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HIGH WATEB. To-day— Oh 10m a.m. , Oh i6m p.m. To-morrow — lh 5m a.m. ; lh 30m ahmvals. January 28— Walsatu, c.c. (7.10 p.m.), 157 tons Wills, iiom Kaikoura. January 28— Defender, e.s. (7.28 p.m.), 190 tons, Jamieion, from Westport. January sfci — Charles Edward, e.s. (11.35 p.m.), 245 tons, Gialiam, from Picton. January 2&-Fateena, B*. (11-40 p.m.), Stewart from Kelson and Ficton. Passengora: Saloon— Misses Kershaw, Viuentine, Eden, Heine (3), Cowles (3), Laurenson, Masters (2), Thompson, Allan, Kerehaw, Mesdamta Moore, Hibbertl, Livesev, Hudson and child, Bir-1, Barlow, Soott, Baird ' Lauromeon, Scott, Beewiok and 2 sons, Masters, Bright and eon, Bleehynden and three children and maid, Heine, HebberU (2), Bruse\Titis Messrs. Moore, Hebberd, Llvesey, Henry, Klcld, Hall, Heine (3), Griffiths, Wateon, Bond, Bland, Masters, Austin (2), Wolff, Catfll, Woolcott, Trower, Blechynden, Edwards, KOofo, Fell, Tasker, Brusewite -, 6 uteerage. J&nuarr 28— Charles Edward, c.c. (11.55 p.m.), 245 tone, Graham, from Picton. • January 23— Maori, c.c. (6.10 a.m.). 3399 tons 1 , Manning, from Lyttelton. Passengers : Saloon— Miseea M'ELvin, Clayton, Purie, Kennedy, Newson, Sowman, F&llu, Wilsou, Ihiggan, Hickey, Smith (2) Warboy, Olark, Waters, Inder, Fraser, Furnte, Denby, Reid, Dickinson, Cox, Patrick, Barden, Brader, Little, Cockrel, Millar, Hale, Buckley, Green, Slater, Moodie (2), Gaoder, Hopkins, Clark, Collinson, O'Hagan, Andrew (2), Watkins, Kersley, Harper, Mesdames Ironmonger, Ringer, lies, Berry, Sibley, Recce, Hale, Wovtov, Ranfcin, K'ngefcon, BorJan, Oraighead, Rdbiaii, Clayton, Speace, Wakeliit, Chapn?ss, Batt, Carpenter, Coidy, Taylor, Pearce, M'Cartm=r Kearsley, Withers, Watfcins, Thvnne, Cockroifc Clancy, Pycroft, BuoTtelt, Hill, Fctiton, M'Fav, Saxon, Hart, Dr. Aiules, Rev. Benny, Captain Rice, Rev. ttosevear, Messrs. Thomson, Jlol rson, Phillips. Snie, Muudy, Soutnail, Earn, Parker, Craddook Reed, lies, Fifty. Mfflward, Will Wallace, Seed, Cathia Dutch, Rnnkin, Thomson, Butcher, Smith, Wrigrht, Cockmft, Recce, Spence, Raymond, Morland, Beauohamp, James, Bell, Morlcy, Ncave, Bott, Daly, HamHscnd, Martin, Caipenter, Ward, Bnigo, Boweoi, Hemerv, Jennings, Starkey, Seed, Little, Carman, Oldndge, Clements, Cramp, GnJwm, Phillips, Pelly, Robinson, Smith, Dunlop, Allen, Hill, Parkee, MTiay, Mulling, Daweff, Ra.njrell, Campbell, Phippe, Hart, Williamson, Heron ; 101 steerage. Jaruary 2&— Oreti, s.a. (6.10 a.m.), 215 tons, Robertson, from WanganuL January 23— Tainui, S3. (b.15 a.m.), 128 tons, Jeneen, from Waitara. and Patea. January 29— Rotoiti, B.S. (7.10,)i 1036 tone, Roterteon, from Onehunga. and New Plymouth. Paseengers : Saloon — Misses Lyon, Afanson, Price, fivana, Packard, Chisholm, Mesdames Officer, Allen, Watson. Pembroke and child, Rev. Lyon, Messrs. Howard, Alen, Wewers, Geebe, Roonford, East, Tibbfl C 2), Price, Christie ; 5 steerage. January 29— Wimmera, e.s. (7.55 a.m.), 3022 tons, Wylie, from Sydney. Passengers: Saloon —For Wellington— Missee Murrell, Jansen, Scott, Turner, Spillan, Bowman, Roache, Coates, DalRleish, Robinson, Levy, V-arnhom, Nuns (4), M«a(iames Hoskins, Oorfe, Veateh, Seannell, Warren, White, Wilson, Turl«y, Wiseman, Francie,, Hewitt, M'Leod, Mmndrell, torse-1, Booth, Miohael, Werihiel, Rev. Fay, Colonel Lyster, Mesrs. Hoekins, JaJisen, Soott, Dalgkdsh, Higpens, Begg, Booth, Armstrong, Loreel, Farmer (2), Oave-re, Sime, Byrao, Lambert, Green, Richardson, Downey, Driscoll, Knit, Leisk, Warren, White, Read, Sfurrooh, Oorfe, Brightman, Wilson, Craig, Kerkin, Bertbune, Fay, Douglne, Seannell, Stephen, Coohrane, Wiseman, BhmdeH (2), H«wifct, Birmingham, Francis, Campbell, M'Leod; 94 steerage. For Lyttelton— Misses Moore, v Holmes, Mesdames Winkler, Price, Wade, M'Kavajingh, Thomas, O'Sulhvan and 4 children, Crossley, M«ssra. Barraclnugh, Winkler, Price, Cocks, Wohdge, Cioss, Brown (2), Gnffen, Minnogue (2), Wade, Scott, Blank, Page, Siely, Crossley, Gamboni, Marchall. For Dunedin— MfEdainea Walters, Mackie (2) and 3 children, Williams, MtEsrs. Mackie, Sewcll, teen, Shorter, Hanilian, Shaw, Walters, Mackrell. January 29— Blenheim, as. (8 a.m.), 120 tons, Wntson, from Blenheim. January 29— Wnverley, s.s. (8.5 a.m.), 157 tons Wildman, from Puponga, January 23— Petone, s.s. (8.40 a.m.), 708 tone, Dilner, from Greymouth. January 23— Waihi, sa (8.50 a.m.), 92 tone, Carey, from Blenheim. January 23— Opawa, c.c. (8.50 a.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, from Blenheim. January 29— Manavoa, &3. (10.10 a.m.), 122 tons, Hart, from Mo+ueka. Jjmiary 29— Arahurj,, c.c. (12.10 p.m.), 1596 tons, Lambert, from Greymouth, Westport, and Nelson Passengers: Saloon— Misses Lightfoot, Pitt, Freeman, Low, Scott, Norris, Sewman, Grew-slede, Murphy, Turribull, Stevenson, Hurren, Anderson, Smith, Adnirison, Potham, Broad, White, Hart (2), Boyle, Grace, Perry, Stevenson, Hughes, Stephens. Atfcieon, Plimmer, Allmon, Seaton, Hay, Bebner, Parsons, Meadames Jobbs and child: Johnston, Buchanan, Norris, Duigan, Gvmn, Winton, Jorfneon and boy, Hart, Wafd and 2 children, M'Kay, Andereon, Parker, Dargan, Cooper, Morns, M'K inlay, Davidson, Rev. Father Leger, Messrs. Lock, Flitw, Hill, Stevenson, Sutherland, Kyle, Holley, Scrimtfeour and eon. Strand, Turnbull, Pratt, Best, ' Seymour, Norrie, Snisted, Dee, Sutton, Hitching, Ross, Hudson, Constable Kvle, Howorth, Burger, Almphy. Myers, Selway, Murphy, Stokes, Gray, Ward, M'Kay, Troopei, Cooper, Morriff, Logi'e, Broad, Rummjnfrton, Lomae, Marshall, M'Kinlay, Mnrtiu ; 42 steewge. DEPARTURES. January 28— Delphic, s.s. (6 p.m.), 8273 tons, Breen, for Port Chalmers. January 2P — Tasmnn, gjs. (5.5 p.m.), 179 tons, Con, for Nelwn. January 28— \lcxander, s.s. (6 p.m.), 377 tons, Wilc'man, W Ne)?on, via Port Hirdy. January 28— Putoiki, e.s. (9.10 p.m.), 1444 tons Ren,'iit, for Westnort. January 28— Ppriguin, s.s. (midnight), 824 tons Iltinter, foi Nelson. VFSSELS TN PORT THIS AFTERNOON. Tarnnnki street Wharf.— Kamona, Defender. Jervois-quuv Brea'tworKS.— Waverley, Arnhura. Queen's WlMif.— (night) Chillies Edward, Pateena, Wimmera; (lpft) Waihi, Oreti, Kini, Gem, Tii{«aci.2i, Maori. Custoinhou3e-quav Kreastworlcs. — Wakatu, Manaio2, Blenheim, Opsuva. Waterloo-quay Breastworks. — Tainui, Eunice. Wool Wh.uf. — bechmont, Hineinoa. Railway Wharf.— Largo Law, Daniel, Corinna. U!.i«gow Whurf.— Athenic, Rotoiti. In Stream.— ll.M.S.s Powerful, Challenger, Pegasus, Fvramm, Prometheus, and Pioneer, Ainokuia, Kuipara, Hawea, Kaituna, Loch Garve, BfUflower. • On Slip.— Kahu. EXPECTED {ARRIVALS. Aoiere, Patea, 29th Queen of .the South, Foxton, 29th Manuka, Dunedin and Lytteltpn, 30th Penguin, Picton, 29th lliih.nialiana. L\ttelto«, 30th Huia, Motueka, 30th ! Trosman, Kelsin and Motueka, 30ch Komata, Wte'port, 30th PutlUi, Weetpuit, 30lh Kotuku, Grc.t mouth, 30th Toroa, crmtliem ports, 30th Aoioio, Futea, 30th Kinpufca, P,itea. 30th, Mam, Pate?,, 30th Mfintfiirrl.' Whiig'inui, 30tft ' lCipiti, Vatea, iCMi Opuvii, Picton, 31st Zearnndia, Sydney, Auckland, Gusborne, and Ksm'.er, 31«t Jlariimii, Melbourne, Hobart, South, 31st Ashanti, B'inhiiry. 31-t M.ipoui ik.i, Wcat Coait and Nelson, Ist Moeraki, Sydney, sth Occnn'EOinx Steamers. Corinthic, left Plymouth 13th December, via Capetown and Hobart ; due about Ist February. Rippinsham Grange, left Liverpool 23rd November, via Aucliltind; due about 31et January. Kazembe, left Vancouver 24th Dccpmber, via Suva and Auckland ; due about sth February. New Orlpan3, loft New York 10th December, via Auckland ; tlue about Bth February. Net nliiina, /left London 3rd December, via Australian poits and Auckland ; due about 12th February. Lord Sefton, left New York 28th November, vwi Australian ports and Auckland ; due about thfr 16th Februaiy. Uuiipehu, left Plymouth 30th December via Capetown Hobart ; due about 16th February. Toltomaru, left London 14th December, via Auckland ; due about 16th February. Oswe^trv 'Grange, left Liverpool 16th Decembei, via Hobart and Auckland; due about 2Wh February. i Kia Ora, left Liverpool 2nd January via Auckland ; due about 21st February. Indrflema, left New York Bth December, via Aust Lilian ports and Auckland; duo about the 13th February. Marere, left London 19th December, via Australian ports, Auckland, and Napier ; due about thi- 28th February. Rokaia. left London 11th January, via AuokUrul : due about 9th March. AlierlOUr, left **ew Yorlc 2act JaTaxlar^-, -rl» Port Chalmers and Lyttelton; due about the 15th March. Surrey, left. Liverpool 18th January, via Auckland , due about 216t March. Star nf Scotland, left London 17th January, ▼ia Australian ports, Auckland, and Napier ; due about Ist April. Star of England, left New York 14th January, via Australian ports and Auckland ; due about 6th April. Strathavon, left New York 19th January, via Australian ports and Auckland ; due about Bth April. Sailing Vensels. Invermay, left Liverpool 19th November. Helen Denny, left Newcastle 18th January. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Mnnaroa. Motueka, 29th Kahu, East Coast, 23th Arahura, Picton and Nflson, 29th. Maori, Lytbelton, 29tti Blenheim, Blenheim, 29th Opawa, Blenheim, 2Bth Waihi, Blenheim, 29th Wakatu, Lyttelton via ooaet, 23t&

Charles Edward, Nelson and West Const, 29th I Tainui, Waitara, 29U» 'taituna, Westport, 29th Petone, Greymouth, 29th Rotomahana, Lvtteiton, 30th Hma, Motueka,' 30th Tasmau, Nelson and Motueka, 30tH Penguin, Nelson, 30th Wimmera, South, Hobart, and Melbourne, 30th Manuka, Napier, Gistoorne, Auckland, and Sydney, 20th Athenio, Monte Video, Rio de Janeiro, Teneriffo , Plymouth, and London, 30th Aorere, Tatea, 30ch Paten, 30th Stormbird, Wnnfnnui, 30th Defender, Karamea, 30th. Queen of the South, Foxton, 30tn Waveilev, Nelson and Weat Coast, 30th Oreti, Wangamii, 30th Kiripaka, Patea, 30th Ze.tlandia, Lyttelton and Dun«din, 31st Powerful. Sydney, 31ft Marama, Sydney, 31st Toroa, East Coast, 31st Arahura, Nelson and West Co«rt, let BY TELEGRAPH. LONDON, 28th January. Arrived — Niwaru, from Wellington. Sailed— Rimutaka, for Wellington and Lyttelton. SYDNEY, 29th January. Arrived — Pelotas, from Greymouth. CAPE MARIA, 28th January.' Waipori passed south for Westport at 2.15 p.m. HOKIANGA, 28th January. Arrived — Senorita, bai-quentine, from Dunedin. KAIPARA, 28th Janu.-ry. Sailed — Meran, barque, for London ; Laura, barque, for Warrnambool ; Eliza Firth, schooner, for Lyttelton; Waiatah, schooner, foi Dunedin. ONEHUNGA, 28th January. Sailed — Rarawa, for New Plymouth. Passengers: Saloon — Misses Gray, Robertson, Humphreys (2), O'Brien, Mitchell, Olive, Stubbs, Warburton, Baker, Smith, Walker, Goodere (2), Foote, Bent, Howell, O'Callaghan, Connolly, Engies, Mesdames Mann, Peioy, Smith, Jennings, Stubba, Hope, Tisdall, Oonnell, Cooper, Smith, Nicholas, Warburton, Varney, Noble, Messrs. Varney, Bell, Wanklyn (3), Comrie, Lai Trob&, Williamson, Hecksher, Humphreys, ColBon, Noble, Nicholas, Kirkcildy, Isaacs, Dive, Lusk, Connell, Hooper, Fanning, Hadley, Bias, Friend, and Rev. Tindall ; 20 steerage. £9th January. Arrived— Takapuna (8.30 a.m.), from New Plymouth. AUCKLAND, 28th January, Sailed— Tomoana/ (5 p.m.), for Las Palmas and London. Sailed — Zealandia, for eouthem ports. Paeeengera for Wellington— Misses Gibbons, Simpeon, Edwards, M'lntosh, Avery, Warnoek, GlynJonee, Dallas, Messrs. Hutton, Roberts, Prfor, Cook, Little, Saywell. Carter, Perry, Johnston. 29th January. Arrived— Nayua (4.45 a.m.), from Nukualofa.' Sailed— Rippingham Grange (5.45 a.m.), for Wellington. NEW PLYMOUTH, 28th January. Sailed— Takapuna (9 p.m.), for Onehunga. 29th January. Arrived — Rarawa (5.40 a.m.), from Onehuuga. NAPIER, 28th January. Sailed— Opawa (2 p.m.), for Picton. PATEA, 29th January Arrived— Mana (5.20 a.m.), from Wellington; Kiripaka (5.15 a.m.), from Wellington via Wanganui, WANGANUI, 29th January. Arrived — Stormbird (3.50 a.m.), from WellingFOXTON, 28th January. Arrived— Queen of the South (4.45 p.m.), from Wellington. PIOTON, 28th January. Arrived— llapourika. (5.30 p.m.), irom Wellington. Sailed — Mapourika. (7.30 p.m.), for Nelson. 29th January. Arrived— Penguin t5 a.m.), from Wellington; Opawa (10.25 a.m.), from Napier. MOTUEKA, 29th January. Arrived — Huia. (5.15 a.m.), from Wellington. NELSON, 28th January. Sailed— Te Aniu (6.30 p.m.), for Westport. 29th January. Arrived — Mapourika (5.23 a.m.), from Picton; Tasmsm (6.30 a,m.), from Wellington. Arrivetl — Alexander (12.10 p.m.), from Wellington. LYTTELTON, 29th January. Arrived— Hawea (6.50 a.m.) and Rotomahana (8.55 a.m.), from Wellington. Arrived — Talune (11.50 a.m.), from Wellington To sail — Rotomahan* (6.15 p.m.), for Wellington. WESTPORT, 28th January. Sailed — Regulus (4.25 p.m.), for Wellington. • 9th January. Sailed— Komala (6.20 a.m.), for Wellington. PORT CHALMERS, 28th January. Sailed — Rakanoa (6.15 p.m.), for Newcastle. DUNEDIN, ,28th January. Arrived— Marama, from Bluff; Wonaka, from Oajndrii. Sailed— Taieri, for Greymouth. GREYMOLTH, 29th January. Sailed— Kotuku (6 a.m.), for Wellington. ________

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Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 24, 29 January 1908, Page 6

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SHIPPING. PORT OF WELLINGTON. Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 24, 29 January 1908, Page 6

SHIPPING. PORT OF WELLINGTON. Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 24, 29 January 1908, Page 6