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The FEW LINES mentioned in this List will give a correct idea of the General Reductions being- made. We have scarcely any old stock. Goods mentioned in this List are new and up to date. A visit of inspection will show best what is being* done. Read abOUt CREAM Trimmed with tucks, frills, and niched with silk, 59s 6d for 21ss; Cream Veiling Skirts, richly trimmtid with w/-\ii r oi/ipitX ruching, tucked and gauged, 35s for 27a 6d, also with full drawn at wnist, insot with wido Bilk insertion and VUlLtl oKIK 10. tucks, 45s tor 355; Canvas Voilo Skirts, small silk frills, 15s for 32s 6d ; Champagno and Grey Fancy Voilo and Crepohno, richly trimmod., 35s 6d for 29s 6d ; Tussoro Silk Skirts, 10s 6d and 12s 6d ; Cream Voilo Skirts, 25s 6d for 17s 6d; Cream CanTUs' Voilo, with bluo or black spo,t, handsomely trimmed, 43s for 25s 6d ; l-lollnnd and Crash Skirts, machine cmbroidorod, nowost shapes, 8s 6d for 4s lid, 12s 6d for 6s, 16s 6d for 7s 6d ; Roland Skirts, hand ombroiderod, 19s 6d for 13s* 6d; Special White Linon Skirts, hand-embroidered, 33s for 25s 6d, 29s 6d for 21s, . 253 6d for 17s 6d; Whito Linen Skirts, with medallions, 10s 6d for 10s od, 25s 6d for 143 Gd. PRPAWI QFRfSF FORTY-THREE! only Crjmm Sorgo Costumes, tho latest designs in tho following shape? and prices: — Corselet, v^ r » t - r * l * l vtliMU strappad with silk or cream sill: braid, 75s for 355; Eton Croam Serge, strapped with silk or cloth 05s for 28s 6d, COSTUMES. with short "P lcatod basques 63s for 355; up-to-dato pleated back Russian Coat, 65s for 32s 6d; Sac Coats, 503 to 25s 6d. LINEN COSTUMFS White Linen Costumes, hand- embroidorod, 44s for 25s 6d, 55s for 33s 6d; Holland. Costumo3, Eton, Russian, and i.ii*i_i* vwvjiuiiilu. Pleated Sao Coats, 35b for 21s 6d, 25s 6d for 14s 6d, 17s 6d for 7s 6d; Crash Costumos, Eton Coats, 25s 6d for 7s 6d, 15s 6d for 5s 6d ; Champagno Mercorisod Cord Costumes, 44s for 17s 6d ; Croain do., 29s 6d for 15s 6d ; Blouse and Skirt Costumes, nicely irimed, 15s 6d for 8s 6d, 33s for 13s 6d ; Muslin, Zephyr, and Lawn Dresses, 25s for 17s 6d, 21s for 15s od; Woollen Material. Costumes, .in various colours and chapos, cloths, sergos, _ _.. _..___ tweods— theso aro tho* reactions :' 65s for 25s 6d, 35s for 15s 6d, 57a 6d for 25s 6d, 553 6d for 39s 6d, 45s for 29s 6d. -.—.. — , ~..,.-*— .— . , In n U tno loading colours, good shapes and well cut— 63 of thcso, 16s '6d for lls 6d, and a grand lot; 30 only, JVIOIRETTE SKIRTS. Blaok Satin Skirts » P»Ped with black or coloured piping, 15s for 9s lid GIRLS' COATS. Child's Crash and Holland Coats, 2s 6d oach. LINEN COSTUMES Pal ° bluo f Eau do Vio ' Rav y' nnd Cloam « with coloured piping, about 30 of those, woith 35s to 453, to bo cleared at 15s 6d oach. DRESS DFPT ur r - owost and best' materials to bo cleared. Tho balance of our Is lid Groy Tweeds to bo cleared at 8s lid **•-•■■ tho drO3s; 54in Grey Tweods, with coloured ohocks, 17s 6d, now lls 6d; Silk Knop Tweeds (2 piccc3 only), 3s 6d a yard, now 8s lid tho drcs*; Fancy Grey Voilos, reduced to £s lid the dres3, full prico 15s 6d ; great clear out of Navy Voiles, 17s 6d for" 8s lid, 21s for lls 6d; 24s 6d for 153 tho dress; doublo-width Navy Dclaino (1 piece), 3s 3d for ls. OM|T|M/1^ Flannel Suitings, .with stripo effects, 19s 6d, now 13s 6d the dress. Thq balance of our coloured wool Voiles, wv/ " ImUWi throwing away at lls 6d tho dross! 25 choico Robes boing cleared at half-prico. Blouse lengths of Wool Delaines, reduced to cloar. Remnants desperately cheap. Threo bargains in Blouse Silks — No. 1 Croain Brochcs for Bloujca or Evoning Wear, reduced from 5s 6d to 2s 6d ; No. 2, Spot Tafottas, for Blouses and Linings, 3s 6d, now ls 9d ; No. 3, now Cheek Blouse Silks and Spot Japs, 2s 6d and 2s lid, now ls 6d. Coloured Silk Morcttcs for Undor- , skirts and Linings, down 'to Is <jd a yard. VyHtAi During the Sale, a limited numbor of orders will be taken at reduced prices for Dressmaking. Como early and DRESSMAKING. mako yours a Coltaiat r Qi f~\t |O["0 *^ ss P 0C ' a * 10-dozen lot just orrivod in Coloured Jap Silk 3, Rod, Navy, Heliotrope, and Pink. Thcso aro richly DLUUCLU! trimmed with laco and medallions, and toing cleared at £s 6d, 7s 6J, 8j 6d; and a nico lot of Whito Embroidoicd Blou3cs, at 03 lid : rich Dclaino -Bloueos for any season, 14s 6d for 10s 6d; 18s 6d for 12s 6d, 17s od for 14s 6d ; rich Whito Jcp Silk Blouses, nil reduced; finc'Whito Linen Blouses, hand embroidered fronts, collais, and cuffo, 10s 6d to 14s 6d, worth 15s 6d to 21s. ETpaXI-IFP ROAQ Somo real Bargains horo— Long Brown, Five-strand Marabout, 12s for Ss 6d; eomo extra good Black. Navy, and rt-n 1 I Itn D\jr\\D. White, 10s 6d to 15s 6d, worth double; Whito Coquo Fcathor Boan, with coloured ends, 16s od for 7n 6d; very full Coquo Feather Boas, Whito, Black, Brown, and Black and Whito, 17s 6d for 8s 6d; dark Brown Marabout, Capo shape, 42s for 25s 6d; somo rich Ostrich Boas, coloured ond white, <19s 6d for 29s 6d, 33s for 25s 6d, 12s 6d for 6a lid; Black Ostrich Boas, 15s 6d for 7s 6d, 42s for 330, 843 for 66d; Silk Rufflos, Sky, Orange, Pink, Holio, 63 lid for 2s 6d. r-AM/-vw f-vi-n-T - Black Sunshados, with stripo3, floral designs, or spots, '.5 Gd for 3s' lid, Aa 9d for '.a, 5s Od for <a OJ, Cs 6d rANLJY UEP I . for 6s lid, l«Ss 6d for lla Gd, 21a for 16s Gd ; plain colouro. 7= Gd for 5» lid. 100 6d for 7o lid j light Fancy BunI in/Jrarer-i I n a shadiw, 4s Gd for 3s Od, 6s 6d for 4s 9d, 9s"6d for 7s Gel; Child's Sunshados, clearinp at 10id. Umbrellas aro ah io- • UIV! QntLLnvi tlucod aa usual. Lace Pln6troons aro oxtra cheap (180 dozoivbought «• Job), f,o 6d for In lid, 2a lid for Io Oil, 4« 9d t n r\r~ \Mt~ n n f or 2s 6d, 5s for 3s 6d ; Ltco Ties and Scarves, 2s 9d for 1? Hd, 8a 6d for 5o 6d, 10s Gd for Gs lid, 18n 6d for lOn Gd ; LALrL WtAH, ' 30 dozen Silk Ties, mostly narow and tho Ir.tcst stylco, arrived too lato for Christmas, ls 3d for 10} d, Io 6d for la , Id, ls 9d for 15,,3d,.2s lid. ■ ; . - ' '■ ' TORCHON LACES. Odtl Lots ' turn °d out !,oxt.ra cheap, 2s now Is a dozen, 3s now ls 6d, 3s 6d~now~£s 3d, 7s now 4o GJ. AQQORTFri 1 fIPFQ Paris Shades in Laco and Insertions, fino and heavy makes, straight and inogular edges, from 3d to Gd a yard; rtooun i r.ui L/»V/to. Pari3 Cl cam nnd Wh;tc sleovo LaCOSj ri ' om 4id o ynrtf ; 6 , h FRII I *-> Coloured Glaco Frills; Oin deep, all colours, lla Gd', now 9o Gd (spooinlly for underskirts); all Belts, Kid, Silk, *~* L, Vi. L >»IL-»-\J. and-Elastic, aro cut down 16 soil; good Bolts at 6d and 1» oaoh; also bottor qualities, ls 6d, 1b Od, ls lid to 3b 9d BELTS. oach HANDKERCHIEFS. 10C '' v °d this season about 200 dozen Embroidered Handkerchiefs from Belfast. We havo marked thorn down to 4id, 6d, and Od, and somo oxtra nico lino linen, with hand work laco ond drawn thread, all down in prices; plain Lawn Hemstitch, sid, 4id, nnd Gd. VEILS. 630 Voilo at 9d, worth 1b Od .thoso arp H yards long; Navy Brown, Navy and White, and Black Washing Voile, Ii yards long, down to 13 and In 3d. nIODUIMo, Our 6in w ; dc Ribbon, a li s jli:, an d all iho best colours. Is, now 9d. APKOIMo. Whito Embroidoicd Aprona. always cheap, are low down now, ls 3d, ls 6d, ls lid, 2s 3d, to 4s 9d each; strong big Holland Aprons, lp, la Gd, la lid, 2s 3d, 2s 9d eaoh; Dorothy Apron?, good washers. VARIOUS ITEMS, All Tray-cloths, Tea-cloth?, D'Oyleye, etc., reduced; Coseys, Cosey Covers, Cushions, and Cushion Covers cut down to cloar. - > ' ' CHENILLE and PILE JGUfty-thrco of these useful (Table Covers at extra reductions: 2 yards long, 19s 6d for 12s Gd, 22s Gd for 14s Gd; TAOI r? r\l r»TLJP 24 yards long, 19s Gd for 14a Gd, 18a Gd for 13a "6d; 3 yards long, 32s for 21s, SOs for 19s 6d; 4 yards long (one I AfcSLfc. ULU I rlO. only), 553 for 30s. CURTAINS. Throo Shillings in the. £ off all Curtains; this is equal to 6s off present values. CUCCT|[\|CC Sco our 2 yards vrid© at'.l's and 80in at Is 2d ; our lest Linen Finish, 15 pieces only left, 72in, Is 3d for Is Id; once i iiMvao. 80inj la 11(i for 1(J Bd . oohjj > 2a 3d for ls nd , TOWELS. Sco a lot of Bwfn .Turlqs.h at our door, ls, worth ls 4£d each. MARCELLA QUILTS. All Quilts are reduced— kDne special line; about 60 left. H-4 size, 15s Gd for 12s 6d. These aie extra goods. CRASHES. Drcsa Craflhco aro down IA 6d and OJ o. yard. IKIoH HAND-tM- Very rioh Hand-embroidored Linen Skirts, with Dlouse pieoe unmade, 42s for 21s and 59s for 293 6d; and a few BROIDERED SKIRTS Embroidorod Skirts, 29a 6d - for 17a 6d. MEN'S DEPARTMENT. K/IITM'C Cl IITQ navo a hig stock of Men's Kaiapoi ready-to-wear Suits. See these prices— s2s Gd for 42s 6d, 57s Gd for 47s IVItl^J O OUI 10. 6d, 65s for 52*, 70a for,J>9s. Theso would cost to measure from 4 to 6 guinea*. We have r lot of Quits, 27s 6d for \f/~\t ITLJO' onrl RHVC 243 9d. Youths' 3-gi>rit}ont 8.8. Kniokorn, Colftiial Tweed, 11 to 14 years, 25s for 17s 6d, 30s for 18s Gd, 33s for 19s Gd. YUU I rlO dllU DUIO Boys' Tweed Sailor Suits, boinjj oloared at 4s 6d, Cs Gd, os6d. Boys' Navy Serge Sailor Suits, with washing oollars, Cl IITC s llcl> 4s 6d> 6s 6d< Boys' Sorgo and Tweed Kniokerp, Is lid. Men's Strong Tweed Trousers, 5s lid, Gs Gd, 7o Gd. OUI 10. Extra otrong Saddlo Tweed Trousers, Men's at lla Gd. Men's Brown Cotton Singlets, 2i» Gd for ls lid, 3s 3d for jnrvi ICCRC 2o 6cl ; Gont's fino Bnlbriggari Singlotß, 5s 6d for 4s $d ; Gent's Natural Llama Singlets, 2? 9d, pants 2s llcl; I rtv/V/OCriO. Gont'n Nuora unshrinkable pure Wool Singlets, long or short sleeves, 3s lid, 4s 6d, and ss, also pants to match; VA/LJITC QUIEJTQ Gonto' Soft-frontod Shirts, vrith stiff cuffs, 5s 6d for 4s 6d. with white or coloured stripes ; Gents' Tennis Shirts, W rll I U Oil Io I O. with or without collars in Cellular Mercerised, in all the fashionable materials, 3s 6d, 3s llcl, and 4s Gd; a lot ot II atq good opon-front. Whito Shirts. ■ 14,- Mi, and 15 only, 8s 6d andos6dfor 4s 6d eaoh; Gents' Soft Coylon Collars, lOd each. 01 unTO Gents' Tuscan Straw Hats, a lot at 3d and 6d oach, wore 1b Gd to 5s 6d; Panama Shapes, 3s 3d for ls lid, up OHIK I O. to 8s 6d for 6s 6d. HOoltriY. Working Men's Shirts are Money Savors — Harvards, ,2s 9d ; Grandvillc, plain and striped, 3s 9d (theso aro oxtra good qualities and well mode); Blaok and Whito'Striped Drill, 2s lid and 3s Od each. Those who have been grumbling about their Stockings— Boys Girls and Women— would do well to try ours. They are all made specially for us in Leicester. One trial will secure us a customer. COUNTRY ORDERS : We look well after the execution of all Country Orders. Send for a trial parcel. Freight paid on parcels of 20/- and upwards to the nearest railway station to the customer. A SHORT SHARP SALE — AT ;

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Evening Post, Volume LXXIII, Issue 29, 4 February 1907, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXIII, Issue 29, 4 February 1907, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXIII, Issue 29, 4 February 1907, Page 3