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HoUPPII MOO (1)1(1 4000 pooplfl nltelldid Hip annual picnic of tlu> W o l 1 1 m ion Working Mpji's (!ltil> hi I>ny'n Hi? "" S.illiidny. Tlip iiir,ni|!Pmnii)-B weic \cm complete, nnd Hip imlnii' piovo.l innM ciijoynltlp. iiiiiiip w.ts pM\e<! during the day by tin 1 elubV oi chest m A lonti programme of spoils uom through. Tlip vchvilK of IliP piini'ip.' 1 events were us follow- : • Mn i iici l Women'" llnwlit'iip, No 1: Mis ('.uln I, Mrs. Lnwton 2. Mo. 0 • Mis O'Nei> 1, Mrs, Slnnhopr '?, No 3: Mis Cogait 1, Mrs. rtnnish 9,, M.nritd Men'i Handicap, No. I: (luppv 1, Liurciic P No. 2: Anderson 1, (Vad, P. Owi 60 yrnrus JoiinitiKs mid M'CmVy doul bent 1. Single linniri', o\er 19' >.im> Admits 1, M»m Awlulwld 8. >-\ci k> Miss Skrpt 1, Mi»B M. < 1 "1p «. Hum ploiisliin of Olul), 100 yds I, O'NpU 8, Swnnti 3. Committee* lldi cap; Cusnek 1, Anderson '?,. Oilim!'.' Hniidionpi R. Oluuioy I, Willing ';'■ Moll's Ojirn Handicap: Hirhmon.l 1, \ Climioy 2, Men ovpr 60 yonii : Puce ', Kinniburgh 2. Sinelo Men's" Willinms 1, M-nes P.. Steward^' Hindi rap; KorMcr 1, -Tours '?,. Hnn.lsmen'i* llaco! M'Cornmh 1, Cormiieli P., l.ovuf, Mr. J. C. Cuß.ick made « capable seeie tnry. The cmbjoct of tho Wnimnrnnin Uhieli wns diHCURsed between Hip native-" nnil t tir» Premier nt n largo gathering them on Thursday, Tho hWV cn\\U\hv* -ilioui 35,000 nci'txi, .md Hip pipwnl lonsoi li\ Kyirnponiis pxpirp i" fSeiilcmlin, lOOi. Tlip Mnorifi, liowovpi, ih^pil tli.ii " ftlinuld lip ki^t (or IliPir own «w, iiwlpud of hoinp, (nken by (lip (Jovonimrnt f<n dospr scillpnipnt. Mr. O V. Donnplly w\id his nelipmo wni <o oU up n portion of tho land nrnr ll'p M»i,\plo(.iu> Btrcnnii put Uio younfi imtixpn on it, tnid pstahlish h dairy fiu-torj mid i-ioiunpiy Ho inloiidod to - Rivo phpli of Mio unlive* m 1k» «cnl nn llm 111 ml I lip corns to ntnrt with, mid to foncv tho l.tnd for tiioni | nlso to put «. sn w mill in Hip luieli, fit) nn to tnnbpr nt n r«isouul>lr pvipoj to prod nn elputrio plnnt, to light up tlio villnjtn nnd drivo tho neprsMiry inncliinoiy ) nnd to build n Biiuntoinnn nnd n innnbvr of roltn(?p» for lotting to Kurnponiiß. Up nl<»o dp«>irpd to «c<> n tprhnirnl fiplinol nnil nn nß collprp pilnb' limited liiore. Tiio VM'Piniei nppivirpil In approve of tho projioinl, nml ivmniltPil Hint if tliprp wiw morn Innd thnn \mim required for t.ho nntivo ownow it voulil not bo unronconnblo to nt«k I'mlinnipnt to M'ovido for tho bnlmipo to bo Ipiimml lv llio oppn nmrkct to thp hi)?l\p.M biddpr Ho would hnvo no lioMlntion in n r <l<inn I'ftrllnmont to hnvo inMitulioli 1 * set imidn on adjoining Innd to tcnoh (ho nnlivp* eomcUiing jM'netionl. Hcrberl Arthur Giiif-o plondpd not. guilty, beforo tho HUpondwiy M.nßistrnt» to-day, to n rlini^p nf )in\ing ohUiinn] goods to the Value of 6m Gd frmn M. Il'..I 1 '.. 13rpiinnn, giocor, ' Adcliudo-nwd, by fnho pretences. (Sub-Inspect or (VDoii.n.m nroseeuted, nnd tlio nenteod wns dofended liy Mr, llcrdiniin. Arpording to the cmdeuce of Anno Drcnnnn, wife to tho mformiinl, the Accuecd obtained the Ron.ln on llio iPiiroopiitnUon Hint lie wns woilv Ing ffcr My. I<ittlpjohn, nnd in receipt ol £S lbs per week. Corrobornlivo tostiinony wim given by Mr. (Ironntni. Detective Kemp fltnt<>'d tbnl when nrrpsted Guise denied hnvihu obtninpd (ho goods. From onquiiics inndo wilneßs nnooitniiieui Hint tho limn lind not been in Mr. MtUojoltn's oinployment for pouio veins. Ac cusod himself admitted Ihnt. no lind noi, worked for Mr. I«ittlejolin for two yenr* (Juifio not n married man, but «n» living with a woninn in Adclnidc-rond, Ilis Wouhip, in dismiMniig the intoiniu lion, lenid he could not luive people linn mg a civil suit Into n trinnnal pioseou t ion. A plp.i of guilty whs entered bj hponard Johnston (o n rlinigc of hiivinu stolen a gold Milch toul chain, diamond ling, and £3 10s m money, total vnlm £20, the properly of J'eroy Brniulrolh, nt Wellington, on the P.hl iiisl. Mr. llerdinmi, who npppnrpd for tho pilsoncr, naked for a remand until to-morrow tc obtain evidence us to .)olm.«ton'fl previom career. The application was granted, On llio application of iSubOiißpector O'Donovnh, Allan lliiirbllito, charged with the nttemptcd murder of Mabel Clark, «t Wellington, on tho sth itiM., wm fnrthei remanded for a week, Tt l« stated tlint there Is ft groat deal of friction between Mr, Munto, ono ob the liiXccutivo Coinmißsioncrs of llio New /lonlnnd Kxhibilion, and Mr, J, A, Fhim. tick, chairman of tho Ceremonial and Knlertflinmpnt Commiltpo, The trouble ban arisen in connection with tho controversy ns to whether thrrp r-hould be n large orchestra, or a small one, nnd it is reported Hint feeling in the niallpr is fairly hip;h, (■Speaking to ft liyttelUm Times rpiiorlcr, i\lr. Fronliek Rain that a fmall orcncHtrn. which thp Oommisßioneifl favoured, would piovide music no belter thnn was Ntuiallj given by tho proprietor of n (ir.M rlase onfo, nnd would not be worthy of eithei tho Exhibition or the oily. It would not nltNicl one shilling exlr.i In #.iU money, A largo oreheMrn. on the othei hand, would not only be distinctly edu cnlionnl, but would provide mnnv nepiiv ,ito entertainments, paeh of which woulc attract laiye aiidienpp«, nnd \\on\A Rienllj reduce the total expenditure. Tho granc oichestra would probably roil £16600, anr, n flinall one ClbQO, I'he latter woulr hovp no ippcial ntlinction of it< o\u other than to eau«e a number of ppoplii In congrcg.vlp in Iho poilioii of the build ing In whdh the oiclu>«lrn might bp play ing! it would jtlmnly bo an adjnncl it the K\hibition in the shape of a flee en lei'tniniitPiit, Tho large oirh^lni woulf> producp the highpit elnwi mustr ever per foimcd in (lip colony, nm] in the cirllei parl of the season would provide fully * weok'tt entertaliiiiipnt, for which the pub lie would gladly p.ty. These uppclnl pi p forninnces would easily be worth BbQQ HcMiles thai, Hip concert ball would bn como a rendezvous It afternoon perFoun nnces were given (wico a work, and o*tt i mating an ntlendanre of only 300 at end performance and a charge of 6d, ncavlj fi'lOO would be obtained, Hert Cnuitoii, who appeared In the dock nt tho Magistrate's Court thii morning with a bandngo aronnd his head, pleaded Not Guilty to a charge- of boinj i found drunk on Thorndon.qimy on Bnturj day, Coiistnblo ftimp^on proved Ifl j have found tho accused drunk as do 1 scribed. Wlu-n fiist he found Onultoi i the latter was uneoii.vnnis, but he aflor [ wnidq saw that tho man was drunk roriobointho evidence as to \>UM>uer't I condition when brought to the 1/ambton quay olation wa« given ly the watch house-In epov Vw the ilcfcnce, ilamoi Marshall, linimnn m I lie Hole, Oci" dive do|to>.ed tluil Ciulton wa-i in bin bar and appeniod lo have had a few drink"- -he wiw a bil ehrery--hnt witnosi did not roiiMidoi lli<" man \\nt drunk. n.> >lie run ii)> thr sto|is< nuiekly, lli< Wor ship Raid he wni quite «ntisllod (ho pi I i<ni)i>i wa< ilniidt. He rained Mni^hnl' to be inoio careful in future. A lino o: 10s or tlie iisnil nllonmtlvd w»^ mi 'posed, For Inning annulled Cnulton I the pl'l,soi,pi n ( |i,r\uMih v'a"*, „ ,r named James Dully, who had been drink I ing In his company, was convicted anc 1 discharged. He statod that Oaulton lino | llrsl insulted him and then Mrnck him Two ivopcctnbly • di'ps<icd young inn named Alp\ander Morgan and Uoborl Aikliwv White plpndcd O«il(y to linvina been durnk nnd dwrderly In' the bar of tho White Swan Hotel' on (Saturday night, 'llioy wero fined £2 each or iiy dpfault s.'\ph di^n' imprisonment, Wil< bam do Councilor, described n« ft pr«, hlbited pcrton. WRu convicted nnd dis, chMasA,

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Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 48, 26 February 1906, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 8 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 48, 26 February 1906, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 8 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 48, 26 February 1906, Page 6