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W.I.C. SALVAGE SALE. LAST THIIEU DAYS FOR SALVAGE KAKGAINS. HAWKERS, STOREKEEPERS, AND OTIIEKS, SUOULD NOT MISS THIS LAST OPPORTUNITY OF SKCUHING SPECIAL BARGAINS AT SALVAGE PRICES. LADIES' BOOTS AND SHOES. AT? 5s lid, Ladies' Ulnoo Kid Walking Shoes, Louis Heels AT 10s 6d, Ladiob' Glaco Kid Walking Shoes, patent peak caps ' AT 16s 6d, Lndies' Glnco Kid Boots, pulcnt Peak Caps (Bostock's) 'AT 7s 6d, 8s 6d, Ladies' Evening Shoes. AT 6s 6cl, Ladies' Whito or Coloured Satin Evening Shoos. AT 3s 11W, Children's Boota and Shoes. AT 2s Od, 3s 6d, Children's Sandals. AT 4s 6d, Chilclron's Bluo or Red Shoos. GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS. AT 16s 6d, Men's Glaco Kid Boots, fino quality. AT 17s 6d, Men's Glace Kid Boots, smart toes. AT 168 6d, Men's Glaco Kid Boots, tho latest shapo. AT 10s 6d, Men's lligh-grado Chrome Boots, splondid valuo. SALE CLOSES NEXT SATURDAY, AT I.P.M. " AUTUMN SHOW COMMENCES MONDAY MARCH 6. D.1.C., OPPOSITE DBILLSHED.

WHY NOT OWN A GOOD PIANO ? A GOOD PIANO will make tho homo attractivo and tho children happy. Inspect the latest Pianos and Organs at THE DRESDEN. OUR PLATFORMFIRST QUALITY. TEN YEARS' GUARANTEE. PRICES DISTINCTLY LOW. EASY TERMS. Thc«n aro important factors, importantlytrue, of Huci'Ohsful Piano-selling, and havo been tho policy of THE DRESDEN for upwards of twonty years. RICH. LIPP * SOHN PIANOS ERARD'S PIANOS STEINWAY'S PIANOS BROADWOOD & SON'S PIANOS HOLE AGENTS: THE DRESDEN PIANO COMPANY, Wellington. M. J. BROOKES, North Itlnnd Manager. Branches and Agencies throughout tho Colony.

A now military and physical gymnasium will ihoitly be spoiled in liitnnah'ti BuildiugH by Mr M. Juriaa, luto military inbliuelor to the Wellington Education Boiird mid gymnasium itihlruolor to tho R.N.Z A. Thoio will bo olnHaeu for mon, l)iiniiicßH men, youlh.M, l)oyn, ladien, mid girls, and iho gymnntiium in to bo lilted up wilh the latobt ]>hydiunl culturu appaialus. The first term wrll begin thin mouth, ami thu gymnasium will ho open to publio initpuction on tho 11th inxt. Mchhi-h. Iliii-court nnd Co. draw attention to nuotiou snloH iih [ollowk: — On Friday, tho 3rd in»t., they will sell nl their roms, at 2.30 p.m , houxuhold furuituro and uffecta, on iiccounl of a gentloinan, who is giving up housekeeping, nud albo n (]imiitity of furniture under diilrainl for ront. On Monday, 6th, at thoir rooms, ill 2 30 p in., they will offor for onlo a collection of ferns mid ornnmentnj flower*. On Tuenday, 7th inal., they will Hiibmit, under inKtructioiiH from Iho Oflieial Aimignno in Iho amgncij uxtalo of Mrs. E. L. Morrison, *x\ villa nitvq ranging in area of from I'vlt an aero to ovor three and a halfucreH, in tho Korokoro Block. The land in situate oppoeito tho Potono railway ntnliou. At tlui Hnmo snlo llioy will soil, on account of another \cii(lor, Hcclion G2, ndjoinipg Ihu i»l)ovi> proiwrty, coulaiuitig 2 acres 3 roods 1 |M>rch, having a froutago to a 12ft light-oC-way to the main Hull road, Potono . Pianos nnd organs of special quality havo ju»t bcou landed by Mr. F. J. Pinny, of ('ubii-Htrcet. Somo upooial lines byColinrd mid Colliml, Chuppoil and Co., nnd o the is arc miMilioncd. Montr*. Stewart, Dawion nnd Co. draw nttontiou to a Inrge iu>fiortmeut of InitlerdishoH, jelly-disluvi, nte , which they havo marked at bppcinl prices for n few days.

FUNERAL NOTICE. TRE Funeral of the kilo Mr. Joseph Towiwrnd will loavo the residence, 2b, Roxburgh -direct, nl 9 a.m. To-morrow for Karori L'emotrry. E. MORRIS, Jus., Undertaker. THE GESTETNER CYCLOSTYLE A NEW CIRCULAR DUPLICATOR! The tautest maciunu known. Ono turn makes a copy. Can bu parried nnd worked by n Boy. UNIFORM EXCELLENCE .COMPLETE EFI-'ICI ENCY And ABSOLUTE RELIABILITY Aro tho CUaraclorinticit of THE GBSTETNER CYCLOSTYLE! P-rico £12 12«. Cull or write, for full particular* to ' YEREX, BARKER AND FINLAY LIMITED, , 5, CUBA-STRKET. WELLINGTON. { \ T H B ROYAL BRINSMEAD PIANO. OVAL BRINSMEAD PIANO. UIS MAJESTY'S PIANO. THE MUSICIAN'S PIANO. THE PREMIER PIANO- of the WORLD TRINITY COLLEGE EXAMINER says: "I have pleasure in slnting that tho Briiihuvcud Pinno gavo overy miti«fnction nt ttio Exnmiimtion. In fact, no better instrument could lihvo boon usocl. "(Sgd.) W. ORESER, "Mug. Doc, Oxon." iCHAtS. BEGG & CO., Ltd., SOLE AGENTS. LAND TRANSFER ACT NOTICeT"" "VT OTICE is hereby irivon tk»t the-sevoral JL\ piuuols of land horoiiuitlor described will bo brought uudop tho provisioiw of " Tho Lund Transfer Aot, 1835," und its nnionduipnla, unloss caveat bo lod^od forbidding 1 tho snnio on or boforo tho 23rd day of March, 1005. H573. WILLIAM PARKRR.— IO fi-lO perohos, part Section 207, Tnratahi Plain ljlook. Oooupied by A-pplieiuit. 8583. JOHN JilDUK.—l acres 3 roods 25 5-10 porekoa. Lot XII. of Sootion 30, Kiuori. District. Oooupiod by Jumes Gwbrio ub toiuint. 3581. WILLIAM COI»ELANI).-2 noios 2 roods 24) 3-lOposcbns, part Sootion 35, Hutt Dmtricl. Oct'Uinod'by Apulicaut. :it>2s. C HARLES KOYS.— i aoros 3 roods 39 7-10 porches, pnrt Section 33, Miwtorton Sinull-fnrni Sottlomont. Oooupiod by Appliuiint. 3H30. UDWAHD WILLIAM COTTLE.— .ris. r is aoros 2. roods \HO poi-ahus, part SooHon 11, Hutt District. Ouiwpiod by Applicant. 303 !■. 1 1 ION It V l-'LOCKIIAKT CIIUISTIK. — 1(J 1-10 perehot). part Seotion Si, Town of Wiiiigamu. Ocuupiud by Wnltor Goorgo Minphinlou us tenant. Dingi-uins may bo innpoorod nt tins oflloc. Dated this 22nd day ol Kubruiiry, 1005, al tho LiuidH Rogiatry Oilico, Wollinglon. J. M. OATHAM, District Lund HegiHtrnr. TO~i'lnniuiunTsMHT)F"TliirtTTY OF WELLINGTON. I' ADIEH AND GENTLEMEN-l hnw, -A the honour to announce thai 1 will bo n Cnudidnto for the honourable position of Mayor nl Iho next oleotion. Having served Iho city as a Councillor for n period of twenty yenrs should entitle mo to nek for your support. 1 shnll take nn early opportunity of laying my viows boforo you. 1 romain, Ladiesi and Uontlumeu, Yourt obediently, JOHN SMITH.

LANKSHEAR'S SILVER SALE >4 1880-1905, COMMENCING ON TUESDAY, 28th FEBRUARY. TO commemorate tho 25th Birthday of our Business, wo huvo dotonmnod to make Special Reductions at our SILVER JUBILEE SALE! THE REDUCTIONS" WILL RANGE FROM gS TO irtS /»D in tho £. , Our stock of LEATHER GOODS is so 'largo _and_ coniprehonsivo that wo find it quito impossiblo to givo a detailed prico-list, und will simply say that. ALL THE STOCK, comprising Purses, Curd Cases, Musio Cases, Wallets. Dressing Casos, Writing Cases, Ladies' llund Bags, Glovo und Handkerchief Sots, Chatolaino and Wrist Bs.cs, otc, hayo boon roduccd from 5s to I2s 6d in tho £. Tlw Publio enn dopond on tho ABSOLUTELY GENUINE NATURE of thoso REDUCTION'S. STATIONERY. I SPECIAL NOTE.-Wo rulo nnd pack our own Notopapor, thus saving tlw heavy .duty of 27i por cent. In addition to this substantial .Hiving wo havo reduced tho prices as under: — As usuul, our Noto and Envclopo3 nro a Special Feuturo of our Sixlo. Linen Bunk Notopapor, Is 6d, reduced to Is por packet. This Bank Paper eun bo obtained in Croum, Silurian, Diamond, Shamrock, and Croxloy, all well-known nnd fttvourito btuuds. Wo havo n liu-fje stock of first-cluss Quiuto Writing Blocks, munufneturcd on tho promises, Is, reduced to 9d. Thoso can bo obtninod in Diamond, Shiinnock, Croxley, nnd Silurian Bunk Notopnpors for foreign correspondence. They uro carefully ruled faint und margin, und uro miignificent value. Wo havo in addition papers of the ordinary thicknoss. These ulso luivo been reduced from Is to 9d. ENVELOPES. 10 paokots for Is, reduced to 9d 5 packets for Is, reduced to 9d j sqimro or oblong A packets for Js, reduced to 9d Opatiuo Foreign Em dopes, 6d tho packet, recluced to 3 for 9d BOXES OF PERFUMED FLORAL NOTE AND ENVELOPES, Comprising Violet, Lily of tho Valley, . Honeysuckle, Wnysido Flowors, nnd Forget-mo-Not, Is, reduced to 9d, 3 for 2s. SPECIAL! Iron Grey, Antiquo Silurian, Navy Groy Silurian Noto nnd Envolopos, 2s 6d, reduced to Is 6d tho box In addition, tho wholo of our splondid stock or ACCOUNT BOOKS have been REDUCED 5s in tho £. Tho abovo aro but n fow example* of tho wonderful valuo to bo obtained at LANKSHEAR'S SILVER SALE, which commences on TUESDAY, 28th FEBRUARY, at 10 A VERY SPECIAL LINE! THE CORONATION NUMBER of the ILLUSTRATED LONDON prico 7s 6d ; reduced to 2s 6d Country Customers cun depend on being well served by (x>st. For 2s by post we will forward a packet of good "Noto and 125 good square or oblong Envelopes. LANKSHEAR'S SILVER SALE ! IJROSPECTUSEB and Joint Stock Compnnies' Printing of every dencription promptly don* at EVtning Poit office. '

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Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 50, 1 March 1905, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 50, 1 March 1905, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 50, 1 March 1905, Page 6