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GEiiND DISPLAY! f ' JUm CLASS CHRISTMAS , JffiU" presents. >' mfflKfflm SPLENDID VAEIED ASSOHMENT BILVW-PLATED WABECrn§t«, Toapota, M\y Blaheu. Pl»to Baskflti, Egg Pra««B, Toiwb Buokt CnktVotkt, »«»Ti«tto Bings, Sug« Boxes, Att««uooniT4a.Spoonß, Ao. ' ~ IvorifJ? tkUe an&fiemtb Knlto* Gaaab6t>6atvara, W.P. Pish Knives. Jolly Spoon* . »««s«t Kolves, Salmovg, Rozors, Pon and Pooket KulyesJAo, rJJAHAS MARBLE-i- ; x ffiguMK, Vaios, Biit^AnJmftli, Groups, 40, ' >*k \1 BRONZE AET METAL WABE— MUxSn\,Vkw6tg, fflgoroa, Frouoh Bronxo Statatttoi juBBUSSK^^m LEATHER CASE GOODS— "SSI ( V-W«ftlSflv«r Toilet Mlwors Jjj^^^ „ X^dles' *fi4 dints' Fitted Travftllliw Ca«ea JESS^L ' -ViolM Reqtrisltea, Work Oano«/ Hand Bags < ■ v^i mmmW*' »«* to «ra *nuil^ Ooinpwifa*C«n«. Trunks. Lunch Butkota * n JTO^KIOAL ENGINES, Sttiin looomoU««, Maohaokiat Boftte, ' WAEE— ' • nw n«r Cookta* lTt«n«U« would ntu ft osiurftbM T»«»ont for mj ' fffl wHO^Hw^"* / M.c., iioui v» ua eauh. fAI QT7AHTY SPOONS AN© POiaKS ' ..... AT BITJOH BBDtIOED PBIOEB. ERENCH AND ITALIAN BEDSTiBADS- ..,,, ,„ . . All ßriws, »nd Blaok ancVßwui i XXJEAJi T? X J3I JLFJCjJ\, Cwnot 01/BA A MANNERS STWDBTS. BEMWAtL NQtUte, , yjjfjjr ANTED KNOWN. i «^JJWl»'Known T B««i« ( Blftck am], TWO SNAPS "m FOOTWEAR I '.TV Son, Coftohbolldera, have Removed - — . %o wmbst* 4toi*l* -bafwm jPWa-itM#t M«n'« Gluoo. button or laoo, '0t 6d #ndltoita Kaasw. uA hartag entriwoo Women* Glaoe Show, but, on or l«ee, i ium Fim-itre^j, mUoof«fiao9t, «nd Sonw ,4*; Ud i iw** o9 ' — «* - . ' Dtowunt Stumps given. ' Lootfty m*-of Jfcw VsemAm. '• . OAKES'S SHOE STORK, I LjJ^ .- NtwfnrtMi. . 24, Ingoitra-gtreot, Ifl ' i"! •' " I 4ssr W aktid'. no w.kl)tri I 1 IS ' ' L*dW Shoes, from 5» 6d '- . twUwww. , p^,,- - Gltle' l-Strip,Sho«», 4t06, 2i *4\ ■' ," , ; \ «^S? g ' .slrl«' l-Bt»p Shoes,' 7 to 9, 2s' 6d .• - « 111 -,' ■ ■ - . •"' mwm *'> ${ t W l.Strap Shoo*. 10' to 13, 2« lUT »ii, See Window. ' , : ■ T«l6 P hono 1358. M'DOWELL'S SUNSHADE CO^EHS. ALL OOLOOTIS. t, , „ -' , v • >- ' "T cortitoe to know 6li»t our S&tf hv/o «r- Blounon »t On 6d, lOi 6d, 111 6d, md ri»«dj all cokata »nd snitles, froan 4s 6d. 12« 6dj be*utifully , trimmed and made of City tlmttfolk Works, 2S. WiHMtrte* be«fc qu*Hty Jap, Silk,, Post free to'any , 'fib™^*!*!***?.****.,: aAlri D. S.' W''« Mutual StpW 88, TMTAmm to Soil, Hotuw of 3, 4, P"*"*"* , «•-•"'■ Tf and S roonM, of Jtttriutiw deiign, — — -— — — ■ , wltli.'tli posiibleoonYsaienoea, »6 North* \*T ANTED Known— J, Wild ttnd Co., 1 'UilSjiA IS^'tttff'jSttL" a 5 Kahffefflttkar and Kepalreri, o»n ro« Sfta tnSK'tSLTS\& *™ i*. «««««t"«d equal to now. Apply a;:C. V6*tc«, imlJOflal Chimberi, .Save your money by pitronlsing «n onter' Vetfomlon'itmt, or Northl»nd.- pricing fl m ig^g j 0 builneis wftn — " -"'•'■AtfrrfiOTnw»-w y0 " 1 ®Wfateting by tkilldd meohanioi. j«tfANTjß™™(£r, vmu .222J i 'a?^ t>F ; R rr b6r t t ITif Oo.r Maan'Mi-nreat, »w Cwh Buy- .ggJ'T.Cg^Mfl^trgat, off ' Manneti«tr66i. Af'.«rj'walUtf«.,*tafli,.ind Llbririai. _< „ BPEOIAL NdTlOli!. ' vv ' ' , ' mteMfaSadbVßrMyeMi. TITANTBD to notify our Cuitomaw •■'f- WATOH BBPAIRS. - '» and the publio in general th»t we VtftfANTia? lknawar-WAtohi E«p»irin« bave opened tip our flow ioa«on'» Suiting!, I W^Y hmS. ' SeSftv* Wffi' which wo aro prepared -to mako nrst-olM» *uLJ, 2rfd^mt,to}MtAmSt t to ctrder 25 per cent, cheaper thsn usual' -. rTlft^rSatfatf jrttthattkw, g3' ay Aftlir * fll<ttfl|lkl " troet <°PP MItO %otati* BuUdingi, 84,, Wmi»itrettt. utuitu H*U). /-\ ' MOTOR OAK. ' v \ , UM> A.U. 522f^£,««Et 1 ° A^lvvE^WiabtmaSr 3. th £ lf 9* olm wu o" taken M P ftrt JP*y* aSJ^fe'Qlj^ ' " m * ior «* olll « M '%^f tho, yew M, lITAkPED to;8ell-'rf;iww whola-pUta '" ,;' .112, Wfll^eatj,.. *', » »*•' Citfflflra, double extennfon Thornton-: ' raw clabri ab&va "Manaer^treat, tripod. *nd U earning ova. Prico £9 10»/ "CMTANTED Known-To 0>oli«»-iThit; coitjJSftrly dooblo. Apply Photo, Even- "»■ we have a few Hod Birdi, 20, 22, tag-Port, „'-,'/. ' ' and 24-lnohftamqs; 1 from £15} oniyitermif} ■WtffflrpDJloptlrltili 6t furniture, *hon order. Sea ,<Jur long frame* lindAbaildiag. lyTtr-Afld office fittlngh WUMfr «*»• B«it placo 'ih town :t6tm*ttidllng' and «t«7,;6t0. Miller and Fdirwoatliar, -Gor' Plating, from 30t. „v ' New it'yles of Bolli <im4^i,m<M^'h^iHi%m^tiV6fib andP3«pg. Call aAd fnnpeot No ohnrgo Offlcft/, ■' '.. " :rn:<-! *">}'- ior quotation!, Boucher nnd Co., 6>, ' ' i"'-" ' ' '4'itnm rtATtWirta^V'^ $> , * ■Moleiworth.street.'Thorndoil Oyole and m^a^ZS^S^kd * Moi< * WotH phone im - ' 'VV /Itoaton, Bte*in l^' ( u4»nn# ''WANTEB-Thouwndi of peopla In phMMA^ft'OttbMtejHtt hM^-«Mf,ttfllU 'YV Britain are grateful foi'. tfie. dli" ity for Dyeing and Cleaning faded c«rpe« oOvery of Kolote, now ro«toror for grey equal to new. Alio, ladies' drosies, gents' md faded hair! porfeotily harmlaM? ,froo tuttit curtaini,, glove*, featheri, «to., clean- ftom nolijonii. Pout free to 6d and 7a 6d, ed of .dyed in a- ilyle that cannot ba from A. M. Hondy, Hair SpeclttUit, Dunequalled In- tha. colony. , TaJ. ,226. tfouh- edin, Sole Agent. ■ ity correspondence invJtad. i aaayf^mtwy""*""'""^;' ■ "' ■■■^■■— — !•" — ■ ■ — ' ■ "' J TITANTED Known— lf you want a nlco CLOTHING. ' ~" Section with good -view I c»n give WANTED Known— Mrs. Jones hii Re« you tho choice 'of several cloeo to the stmed Business at 62a, Taranaki Kelburno tram terminus. Price right and •treat (opposite Jessle-otraet). Cash pur* terms ea«y. Apply J. B; ttlnloy, ' Box chas"er ot ladies' gouts', and children's Box 583. < • h^&^LfaSfo $tHJri£ M * WANTED, .U our old Oustomers~tS IJnan. Ix>tte«i promptly .atteqd,et| to. . yy come ito oxW noW pre^e^ WANTED' KrioVn^WeVfi*vaV, iiisfc *??**** Buildings, Lower Onba-streot, landed a. very larfe ihlpmonli of ffii/SS;,™' •*?<% 1 f n606n 606 t? 3 ! 016 ?/ ' uoto''u oto ' ' Artificial WraaUu and Ohm of tho wry S^L^fe^W' °°" n td " ' ' where Wt: wo*knifliuWp und most boautiful do- *?.* g° od ..<P' ***■ .'.' sign. We are tho largest Importori of TIT ANTED, ovary Lady Holn to know theie in Now Zealand, and can give the Ti that Bahla Cocoa is. the best drink best lolcctioni and th« loweit priow, in tho world. Mode in a sooond. T^y Kindly call and inspect. ' . BaJiin Ooooa^ PREDEte OOOPER, ; , «r anTbd, those interested ■ In . Motor ; l0 > Mannars-itraot^ \\ Cm t0 all ftnd gflß OUf ttQ(jk o{ \Tf ANTED Rnown — Sharpo ■ Bros; Hoo and- Argyll care now on view.? Scott' ,tV niahufafltur'e thai; celebratad Be< Motor and Oyoly Co., Ltd,, lower Cuba'verages by ft ipoeial hygienic pro* itrcat; ' / tinotl/Snaarstand that they are tho ori&U ", IWite Omm ta tMi ; thing you nal and only manufaotuwri by this ipeoM o&& drink. No trouble j no waiting, made prooew in New Zealand. All Bevoragei '".A.fjgo 6 ""' „T , . -- 1» 3d wr gallon, delivered. Try pur de* WANTED, Ladios or Gentlemen going -llolous Oldar. Sua^pe Bros., Co*nhill.itraet .TV , grey to try Koloro, latoat dl«oovery ' (off Mannafe-itroet). 'Phone 2167. , (( O t darokning hair, of all ihades. , , Bqttloi WANTEDTBuyers for cheap Mixture £» 6d and 7 s 6d, post fro 6, nndw oovor, of Daffodils, 8s per 100, post freo from A. M. Hondy, Hair Spaoklldt, Dun6i 6dj li.ja* dttbi'popirfr^/.'Qur Mix- Solo Agflnt for ; N.2S, tura of Daffodils contimres to 'afford tho \T|TANTBD Koown-Llnoloums wear gmCeit satisfiwlitofli,' o(t«f Ming, oui" MM i Qnggt fooU eleaner^ , a*d h«vo a, beds aro forked over? and «Tl thfr stray* po i{,h \u& mm y tott when ooatod with Linobulbo a,ro thrown Into this mUturo, so flrnilh , »i g # td; »U,-tfWoM__ that vatletlts varying In/'vftlua- from U v-»TTM^fT"*r"'aanHtr^Tr,^a to 2s 6d each at o ' o'omftfonly ,fbund < byj W A W£M X™ purchMOMi/ 'Ona and-all^ra *«ured of V» Kanideiica In Oolpmbo-straoti' all on obtaining, ft 'minimum, ono floor; icullory, washhouse, and all eoiy «Sfc 5f OOlbToni ja I Co., WaUlngton. venloncoß, Apply 48, 'Oowm»nd<U*trM^ WANTED'" *« #; W A^CTWmE WANTED to Sail, WgSjS^ business positions in'ltiddtfdrdfstVeae-j will convenlotfcw, torattlly W'.'ffl'«j be worth **few, yairs -threo tiows ni »«&™ R * "(>/*> » charming home for much a« bwnbr now .aaki ; ■ ,ik Mffoetly 56505 6SO - ,*ob aflonU, Elllo t and Smith. 8, loto), with «olid , foundation, an(T oan ba flray^rMfc Sootlons and Homos in Oity built on in brick ai Httlo expense. To in-, »nd Suburbs. vestors for' block or part thoro in a splon« TST ANTED to Sell, now Corrugated did opening for Tjusmess prtmtliei. Tliera T V Iron Tanks, 24 gauge, oomploto. are two corner*, to important itreots WiU IJrices—4ooI J rices— 4oo gallons £2 Ss, 600 £3, 8(» £4 j ling, to sell on very ea»y terms ; ownoj workmanship guaranteed! O. E. Lawen leaving Wellington. Apply by lettor tq and Co., 14a, Tfiorndon-quay. Country 42, llflwkoMtra»t. ._... ofdof lJ 3fOW .Pyy£__'_i 8 d to. WANTED Known.-*or *ale.,a lot (A \rr ANTßlTto ' Soil, BeTutilul '6vo'rm7n" i . iWyokoff Co,okertls- from tliat won. VV tol«, from 60s. Oui handsomely deWni laying »tr»itt thai baj.dono s* well carved Mantolploeos at 30s aro great bar' at Jbo'BJanhaunr, tWBB ,&?>!!*%» f «»»'»■ Mantolpleco Works, 9a, Adolaldo. brod"/rom"fufl'.M«t««' to > thoKa^at^Blen. holm } also, ft few Black Orpingtons, b«d vftfTifflgav;' -trl^ZV"^arr a1"a 1 " ".'j " "' from Wiakhtm'« strain of MMMaytH. W A ?J *R.:^ no w«fKolburn« Heotionn ftftjja oaoh - Apply t0 A - CftWsofl ' sa« /oJndry,^.l,l,t? a" (oT &Jti£j! Wellington, ara- prepared to «t«cute or! y nhod foors may ba atlalnod by de« /or XrohUootural and Ornamental ™'W Wnownlali ; no rubbing. 1« 6d and Ironwork, also Monumental Work, In 2 l 6(| i nl | Kroaon- , _ which thoy havo many deilgns to chooao TXTANTED, Publicans and SJnnorsiiml from/ hvety fapility for turning out work tt nil other good people to sco that , with promptitude. Country order* and ooi'' Die words Bahla Ooooa U on overy tin of > „ttlflOn4«n«o invitid ooooa they buy« *

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Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 2