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A Safe Remedy for All SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES If you suffer from any disease due to an impure state of the Blood, from whatevei cause arising, you should test the value of Clarke's Blood Mixture, the worldfamed Blood Purifier and Restorer. Thii medicine ha« 40 years' reputation, and in to-day more popular than ever, the reason of this being undoubtedly because this wonderful remedy does what it profoßsei to do — it cures skin and blood disease* permanently. (Clarke's Blood IS THE FINEST BLOOD PURIFIER EVER DISCOVERED. It is warranted to cleanse the blood from all impurities, from whatever cause arising. For Rorofula, Bad Legs, Scurvy, Blotches, Eczema, Spots, Blood Poison, Blackheads, Ulcers, Pimples bkin and Blood And Diseases. Sores of all kincb it is a safe and Fermaneni Remedy. It is the only reai specific for Gout and Rheumatic Pains, for it removes the causa from the Blood and Bones. NOTE. — This mixture is pleasant to tho taste and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicatp constitution ot either sex, from niUncy to old ago, and the Proprietors solicit sufferers to gxv» it a trial to teat ito value. Thousands of wonderful cures have been effected by it. REMARKABLE CURE OF ECZEMA. Mrs. F. Beedle, of 89, Adamson-ro&d, Customhouse, Victoria Dock, writes, under the date of 15th December, 198+ : "It ii now just eignieen years since my husband' first had a bad attack of Eczema in the feet. Besides going to three hospitals and the infirmary, he tnea nearly eveiything for it, but could only get relief from tke dreadful irritation ior a few days. The hospital doctors said they had never seea sucu a bad case of eczema. Aly huibaud is only a dock labourer, and could not afford to buy Clarke's Blood Mixture, but when our sou came back from the Cape ha bought his lather six bottles, ana Deiora he had taken three bottles his feet were nearly well, and now they are quite well. I do not think he will ever have it again, as it is now tweive months since he was cured. If people suffering from Eczema would only try Clarke's Blood Mixture, X feel sure it would euro them as it haa cured my husband. You are at liberty to make whatever use. you wish of this letter." ABSCESSES AND BOLLS CURED. ' Mr. David Evans, of 7, Orchard-pl«o€>, Severn-road, Canton, Cardiff, writes: "I have been suffering for two years with, abscesses and boils, there being at one time as many as twenty-six abscesses oa my thigh. 1 was under the treatment of two doctors at different times, but they seemed to do me no good, and I began to think I should never be cured. At last one of my Iriends persuaded me to try Clarke's Blood Mixture, and I am giau'to say that alter taking three bottles 1 waa able to get to work again. I believe I took eight bottles in all, and ever since have had good health, and not had oven a pimple about me. This is over twelve months ago, and I wish I had tried your Blood Mixture before, for it would hava saved me pounds in doctors' bills, bosidei the pain and agony J suffered." QUICK AND LASIUNG CURE OF A BAD LEG. ; Mrs. E. Todhunter, of 7, Brookhill-road, Bootie, Liverpool, writes under the dat» of 10th September, 190*: "Iv 1894 I suffered from a very bad leg; indeed, it had been bad for three years, and I had tried almost every remedy without any relief. I have been laid up for as many as three weeks at a time, and quite unable to attend to my household duties, 'when one day my husband advised me to try Clarke's Blood Mixture, as at one time he had suffered from sore eyes and the Mixture had effected a coinpleto cure of them, go X determined to try it, and got a large bottle, and before a fortnight had passed I perceived my leg improving, and at me end of a month, 1 am proud to say, 1 wu perfectly cured. That is liow ten years ago, and my reason for not sending you this testimonial soouer is, I thought it would some day surely break out again; but I can boast that there is no sign of it doing so, and I have the best of health. You arc quite at liberty to make use of this, for the sake of others." IMPURITIES IN THE BLOOD.— "W« have Been hosts of letters from all sort* and conditions "of people, in which ths writers acknowledge the benefit they have received* from Clarke's Blood Mixture, which as a curative agent cannot be too highly estimated, since it cleanses and clears the blood from all impurities, ' and restores it to its normal condition." Thin is a good testimonial from the Family Doctor, the popular medical weekly, which goes on further to say: ."It is certainly tho finest blood purifier that science and skill have brought to light, and we caa with the utmost confidence recommend it to -our subscribers and tho public generally." Sold by all Chemists and Patent Modicin* Vendors throughout the World. ASK FOR CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE. And bewsra rf worthless imitation! and i»ubßtlt!?i=3 IS YOUR HEART WEAK? A GREAT many people suffer with a weak heart, yet, surprising though it is, quite two-thirds of tho persons thua affected are unaware of the fact. A weak heart is serious, and if you have the slightest suspicion that your heart is weak, treatment should not bo delayed a single day. Feel your pul«o. Is it regular? Are you troubled with pains in tho region of the heart, dizziness, smothorinfj or choking sensation in the throat, fainting spells, or inability to lie on sido, especially the left? Swelling of feet and ankles, nervous disorders, or any com. I plaint brought on by a lack of an abundance of rich red blood in the system ? Then you should take a thorough course of Dr. Day's Heart-Help without delay. L pon the heart devokes the whole duty of keeping every part of the human system constantly supplied with that vital fluid called blood — a duty so important, that, should it stop completely, ihe lesult would be certain death. Dr. Day's Heart-Help, by strengthening and regulating the heart, enables it to send a bountiful supply of blood, first to th« lungs to be purified, and then, when purified, on to every orftati and tissues of tha body, bringing nutriment and energy tq »vory function of the system. X you hay« tho slightest fueling that you:- heart is at all weak, eeouro a bottle of Dr. Day's Heart-Help from your Chemist to-day, and start the treatment without further delay. Procurable from all Chemists, in large-sized bottles only at 4s 6d per bofc. tie, or post free from Dr. Day's HearU Help Co., Cathedral-square, Christ* cburoh.

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Evening Post, Volume LXXVII, Issue 133, 12 June 1909, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXVII, Issue 133, 12 June 1909, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXVII, Issue 133, 12 June 1909, Page 10