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GARTER -AND Ca^Cubaitreet;: iipt; : >« • New Blouses. Just landed, a' choica/ '-::'' lot? in Voile,' also • Silk, r."-■ Newest Btyles.;' ';';•_; ■Moderate :prices. ■?;.:; h J"' '■■}.■': ':".-V"ft'7;'/";:;::°'.;^'v"CARTER AND'i CO; for:: New ;Hat !>.-i Shapes, Buckram Shapes, New Ready-to- ■ C'.r. 'Wears, t: and ' .a; : splendid .■'. lot;;;p£ : ;'Now!.;■;'■ ,1 Trimmed Millinery. ''■■-; ■'■ ■■'■■'• ; " ~,~-'i . ~ ■■■if . ,'.: .^CARTER..'"• AND iCO^! foriNew...:Hose^O:-: ;.■ New Gloves,-New:Ribbons, New'YeilingPy .:. and a grand choice in.; Ne- Neckweav.., .;V 'Call:early. " ';■' :■ '■■''•.■!'■'".■- .■•'■■■;•-'■'.■'.'.,...■. >J - -.'Lj-C '-,-■' -■■• ■' 'CARTER-:ANb7c6.7-for';-New;:Blou(i^:- i|:":: ings and; Jap.' Crepes,;also Summer-Drea».:, Goods. Moderate price's, \,'~'-'--'*7<'r,'.Zti>->-'< "' ■ -.. •'■■•A'--- v-vtry-'-.':---^ :■■-:::,:*■ ;'v; „-' '2^t/.'-.i^A-ST^Bf.;;-.'';',;^^..;;:V^;-;' "VSTANTED,'Oleaning,;for Friaay/;;Ap-:;: }■', ,': T T '■ ply E.C., Evening Post. : ,-:--, .-.-,- ''..'•: i :!WS7ANTED, ■'• Housemaid \ -'" - Waitress^'; '.% : ■ ' T,"- Strand. Cafe, .35, ■ MoleswortH:street...;'. ';': ■ .-^ ANTED, by young, wfiman;-House-';:; , .work, during .day;' .ivages' £1V; '.Apply;V'.i': Ri," Evenings Post. .■■'. -. :•.-;-■-. ■;.-..-.'■.' -r-'-.:---.:"";"V- r,-; W rANTED to Sell/ strong Coster cart.v/ " £12, gqod'.as now.-. Apply-69,'Mar-..:. ;.. tin-square..'City. /', .'. ■V. ...: ,-..-..,;.':'::;.:.,...',.," :■-' ; ANTED to Sell,, Self-contained Flat, v • ■ 2 rooms, kitchenette, furnished. Ap-';'; "^ \' ply-17, George-street.'i"."-.; ..:,'-;. ;■,;',{..-,".*; l ■■';' ANTED to Rent,- a 4-roomed--Cot-\: . : ; tage;: take "possession about ,'Janu-»■': . ary.; 4Apply..'Government Servant;;' Even-:''::',". ing' tost.-;-"-" , ; 'vVy.;.:".^;..: T.i\:L"-'-*:;.T^..y..'.Z'■■'■'. j WANTED, - Board, and " Residency.- - --' shandy, to town; Apply,•• with full^ > particulars, 'to Youth,- Evening'-Postl'-V!»:. ■'-..■! W ANTED, Washing.?■'and -Cleaning, -; ']' ,-: Wednesday or Friday. ; Apply' li-i)\;-." : Evening: Poet. ■I .* :.'• '„.■''.'"- ■'•■',-. ■;■.■ :'.-. '''.■,:V..i-.:'K^ J^/TVTANTED, ■ a good -labourer: Apply v .-T.T,,; to C. J. Johnson andvSons;: Con-> :, tractor6,;6,:^yillis-street.^'r:'C '-■".;: -1 '-.. '„'. WANTED, "Situation.-in Garage; will;': ;i ing .worker. :Roplies Quic.k'vllearne'f;: ■:- ■'-,; 'Evening Post.'-'.-:J'., I*--i-.'-'.'- .^.V-";.'..'■'>:'.".- :■ V-::-:;l-:"-.';■ ANTED, to Rent;.: Muritai or rßona •".'.":- ---;' Bag,'-small Furnished . House;-take; >, for term' if' reasonable.';''Apply;:Ansidu%- .:V: :g.p.o:'- y.,,6 ;- !::--''--^f'.A:::" ■■. - .;-, y^ ;-. :\*TANTED, a^reliable;Man, 'for motorl ";.:.' IT?; delivery. Apply- Godber's,;^Cubal-l-.''■-, street; •;-'.''-■"•'■ "' •■-■■-■:;,--r\^-. ■■'■;■■<■ ■y-':;-:"--\'-:~''/'■ "^nTANTED to : Sell;.\two; Secpnd-haud■'.';;;''■■: ,T V- Suits, one 'greyy-arid 'one-dark,- also- ; "; ■Sports|Coat. ;iPhone;i:442s.: :f: " v'S WANTED,.'. capabl67...reliable ■' Sales-tj;; .woman,, thoroughly ,4xperionced in, • -.; Costume ahd rMantlepepartmente; Salary,';:: .' 60s.'. Apply; Collihson.' ;i Cfunninghani^j : .',-. Ltd., Palmerston, North. ■ ■■■:/:;'■,-■,•■ - • ; :;:" •XST"ANTED, a capable,' reliable.;person /■_':'.-- W' ■'.f6r'>J>blheßtip!',Datieß'.''rA'pply.'.los«'': j '';';'; -Viyian-etreet. I'v';;s" r:r-" J*':''-*'7' J';':'' J'';;'t' j*'^-'~'-/-WANTED/; \B^ard:." i and'.l<pdging tiri . . privatev--familyi -vicinity.".--Upper ; :. \. : \ ■Willis-street; 'Apply•:Ke^e9taile,: l ::Eyen-:';. i: '? ,ing Post:' :- "■"■'.'.??- \ >>'."■ .-.;..v(:,.;;;.'...-;--..-;^«~.-i-... ■-.;-. W "ANTED — Civil Soryant . requiresV; • .■■'.' .' comfortable Board ,and Rcsidencf-,. ■ - ■ ;,central/: P.O. Box 683^ ,;:;>: WANTED, Furnished Room, fireplace,;- '&• ' vicinity. Cuba-street, '■ by ; middle- .::-:;: aged lady at business duririg'.day:"' Apply;,!v";:; Quiet, Evening :Post. V^-, .'■'... ■;■:'. -;^"^ W "ANTED-to. S«H,?-;Horaless-Grama-;■'-.-•:..: 'phone and Records"; splendid tpnod:' ; machine. VReplies W /Phono, Evening:. WQsti-'.i.s ■-, JKiHtf- ; ..-;!■>..v..; . '•.':--' '.- .;/v ?-;;'■ p[~ W'ANTJED' to ■Sell,";S^.: 'H voase,"-latoh-,-:'■'.', enette,i'bathroom, ,4' firoplaces,"elec-,: "trie light and gas; 'concrete yard'; ,Si.min-:;; ■'-....■ utes from John'street trams;.good Eunnyj'.'.;;•, .position,' adjoining Town Belt. No agents.;:; •; „Apply O,'K., Eveniner;Post. v } '-.":"- y^^;j; ITXTANTED, a few steady young -Men!' .T T Boarders, "share. loome^W,:; every convenience,, good table. 'Apply SSUffg-Z' Hill-streeV:or 'Phone 4581. .'.:■' fi/^ffjgft:WANTED, -,by widow lady, /businew^;'.'. during day, Furnished Roord or part;;'.. Board.. Apply-W.D., Evening Post. ■:-!■; ■, f»Tr7"'Rent,;4 0r.;5-rd: Cottage/;';',■■:: ITT,' handy city;'-.would: take. for^ term.v.;:t~ ' Address Salvation Army Soldiers' / Hostelj,; ■ Vivian-street. -*..' ■ ■■ ' - - *'■-■: .'*'■;>'■' '■'■? >'- ".■'; :ANTED, a Man,, to .drive ■ groce'r's'v:;':' cart.: Apply Mouat Bros., 48, Kent-!; > ■': terrace".; . ..-"-. :■':'■'./.■'•■.■"•'■".'■-'■■■ ■' !-! .v-.g; „ p WTANTED;.-. by young man, privatojw,iv.ft. Board and Residence,;£ :: Ki.' tral: Apply ,Discharged;' Evening Post. '•'&&' <WJ~ANTED, by. competent;Bookkeeper^ ';•"■., .'-. T T.... with knowledge; of I'auditingi" Pbsttioa'.; :■: •)'■ in office." Apply Discharged;.' Evening I.^'.■'■>■' Post..; IJ '■'■".■:.:-,,:.' .-;.■;•■■; '■'-..-;: :.-;'-'..■■"" ;-■■;;vj: ■_-. WANTED, capable eas^ pl««e;,j;:''.: ;i; good home arid good- wages. i.Applyyf; with reference, to' 9, Ryan-street, Petone. .'.',*: ' ANTED, "to; ■ Sell,'::Handoairt, ■' ■ "wittij ;.;' Tray;' never been used;'_' leaving^: : ■ ;: town. ■'■ Apply, at orice," 69, Martin-street^]'-.• -.. Buzz-BrUff; ' „-:; '■:'. '. r .;'. ■;■'; :V''.':*:':'<-;;#;; WANTED, by. 4ady clerk, BoaTd; ;iiJ.i •; private family, i.handyl to. Parlia-.': :;" ment' Buildings. ;. ■' Apply':. At; BuaDessJi;;:' Evening Post. ■>.. -„. . :'■■. :: '.'.; ■-■:'•■■'■'. *:;';•' : WANTED to Sell, superior Oak Full-j 4: : sized Bedstead,. Oak :Chairs,:;,eto-;;i[ „:.■■ owner' leaving. . GouJd,, ■Allingtoii-road,'|::> l Karori Parlc.', ■'. ■ '*:■ ':' -■■ ■■ ':':v-, ■>■.■ .,... - '.'t.-~ .'.;! *; WANTED, Board and Residence,: fort; .: business man; ..priyato. family: pre-1.-.;-!, ferred. Apply No Trouble, Evening Pote'-i; WANTED', .Girl,- to-;assiet: in kitchen^;;?,' . and:general.:': ;Apply. Mrs.^S./.Scottii,;.-^----Bjß,' Manners-street. -, ; .' ■" ■■■ :" ■-: ;■" * -.'.. ~ :;'- i';-,v--' '■/.,-.■ WANTED. Khp>-n—Speight's Dunedfai V - Beer is .alwaysvon the-.Cityl 1 ; -'\ - Gourtbnay-place. <; ,., H.,:W- ■ ;Barxs,, -,' ;Proprietor..,;,-' ' :-'• "'■•"'"';: i ■• '■'•■'r'^--.~-y-;''~' .-,.. ; ANTED Sell, :neatly-made and,: al : , •'■ .> r most new.' Asbestos. Shed,' for motor.; r . cycle and sido-car; seen at 19, .T,© : Wihiti-; ;< .. street^ Kilbirnie. ' For'; "particula-rs. .telo-;•.■.;.. phone 2679 A. : "-'" .-.-"■' :, : : : ' '.''■■ ■::'-£:% -::--' TTT ANTED ;to Purchase, Roller-top -fir TV.'Desk; must: be;fo:first;Wa^vbrder> /-'; ■Apply Desk,- Evening Post. " - -■'■' 'V -: .'.''■ '■'■-' t;" 'ANTED to' Let, 2 Furnished Rooms,.; ; : use'o£ conveniences..-.'', Apply/Mi.^ : ■ Tory-streeti Petone. ■>... . ..-.',-'- :' "■'■■•: ...".". \TST!ANTED to Purchase; House,-. 4-5 ' : -.'Tt.'rooms, deposit £100.'.-; Particulars and^..; price to Buyer,' Evening Post.: v:: ; ,: '■ ';■'..;'■■;--:' r\T|7"ANTED, Furnished House, suburbs,;, ".."■. . Tt ■; suit 2 young couples; no children*State particulars, Tent, etc.,Dixon,:Box ■ :;..' 141/;. ,-■ ■'". :. -■ " '- ■:■ '----C'::'-.->;"-;'--^; •'- ■'• TTS7"ANTEl>—Gentleman requires Single : ~:; ■.'.» 1. Room 'in.: private, family, central, ; : Apply CM., Evening: Post. :■;;.-• .';-, *-■;: ■;■'• .-:'. .'TTTANTED, ! Ladyhelp,, t*ke baby : out . .».».^afternoons;- good wages.;; Apply; - ; ■Mrs. Jacobs, 35; Scarborough-terrace. ': . ANTED to.Sell,: Steel.Plate for '/, Crossing, 10 x 2, also two Iron. ; Wheelbarrows. . Apply.: Steel,"'.' 'Evening;V ■'.'.; .Post.-; --::-,■-. O^.-.? ; ;: -^" -'--■:■:- .<:■; WANTED, one or.: two- respectabla ■■■;' youhgladies, to Share Room;, good ; home: board optional; goodlocality.'Ap-: I ply J-.M., {-Evening; Post.':. ■'-'.'■" . .'.;■:•.; v-' \7|7"ANT|!D, smart "young. Lady, -attend -';.;: TT to pflioe, answer 'phone,, etc; no: ... previous' : < experience required." .? Apply;.■;.'*;. own handwriting,-. G.P.0.:80x, 1011:: ■;.:.,;.. V ;^; WANTED, an. experienced Waitress;: ■ :.i good.wages. Apply Commonwealth Cafe,' 106; Lainbton-quay.- ■-. : :■. ... „-,..,.,'...;■" ■';- WANTED to. Buy,: y ßodyf6r Five- :T"-eeater;-Ford Car;-'.' Reply Lizzie, - livening Post. ■' .■-'■■■ - '.-". .. "*' ■ ■":':.: : ;,. ■ : T7STANTED,.,; a Nurse, for, one child;;,... ■.*.»"'■ ■ good wages; --/references.;'required^: '■.': Apply Mrs. Metz,;3s3, The Terrace. .■-.■.■ '.-'.■ . '■■..,■- ---■^JTANTED fo Let;two nice 'Oiifurnish-( - i TT ed Front Rooms; uSo.of-ooaveni-:, 1 ences; hot and cold water ; splendid, har^ ; bour" view.. Apply Evening.Eost.,-.•,■'-:■ ■...i l'../..?.'. ANTED Sell, > Knitting Machine*' ;; Harrison, Grade 8,. in; perfecb],: ' order; any trial. Address Knitting-, Postv ■ ■Agency, Newtojm. ,". *.-, , :;;.;;^,; :v:- ,:.';.: ; ■'• - :

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Evening Post, Volume XCVI, Issue 80, 1 October 1918, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Evening Post, Volume XCVI, Issue 80, 1 October 1918, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Evening Post, Volume XCVI, Issue 80, 1 October 1918, Page 1