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The woight-gucwdnj" competition nt Mastertoh Show (mejvt weight of it bullock) wns won by Mr. J. M'Kcnzio Miller, who estimnted tho exnet woipjit (8721b). Messrs. Frank Percy, Georgo tuning, Arthur Johnson, J. W. Fnlloon, nnd Oeorgo Jockaon each estimated 87241b. A new method of marking times oft tolpßintn* hns been instituted by the Telegraph Department, nnd it cortnlnly sceins commendable, Innsinuch ns it reduces risk of delay, The dial figures of a clock nro now printed near tho middle of the envelope, with hnnds set to indicate the hour nt which tho mes"njre wns sent out for delivery. On tho left hand corner of (he pnvefopo is tho nnnio of thp originating Btntion nnd tho time (in writing) nt which Hip message, wns received there, Hum enabling quick comnarison lo be matlp, One nimlo by Hip Kvpning Post showed Hint n tclpgraiit nn.s hnnded in nl Feilding nt 31.20 a.m., and despatched for delivery in Wellington nt 11,20 n.m, ! Wo live in a rapid ngo. A well-known settler of Martlnborough, m conversation with n representative of tho Wairmvipa Age, spoko vory strong* ly on the fuel that tl>- Haur'oiiKa Heservo hnd boon doclai * ,i "closed nfeji" for deer shooting during the coming Benson. Tho deer, ho declared, were increasing In .lumbers ni an tialoniHhing rate, and were a source of great annoynnco nnd loss to settlers whoso propotties adjoined tho reset ve, Dining the winter nnd spring months herds of deer, from 100 to 200 ii\ number, continually raided the properties. They were not only heavy enters, but showed tho greatest wisdom in selecting the choicest puslures. They woutd travel for miles to get to tho best feed, nnd the settler estimated that where one deer was grazing it would be possiblo to inn three sheep, An Industrial dispute has been fllpd between the Wellington Aerated Water Workers nnd Other Bottlers' Union nnd fifty-two local employers, The union seeks a working week of forty-five hours, wnges nt tho rate of £3 l6s per week for cordial workers, tho Bamo for factory foremen, £?, 16s lor machine nnd ben'r bottlers, £2 8s for bottle wnsheis, vjnvmont for canunl labour nt the rate of is 3d per hour, overtimo at tho rnlo of timt> Hnd a qunrtor for tho firnv two hours, nnd timo nnd a half after that, !)nymont for work dono on Sundays, )hristyitts Dny, nnd Good li'ridny at lie rule of 2s 6d nnr hour, and for work done on other liolidays at tho rnto of 2s per hour, preference, for unionists, thnt tho following shall bo recognised holidays :• New Yoar's Day, \nnlvprsury D,i f y, Good Friday, Knstor Monday, Prince of Wnles'i) Birthday, Labour Dny, tho Sovereign's Birthday. Christmas Day. nnd Boxing Day. It is further oskea thnt employers shall havo liberty to employ youths over fourteen years of ago at tying nnd lnbolling, nt a scalo of wages ranging from 10s lo 26s per wcok. The Clerk of Awards hns fixed Tuesday, the Olh March, nl 10.30 n.m., for thn hearing of tho dispute by tho Wellington Board of Conciliation, A meeting of tho Council of tlio New Zealand Anintour Rowing Association was held on Friday evening, and was attended by Messrs. Isaacs, Bnyfiold, Lnuchlnii, Coffey, Monsties, nnd the Secretary. Correspondence was read from tho Mnrlborough Association in connection with various mnttcrs appertaining to Iho championship regatta. Subscriptions wore received from the various associations. Permission wns given to nffilinldd clubs to compete ht Toiignporutu regatta, provided thnt nil competitors came under the N.K.A.R.A, definition of nu nmnleur, Tho Auckland Association, in forwarding its subscription, stated thnt il hna beon unable to collect fees from the North yhoio nnd Wuikoimili Clubs, nnd nskod what hteps should bo tnkon in rognrd to these clubs, ll w«s decided lo inform the Auckland Association that it hnd full poweis under its rules lo Buspcnd the clubs in question nnd refer the suspension to tho N.Z.A.U.A. Tho Wellington Assooinlion forwarded a notice for a proposed addition lo tho rules, to bo moved at a meeting of de\cgntos on tho 16th prox,, milking provision for clubs from Australia nnd elsewhere competing for the Now tfoaland championships. Tho following are the results of the annunl competition of tho Petono Fire Brigade, held on Saturday nltornoon s— Three Men Mnnunl: Petone No. 1, Firemen Blnko, Rose, and Godbor, Glscc, 1) Lower Hntl, Foreman Brunton nnd Firemen Strnnd nnd Bnrtlett, 57 2-sspc, 2 s Gear Co. No. 1, Cnptnin Pnrrnnt and Firemen Chudley and DmtU, 68sec, 3 Three Men Hose nnd Hydrant : Petono No, 1, Firemen Blake. Hose, nnd Godb*r, 56 3-ssco, 1 j Workshops No. 8, Firomen M'Rwen, Dpc, nnd Yanko, 66seo, 2. Two Men Coupling! Fiiemen Blako nnd Ryder, 39 1-sbcc, 1 s Firemen Drummond and Godbor, 39 3-6 sec, 2i Firemen Shardlow and Lusty, 40spc, 3, Ono Mnn Coupling ! Fireman Godbcr, 36sco, lj Fireman Clnrk, 38 l-sseo, 2; luremnn Blnke, 39 l-ssec. 31,3 1 , Fireman Lusty, 41 2-sbcc, 4, Five Men Ho«e nnd Ladder Cart : Firemen Blnko, Rose, Gnynor, Lusty, nnd Assistntit-Foremnii \ nnms, lmin 40soc, 1. The officials were— Judgps, MesHrc, J. mhl C. Lepner nud Cnptnin Home i Timekeepcis, Messrs. Jpimess and Burridjroj Slnrler, Mr. D, M'Gillj (Iround Mnrshnl, Fotcmnn Shamlow. Tho Brigndo desire lo thank nil tboso who by donnliotis nnd trophic helped to make the afternoon's sports n succors. Tho following, over Hie stgnntme of Edwin Gonch, the well»l»'inwn theatrical mnnagcri nppenred in n lecent i^suo of one of the Tasninninn papers in connection with the murder in Sydney of Mrs. Gregory by the boy Quln'.nn i "Hnvo you ever been in the Golden West? Did you ever in tho early '93 trudge stop by step nil tho long dusty barren trnck from the const to Baylcy's? If not, there is nn excuse for you not knowing Mercy Gregory. Tho papers hinted at a 'mysterious death.' They knew not Mcrey Gregory, the first white woman to etr (or alone the roaring enmn of Coolgnr. die. In tliOfo mad dny", when the world had only awakened to the presence, of tho golden holo nt _ Bayloy's, Mercy Gregory, tho true heroine that, she wn«, daunted by nothing, threw oft the luxury of n civilised life, dossed (ho bniren nnd dreaded Westrnllnn wanle— not in quest of gold— hers was a higher and nobler mission-— that of succouring Hie fnllen, for men were fnlllng on the rondside in hundreds, nnd, in their hour of dnikneM, in the name ot the cruel nnd relentless Uphold, the shndow wns thick, grim, nnd deadly, nnd to-dny ninny n jirottd mot her can point to the lend") 1 iienit nnd band* of poor Mercy Gionoi\ i foi (jiviiiK back lo lifo her only sun, for she wns Cooinnrdie's flist muse, nnd trying timoM were they, Poor humnns, God knows both rnugh'.ind tugged, nmil* denril by thirst nud di«et»e, Wol'e placed in her cue, but they Injured lipi not Year in, yenr out, all through that torrid eliino, «he jiuvo the best years nl hoi lifo In the noble cause of humanity, and with such sweet newt tlint her name vns sounded from Bnyley's to tho const, \n ideal wife, a good mother, and „."•' , patient nitr«"- h<>u imApt-i-mibly snd lo think Hint the noonday of her beautiful lifo, fur nwny from liomo. nnd friends, «he should suffer den Hi nt the hnnds of n confessed cruel nnd irresponsible nsMtsflin, Poor Mercy Gtcßory has ero<wthe Bnv, but the mnntiing must bo long ntui loud, for to know her wns lo lovo her— she wns ono of God's women," Two special lines in black nilks— lOin blnck sntin 7.s Ild ynvd, 40m pndette 6s Ild yard. These are of excellent quality, nnd being double width, nro very lowpriced. Kirkcaldio mid S<flln», Ltd.— AdrU

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Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 48, 26 February 1906, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 48, 26 February 1906, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 48, 26 February 1906, Page 6