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' ti A WN TF_ IV NTS. EKETAHUNA BOROUGH COUNCIL. 3J *»,. *» -L* AJJ^ J-^* TO ENGINEERS. I. CRICKET* APPLICATIONS aro invited by the -£^- Eketqhuna Borough Council for the t ." '. . /"^ 13 _T\_r\ FT 17^^!^ Preparation of Plans and Lovolb of the „ VyjLVv/v/U l-J JL • Borough Area. Applicants are to htato ",' J^ — "' amount of remuneration required. Par-•SPEdEAL-LOW PRICES THIS SEA-SON EOR CASH. £^j^£?£?2a o $& .. October, 1907. TK7 E SAVE- NOW LANDED OUR SEASON'S STOCK OP SPORTING MATERIAL. -T. PKENDEVILLE, '" »r " ' - Clerk. A GRAND SELECTION, FROM THE BEST MANUFACTUIIERS. 18th Soptombor, 1907. ." , " T - , . \lij ANTED Explained, that tho Cut Z' CRICKET Bats, BaJls, Stumps, Gloves, Leg- Guards, &o. ,VV Glass Salt Shakers which the users =~ " of Sh4kor Salt receive aro beautiful in do """ ; r . sign «.nd workmanship — an ornament to " - TENNIS P" 01 "!* 8 . Balls, Nets, &0., to. ' , your table. 1 ~~ Z.T* , ) WT ANTED — Working men, havo your -'- ntt r\r\TTl?rn Seta ' at varions nrices ' * Clothes made by tho Working Man's CROQUET bets, at various prices. Tailor; first-class Suit, 70s; gentlemen's own material made up from 30s ■ any mako _„_. ,_ J .—^ui..^.,^. altered to fashion ; repairs and press. Next and Fancy Goods, Newspapers and Perio~j g-««»i|rn-jM-^^ dicals. Prices right. Patronago solicited. - • 'j_Jff|f rlrrljiti ■^Pt^^' --'■•■ ■ TTTANTED to Sell, Fancy Goods Busi- * _wJRTI 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |TT^nfrl_h- » V ness, Manners-street, owner retiring, ~»^fff|'l{|| OTfTTTtitiiTTrTT^lh-* ~ rent 455, prico £100 for stock, etc., as v •- -S-Rlll 1111 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 tl IT. Hill Itttf^fflb- g°' n g concern. Apply W. H. Morrah and BmxtTl I 'IjjJ'^fTti'i litllllliji rf pSjf^-i ■■ Co. Willis-streot, at once. Bl fill liltr ll film 1 11 1111 lilirnEii^lfeEtfiiillfl^^ -WTANTED to Sell, a 3-roomed House, - fi-jyljf 1 1)1 1 1 1 1 Mr I ' i i llrrr IJ |t'Wffi a *'°'' B *' H '*~^^*'~^™'"*"' ! * IMW>i> '**^^M TV with stable, at Mitchelltown; no ' wl[)|[jll I tltil nil 111 ;| 1 1 H^dr reasonable offer refused. Apply Evening ; JjiiiLJiiEln^^ I.:EFT-O-5T CLOTHIN&. 1 ' T ADIES' and Gentlnmen's superior M!bJL. tit. aud Loft-off Olothing bought ; :: BRITISH- AND AMERICAN HARDWARE HOUSE, g^oS*^ • ' • ' j)3, LAMBTOX-QUAY. phono 2579. - *"^^°°** ! °* ' ' ' ' ___Ll_i__J XEFT-OFF CLOTHING. mamoKKKmtmmaimmmmm^^maa^a^BßasnKmmi^^^^^m^^B^t^^^ txighest Prico given for Ladies', _^ m ttmt m ■_■■_■ mm — i mm ■■ m ■■m-.m •—• s_^----a ■_u-_c-a_a ■■ tam m. -tJ- Gentlemen's, and Children's Left-off • Clothing, Boots, etc. All letters promptly "' WATCHES FOR NOTHING. j csa Addfeßs Mra; Bruce - sa> Ly^ A?y rr rr S on collecting ao/- worth of outside coloured wrappers SUITS ( an y Slze) ot . , IO tumes Cleaned and Pressed, 7s 6d. Bkl A-»4>l A^^ DfilAa^'C AY l_rAlnß-&P'Ci Garments' gunrantced not to shrink. Lo frofvSHf? sj| rCIOI Sj UF IVUII9ICr O Brun and Co., In S e-tre-street. CHOCOLATE, is entitled to an Ingersoll Keyless Watch (guaranteed LADIES AND GENTLEMEN— good timekeepers). ' '"IT* 01 * a Fashionable and Stylish Costume Everybody is eating Nestles, Peter's and Kohler's Chocolate, -^ of the latest' design, and novelty in . so that the wrappers can be picked up in the highways and by-ways. Suiti^lßßY 0B0 BA C KER ) gS Ma r nner S-stroet.S -stroet. Send wrappers to the undersigned, with your name and address — — — — • 4 clearly written, and a Watch (ladies' or gent's), will be posted you /^HIMNETb swept, windows cleaned, \ _ b y re t urn mail carpets beaten and cleaned, smoking ?:■■"""■ " iSi^^Ltiß •I • S,KIRKPATRICK S COMPANY, LTD., j^S/^""' 7 |^^^^^^^^^^ i _^_____ a^__ B ____ | ____ a __ ii ______ a _ aa \ TT3AL-5, anaemic, ana nervous people are ■"■■■■^™ ' l J_T soon cured by Serravallo's Tonic (bark and iron wine). Plea.ant to take. Ask your doctor. "_TNTTV nVP WORKS ' A RTISTIC FURNITURE, diningA, fj- T4VTOR AXn CO ' WANTED KNOWN. ff: 1O . O , I «. •«*«■• overmantels Chester- * -^^ lAXLUIt A^U tiU., fields, sideboards, etc. Best workmanship. jA & "^fc T^STINTON AND M'LAUCHLAN, Bedding a specialty. P. Ahradsen and «-!_»!»& 24> CUBA-STREET, Son, 50, Tory-street. " TTnrr<sp>wnT^ Opßnmn7-RVO pßnmn7-RV " T' 0 « et a Cut Glass Salt Sha kor you U" &&&jg!s>&& HOUSEHOLDJ^ROCKERY. 1 gim ,y, y taka the Coupons found on .^-^.^-.n <-. i t» l- i m i v o_. each packago of Shaker Salt, follow tho ;, DYERS AND FRENCH CLEANERS Goods Delivered. Telephone 86*. directions given thereon, address to A. S to His Excellency the Governor, q? 1 ? 130^ ?? f nd Si 0 " Wellington, Agents io, ju» a_-.- c ..c * —_„ .^, m^. n mrv oi-«tt Shaker Salt, and you will soon bo tho :; Lord Plunket; also to tho Lato Gover- m ANTED TO SLLL- ownar of one ot ore of these va i uab i e nor, Lord Ranfurly. * souvenirs. 1 3 BEAUTIFUL SIDEBOARDS mHREE Barlock Typewriters, in .splenWORKS: Kent-terrace; 'Phone 2666. 1 WARDROBE J. did ordor, also Yosts, DonEmone's, eto., t . m i.t nn niKiir • 'Phnnn IV 7 * 1 DUCHESSE PAIR, and other Fur- etc., from 70s, Smallbone, Grace and Co.'. : - Lambton-quay, x-tione UA. D H me . Ciearing-out Sale, 48, Victoria-Btreet. Branches Christchuixh and Dunedin. " " TW" Z. WINE Depot, 57, Willis-atreet. _jj ' ' Cheap lor Cash. J/i . Notice. No. 1 superior Invalid Port , . '^J *y Wine, 25s per dozen ; No. 2 Wine, two ""- f& TWT^ 179 U P PER c - H - HARRIS AND CO., LTD., « Mo ™ (guaranteed full strength), 13? 6d :: i/»u.ftK mantelpiece works, y pev i CUBA- ST. V°ukg womek-s Christian as1 "^Uf- -Sp- -jS2^ „» »TTAVTi?r, ♦ en v a w ■*- SQCIATION, 6, Lambton-quay ' Sa4//A\SX^s\' WELLINOTOM. T^T ANTED to Sell, 7-roomed House, ,Xext Bank of Now Zealand). Open Daily - l ," T AllA 11 co ,^ emSSSss>m SSS5 s> Maarama-crescent ; from 10 a . m . to 9.30 j,. m , Saturday After- - V%aJS_V It °t? £' £Z° n or terns ttd^ ess noon, excepted; Luncheon from 12 till 2 ' *V^«^^ TELEPKO'IE 22C0. House, Box 81, b.P.O. o'clock. Pleasant Evenings ® '. '-1 .-_! \ftT ANTED Known.— That W. J. Par- CJERRAVALLO'S lonic (bark and iron TTSIOX DYE WORKS, *■ eons (late of Parsons and Brown), £3 wi "5) io excellent in cases of anaemia. .V 178, Uppar Willh-street (late City Tailor- B-iildor and Contractor, Shop and Office Aek your doctor his opinion -injr and Dyo Works). Telephone 2639 Fitter, ha« removed to 81, Willis-street, +.m^ K ,, o m S I " "SIITE Repair and Alter All Garments two dof.-rs abovo Manners-street. No order HH 11 * I .* l^ Worm rtwdora aro so good - W when required • h too tmail or too large for my accept- ■ a -» that every mother should keep a hox k. , Shipping Specially Catered for. unc-. Careful attention given to all work at home; give one of these Powders as "1 Ajjencieih-Newtown, Thorndon, Petone, entrusted to me. Jobbing a epecialty. directed. Price Is per box. B. O.Bnen, -- Bookstall, Queen's Wharf, and J. Webber, Kttiicatci. free. Telephone 2522. Dispensing Chemist, 108, Cuba-Btreet, Wel- ;** Greymouth ' Imgtoii- ?•" COHEN BROS., Proprietora. "W A^ ED T? Et:sir O- RE the Brilliant Gloss to your "" rff ABRAHAM V i--n C n a *a 1? 1 F^i W . ASI ? Jtt Furniture with Liquid Veneer; no- ' tV. WI H klll ( i reen A P, hl |, ar l d *" other insect thjng ]ike it . •'Requisites," 15 Manners- ■' in mi. dt 11 x. P ests on Rose a»d Fnut Trees. This is , trol f t j, (Late Chef to His Excellency ths the standard wash for gardeners in many . reOt ' ■ * Uovcmor, Lord Pluntet), partg o f tne W orld. It is harmless to the ERANIUM LOTION quickly cures r" TTCTTT-RVATTn-NTAr patttppw mo6t ter ' der foliage, and is specially re- V3T Chapped and Rough Hands, eoftens JJNiiiH-NAIIUiNAL CAiJiKiJi, commended to rose growers. Pints, ls 6d ; and heals, oloanses after housework, To' o ttttt tto onrDT-iTT quarts, 2s 6d each ; gallons, 6s each. GIB- neither greasy nor sticky, ls and 13 6d. .-8, WILLIS-STREET. BONS, 131, Lambton-quay. Wm. Salek, Sydney Chemist, 17, WillisZ2 .' Small .Goods a Speciality. WT ANTED Known— The best workman- - — :—■—=- =; r-- — T~ •- ' ' . VV ,hip in Chesterfields, Sideboards, ]ST OW . gl r 6 B ?, y ° l^ n L Tl ?.- hlh -M In * ?: SAL V -OVA. and other Household Furniture will be digestion Cure his Bronchitis Mixfound in all our goods. Save your time tura > half . 81 ? 6 Ib . 6d >. hls Neuralgia Mix- ~ " and money hy purchasing at Reasonable tw f» hls Antißnptio Ointment, his Stomaen ■>•• TS only guaranteed to save eggs, but it Prices at FERGUSON AND CRAW- and Liver Pllls > otc - Onl >' to h .° K ot at T J- will do that with absolute certainty. FORD'S, 64, Taranaki-strcet. Special 70, Tory-street. ;;. It's use, too, may turn a loss on your Orders' taken for unique carved designs, rfTROtiSERS, narrow cut, hip pockets, -~ poultry into a handsome profit, and so also Office Desks, etc. A 10s 6d, 12s 6d, 14s 6d. Duncan and V. "savo your bacon" bb well as ___..._— ~ ... „., Macintosh, Manners-street. ■>>• your eggs . V*/ _a._\_.__ij ivnown. — bkenlt b Hyr - : -rr-. — r-rr — r~a — - » » gienic" Lunch and Tea Rooms is now C.PRING HO ! — Sulphur and Sarsapurilla £ ft\T AJ[TED'-"KNO WN. open in the Arcade, 55a, Mercantile E? Salts keep the blood pure 'and the «- I■ • Exchange, Manners-strpet. Beef Tea from B kin olear. ls 6d a bottle. W. S. Wallaco, 7!' O. MARTINSON, 11 a.m. Lunch from 12 noon. Afternoon Chemist, .Willis-street. BOH.DEK A?ID CONTRACTOR. Tea from 3 p.m. Choicest temperance OiULPHUR and Sarsanarilla Salts the -■ ~Sh6p and Office Fittings a speciality, drinkn of the best quality Btockcd Every 8 bcrtiDrin.inedZ vet attack :; Low Charges All ria«e. Jf Joinery Work effort will bo made^o add to the comfort o fboU 8 C and'oqfer^pring"^.^", tw »'. done for the trade. Estimates Free, of customers. Pleaee note the address— hotHo W-iIWp Willis «troi>r -* Address— IHh ARCADE, 55a, Manners-street. !_. T^ TT -_c— , T , , r. > EVA-STREET (off Taranakt-place). _ vTm^TT: " T JQU IO . Voneor, a food for polished ■ - = ' — TrTTßvfTYrwp %^/A>(rL.D Known. — Wo havo, a largo JLJ surfaces, rcstore3 instantly brilliance "2, •nr-k-KTvn ti. n,t w ,'.<.= «f it,,™; variety of Costumes in b.ocb, and to furniture. "Requisites," 15, MamiersZ TITANTED to Buy, Houses of Furni- wo lo order on lima ' pavmcn |.. ' It ltreet . »*■' ** ture; htenest price, cash down. K ill nn ,, — nll *„ :r,_.,o«t .„. .1..1. , _.„ - CJOaubney', 74, g Tory- S t I reet every^venTg mtl ?" m Sieged C rjAOTET . BEATING and Chimney i. "= " npr«-ir«oi Tnl 99« " v Sweeping aio our specialties. Wm- - j -WANTJ2D KNOWN. nen^trget. Tel. 2253. dow, house, and office cleaning. Wellingr,, it — .., „ I^AiSTED Known, that A. Tregea and ton Cleaning Co., 25, Dkon street. 'Phone ; i-sMAtiT ? ■RTT<s¥vp«*«i -'RTTT«^^' S (Toilfti. ,T ■ ',J- . Thpmphoii have purchased 2224. ■ • V SMiS|S«2®^fl2sl,as^lS M iS|S«2®^fl2sl,as^l Srb^iSrkno:vnt J sUf\&' Sii 3 SHAKER Salt ispacked in a handybox, ■: collar; vests are cut higlQ with 4 pockets; j?" M^f-^S b ' " d b »» patented .pout for filling glass :.. trousers are narrow cut TSOa, 555, 60s. shakerß . g haker 9alfc i 8 6pe cially pre, DUXC4X AND -VIACIXTOSH TaTAIsTLD to Sell, Section of Land, pared for tho table ; always dry. ' " * • Manners-street. m- x^l^ a^&l' -£^^' T IQUID Veneer, Furniture Poloith Re- - ""I- X J.uOlt ; WOUIU CIIVJUO tWO liec- li vivnr TRTnnwa Airi Hilllnnca nnrl ra -WAN TE D, KNOWN. «^.f Q P« «**. M'lntyro Bro,, 57a, f reg '^^utSta.™' '■\ DOUGLAS PATENT" Lambton-quay _ 15 , M iinner.--treet. -", LOOSE-LEAI? LEDGERS) WAW A ? T ?' I> to Sell A *° second-hand ASK your Grocer for Sexelby's Stilton V ' a s- r-f Th oIT Cycles, re-enameUed and plated, £3 A Cheese ; quality unsurpassable. Aro Simplicity Themselves. up , e3ey terms. Best 6-month guaranteed Vfr^H^v li TTfi 7 T"S T The Book, that- Give- Satwfaction Covers, 10s 6d ; Tubes, 4s 6d: large stock 8, Vh-iilZh Rag Dolls, for stuffing, at Saves Time and Money. of all kinds of accessories. Ring up 1578 ls f 6d ,. and . .? 8 , 6d ca^! ju«t the - Factory Addres_-4 a , WILLIS STP.EET. your bicycle re-enamelled and plated > Tele D hon B 1953 at your own Over 60 winners and WilHs ftreot INovelty Depot, 69. ■ faetO3t time riders on Boucher Cycles in 6 "iis-gtreet. '"' '\V A . NTED Known— Poultry Breeders to months ; uohd your order along ; you TTOT Water Bags (new shipment), - *»-/uee Cooper's' Chicken Meal'; rears y'l «vo your money in Prico and Quality. XX enemas from 3s 6d, douchoi, all °,\ , „ . „ T( --„„, ,-„„>,]„ - n j ;, J-nomdon Cycle and Motor Works, 54, ladies' requisites, lowest prices, Dr. .',. from tho shell. It savea trouble and is MoWorth-street. White'» Tonio Blood Pills for Ladies %» cheapj 61b for Is 3d; redactions for quan- - r - rANT -, n T . — r^ — makes blood and health, 2s. Wm. Salck, .. tit J ■ \- -■'-.- WANTED Known-Suley, Moooh. and Sydney Chemist,, 17, Willio-street. .. ' FREDERICK COOPER, "l &ZSZTffi^ -RLOOD POTlHm^r^TSsociss Seedsman. Established over 35 years. •*-* Tank Stimulant. Salek's Tonio Sar'l DYEING AND CLEANING. WANTffiD~KS^^Brite.Gla_ is" a ZnSt^aftr/lnnuenia^tl^- o^ l^ ! WANTED Known-Xow i, tho time ™ m a glo glass ckaner, make, window, to have your summer goods dyed arm mirrors ipok like crystal; ask your -^r~"^ ■ — — 7~^r- — ■'*T iuitable for winter. Summer dresses can grocer for a 1» bottle. 1 T IQUID Veneer rostoros tho brilliant r. be dyed to look equal to new winter !J|fAi^TEls Known— Roots p ,„„•- a Gloßß to }Our rul " iturc . without -I AttJU at BARBER ? S Wellington Steam W A ™ c you iSST^rai.^ Boftok-d ll a rr bbur;b ° ur; cl f ies inßlantlv - "Bcqui B ito e ," 15, '.: Dyo and French Cleaning York,, 46, « nd hee i e d a . 9d, Ladi™ ditto , L9d MannG "- str " Gt - • Cuba-street. Gents' suits, curtains, fea- Bluchers, nailed. 4s 6d; Boys" and Girls 1 Y-JRITE-GLAS acts like magic, wonder- ' ! thera, gloves, etc.-, -cloancd or dyed in a strong School Boots, 2a 9d. American •"-* v ' window and mirror cleaner, ls .tyle unequalled in the Colony. jj oot Repairina: Co., corner Buckle and bottle, aak your grocer. Nicol, Stringer "- ~ Tory street.. • and Roberts, Ltd., Wholesale Agents. 1 4^ m _, r , _ _ , ... . ... TffTANTED, people, young and^ldTto I^EDERHOLM AND TOLLEY, ManVXTANTED— For Sale, 100 Acres, All TT try Crumpton'i Eleclrio Fluid for ncrs-strcct, agents for Langdon Daviß . Stock, etc.,. ready for taking profiU gre y |, a ; r; a guaranteed euro; -not a dye; Motors,' Eclipse Flame Arc Lamps, Sim- - jigh^way.^Price as a going concern, tls eradicates dandruff; price 3d, post 3u 6d. j)lex Conduit. Largo stock of Antique J p«Sr acre; without stock, etc., £13 10s ; v. Waring, 27, Courtcnay-place-." Brass and Coinage Bronzo Fittings. " Und eloso by eelhng at £20 por acre. Full iVrTvmr"?r» " . ' ' particulars 011 applying to Urgent, Nireaha. Vy A^-lbD Known— A. and J. Williama, T7VLORAL Arti-t— Miss Murray (only ad- - v a.?'.", * »? Licansed Sanitary Plumbers, Wator- J? dress), 21, WilliE-strcct. Artiitio Do- .".' \ ... fitters, Drainlayers. etc. (late G. Snaddon), sign* in Floral Baskets, Boquots, WroathH, — ~ J ; * oli ' ory-Btreot. 1 el. 80f . . , P t r . ; tables and drawingrooms decorated. •; WAW AN f T Sin 1 te tt i > r"iJea° io\oot^ WANTED,' every Housekeeper to have Tolophouo 265. .«T .0 Hushes Patent c VV °"° of tho enuino Cut Ulass S»H T ADIEB-Y O « can't havo too many of ' SKSS S^ffl^nStopS '? hake " whioh havo bqcn »>n«ltf«peoially JL thoro-Cut Glass Salt Sbakon around fc ten/ton? The irSThJ? X j tlio houw, .0 be ,uro and »vo tho Shaker •' e«tablishc-d ncarl<r twenty-fivo years, and to Sell, Bakery, Confec- Salt Coupons, and send into A. b. .Patcr7 mio thus v: a position to give inventors »V tioncry, and Small Goods Business; gon a "_". Co -', -^S0"^!S 0 "^! " e»»ngtp» : f the benefit p. their long experience. Para- pplcndid turnover; owner *cllii)g through T^ON'T -Dry-dust your Fine Furaituro, phlct "Advice to Inventors," pott froe. ill.hoalth. Apply after 6 p.m., 20*,* Upper XJ' use Liquid Veneer; removes dust, •UJT A NTEb~ to ~Sdl7~Milk ' and~Cr?an. illw-strcet. . ttaini, and store-, original brillijuce. •vV (wholejalo and retail); Dcvonibiro T7STANTED to Borrow, privately, £500, TIT you are nervous or Innguk% or out of Ctenm a ipeoialty Taita Dairy, 94, Cuba- »» at 4£ per cont. : good security. Ap- A soitt, take Serravallo 9 Tonic (bark

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Evening Post, Volume LXXIV, Issue 78, 28 September 1907, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXIV, Issue 78, 28 September 1907, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXIV, Issue 78, 28 September 1907, Page 2