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SMOKERS, ATTENTION, PLEASE I THE belt of all smokos, GOLDEN EAGLE Tobacoo, Flako Cut, in 2ok tins. 1 "THE OAKS," T7ARM VACATION HOME, TAITA. ,' Heftlth, Comfort, Quiot. 1 I Addro»s-"Mlta TRUIgDRIDGE. _ LEFT-OFP CLOTHING. LADIES' and Gentlemen's superior Misfit and Lsf^-off Clothing bought; highest prioo given ; letters attonctoa to. Mrs. BotterlU, 13, Ingeitre-ttreet. NOTICE. A RUSH on it. What? GOLDEN EAGLE Tobacco iv tiro new 2ox iilMI. J 1 JRA^b'^OINERY WOBKS, 61, Adolaidto-rond, rpHE place for flrst-oln^g Joinory at X Lowest 'Pries* , Estimates given. *Vh6M illO. ; "" ' WANTED KNOWN. T?OR tho convonienoo of Smokors tlio JCfarfious GOLDEN EAGLE Tobacco is now put up in 2oz tins. 1 TTEALTH is essential lo beauty. This •M.V Is , Important to, ladios who havo .never tried Wilton's Bovo-Forrum as an •}do»l toilfe, Goo. W. WiUon. 3, Cuba-st,, tuidall chemlits. 2s 6d bottlo. T^OUND, tho way to keep it dark, by J? «»ln{( Crumpton's Elootrio Groy Hair Restore, Guaranteed to restore tho natural ooWur to any hair. Not a- dyo. 3s, poit 3a< 6d. D. Waring, 27, Courtenay* plooa. '.'< ■ ■ ITfAiwS (superfluous) painlessly destroyXjL od, Remedy' with instructions for- ' 'Warded «,' Wrfte for particulars.— Mrs Good- • tnan (ktoof Wqllington). Imperial Hotol, ' New Plymouth. Noto.— Tho oldest established and most successful remedy. Bewsro of worthless Inritfttlons. /CLIFTON HOUSE, Privato Hotol, 162 V *nd 164, Uppor Willls-stroot, flva winu'tos from wharf, railway station, and G.P.0., .Good aooommodiUlon, Terms— • £1 per week or 4s 6d por day) payable in advance. Mrs. Muncaster, Proprietress. Trams stop near door, c£t#POSE you try us for TTouses ami fO Land. Investments, oto. Most extonlive list of private properties for salo, oity *ud suburbs. Note the address— Cory nnd I OO't. JJ, .L*mbton-qutty, and at Kllbirnie. mRY BTENT AND CO.'S BOTTLED 1 'X i£B AND STOUT, .psoially brewed frommsflt and hops for private uae| quarts, 7i| pinti, 4s j casks, 2s per gallon. Central Brewery, Quin-itreet, oH Ghuinee-acrqat.' Telephone 671. 1 N' OW g'lva Bronte « turn. Try his In.digestion Cure* his Bronchitis Mixtufovhslr«lS!6 Is 6d, his Nouralgla Mix- , tur^hll Antiseptic Ointment, his stomach ' and Liver Pills, eto. Only to bo got Rt > 70, ..Tory;»ttft»t., ' •__ W'BLLINGIiON Orloketors should sco our Stook of Gmnvillo's FarKous Cricket Bati, Balls, Pads, Gloves, Nets, Bodts, etc, Reynolds'* Sports Dopot, 74, Willis-street. QSMOND designs nro tho most imitated ' by all competitors, but thoy cannot copy Osmond quality. Soott Motor and Cycle Co., Ltd., Lower Cuba-itroet, TI.OWNTREE'S ftonownod Ohooolatos, , JLV as used by the King of Portugal and the Shall of Persia, are celebrated for their exquisite flavouring and oxtremo fineness of chocolate Suits tho palate to ft |T. Havo no other. , 1 "i A OME" Gets and Oil Engines ; Jargo -f*. »took« on hand; pricoa reduoed. J^W, Wallace and Co. , p}, __ Vlotoi'la-st. WATER is the groat carrier of infeotivo germs, it is thereforo advisable to drink only APOLLINARIS. Guarnnteod to bo of abiotuto purity nnd freo from djsgase germs. TITIMALYA Asthma Ouro gives lm•*tX medlsto relief and eventually euros both Asthma and ,Hay Ffivor,. Retail from all ohomists, Wholesale from ICompthorno, Ptosjfar attd Co. _ t ■,_....,„..,.. ,j I Vhosa " suffering with V weak eyesight, call a^ Lloyd's and i ha-vd your oy«»' tested -hi our now sight* .' '. tat^ t) l .y. 60 "' .' .% JLamlyto««cit»ay. r 1 ' I^B h»-Ve for/Sai*t'(ioveral ttood Second- ■ ~,t 'hand Blcyolwj I 'prices fo suit eVory 1 one 1 ) eath or terms.' Reynolds'* Sports i Dflpot, 74, , Wlllis.stye6t, .. , _^ QPABKLHTS I— Now model Syphon 3> yj 6d, for making your own godawntor i Ohargo Is 4d ; Drr .White ■Pills,' a special ladies' tonio, makes thd' blood rich j price 2s. W. Sftlflk, Sydnoy Ohomlst, 17, Willisstreet. WHITLOOK'S Pioktos, Chuknoo. and' „ Sauces give a relish to your lunch. ' '^IJ-^'^yyl 161^?! _Aak_ fqr_ _ Whitlogk'B. _ 1 GOLDEN Eagle and Southern Orosi Jams are the beit made. Puro fruit ' SPiL?, vu g g a r - A'k fo° g roodri 1 P" AINTS Rendy Mhod ; cheap, An odd lot of lib and 21b tins; tins damaged, 4d per lb. , W. Q. Tuslin, 89, Wil-lis-streei, Ohutneo nttd Sauoos. Whit, i X, look's nro tho bast. Manufaoturod' i by 1 eipflrta.,, Aik for Whifelook'g. ?'.\ „ 'lij fnH|s Osmond is Hie itght«st aiid eoilMt. ; X running eyala in Nsw Zoalind. Os". mond riders know., too. Scott Motor and Oyole Company (Ltd,), whsre tho good cyolflfl are. JPKA REWARD will be paid to any *^UV person who oan produce a Suit to equal in stylo, At, and quality for the «dma prloa as ,tho' Bradford Woollen Company,' Lambton-quay, tioxfc Stewart Dawion's. ' ■ 1 •i^HUTNEE and Plokl«s. Whltlock's aro v- tho be«ti Thayglva a relish to nil ineahf. Should be mod this kind of weather. /_ ' '.-. 1 LADIES, bottutlfy your comploxion by using Bonxoln and Almond Croam, tho most nouriahlng skin food and face developer yet discovered. Price 2s 6tl. ' W. Sake, Sydnoy Oliemlsti, 17, Wlllli-st, A POLLINARIB, Apolllnarls, ApolHnar. xl. is iii bottlod only with Its own natural I gas, And only at tho Apolllnaris Spring, Nouenahr, Oprmany ' W'ELLrNaTO^ CLEANING CO,- I Window and Houso Cleaning, Car< pet-beating, etc, by careful men, Greyilraot, Telephone 966, 1 ROWNTREE'S Swiss Milk Chocolates, M Used by Royalty, should be givon by every mother to hor children. A porfoot sweetmeat if you get Rowntreo », the best. v 1 BUSINESSES Promises to Lot, oornor of Ad«ttliae.rpad and Luxford-fltreot, Arst-olass Shop and Dwelling of 6 rooms, with every oonvenionoo, jusb flnlshod, koy next door. Apply C. A. Brlggs, caro of E. W. Mills and Co., Ltd. SALEK'S Tonio Sftrsparllla, norvo and brain tonic, blood purlAor/ for boll«; piraplodi bad logs, eto, j produces nppotlte, bulma up the lygtom; prioo 2s 6d. W. Balpk, Sydnoy phomist, 17, WUlk-.trflot, ROWNTREE'S Julubos and Mwzipiin Confootlons, which are so extensively used by Royalty and the Aristddraoy ' for deosort, havo no equal, and it is 'noodles* to a««ert what evory one confesses thoy are— the best, largest makers in tho world. JTITANTEb'J TITANTEb' Known— Miss Wrigley and »' Mrs. Lowoay, 62, Cuba-street,-- Lat. e«6 Fringes, Wigs, Swltoheg, and Trans.' formations, Halrdresslng. Cutting, Singeing, oto, Superfluous Hajr romovod ,oy olcctrolyslg. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE! \¥JTO havo onterod In Partnership ns Solicitors in tha City of Welling' ton, under tho name of " O'Rogan and Dlx." . • P. J. (V.REOAN. O. R, DIX. O O T BARGAINS. Ladles' Box Calf Shoog, 1 and 2 bar, 7s 6d Lat'.lcw' Olaoo KM Booti, from 7s 6d Ocnl«' Glaou Kid Boots, from 11s 6d Ocnlo' Box Calf Boots, from 10s 6tl Chlldron'«, all prloos, from 6d J. MORRIS, • 91, Xaranakl-itrsat,

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Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 2