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Si, . ■■ ■■■■ —JS f n ElifJPoLiCY^ALWiws Quality! ===r s' i ■■ I Last month we set «m«: to make Bargain D.I.C. will prove welcome, because of Day the best of Bargain Days, and one simple fact, if for no other: you j we were not disappointed. Everyone can save money "hand over fist" on worked with a will, therefore the result merchandise of proven merit. Why, the could not help but be most gratifying. very Eesiiianis and Oddments are But our success on our March Bargain shouting in a loud voice, acclaiming the ©ay created a record for April's Bargain taews Jhat tb feaVe luffer ed a discount j . Day to beat. That has meant careful y wnich mem|s 25 cem I SS^oS thedtim^ saved on every purchase. Bargain. 1 being. Coming immediately after the like those mentioned below are the kind | Easter Holidays, Bargain fcay at the that make famous Bargain Day at the 8.1.C. I Every Section has its Bargains ! ] White Voile Frock Tucked «kirt Flcccv Winter Petti«oats ~ Dark 180 *?**„??*? »»W»-^ Pol* Georgette coliarand vest ■,j India|l an(l Eastern Carpe t s at , f OT spo rt S coats; very smart in Pink and White Checked Voile Bargain D&y Price 2/11 45 per cent, reduction. A few fcx- appearance; 28. inches tnde . I ''house 11 Proof-' Spfem 2ld Woven Combina, ions -I, natural . ampler- " ,*££ fi£ 9d g£ tucks; muslh, cellar jdgedVd. = h, g h Ea6tern _ ls f t 5^ X lift. 4m- lU yJ?g£%££?&S I v , ,Jl a3 4J/^° r J 5/. . Bargain bay PHce 2/1 Ordinary price £29/10- quality and thoroughly shnirtk; : K*vy and WJnte Stnped Voi c • Comt£-Instrong cou- Bargain Day Price £18/7/6 ;fr inches wide UsuaUy. 1/6 yard «Frock-Full start, bodice with U> H , ? O w bust wd to c sWrt" \vell • Mft. 3in. x 10£t.- , Bargain Day Price 1/. y*rd j back and yoke cut in one white S^ Wf« mrffui Sid Ml 1? Ordinary price £22/12/6 « emnants 8 0 f Ceylon ShUigs, . I muslin collar and vest black pat- bowea, 101 meaning at a. j, price £ 4/17/6 viy§l|M Flanne , fllonsldgs, Fla* 1 entbelt finally 77 € For 17/6 n ™' ""'LVgain D«y Price 411 Indian-15ft. x 12ft. Bin. nels, Sateens, Linings • 1 voile band round foot, saxe pina- „ , 4 only 12£t x 9£t ' Usually 8/11 i i fore bodice embroidered collar, SiSkS ami DrCSSM at Bargain •" 79/ g for Wednesday only Bargain Day Price 6/6 I ] finished black ribbon velvet Day PrfcßS. 3 only, 10ft. x Bft.- ■ Silk Wide=«Bd Tiesi „, 3 , I"'^.-? 0/-, For }Vf, •> nieces Grey Cheviot-SOin. wide; 56/6 for Wednesday only, Usually 2/6 and i EM, b. r.f^LXL^TtrJl^ "sutabloo yr ether costumes 6r -Twisted Chinese Matting Squares- • ■„ Bargain Day Prit«V Bkirt bodice tummed Va . coatee . d BluC; m , EtMl LJnen CoHare _ effect muslm collar finished in L ' 12£t _, x g [fc _ Usuall . ront Vol. edging and landl but- SnlUngg-Uo-fein. ■ 60/, for Wednesday only Bargain Day PriceY *>«n h.»'i«H Whlh h™« FM<* wide; navy and white, black and 10ft. 6in. x 9ft.- Boys' Jerseys - Shade saxe blUe ■ I "^ and White House Frock— > -^ ally 3/l i 4/6, 4/11 50/6 for Wednesday only only Usually 5/6 to 6/6 Skirt with deep hem atad tucks, " Bargain C Price 2/6 yU 9ft. x 7ft. W- J Bargain Day Wite 4 6 J piped with white voile, white 4 pleceß c^ o "rcd'sert™ - 40in. 38/. for Wednesday only Men's Sample Singlets^ j A ' fl5 lnF«^ *in grey, molef sake, and 9ft. x 6ft.- dually 7/6, S/ef 9/6, 10/6 to 12/6 * 1 ?!,. 1 v«-Ip ivn/t" t sf- rt Wedgwood UsuaDy 3/11 yard 29/. for Wednesday only Bargain Day Prices, j Embroidered Voile 1-rock — bkirt ° Bargain Day P-ice 2/6 yard Axminster Hall Runners- 5/8, 6/6, 7/6, 8/6 to 9/11 { smocked at waist sleeves let in with , _ |BCe , qJSv Beltt S lting-40in. 12ft. x 3f1.-In crinwin only Men's Sample Sweatersl' I hemstitching, bodice smocked, - P-«s M £y ™* 8 Ordinary prices 67/6, 59/6 Usually 8/6, 9/6, 10/6, 11/6 to 13/6 j embro.dered voile coUar and v^ 'ld °'m u 8n "l price'i/Tl yard Bargain Day Prices 44/=, «/■ Bargain Day Prices, ' I w. .t- , ' t 1-V" B-rs?ain D?v Price 2/6 yard' 12ft. x 2ft. 3in.—2 only 6/6, 7/6, 8/6, 8/11 to 10/6 , French Model Frock- In white B-rgaf ™> t^ f^ r Bargain Day Price 30/= khaki CanVas Suit Casesvoile, hand-made, hand-embroid- » •"'". aVyTj g " n i price 5/11 yard 7ffc Bin. x 2ft. 3in.-l only Usually 19/6, 21/-, 22/6, 24/6 I ored, mralin collaynd «at Bargain Xy Price 3/11 yard Bargain Day .Price 19/6 Bargain Day Price./' f Mauve and White Voile Frock- _^ - Cabi« Trnnks-^th^drSa' 6'6 Lower part, of skirt 111 white , ■■ n 1 =5N Usual] gg^ wile, coloured piping, bodice, Jo ' Bargain Day Price 49/6 I edieTwuli c«|i!{ o ;:j; A Great -and Generous . Dwm QuHt Bai , gains just T! man v nirmir Arrrn when !ost Wanted* lUlfllflill/ llllUill^Oil Uiliill in figured cambric, with goffered H - - - • satin panels, perfectly new this H Brass Rail Fenders—Slightly tar- o sea S op Usual pritiS 37/6 nished t 0^ TfimiflOn Hate Jill rtTIA nilf^ /4/n s Bargain Day Price 21/- each ■I Usual prices 10/6, 15/6, 25;-each LI I lißllTiea 0318. All UIIC |HILC, L^fV 1 pi«e only of 60 yards 54ra. Whitt j Bargain Day Prices— , „. _ Q/e Twill Sheeting—For single beds jr, 4/0, e/6, 10/6 each . For Bargain Day. Usually.3s/6 to 39/6. ■ Usual price 1/5 ya»a Polished Brass Kerb Suites—Slight- \» ' /J Bargain Day Price I/I yard V 'ly soiled Usually £5/5/- each VV, _^ ■ ■ . —^^ 2, pieces only White Twilled SheetBargain Day Price 25/= each '■ ■»-'■■ ———mmmmmmm«■——— ing—Odd makes, for double l>*ds f Brass Wire Fire Screens—2 only ... Usual prica 2/4 yftrd j [ Usual price 98/6 each 3 pieces Cream Wincey—4oin. trido; FUrHlshlng BargamS aiWayS Bargain Day Price 1/11 yard Bargain Day Price 65/= each in plain and twilled Usually 1/11 Shins* Bfi«htlv • You must come early lor these I!■ Antique Coppsr Kerb Suite—l only - Bargain Dny Price 1/6 yard wllliß " * . Bargains. |!■ Usual price £5/5 - I piece Black Coating Serge^Oin. Figured Cretonne—soin. wide; large Remnants of Calicoes, Sheetings, 11. Bargain Day Price £2/10/= . Usual price 2/11 floral design, with striped back- Muslins, Nainsooks, Linens, Forf Antique Copper Coal Vase—l only Bargain Day Price 1/11 yard ground, in useful shades of grey, firs, etc. Usual price 32/6 3 pieces Spotted Tussore Silk—33in. ' also conventional designs 33 j n the l/» off marked price* j 1 Bargain Day Price 21/= wide; in saxe, navy, and helio. Usually up to 4/9 yard ;fc Sandwich Tins— Usually 7d each spot Usual price 4/3 yard- Bargain Day Price 2/11 yard rhlnaimnrii at DI C M Bargain Day Price 2(1 each Bargain Day Price 2/11 yard s ei n . Printed Taßrta-30 yards '"'o." 1 !« n,!, B.lJl ' I Tinsel Pot Scourers— 6d each 1 piece Black Paillette Silk—3 Bin. only;,wide black stripe on grey, Bargain ÜBy ITIO6S. [■ i . Bargain Day Price 3 for 1/- wide Usual price 6/11 yard w jth massed bunches of helio- Blue Design Dinner Set—26 pieces j "Wire Meat Stands— 9d, 1/- each Bargain Day Price 4/6. yard trope flowers; brilliant touches Uajnal price 55/I f Bargain Day Price 3d each of orange green foliage; slightly ' Bargain Day Prite ii/di li ' ' Bargains in ShOP-Striled damaged Usual price 6/11 Half Tea Sets- Usually 27/6, 17/6 Bsrjcrain Dau SnPrtiaU frnm •Si:»S«8»I> in onwpwiwu Bargain Day Price 3/11 Bargain Day Prices 22/., IS/. f fi CloS. S?Slnc« F°lt!mS PUSh CarS* - 3»»- Shadow TisSUe ~ Heliotr°pe Odd Meat Dishes^-Large 4/9 t I im l"-OVeSi ana fancy , Corocar _ In black, complete with and vieux rose design Bargain Day Price 2/3 ; j beCSIOit, i loo d |j a ual price 55/- Usual price 3/3 Blue Design Dinner Ware— [ Mutton White Kid Gloves-Fine t Bargain Day Price, 27/6 Bargain Day Price 2/7 Plates'- 6/quality Usual price 4/6 ' Swan Folding Car —In rream, A Special Throw-out Line of 31m. Bargain Day Pnces, i i Bargain Day Price 3/C ' nickel handle Usual price 65/- * Figures Cretonnes—Well assorted &/s 7/=, 0/^, 5/= dor. f White Woollen Knitted Gauntlet Bargain Day PHcfe3o/ ; colourings and designs Vegetable Dishes- Uf/" yJftT filnves—P-nipv'Unit IKmllv a/fi I Swan Folding Car—ln grey, nickel v , Usually up to 2/3 lo=day 4t 1/9 eatft Oloves lancy tait U^«Ml> 3/6 Usua!-price 65/^ ' Bargain Day Price 13 Meat Dishes- 4/6, 3/6, 2/6 eacK ' Bottle Gree^fil Gbves-2 b" Bargain Day ?rice 3o). « „ To-day 3/9? 2/9, I^. \ tons, fine French kid, Dents 2 Bethfeena Cars - 1,, i.» a ? d „ , g a mm \ n% Sauoe Tureens- U««g m V \ makr Usual uricr 7/6 - black, comnletc folding 75/- ""S" 1" "*•■» " 10«aay 4/5 I » Bargain Day Price ?,G Bargain Day Price 40/. ' S&KJCiate for UAXI Ortvy Coate- Usually 3/- ---: Aberdeen, Knit Gloves — 2-button, « Tourist Car - Black, with auto rf g oy _ ' To-day 2/» [ [^ *>"*. g^^Si • ' C°mP Sal price 80,. 1 only Boy's^rtstit-^ 10 ™%?^ I^^*f' Bargrin Day Price '/« Bargain Day Price 42^ •D P™ i?/l Mai°Uca Jl'gS~ Usually 3/6, 2/9 \\ "SHytll^l Fine Footwear Bargains Wfeft U *te\?cJl£mttoK- fPhif- WCll WOl-th buying. Bargain Day Price 2//. Salad Dishes- Us^ll/s/6 eath S i special line Usual price 2.6 Men's Tan Willow Calf Dirby Bal« "Boys' Raincoats-Checked linings; . 2/9 tich 3 Bargain Day Prieeft/3 -Broad toes, welted soles sizes oto 6 Usually 19 6 Sweet Dlsnes-Usually 1/3, 1/- eMh f One Table Lovely Neckwear-Li Usual price 35/- Bargain Day I'rice 11/6 10-day M eadh I new wason-a goods, and .ill the Bargain Day Prict 30/. t only Men's Sports Suits-Size 6 Bedroom Jugs- Usually 4 6 f nowesi. shapes All one Price, 1/. Ladies' Patent Goloshed Bntto* only , Usually 49/6 c ,J°*,s y j . Ladies' Ovemlls-In print and case- Koots-Black cloth tops, English Bargain Day Price 24/6 Tumblers- DniDy 5/6, 4 6 do*. ;' ment cloths; good weariiur and made Usual price 35/- Men's Sports Suits- To=day 4/-, 3/6 *.*. H WB *in g fabrics, and nil miart Bargain Day Price 29/. . „ Usually 55/-, 65/- Glass Sweet bribes - Deg 1 Btvlni. Bnrgain Day Price 2/11 Ladies' Patent Button Shoes-Matt Bargain Day Prices 27/6, 32/6 shallow Usually 9d,6d 4|d «»A I NurW Apront-Reirulatioii shape. kid quarters, English made Men's Sports Coats-All sizes Now 6d, 4M, 3d each good cloth Usually 2/6, 2 '11 . Vial price 24/6 Usually 32/6 an d 35/- Specimen \ ase*- Us™ ly WW |; Bargain Day Price 1/11 __ Bargain Day Price 16/« Bargain Day Price 17/B , Now 1/., 9d each ' Lpf ■>p^^ _ -in, • . ' ■- OLICY^ALWMS QUALITY| aaaa^

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Evening Post, Volume XCIII, Issue 85, 10 April 1917, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume XCIII, Issue 85, 10 April 1917, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume XCIII, Issue 85, 10 April 1917, Page 4