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LAW AND MEDICINE. \ZX TELEGRAPH— PRESS ASSOCIATION.) CHRISTCHimCH, 26th January. .At the meeting of the .Senate of the New Zealand University to-day, the law committee reported that the following have passed sections of LL.B. or law professional examination in tho subjects specified : — SECTIONAL PASSES. R. C. Berkeley, contracts, property (first section), criminal law, torts ; J. CBrook, contracts, property (first), > torts ; A. M. Coulding, contracts, property (first), torts; N. L. Mackay, property (first), criminal law, torts ; A. T. Duncan, properly (second), -evidence, procedure; L. L. Hitchings, contracts, property (first), criminal law, torts ; L. P. Leary, property (first), evidence, criminal law, torts ; J. Mason, property (second), evidence, procedure; J. McC. Tudhope, contracts, criminal law, torts : W. X Waldegrave, contracts, criminal law. torts; F. L. G. West, property (first), criminal law, torts; W. D. Campbell, property (second), evidence, procedure; F. W. Schramm, property (first), torts, procedure ; F. B. Adams, contracts, property (first), criminal law, torts; C. M. Rout, contracts, property (first), torts ; R. M. Rutherford, property (second), evidence, procedure; J. R. Shore, property (first), criminal law, torts ; J. M. Adam, property (first); W. Allnutt, property (first), criminal law, torts; W. H. Armstrong, contracts, property (first), criminal law, torts; G. Arrowsmith, property (second), evidence, criminal law ; W. B. Aston, contracts, property (first), criminal law ; R. F. Baird, contracts, property (first), torts; J. S. Barton, property (second)> evidence, procedure; A. A. Barton, contracts, property (first), criminal law. torts ; E. M. Beechey, property (second), evidence, procedure- : G. G- Bell, property (first), criminal law, torts ; W. B. Black, contracts, property (second), evidence ; R. H. Bourke. contracts, criminal law, torts ; F. S. Brent, property (second), torts, procedure ;. A. C. ' Bretherton, contracts, property (first), torts ; K. L. P. Brookrield, contracts, property (first), torts; A. R. Brown, contracts, property (first), criminal law, j torts ; C. S. Brown, contracts, property (second), evidence, procedure; J. M. Bulleid, torts; 4. H. Bunn, property (second), evidence, procedure; G. R. Butler, contracts, property (first), criminal law, torts; N. A. Campbell, property (second), evidence, criminal law, procedure; 11. D. Caplen, evidence, criminal law, torts; J. Caradus, contracts, property (first), criminal law, torts ; N . S. Chalmers, property contracts (first), torts; E. Chrisp, criminal law, procedure; F. J. Christensen, property (socond), evidence, proceduro; J. Christie, property (second), evidence, procedure 5 J. Clark, property (second), evidence, criminal law, procedure; Arthur Ooleman, property (second), evidence, criminal law ; H. L. Cook, property (second), .criminal law, torts; J. M. Dale, contracts, property (first), evidence, criminal law, torts ; J. Dawson, contracts, property (first), evidence, criminal law, torts; F. A. de la Mare, property (second), evidence, criminal law; J. F. W. Dickson, contracts, property (first), criminal law; L. J. H. Dingle, contracts/ property (first), torts ; A. E. Dobbie, evidence, criminal law, procedure : ,L. A. Dougall, property (first), criminal law, torts; P. W. Dorrington, contracts, criminal law, torts; J. C. Dromgool, property (second), evidence, torts, procedure ; C. Duff, property (second), ovidence/ procedure ; E. A. Duncan, criminal law ; J. G. S. Dunn, criminal law ; S. W. Dyson, contracts, property (first), criminal law, torts; H. Edgar, property (second), evidence, procedure ; ,S. Eichelbaum, property (first) 4 criminal law, torts; S. J. Elliott, criminal law, torts ; S. li. Ellis, property (second), criminal law, torts; \V. N. C. Ellis, property (second), procedure; P. Feaney, property (second), evidence, torts, procedure; C. S. Fleming, property (first), criminal law, torts; T. J. Fleming, contracts ; J. A. Fraser, property (first), criminal law, torts; J. L. Fraser, property (second), evidence, procedure; T. P. Gilfedder, property (first), criminal laWj torts; A. M. Gould, evidence, procedure; 1. P. Grant, contracts, property (first), torts; \V. P. Gray, property (first), ciiminal law, torts ; E. P. Greatbatch, contracts, property (first), criminal law, torts; H. F. Guy, contracts, criminal law, torts; J. P. Hally, contracts, property (first), criminal law, torts; T. L. Hames, contracts, property (first), criminal law, torts ; H. H. Hanna, contracts, criminal la-w, toa'ts; N. H. Hanna, property (second), evidence, torts, procedure; W. C. Harley, contracts, property (first), torts ; C. A. Herman, conwacts, property (first), criminal law, torts ; J. L. C. Hill, contracts, property (th'st), property (second), criminal law, torts; R. B. Hill, property (second), evidence, criminal law, procedure; W. Hislop, contracts, property (first), criminal law, torts; J. ML. Hogben, property -(first), property (second), evidence, criminal law, piocedure; A. F. Hogg, evidence; H. R. Hogg, contracts, property (first), criminal lawj'T. N. Holmden, evidence, procedure ; M. D. Hornsby, evidence, criminal law, torts ; H. G. Horsley, property (frrst), property (second), evidence, procedure; J. Houston, contracts, pro perty (first), criminal law, torts ; A. lA. Jacobsen, property (first), criminal law, torts ; A. T. J ames, contracts, property (first), criminal la-w, torts; L. Jardine. evidence, criminal law, torts, procedure ; W. R. Jourdam, evidence, procedure; A. N. Jowitt, contracts, property (second), evidence, procedure ; F. E. Kelly, contracts,, property (first), criminal law, torts; 'D. B. Kent, contracts, property (first), evidence, procedure; J. Kinder, contracts, property (first,), evidence, criminal law, torts; T. King, property (second) ; H. R. Kirker, property (second), evidence, procedure; W. H. Kirkpatrick, contracts, propeity (first), criminal law, torts; M. J. Larnach, property (second), evidence, procedure ; F. H. Levien, property (second), evidence, criminal law, procedure; D. E. LoUsby, contracts, property (first), criminal law, torts ; J. H. Luxford, contracts, property (first), criminal la-w, torts; H. J. Macalifiterj property (second), procedure ; R. L. Msiealister, property (second), evidence, criminal law, proceduro ; S. M. Mac-a-lister. contracts, propeny (first), criminal law, torts; A. D. M'Donald, property (first), criminal lav. torts; A. R. M'Donald, property (first), evidence, criminal law, torts ; H. K. M'Dougall, property (first), evidence, procedure ; W. J. M'Eldovney, contracts, evidence, criminal law, torts; J. W. N. Mackie, contracts, property (first), criminal law, torts; E. 3. Mahoney, property (second), evidence, torts, procedure ; A. C. Major, contracts, property (first), criminal law. torts ; G. E^ Miller, property (first), evidence, criminal law, torts: G. W. D. Mulgan, contracts, property (first), criminal law. toils ; L. H. Murray, property (iirsi.), evidence, torts; R. G. Nswlh, contracts, property (first), criminal law, torts ; W. Nicholson, avidence ; H. C. Northci'oft, contracts, property (first), torts; M. H. Oram, property (first), evidence, criminal law ; J. Patterson, evidence, procedure ; A. J. Powley, evidence; 0. R. Proure, property (second), evidence, 'procedure ; R. P. Quilliam, criminal law, torts, procedure; R. A Ramsay, contracts, pioperty (first), criminal lair, torts; S. W. Rapley, contracts, property (second),

ond), evidence, criminal law, procedure ; N. R. Russell, property (second), evidence, criminal law, torts, procedure ; E S. Rutherford, property (second), procedure; A. Scott, contracts, property (first), torts; T. E. Y. Seddon, property (first), criminal lair, torts; E. M. Sladden, evidence, criminal law, torts ; G. B. Smithy contracts, property (first), criminal law, torts ; C. G. A. Sommers, contracts, property (first), torts ; G. M. Spence, contracts, property (first), criminal law, torts ; S. S. Spence, property (second), criminal law, procedure ; H. L. Spratt, contracts, property (second), criminal law, torts; E. V. Stace, contracts, property (second), evidence; B. J. Stevenson, contracts, property (first), criminal law, touts; G. M. Stewart, contracts, property (first), evidence ; A. M. Thomas, contracts, property (first), criminal law, torts; L. J. Thompson, contracts, property (first), torts; G. G. Thorpe, property (first), criminal law, torts ; J. S. Tingcy, property (first), criminal law, torts ; J. J. Tregear, contracts, property (first), criminal law, torts ; R. Twyneham, contracts, property (first), criminal law, torts; G. Uren, contracts, property (h'rst), criminal law, torts ; E. P. Williams, evidence, criminal law, torts ; T. H. Williams, contracts, property (first), criminal law, torts; G. W. Willock, property (second), torts, procedure; W- St. G. R. Wilson, evidence, criminal law, lorfs; W. H. Woods, contracts, property (first), criminal law, torts; E. (J. Wright, property (first), evidence, criminal law. CONTINGENT PASSESThe following are credited with the subjects specified, contingent on their passing in sufficient subjects in the first division : — G. E". Alderfcon, property (second), evidence ; B. P. Scott, contracts, torts ; J. C. Tole, criminal law ; A. D. Brodie, property (second) ; D. R. Hoggard, evidence ; E\ Lyon, property j (second), procedure; D. E. 0. Mackny, j torts ; F. 0. R. Phillips, contracts, pro- j perty (second); W. Thomas, torts ; j 'F. G. Hall -Jones, property (first), ' torts-; J. 'C. Morrison, torts; J. W. Rutherford, property (first). BACHELORS OF LAW. The following are entitled to receive the degree of Bachelor of Laws on payment of the requisite fees : — James Christie (Victoria College), Norman Campbell (Auckland), William E^is (Olago), John Fraser (Otago), Trevor Hohnden (Victoria), Julius Hogben (Victoria), Truby King (Victoria), Hugh Kirker (Auckland), Felix Levien (Auckland), Horace MacalMer (Victoria), Edwin Mahoney (Cantei-bury), Eliot Rutherford (Victoria). IViEQICAL. The medical committee reported that the following candidates have passed in all subjects of the intermediate medical examination :—: — William Aitken, Philip Benham, Frederick Cameron, John Connor, -Harold 'Gibson, Ronald Hodgson, Philip Jory, Kenneth M'Cormick, Donald Mackay, Angus Marshall, Donald Milne, William Scannell, Aubrey Short, Ernest Webb (in biology, and organic chemistry).' Tho following have passed in the undermentioned subjects : — James Cole, biology and orgamc chemistry; Edward Ellison, biology and organic chemistry j Henry Eweu, biology and physics; John Forbes, physics ; Frank uotz, biology ; Eldon LifcchSeld, organic chemistry ; Francis M'Gibben, organic chemistry ; Helen Al'Kenzie, biology ; David Martin, biology, Aeneas o' Sullivan, biology and plwsics; George Red path, biology, physics and organic chemistry ; William Heiil,' biology and physics;, Thomas, Ritchie, physics ; Charles Robertson, bivJogy, physics, and organic chemistry ; Everarcl Rowley, inorganic chemistry ; Samuel Serpell> inorganic chemistry ; Frank Simon, inorganic chomisbry; Wilfred Wallis, biology, physics, and inorganic chemistry ; N oel Whitton, biology, physics and organic chemistry j William Will, biology and physics. The following have passed in both subjects of the first nledical professional examination" — Cyril Baigent, Roger Buddie, Gordon' MacDiarmid, William Howerby, Leslie Speddingl The following have passed in the un-der-mentioned subjects : — James Mitchell, physiology ; Thomas Pettit, physiology ; Oswald Reid, anatomy ; David Sinclair, anatomy .: Kenneth Woodward, anatomy. . The following have passed in all subjects of the second medical professional examination : — Violet Field, Thomas Fiaser, Thaddeus Julian, William M'Caw, Arthur Moody, Walter Robert6on, Percy Stewart. William Thomas, Leslie Thompson, Thomas Thompson, James White, David Whyte. The following have passed in the un-der-mentioned subjects : — William Findlay, pathology, medical jurisprudence, and public health ; John Gow, pathology, medical jurisprudence and public health. The following have passed all the subjects of the third medical professional examination : — Patrick Ardagh, William B'orrie, Robert Ede&r, David Fenwick, William Johnson, Rohsrt Pearson, Mouson Callaghan, Herbert Robertson, Hugh Widdowson, Catherine Will, William Wishart. DENTAL SECTION. The following have passed in the un-dei-mentioned subjects of the intermediate dental examination : — Archibald Magill, dental anatomy ; Herbert Rattray, physics: John Llewellyn Saunders, orgatiitt chemistry. The following have passed in the undermentioned subjects of the first professional d«ntal examination : — Lanco Potter, physiology ; James Turner, anatomy.

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 22, 27 January 1911, Page 2

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EXAMINATIONS. NEW ZEALAND UNIVERSITY. Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 22, 27 January 1911, Page 2

EXAMINATIONS. NEW ZEALAND UNIVERSITY. Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 22, 27 January 1911, Page 2