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WEDNESDAY, Hfilh FEBRUARY, 1906, Al 2 30 p.m. GREAT SALE OP CITY LEASEHOLD. Of' MAGNIFICENT BUILDING Qn PJORPKTI'Ati IiKASES. THE CENTRE OV THE CONVERGED TRAt'FIO Ol .SOUTHERN W EI ,LI NGTON. MESSRS HARCOURT AND 00 hiuii boon fiwonuM with )n<(riiclimin by thn 'InuteiN of the WellinHimi llo^pi liO lo sell hy public nuehon, n( Www iooin«, 4b, Umblon.quny, nl 230 pm, OIL WEDNESDAY, 28th FEBRUARY, 1906, THE GLASGOW LEANEH (in perlietuitji of THONK EXCEPTIONAM,Y MITUA'IED liUHINKNH HITKH IN KKVANH-HTKIWT, being purls o( Town Aeren 761 (o 'id!), and umipi/xniK m nil 126 nllolmoiilx, nil having liontii|;c<i to Iho en -I milo ol Reuim.sirei'l, ?»', nllotmonn ot 20ft, 1 of 25ft, and 3 eoni(>r nllolmenlti of ,50ft, onch by n uniform depllt of 100 f t, wilh thn nclviuilngo of nn nßphnlled kick end, men lo evety (-oclion (ioim iv I2fl iight-of-vvny. Mo«rii Harcnuil nnd Co hn\n cvoiy confidence in olfeuiig tlieno n'dinno nl, auction, n<s from thoir uuu|ue ulnnd nn opporlumly in thut nflonlnd the rentpaying public of acquiring a Brand bumnem Mte IN PERPE'I'UITV nt a bed-rock ground reiiUl, The sites lire unvurpiwod m (lm locality nt business Flandu, hnung fiontiiHC" to 00ft stieetn, nnd ni'o nt n pmnl where Ihe traffic from Vogeltovvu, lelnnd Buy. Bei'hn m pore, Ivilbii'ine, Newlnwn, nnd Ihn (Irenl South Wellington Nuburbn roiivei'ffn beforo becoming ono conlinuous Blrenm into the cilv, Tho advancement of South Wellington ni a business centre ilurmof Iho lost low yrnri hn« been mont marked, nnd must proKrcßdivcly increase in view of tho Incl thnl tho linmvvny fci'vico in bums oxtonded in oVery direction, nnd Inrgo nrens of land in tho locality mo dnily cut up and brought into market for closer BOltlomenl. Tho conditions of Iho lcnoci nro vory reasonable) nnd ndvanlagcoun, compricing, brieHy, a, tnrni of twenty-one yours at nuction rentals, with rinhl of renewal in porpotuity «t ft ground rcutnl ilxed by nrbilrntion overy ionrtoen years, Lohsoor to build lo tho valuo of at least £500 within three yeni 1 ". l«'or fuller details pee Bnlo plans nnd copy of form of Wbo nl the Hospital, or nt tho ollicen of W. It, Quick, Esq., Solicitor, Fo.ilbcri.ton-slroet » U ' l " HARCOURT AND CO., • Auetioiiccrs, "" FRIDAY, 9th MAROTI, 1006, At 2.30 p.m. IMPORTANT TO CAPITALISTS, IN* VKSTOKS, AND TUOHE IN SHAROII Ol' UNSUIU'ARSKD BUBINKBH AND FACTORY SITES. lIVE CENTRALLY - SITUATED INVESTMENT PROPERTIES, Nos. 26 and 34, TORY-STREET, And Nos. 8, Ba, and 10, EBOR'STREET. MESSRS. HARCOURT AND CO. hnvo been favoured wilh instructions lo i>ell by publio nuelion at their rooms, 4b, Lnmbton-quny, ns nbovc— viva ai'jiUNDtrt a^d oj{ntkally* SITUATED SITES, boing parts of Town Acre 261, uilh llvo rent-pro* duciug dwi'Hings creeled thereon, LOT 1 —Section No. 18, having n fronlago of P.Ofl lo Tory-Miccl by a depth of lHfl, willi n four-roomed dwelling, wilh p!I coincnu'i.i'os elected thereon, (*nd kmnvn ns No. 26, Tory-street. LO",' 2— -\ Corner Hile, being Section No. 39, vwlh (i ironlago of 29fl to Toiy-BliOf I nml n liontaßO of 114 ft (o licet, Insjither with tho fourroomed ilwelbng, wilh all iminl con\enienee», erccUd thereon, nnd known ns No. 6\, Toiy-tU'eel, LOT A. A Corner Silo, being Section Xo. 16, wilh n frontiiK'J of ?,6ft to Kboi- treel nnd a froiilngo of 8011 to a 9ft tishl-of-wny lo Ebor-islreol, !<)• seiher with tho ilvvelling of four room', Fcullery, vaMihotiso, copper, lubf, elc, erected theiooli, and known as No, U, Ebor-'lreel. Alsp, ■Section No, 17, having a frontage, of 35ft lo iho nbo\o nglil-of-wny ny a do]ith of GO ft i with a four-roomed dwelling, with muni convenience, erected ll L'teoii, known ns No. Cn, Hbor-'lreel LOT 4 — Heel ion No. 15, with n, frontngo of 30fl to Ebor-ilreel n "1 n frontngo ol 80ft to the abovo iignt-of-way, togelher with tho two-floried dwelling of lour rooms creeled Ihci'enu, with oonvontoncef", known nu No. 10, Ebor* tli'oel The n))ove AfFord« nn eveepliolinl oppor(unity for f enuring como of Ihn Illicit t bu*iiie«« pi(e« in To Aro, The lnnd is quite level, nnd tho dwellings creeled 1 Iherpon nrn cnpnblc of producing n good return for po\ernl jeni>. Heing iiliiln closo to the Iromp, within eny dlslancj of Ihe Te Aio inilvvny pintion M\d llm iloelt filo, niul in Ihn centre of whnl ti now (ho chief inunufnclnrintt ' portioh of Ihn cily, Ilievn pimiprliet nin uiiFuipn.«ed for retinl nnd vWioie-nlo bu«iiiefse* or fnelory piles. In fncl, the futuie i« fo nsmred (lint iinetlineiils in tlii^ qunrler cannot fnil to prove rcmunernlivo lo (ho iuvctor Title, l,and Transfer, Ji'ulli ft pniticiilni'ii fiom HARCOURT AND CO , Auctioneer*. TUESDAY, 13th MARCH, 1906, At P.\o pin SALE HY PUHLIO AUCTION. THE MOST HKLKCT RiWTDEN'rTAL I'UOPERTY, SITUATED ON TRAM ROUTE, ISLAND HAY. MESSRS. liARCOUHT nwd CO. hnve been ln.<.ln,elod lo wH by publio nuelion «l I heir room*, 46, Lninbion-niinv, mi Inesdn}, 13lh March, 1906, nt 2JO i — LOT L— Almost new anil MibMnnlinllv built 6-vnoined Tilln Residcuice, lilted with Imtli, copper, nib«, etc , toijclher wilh lnnd having froiilrtjro of 43ft &ln ( o llm t'nrndo by deplh „f lc>sft (moro or ta<o. nml beinar pmi of Section 30 on plan of Htjnd liny. LOT R, -All Him piece or pnreel or land, hnving frontnire of 4Rn to ppi'Venl-Mreel, by de,)th of lJOfi (mcM'n nr lei»), nnd being pnvt of • f ration 37 ou plnn of Wnnd Rnv ,i ° n^m 11 " 11 , 1 , n'-tipnitios nro known n« tho olcl lea Onrden^ nnd needles to say nro most dolighlful propei-lics Mlunlnd on nm in Irani muln, n|mosiio Ir.nn Mop. pins-plnee, nnd without dmibl one of bevi. jhnllerod spoil lit the loenbly, Mirronndeil l),v n giwn of (me. nud «.|'intlw, ineiur. i^nun in the evlrenin Thn vneanl nllol. ment hns been fully planted in orchard nm garden, which has boon'nllomlpd vvilh pkill nml care, nnd hns proved vory pro. lUetivo. As owner purport lenviiig ihn tiiMriol, Iho properly mini bo Ptild, with no fancy prion ntttvt'liM, MOTOR CAR VOR SALE, MEW 5 11 P. RKXE'ITE TRI-CAR, P. IN gonr, wnlrr cooled; will i-lunb nii.v lllllB! low pili'c. Mn«t eouifnrliible, p.>;y running, econonuenl ear for New '/enliiml. Inspection nnd IrinU. (5 NKMIOLLM AM) COS OARAtiE, Ne\l, Hnynl O,iK Hold, Welliupjon T^OR SM,K, a lnr K e H.nlci nl.iln TnnK, .H hol<l nlioui "bW I,'nlluiu Apply OU, Wclliiißlon icnncti

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Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 8 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 8 Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 47, 24 February 1906, Page 8