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BOWLING p] Senior Pennant matches were resumed l|p&§ f$T must appear on each g^ £ P on local greens on Saturday, many of jj^ps.^l bottle you buy, if you \js O&lt€s €5 the bowlers who had been to the great J^^jS |jj5W want the strongest, most -«-« M tournament at Auckland having return- l||Pp llli^ fc> delicious and most gH <sSiriP*|M) £"*£& *f( ed in excellent form. 1?^ economical coffee • H -^ i S^ ; a.a%rf^ V The greens were generally found to be ,- -*=--', || tIL essence obtainable. Say Symington's v> hard and keen; but the weather, gen- pZ^ || V|! > ,?hgs.Syßun£io*fiCi..E4i&bßrghSL(>B4M. to y°' ir grocer. V! erally speaking, was conducive to some SP a fine play. ■n»iiiin-« i "^-»j'«»""»»'»-^"»'"^im..x-^^^im.j J aa g i... JJ ...^.. .„„,.., ... 1 . M __ M-_----mtm..i.Ll...L.uieM -_---- mt m..i. Ll ... L .uie Play is going on at all the greens to- ' ; " lowing are the results of Satur- f™<™*<™^*^^ dciy's 2 times ; * n,," M -i - ■— -i S i iilVr Y^^A/" • T*^ 23l 1 1 £k I\f \\ ■? I i^^S n th *£» ■ Karori: Cox, Spiers. Lewer, Roberts I , H,OTHINCi FACTORYcP 1 (skip). 20 ; Victoria: MacMorran. Wor- 1 J OiAJ I S. i iLS; «* § boys, Kitto, Vosseler (skip), 16. § -, r „ . , . „ . „ c .. T . 1 Karori Green.— Karori : Shainley, | We are offering during this month Special Lines I Smith, Hemsley, Burn (skip), 19 ; Vie- -I j n Men's Mercery and Clothing which we are - § S^^^'*^*'*" 1 - ! quitting at Bargain Prices. SEE OUR WINDOWS. I Karori : Dickerson, Newcombe, Eng- ] M , , , - Q land', Crawford (skip), 22; Victoria: , tit > t • cv' *. i • ie r> • r> • m* ..' 9 A. Longmore, Menelaus, Avery, Mayer | 2O doz. Men's Tunic Shirts, usual price 5/6 Bargain Price 2/1 1 I k A 2L v .. •«„.!,, I 15 doz. Natural Wool Singlets and Pants To clear at 2/1 1 J Totals : Victoria, 76 ; Karon, 73. i> J „ , „, . ° . *"' ' ' j Wellington v. Johnsonville. 9 doz. Men's Flannelette Pyjamas Reduced to 3/1 1 j Wellington Green. —Wellington- I 2O doz. Men's Fashion Shirts, stiff and double cuffs 3/11 i Men's Black Hard Hats, special line to clear 4/11 Sloane (skip), 18. I ■ Wellington : Lockie. Waddell, M'Lean, ] a (skip), 18. - J 7 * a< ™<B>i s a«»o Johnsonville Green. ■ — Wellington : *■ ntun t **. m' * Grenfcll, Allen, Berry, Churchward g ( " d LaSffißtOU ffiSiay, and SaS ) 'waiiii°{ ll SS O p7 ii 4i i 4 : Morgan> Cook ' § Corner Ce&a am! (S-tossiee Streets. Wellington : Glendinning, Thompson, Mayor, Still (skip), 21 j Johnsonville-. ~"™-~"~~-- -"-"^^rtww™*™™*****^ Styles, Robertson, Bethune, Thompson JMlWt a lMm j l Mui lu , Tr ■■■ T r.- r[ ,, m^ 1,.__,..1 „__,.. (skip).. 22. ~~~~~~ ,-„ ■^■■■»«™ =S ug« sg j Totals: Wellington, 95; Johnsonville, k*"'^^^^''^-^^^*^*''*''"^^ Baaws*mwß^sg Khandallah v. Newtown. I'^^!^^ C■• J r»B O a/ I Bs^v.-srsssrsi^ 1 ipF Solid Silver Flower Vases Dumbell (skip). 11 ; Newtown : Mayo, ■ ' WiW """""""•"'• " """— — - ~ ■'" "'■ ."~™.™,.., | Warwick, Trevor, A. Pollock (skip). ■■ C~ fM r r . ... t.. , „ ,~ . 29. ■ $s»s#9 illustration shows the design of a ; khandallah :' Bates, Clark Fleming '' iP] New ? olid Silver Vase we have 3 ust ! Davy (skip), 17; Newtown: J. Martin! j If opened up. ; Williams, Hendry, Wylie («kipi 24 1 I h§? " 1S ver y artlstlc m appearance, and of ! Khandallah Green.— Newtown : Yates I i W S ood heav >' make - and is also weighted at i Bailey, Powell, Kerr (skip), 25 • Khan- I 1 M bottom so as to prevent it from falling : dalla.h : Stafford, Finn, Inglis MAr- \ Iml over when full of flowers. We have it in \ thur (skip), 12. ' ! ||| the following sizes :— Newtown : Topp, Scott, Webb, D'Em- | iM Height 5 inches B'6 • >" | den (skip), 15;' Khandallah : Williams, I |p „6 „ li/6 ■ I P. Bourke, Naldfir, Plimmer (skip), 2. \ M „3 „ 16/6 | 4g Totals : Newtown, 92> Khandallah, « M ' Absolutely the best value in N.Z. 1 Te Hiwi v. Thorndon. ! p||s , I Thorndon Green.— Te Hiwi : Smith, \ ~ i Gilmer, Martin, Lock (skip), 16 ; Thorn- | 4HPm£§fcS& DA WHIN St. Pfl ITO 1 don: Chitty, Gamble, Chambers, 1 08 EW All 1 UAIfaUN Or liUn LiUi I Munroe (skip, 20. '; .lowollorc .. \A/«n;«<v*^.* S Te Hhvi: Cohen, Alkn, Whittle, j Sllv^ j Aa * J3149 Jewellers :: Wellington | Leighton (skip), ■ 24 ; Thorndon -. P. llanu ' iaas * s '™ aaniaf!i '** a '*£& sm^ Brandon, Jay, Seaton, J. T. King (skip), n3gßcaßggaaE J ag«t!MM^«jra^ 26. ' | "' " : Te Hiwi Green.— Te Hiwi : Hemming- |f^ w a /^b^ & ~ - „,„ ton, Johnson, E. J. Hill. Parata (skip), j gU? H /a ffl B | | L 19; Thomdon: J. P. Brandon, Satin- Jl ]JLjiJr^L\^Jp VL-J B m. ders, Matthews, Brightwell (skip), 16. """" Te Hiwi: C. Hill, Brice, Wiggins, «. Porteous (skip), 25 ; Thorndon : Conlin, \ w «ra ww y w»a w W w«« «m». «c» w- S*Z~~^. Freeman,, Young, Dimock (skip), 17. ILI ttil/ L I I Ea lJ»^y _-**^*"*^»«Jl Totals: Te Hiwi, 84; Thorndon, 79. / $3 EL& ¥¥ idfi JLd JLfl Els JlxL M. y * rSSS^ \*\ Petone v. Kelbume. Petone : Stephens, X oung, Melhuish, Fowler (skip), 12; Kelburne: White, Stuart, M'Arthur, Blanchard (skip), 26. —————__—__-»» \ Petone: Firth, Walton, Freeth, Dr. — .. . v Ross (skip), 29; Kelburne: Waddel, T. jfk ».•<•*»» » * Gray, Hill, Knoles (skip), 9. UUT Selections OT Plaque JeWel* Petone Green.— Petone : Cooper, Henry, » cc ... K . r ... ■ 1* -> Jones, coles (skip), 23 ; Keibumo ' ' lery afford the Wellington public Hamerton, Routley (skip), and two *». » . . .. . . «, others, 19. the best opportunity to obtain Petone: P. M'Arthur, Lowin, Renai, • ■ • ~,.i'-1 L 11 » m. v Hay (skip), 16; Kelburne: Hamilton, •■ ' articles absolutely Correct aCCOrd15 ' •; ing »> Undo*, present season's Petone. (holders): Mudge, Castle, T. designs. M'Arthur, Marsden (skip), 13; Newtown (challengers) : H. Sexton, J. Sex- • ■ • j^ special effort IiGS been made ton, Brackenridge, Prince (skip), 21. , # •••»•»•«. the hill pins. *° °^ am articles of unique and ao^affiL B SES: aHf.J&: ! compelling beauty of design. Phillips, Williams, Martin, Keir (fckip), '" ' 20. This match was played on Wednes- ~ ~~ ■ day tast. JUNIOR PENNANTS. us 1 *. o 1 tvt 1 1 . Victoria v. Johnsonville. Pendants, BlfOOCheS, Necklets, etc., 111 Isct. JohnsonviUe: Bould, Kane Chappell, ■ go \d 9 c t gold and Silver. Urr (skip), a; victoria: F. North, • Campbell, Cavell, Jackson (skip), 23. Karori v. Kelburne. '" Karori: Gregg, Smith, Watchman, Neville (skip), iW; Kelburne: Wakelin, 1 .-», p*™™, -- _, Scott, Widdop, M'Coll (skip), 15. \V |T^ j^ CAMPBELL STARS. (f^J y^^ \3& ©L I © I OUHU Karoriciub - LIM!TED ° Malia a,nd Burn-, 23; M'Lachlan and U ° yd> M - pei-one club. 252 LAMBTON QUAY. I The followmg team were arranged to c ■**' ' '""**^- ( *^v play in the annual bowling match for "Si Petone against G-reytowu at Greytown to-day: — Carter, Wilkinson, Stephens, Wylie, Smith,' Barlow, Mudge, Young, www«.Mavij/uMiwjMMUMJM»«jiiw^«*i«^^ Castle, Renai, Walton, Huskisson, Lowin, El vines. yr MM * MM * >M ™» a ° igmE^ X"K "' M "" — ""^-" wj »- itL^ i> '^fT | i^iwwmkj^ TOURNAMENT AT CHRISTCHURCH. I I have just opened up a choice fc-«g»soaj jjg {gs§«J| [|] n^Sj^S| DOUBLeTfinals. J se^ ection of Engagement Rings, Tby telegeaph-^ss association.] J set in the latest style with Rubies, fa\ito CHRISTCHURCH, 21st January. ' Diamonds, Emeralds, Pearls, and i| tllf | I 1 1 W 1 1 The bowling tournament concluded to- . . vi 1L ||. iLIL\LS I »M da,y, when doubles finals were played. | Other pi"eclOUS Stones. II" the »«» BSia!W " w They resulted as follow : — 1 . . r j First round: Sunnyside (Brackenridge combination or any ring does not WatchmaKer S°owl^ ; if €6 " mead ° W6 (K€m6dy and meet th y° ur approbation, I l ewe n* ai J Second round: Caledonian (Redington reset ft fo r you# T hese JCWCIICi AUU and Keafit), 23 ; Sunnyside (Brackenndg© /■„-,, Ofltid&lt "•• Bros.), 15 rings are full value, and range in Semi-final: Caledonian, 23; Waimate ° c (Inketer and Goldstone), 22. price from £1 to £30. :.' :: :: Final.— Caledonian, 29 ; Palmereton (Lefevre and Clarke), 13. For third place: Waimate, 22 j Clin- "— ""Hyy—* " — ■— gg ton (Bragg and Hay), 19. <£3£) I Brooches are a part of my what TO DO for SUMMER*" 8 special lines, and I can offer the colds. I r . . . . . Many people take very nasty chills | best Selection Ml the Dominion; h^^omd ß^^^ 101 !!?^!?™ I unique and chaste in design and Toft youTtttet Ba^s^nl £ netting, they offer a choice of 282 la!*!! Ql^ I tie -Advt Prlce> 1S lOd> large ' slzed bot *' 1 articles for presentation that are AND ■— I not to be surpassed. A call at ... . Bffl««Hß™eß| Imy showrooms will dispel any '™ «U"3 SlFSffi luUtnlbSlg'O OP ra I doubts as to the large stocks I Sciatica! YOU I 9 have^ for you to select from: Ehshe) H SS l— i| want a cure that 1 - will be quick and § g *zr=rr^.,, 1 , "~ T === 1 — — ' ' I effective, -Then C^,»i|Sg PBMs^Sr%g;A«i I All Cheats and Stores, Tjje «% ar« <&is™*: SSf %f ffi L^a&tf^J | 3/6 and 4/6. M, fer the Vfc&ffi> >, t y» ««1 lfc %W ewjnwhaK* WholeB ftVW^Wte^S.. -2s«?™ • *b e»le Drajgifltß, or Mr« X SwAfc* Hawkins

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Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 18, 23 January 1911, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 18, 23 January 1911, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 18, 23 January 1911, Page 3