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'phases of the moon for june. 'Calculated for New Zealand Uean Time). D. H. M. Full moon _ „ _ 7 8 42 a.m. losi quarter _. _ ... 14 7 4 p.m. Kew moon „ „ .. 22 10 36 a.m. i'urst quirter .. .. ..30 1 49 a.m. HIGH \T4TEII. To-day—4h 10m a.m.; 4u 37m p.m. To-morrow—sh 10m a.m.; 5h 34m p.m. SUN. EcU tii-dav —4U £Btn p.m. Bisw to-moirow—7li 10m *.m.; oetß 4h 28m p.m. ARRIVALb. Juno 6 —Arahura, ss, 771 tons, Lambert, from Qrovmouth, Westiioit, Meteou, und Picton. l'«eecujers: Saloon—ilisses Walsh, M'Namara, Se.ivriglit, Lolimaml, .Median, Murray, Stiatiord, Wliliunan, Cnlcott, Davidsou, Couzens, Seyniuui' (2), Severne, Meodames Egan, Gear, Rtmbton, Aahcr, Haase, Hay and cmld. Dixon, Mcelian, Wood and Son, .Murray, Archer, B»r- -, rev, Cuvau.igli, Baigent, Thawky and child, Batrick, Corfe, Solnru» und 2 children, Disnn, 2fe=srs. Esau, DoncliffD Sargent, Wright, Mathioson, Champion, Frauklyn, Gallagher, Zefi•teta, Kelly, l'uiilips, Ballatync, Bradley, Keat, Mcelian, Braidwoud, Diion, Mackley, Mills, Cambridge, Uascoigne, Espic, Cox., Bird, Cavanagli, Baigent, Thawlev, Manthel, Havern, M'Dougall, kiddle, L. Bran, Edwards, Oorfe, Thomas, Wlffen, Bfecre, Jcllymttn, White, Bary. Bourke, Sehwass, Munro, Carkeck, M'Cormack, Master Gascoigne; 33 steerage June 7—Stormbird, ss, 137 tons, M'lntyre, from Waugaoui. June 7—Manuka, ss, 2784 tons, Phillips, from Dunedin and Lyctelton.' Passengers: Saloon — Wsso3 .Howard, .Payne, Maude. Capills (2), SJ'Laren, Goodcr, Tlylor, Wngiit, Ktmpthornc, Kerr, Hull, Sister of Mercy, Me3damt3 Lord, Edgar, Hill, Greenwood, Deans,-Howard, Packer Payne, Pitts and child, Dennis and 3 children, Jolmstone, Moitcn, Wright and infant, Branson »nd daughter, Messrs. Donnelly, Hatton, Gray, Whotler, Jones (2), Reese, Graham, Seagtr, Mal»i, Holland, Dtnuls, Ballautyne, EUiott, Johnstonc, Keir, Crump, Mortoil, Hill, Thompson, H'Kenzic, Metier. Hartley, Bartlemaii, Bewlcj, Smitey, Lord, Bright, Leech, NeimiiH; 40 steerage. , Juno 7—Kotomahana, 6S, 915 tons, Collins, from Lvtteltoii. I'assengcre: Saloon —Misaca ■ Bornect, Fleming, Moore, 12{>rrell, Martin, Wilson, Mesdames Orr, Alartin, Messrs. J.irrett, Hewson, Barker. Richardson, Orr, Tracy, Ingram, Tanner, Scarle. Paisotis; 24. steerage. > June 7— Bimu, ss, 148 ton 3, Matk3, from Tlmaru. ' Juno. 7—Blenheim, ss, 85 tons, Clarlr, from Picton. -Jun« 7—Hawea, cc, 1114 tons, Cairaon, from Westport., , Jun» 7—Enuc.v Sims, auxiliary schooner, 61 tons, Cameron, from Have Jock. June 7 —OpaTra. ss, 64 tons, Shaw, from Picton DEFARTITHKR. June & —Corinna, es, 812 tons, S. Holford, -"for 1 Southern porta. , Jfuue 6—Huia, es 90 tons, Dowell, for Wanga- . nui., ' June 6—Rosamond, ss, 460 tons, Gishman, for Grermouth. Juno 7—Matatua, ss, 4173 tons. Maxwell, for Lyttelton. Tun«;7 —Manaroav es, 78 tons, Allman, for Eavelock and Sounds. I '- -"-• • EXPECTED AUUPVALS. Wailii, Blenheim, 7th "M'ataroa, Lyttelton. BtU Huia, WanganuV, Bth ' Pateenu, Nelson und Picton, Bth Rotoiti, Onchuuga'and New Plymouth, Bth Zeolandia, Sydney, Auckland, East Coast, Bth '- Waikare; Melbourne, Hoburt, Suuth, 9th Taraxera, Dunedin and Lyttelton, 10th . Mtpourika, West Coast and Xdson, 10th -- Poherua, Southern ports, 10th Drayton Grange, Lyttctton, 10th ■-■■< Penguin,.Onebujiga. and. New Plymouth, 10th •Wimmern, Sydney, 13tli '""""_ -' " ~ Ocean-joinr Ste»mer»Zn'drtghiri, left Liverpool^ 4th April via *''Auckland; doe about 9th June ' Breii Huel; left Newr York 29th March, via "~ Awh-bJiAn ",porfs " and Auckland; due about 14th June. I " Oswestry Grange, left Liverpool 4th April • via Australian ports and Auckland; due about ' 15th Jcne. ' Athenic, left Plymouth sth May, via C«pe- - town and Hobart; due about 19th June. ~ ' Indralemi, left New York 14th April, tU ATUtralian ports and Auckland; due about 24th June. - Kaikouru, left Plymouth oth May, via. Cape- '" town, '■Hobari, and Auckland; due about the 27th, June. _ (Jueen Helena, leit Sew York 13tli April Tla Australian ports and Auckland; due about 3rd July. •• Paparoa, left Plymouth 19th May via Capetown and Hobart; due about 7th July. ' Corinthic, Icfb Plymouth 31st May via Capetown, and Hobart; due about 17th July. Tomoana, left New York Zsth M»y, Tia. Ans--1 tralian ports and Auckland; due about the sth August. Marere, leit London 13th May, via. Australian port 3 and Auckland ; due about Bth August. Sailing Vessels. ■ Dalsairnie, left Liverpool 21st February (at Dunedin). Doride, left Philadelphia 3rd February. Oftterina, left Marseilles 7th February. Brunei, left Liverpool Ist May. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Tongariro, London, 7th Mcnowai, South, Hobart, "Melbourne, 7th Manjka, East Coast, Auckland, Sydney, 7th Botomahana, Lyttelton, 7th f>tormbird, Waiiganui, 7th Opatra, Blenheim, 7th Hotuku,. Greymouth, 7th Mauaroj, Harelock and Sounds, 7th -' Queen of tho SouHl, Foxton, 7th Blenheim,. Blenheim, 7th Tokapun*, New Plymouth and Onehunga, Bth , .Zeajandia, Lyttelton and Dunedin, Eth Wakaiu," Lyttelton", via coast, Bth Tunikina, Lyttetton, Bth Pateena, Picton and Nelson, Bth Mararoi, Ljttelton, Bth Huia, Wanganui, Bth - Taeman, Nelson and Motutka, Bth Woibi, Blenheim, Bth Ruru, Napier and East Coast, Bth Mana, Pa tea, Bth Charles Edward, Nelson and West Coa3t, Bth Arahura, Picton, Nelson, West Coast, 9th Waikare, Sydney, 9th - Rotoiti. NelsOn, New Plymouth, and Oneh'unga, 10th . Tantwera, Napier, Gi&bocne, Auckland, 11th Penguin, Picton and Nelson, 11th PO&erua, Weatpbrt and Greymouth, 11th NgUDguru, Blenheim,' 11th , . btTtelegbaph. SYDNEY, 6th June. • • Bailed—MoVoia (2.15 p.m.), for Auckland. MELBOURNE, 6th June. Sailed—Wajrimoo, for Bluff. HOKIANGA, 6th June. Sailed—Alexander Craig, barque, for Sydney. ttAIPABA, 6th June. Sailed—Mary Moore, barque, for Melbourne. 1 EAST CAPE, 6th June. Talune passed north at ?.1U pan. NEW PLYMOUTH, 6th June. Sailed —Rarawo. (8.50 p.m.), for Onehungs. 7th June. Arrived—Rotoiti (9 a.m.), from OnehuDga (missed express). WANGAKUI, 7th June* Arrived—Huia (1150 a.m.), from Wellington. PICTON, 6th June. Arrived—Poteena. (5.10 p.m.), from Wellington Sailed—Pateena (8.30 p.m.). for Nlson. NELSOW, 7th June. Arrived —Pateena (8.30 a.m.), from Picton. SaHed—Pateena (9.30 a.m.), for Pieton. LYTTELTON, 7th June. Arrived —Mararoa (8.10 a.m.) and Cormna (8.45 a.m.), from Wellington. To (ail—Mararoa, (6.15 p.m.), for Wellington. WESTPORT, 6th June. Arrived—KooDya fB.IO p.m.\ from Wellington7th June. Arrived—Kapiti (7.30 a.m.), from Wellington.. «HE SHAW, SAVILL AND ALBION COMPASY. The chairman of the Shaw, SariU and Albion Company. Ltd., in moving the adoption of the twenty-thlrd annual report dt the directors at a meeting of the shareholders in London on tho 2&Fh nit., «ai<l :—"During the year wo coM two more of our sailing ships, tho Oamaru and Invercargill, at something more thaa what they stood at in our boot*. We now have oniy two sailing ships left, the Lurtenmrth and the. Wealland. Our last new steamer, the Maroari, is duing her work splendidly, and in order to keep fully abreast of the times, we have juat contracted with Messrs. Swan. Hunter, and Wisham Richardeon .for a. Amiewhat similar but larger steamer, which is to hay« increased passenger accommodation. We aro -keeping up our passenger trado exceedingly well, and when the attractions and advantages of New Zealand art fully realised by the general public, this orincli of our bu&ineas will go nn increasing The tonnage engaged iv the New Zealand trade is amply sufficient for all iU requiremeoto, and 1 regret that an attempt is being made to introduce an excessive numbeT nf steamers owned by the Federal Company I feel confident that our supporters here and • in the colony, who have always stood loyally by us. will continue to do so* and enable <J* to hold our own. It has fccen our chief aim all through these years to provide a. steam service second to none, and cichni.-dy with the colony. This, of cour«e, can ntly be done it gieat expense and T>y the close etudv and fulfilment of shipptrs' requirements. You shoreholdsrs knuw quite well what the margin of ptoit has been, and that' wo have not been able to datxibate moro than 5 per cent, per annum, whicu, I must say, i» tin inadequate remuneration on % shipping investment." The accounts showrj a profit of £21,368 143 5d on the year"* wor«ing, after paying all expenses, carrying £12.5' 1C to renewal, repair, and boiler fund, and making 'provision lor depreciation. TKi: ABERDEEN LINE. NEW INTERESTS. It transpires from advices received from London that' when the firm of Messrs. George Thompson and Co., ownem of the Ab»rJ«en line, was floated into a limited liability cornpan v, Intercuts in tho bujincsu were Rcoured by tho White Star and Shaw, Savill and Albion lines'. Speaking on this subject at U|o twenty-third annual meeting of the uliarehold«» in the Shaw, Stivfll mid Albion Com- ' pany, Limited, held in London on the iXilh ult., the chairman (Mr. Kdwar'l Pembroke) remarked : —"Our valued friend*, M«cr*. Itfn»y, Imric, and Co., hive been frtr Mine little time connected with the old well-known firm . of .George- Thompson and Co., who own the Aberdeen White/ Star line> runntaff to Aust ralia, and jrbenjwmo.lUUe tuno..ajtf.«esc».

Thompson decided to convert their business into a limited liability company, they offered the White Star and this company (Shaw, Savill and Albion Company) an interest in tho business, with representation on the board, which offer was accepted, believing that it will prove advantageous, and ho au additional souice of strength to all three of us." The northerly gale hampered the movements of the small coastal steamers last night ana this morning. Tho Queen of tlio South, which sailed for Foxtou afc 8.20 lust nJght, returned to port at 1, and the Manaroa and Aorere also put back. The Jlamiroa made a further attempt this morning, but did not clear tho Haute. The Rotoiti was delayed by bad weather, and mi&3cd tho express at New Pl> mouth this morning. She is not expected to leave for Wellington until 4 o'clock this afternoon. Tho Penguin is expected back in Weliiugton on Sunday. The Takupuna will resume running from Wellington to-morrow, and will taKe up her usual run from New Plymouth on Suiurdav. Tho Marine Department has been advised that the eoow Wanderer., which went aground at tho Wairau bar on Monday, has been floated into deep water. Tho Tyaer line steamer Indraghiri is expected to leave Auckland for Wellington today. There waa a heavy sen on the Westport bar this morning. The Sloura was loaded and ready to sail, but she is detained by tho bad weaiher. The Taieri left Weatoort for Ljttelton at 6 o'clock last night. After discharging part of her cargo sho .3 to come on to Wellington. The In ion Company advise that tho Mapjuriku arrived at Wesiport at 11 o'clock last night, and sailed for the Grey at 8 o'clcok tli is morning. Advice received from Greyniouth ' this morning states that there is a heavy sea on tho bar, and it is doubtful if there wfll be any movement* in. the shipping to-day. Mr. Hill is to join the Waikare aa fourth officer at Lvttclton to-morrow. Jlr. Newton is to join the Kaituna as third officer, Mr. Bradley proceeding to Sydney on leave. IT-.o Federal steamer Cornwall is on the berth ai New York, and is to sail for New Zealand ports on tho sth Jury. Tho Somerset, which was announced as "on the West of England berth for Hew Zealand, proceeds to Australian ports only. The Queen Helena and Bürgermeister Hachmaim left New York for New Zealand porto on the 13th April and 30;h May respectively. The. American warship Biltimoro 13 not r\''^'"iil 0 lenvc Auckland for Wellington until the iOth ihst.. on account of tho illness of Captain hargent, who is now on a visit to Hutorita.. • Captain Hunter H to take the Tnkupuna us far a* Plymouth on Fridaj. Mr. jJrmt, lato third oflicer of tlir K..ut'.uie, is to join the Taknpun.v ;i3 thir-J oilicer.

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Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 134, 7 June 1906, Page 4

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-«*•-• _ « Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 134, 7 June 1906, Page 4

-«*•-• _ « Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 134, 7 June 1906, Page 4