^ \T * - - ' r™™^:;,™, FAMOUS FOR LOW'PRICES, fi D ADMISSION AND A FREE GIFT FOR ALL. Vx Hi UK ix 111 , 05 Ji. Hi li Olj JJJ X, -. ',;..„._, ENDLESS VARIETY AT ' rTTR » «, T fln nrrRA <?t olC'VVAlil JJAWbQJN 8, On ADMISSION AND A FREE GOT FOB ALL. \ JsfilJ\(l*lHJi JLIJ^-DIJIS TE' ARO HOUSE ' ' stewart dawson>s corner, , . LAMBTON-^tJAY, WELLINGTON. - iTTOirr AT FITT^ jfr WATTVTQ T rpn cubastrket: ' - .wiillingi»n, . KUtiKCALDIJji & felAliNb, LTD.,

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Evening Post, Volume XCVI, Issue 139, 9 December 1918, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume XCVI, Issue 139, 9 December 1918, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume XCVI, Issue 139, 9 December 1918, Page 11