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■.»ni'MTn.»i,U^.i.^.»ii^U->.n~—'-»»'"' |Hll~r <>* .lOIINSONVILLK HALKYAUPS. 'ITJOSDAY, 2ilh VEIUUIAUY, 1900 Snlo aj U o'clock. AnUATIAM AND WILLIAMS, LTD., will Kelt n« above- -> 64 prinin bulloel^i 300 pi inio f.hcp|» .')f) prime lnmbt PAUAUTANUI HTOCK SALK. WKDNKSDAY, ?f\\\\ ]''EBIU'AiSV A BRAHAM AND WTLLIAivT". l/ll^ ' >> v\ ill f-01l in I heir jiiulh, nl I |> in — 2l)() P-toolh wellies ?0D 4-toolh welliem V)l) ewei AM ewes '?',)') ? (oolh welheiH 100 Inmtn IA) ewe. Wi;i)NEHDAV, ,'mi. KUniJIIARN, UTtJII CLASH 'HOUSEHOLD VURNITIiRM, Removed for Convenience of Sale MKSSMH .1. 11 IWnWNN niul Co. huvc bncii niMrnelod lo ■-ell nl Ih.^ir room"., VenllierMoii-^lioel, on WedncMlay iiovl, nt ,■" ii in -- A QUANTITY OK HPLENDID ltOl'MV.. 1101,1) I''URNIT\IRE nnd APPOINT .MEM'S, in, ludniK--Unrigbl grniul, carved AuMrnban blnfltvvortd hall mile, telnscopv, dintiifr tnble, diimiK room unle of <1 piece in Morocco Inn! her, Mrlehoird, fß*y clinii -. flnel 1 , enrved ten nra, mnnlelpieee. oniveit book'-hnlvei, Duehcwee (nbh's nnd cbi^l 1 , liedMendi, ninllre«ies, kitchen tnble, elnic--, len lerviee, vvootleai'ver'<, beneb, lniol»uni ( Brus^eN nnd I njjp<-try enriiel", nnd •undriet : nl'o. (ienl's BSA Hievele, in splendid order On view on Tiicsdn.v, and on morning "f unle ""WEDMiSDAV, Vlh MARCH, 100(>, A( V, 30 p in. HPLENDID I' A MIL V RESIDENCE, No. 2\ PIRIE STREET. On Kikl tod by 15?fl, Clo-sn lo Elielrin Tram Line, MESSRS J. 11 BETJUTNE nn.l CO. huve been fnvourccl with lii'-truelioni from (1 ,1 A lTn«"lden, V.*t\ , lo wll l»y nuel.ion nt their room*, J''enlh"i-'-lon Mivel, ns nbove • Hti Sinßin'firenl Freehold Proper! v, pirl, of Section No 30ft, Welliii|;loii, linvinr n fronlnge of 65fl lo Pn-te «lrnel, by n ih<pi|i tllPrefrom of 13?,f1, together with Ihn twoPlnrv family residence No. 2A, i<oiilhiumi.>; nurhl large rooms, vvilh bnlbiooni, v.-rnii-dnh viner*,, wn<ibbnii<.n t irn.v.<.to\o, nnd jjnK. heatnr, Inlnly oeeupled by Mi* lVlev Ht.ilJ, ' Tho nbovo ehni'minjj resident ml propeiiy h silunted within two niinnles' vvnlk of tbo ftinntion of llio eleeliio Irani line at Kent-torraeo, The nitunlion ii one of mo lienl in this popular locality, bnvuiß all tho advantages of riving ground and \iow, W'lnlM being on n very easy made fiom. ilio flat. Thn properly will bn first submitted in one lot, nnd if not sold (bn re idenee, with 39ft of froiilngo by I.WI, will lm nolcl •tcpnriUnly, and nfterwnrili a --ill', R6II by 13Efl \nonnl nml Miilnblo. for tho building of nnollier residence Viw k"v J,o view, Inrms of sale, nnd full pnrlictil?r«, apply __ .1 It BETIIUNE and Ct). WEDNESDAY, Vlh MARCH," 1006, ' Al 2 30 p m, SPLKNDID RIX-nooMKn RIWIDKNCK, No. 20, JIAUPIiR-S'liUiE'r, CENTRAL BUSINESS SITE, 33fl v f)Of(, MANSI!7KLi)-STRI-;ET. MESSRS. J. H."I3KTHUNH AND CO hnvo been favoured with instruction*. to tinll by public nuelion, nl I heir roonm, Venlhoi'dton-slrnel, on WEDNESDAY, Vlh March 1 , 1906, nt 230 p.m --• LOT 1.--TITK CTIARMINrt lOCSinENf. TIAL PROPERTY, boii, R „«,( of s,-p-(ion JVtt. Wft, Wpllliibloii, ImuiiK a frontage of 30 le*>l lo HAKI'KIU HTHJ'-.H'r by a deplh of ]()() feel, on which in creeled Ihe Mibslnndnl Dvvol* liiiKhrunn ronlnining 6 rooinn, wtlli vc raiulnh, bnthioon\, gnv, mid all modem oon\enioneop, known nn No ?,0, nud ocuupied by Mrp. Williniim. The nbovo properly ifl 'noely pilnnletl in the ben! pnrl of Nmvlmvn, oUxv to Iho dam, tho lnnd being perferlly level. Ihe housu is a inotlcrn one, nnd (ho roomn lofty niul well nuniinod LOT 2 -THAT HKilll.Y YALUABI.n I'HKKH()I,D ALLOTMMXT, pan ,'| Seclion No, 3V7, Wellini?(oli, hnuiiir a frcintnnn ol ',3 feel (o iU XNSl'M'.l.l). STREET by a dopth ol U0 le.u *riii<i *plrndid Meclion is ulnntnd oppo«i|(, tho lei minus of the in.uu luin ol rlnino jrnmvvoyn, lidioiniiur thn ln, B o bo.ndinn. holipn recently rreetod, nnd i,. emineullv suitable for the rrwt'oii of lelml jl If. MKTIIUXH & CO, Auction™,. ' WKDNHSUAY, Mil, MARCH 1'JOo," A* C^ fiyr IMPORTANT AUCTION BAT,ft Of SPIiKNDID ALLOTMENTS, i,x SOUTH KT.LBI.IIN.IR Level Sunny Sections, commnndiiu> Imvuinnliii|{ llurhour nnd .Men Views. 200 YiU'clb fiom Evnus Bay Bondi, Lens thnn n Mile fiom (he Mnitniflivnl. Lyell Bay Bench. I lH Minute by Wecdio Turn fiom (ho U l».(). MESSRS .1. H. BKTUUN'K AMI CO hn\e been lavoinvd with iiklui, Hoiw fiom .lniiie« HouiKe, Kfcr , to <, || I,\ mielion, nl (heir room 1 -, I'iMtliei'-loii plieol, in WEDNESDVY, Wlh AIAJJCM, n iM ill the evdiinn - HIS NEW SUBDIVISION, conlninnin' nn ifi'n ol frvm neie«, niiioin inn .SOU'lll MI.BIUNir, 'nml hnvinn floiiliunM ( () Dhik ,vn.|ei. l nee. Queen's Dnve, nnd H.nuKr. ill eel iv lii-w i-dd't nov\ lirni): iorined ill ntcord men with (he ie •pnii'iimnl^ of llk< \Vilbii|,iou I'itv EliK'neiT. 11 11!1 1 !' el, V_ section is n rh.innimr bnililin; file I'Voni eieh peelion n mnemlieeui ol llm hnibour nnd ocenn ii oM.hikml Thn nllolmenl nin cithei level oi nidp. 111)7 (|ia'iu,illy .tbovn llm Mr. el, Thn Mihihvieion is vilhin two mimili"' wnlK of (he new elect no (mm lonle nl [\w rorner of CouUn 'll'eel, (Inn I'inwiMi the land wilhni ciglilern mimiiis ul * li.» rrnlro of Wellinul m It n<liou. Ihe ipecinl Mte ie civkl I\V Mi II D, Cinvvfoi'd m Soulh Kilbiimo lor hn own residence Mnnj fplnndul Ti-mil.-ik , t hn\n been remnlly eioeioil in Konili Xi 1 bi.'llio on llm boiuulni> of (lie l,\iul foi ale The new buihlinir eieileil m KllK 1 1 bimio dunnn ilm iui I vo.n li.ivo m,, m |,.,| ill number tli.iM^ built in n\,v olhoi poi lion of tlm Moliom. Wm.l Thw i, Iho ho«t uununilei lo bnvi'l- (hnl the for will iiiei<M--o id v line i on nliinMy within (he nevt (o\\ nioull^. Tnrmf of Sile - 30 per cent deposit 10 pel mul in linen monlh<? 1(1 pel ci'lil in f^ months ]() per cent in (vvolvo months Bnlnniv m ? ,voni«, inlom I nl ,S per cent p n LfdiOßinplue plnim nm now lenlv The oecliollv nm nil llniorod niul Inmit,(K(l ,1. II BKTin^'K AND CO, \w lion, M'«. {Continual on />,),/(• V ; S.M)\{ SALi;. ,hon|i. T hold Mini. inenlo, f i mil Jikic mlpuniu, New. town I'm K ; sl.i'lleioil p> iiun, e,<-v lotnn I'oi' p.nddiini , 'U'plv lo •i . ,1 di;\ iSi,, Sohoiloi, lCi, Biandoiul.. 'Wollnvttloiv.

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Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 9 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 9 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 8