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«. — LONDON MAKKKTS. LI'UKSS ASSOCIATION.] (Receivod March 1, 12.7 j) m ) LONDON, 28lh Febuiaij The total quantity of wheat iincl Hour afloat far tho Untied Kingdom i« 2,805, U0U ((tun-tern, and fur the Continent 1,180,01)0 ; Atlantic shipments, 14,000 (lunrteru ; IV t'ilie, nil. Hunks.— Autlialania, £91; New South Wiilwt, £40; Union, £45 10s; Now Zealand Loan tuul Murcanhlc, Ju94. AUSTRALIAN MAIUvUTS. LrHKSS ASSOCIATION.] (Rueeivud March 1, 10 22 am) SYDNUV, This D»y. Wheat, 3s 3d to 3a 4Jd; chick wheat, primo, 2s 10(1 lo 3h Id. Flour, £8 5k to £8 10»; MunHobun, £13 10* OnU, Taninuniun, whito fcu>diug, clumv, 2s 4 il to 2s 6d ; Algerian, 2m. Marloy, (Jnpi>, 2k Id lo 2b lOd. Miu/o, 2k 4d lo 2« fad Hnm, 84d. l'ollard, Hid. l'otts, hlun, sh. ToitttofH, (Jiriiiilnr ll(<adi>, £8 10h. OuioiiH, Viclormn, £12. Huttor, Uid. C'h«eHo, 5d lo 6d. Dn'oon, 6d to 7d. [ Thu abovu ((notations tire lhos>< ruling between lnorcluuiU ntid roluiler, and do not ronrononl Hlightly lower vnliii's obtninod by tho recogumud broker ) iMELHOUKNE, Thin Dny Wheat, 3s 4d to 3> sd. Flour, £8 2s 6d. Outs, AltttM-iun, 1b 5d to In Bd : white milling, 2b 2d to 2s 5d Barley, Csipo, 2< Mui/.c, 2h sd. Brnn, Od. Pollard, lOd. Onioim, £9 lo £9 lO^. PolnUio*, £7 lo £8. ADIOLAIUIi. Tlu» Day Wheat ia firm at 3» sd. Flour. £8 to £8 5a Ortla, Algormn, Ik lid to 2« ; white, 2s 2d to 2s 4d. Bran, lOd. L'ollord, 1« Mofsr« Abraham and Williams icport on their ilohnoontillo »nto »« Followh : — A fnir entry of bullockn from incdiuni (|iiality lighl lo primo wero »bo\o rci)itiroinrtitii Bcdf mndo I!)-; best bidlm-ks £8 to £7 7s 6d, light £6 16k A fair yarding of »hi'op 'Iho ewes were only fair qunlity. Tho uuthors wore good. Beat wethern, extra heavy 21n, othois 17s 8d to 18«, nwoe 15s 3d lo 16s others 13s 11(1, porkers 22i. The United Fannert' Coouerativo A*io-

einlion (Ltd ) quotes ns follows: — Oats, liood feed 2b 3(1, Hparrowbill 2h 6d, feed dons 2n 6d, Gnrton 2h 6d, lonn Tartar 2i 7d ; wheat, wholn fowl, 3h 10(1 1; mnize, 3d 6d ; ryo corn, in 6d ; barley, 2s 9d ; tioaiiH, horse, In 3d ; pond, purtndgo 4s 6(1, pearl 3« 10(1, Prussian bluo 6d ; bran, £4 per lon, sacks in ; pollard, £6 10s per lon, suclcr in ; chaff, £4 to £5 per ton ; pig meal, "I'oneko," £5 5b por ton ; oil cake, "Sunlight," £7 10b por ton, sacks in ; linseed, 12s 6d per cwl ; crushod linHeed, 14b 6d per cwt ; calf meal, Lan^down's, 13s per ewt, in 251b baj^s ; Cowslip culf. milk, in 1001b bags 15a 6d por cwl, in 501b bags 16» per cwt, in 251b bags 16s 6d por cwt.

11. M.5. Kuryujiis, which sailed from Wellington ut 9.15 yesterday morning, ih reported us having passed C.istlepoint ul 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon, mid East. Cape nt 3.30 this "morning. Assuniing that tho«! tihics «ro correct, t he vessel Ims mnintainod an average speed nf .slightly over 24 knots' nn hour, as far as Ca.stlepoint, and about 18^ as far as East Cape. Some civil cases were dealt with by Or. A. M'Arthur, H.M., at Iho Lower Ilutt this morning. Frank de TToaa sued Albort linker for 7s, alleged to be due for v week's board. Tno parties arc brothers-in-law, and it was proved that notice, to quit was served on defendant by plaintiff between 3 and 5 o'clock in the morning. Defendant alleged that he was thuu summarily notified because ho refused to go with plaintiff on a fruitstcaling escapade: Judgment was given for defendant, without costs. GeorgeBradley sued Ernest Grant for £8 4s 6d, costs of repairing plaintiff's bicycle, his coat, and his cuticle, which wore oach damaged through the. action of a dog (owned by dofendant) which had upset plaintiff in Pclone-avonYip and had bitten his bicycle tire. Judgment was given for plaintiff for £2 and costs (10s). Mr. Cracroft Wilson appeared for defendant. In the jiulgonmt. summons rasp of tho Petone Cu-upqrativo Company against Alexander Parker, claim £19 16s 4d, defendant was ordered* to pay £1 per month. No order was made in tho judgment summons case of Grant v. M'lvor. It has now been ascertained, stales an Auckland Press Association message, that iMr. T. Morrin (late managing- director of tin- Wellington Park Stud Company), for whose arrest a warrant has been ibsued, boarded tho Zcala'ndia for Sydney outside Rangitoto, on Monday evening. .'in error occurred in a paragrnph on page 5 of this issue, in which it is stated that Sergeant Sandford was at tho head of tho aggregates at tho Grcvtown Rifle Shooting Meeting. It should lm stated, by way of correction, (lint Sand ford was third, (j. Uyde and Captain Craw being first n ml becond respectively. Detecjive Wise, of the Went Australian Police Force, arrived hern -this morning to take back to Perth Henry Alexander Campbell, formerly Paymaster in tho Defence Department there, who was arrested in Wellington a few days ago on a charge of having stolen £5 fiom His Majesty the King. A tniiiffor of the licence of the Grand National Hotel, Petone, from Johii Pike to Edwin Ahearn, was grunted by the Hutt Licencing Com t this morning. On Satuid.ty tho Wairarapa Daily Times dcnll editorially with what iH thought to be iHiothcr abKiirriity in thu KhopN and Olllci'Jt Act. Clause' 21 hays that on the requisition of a majority of tho occupiers of all the ."•hop* in (ho district of any local ntithoiity desiring tliat all the shops therein slinlf he closed at a eeiUiiii Hpei-lliod hour in the even* ing, thu Minister hliiill. by tiuzettp nrf. ticc, direct that all idiopx m the district be chvMcd in accordance with tin 1 requisi lion. A .•*nl>-MPctioii of thu cliiiiso doHnos "dumpier" h.h ,i Buti.vh Mibje«.t. According to the Daily Tiiiivb .\ Holiday!! Committee in Mu.stt'tlon obtained v legal , opinion to the effect Iliul nolinatuialiKed Chinese shopkeepom cannot .^igu a tuquUition, ami nun rover tint they a iv not hound by tho Gazette lit* lice piovided for. The point appearing an important one, as other aliens than ChiucM! aro involved, Mr. Mackay, of tlii" Ltbour Depart Mn-nt, was seen on Iho subject to-day. He said thrft th« intention of the LeginhtUiro in tho clmiho was to cmoiie that it would bu a miljoiity of British xubjvcta Unit duter> iniiifd tho closing hour. With rvapcel to the contention trmt th« Chinaman in uualß-etod by tho Gazette notice, tho labour Department thinks that the languago of tljo nlaUvto in quite clear, ana that "all shown" iiimuts tho shopa of the British subjects and the Chinese and everyone who keeps a nhop. The Department has heard nothing from the Maslerlon Holidays Committee on the .subject, and it hiw never heard the clause in question challenged before. Tn reply to enquiries on doubtful points, the Public Henlfch Department lias informed tho Potono Borough Council that tho responsibility of providingfor the treatment of persons buffering from infectious diseases had been transferred from tho local authority to Iho Hospital Hoard — that was to say, whero n ease, of scarlet fever, for instance, occurred in a building in which proper isolation could not bo enrried out, application should bo iniule to'thc Hospital Board for thu removal of the patdont to the Hospital. Tho work of disinfecting the room or rooms in which the patient had been should bo at onco undertaken by Iho Council. Should tho CoumiH's oilicer not feel competent to carry out thu disinfection, if iho Council applied to tho District Health Officer ho wouW gladly bend an inspector to assist. Whero tho liouho was largo enough to permit of tho eompleto seclusion of tho pationt from tho other members of tho family they were not interfered with. In all othor cases, until tho ca6o has boon romovod to tho Hospital mid thu place fumigated those who had been in contact woro required not to mix with other people. Mr. and Mrs. George Bcotham have taken another residence, No. 7, Wetherby Gardens, South Kensington, and hove jtiht "moved in." They will not sottle, down there at present, however, iik they piupuM' spending tho leni.tiiidcr of the winter in Italy, making their headquarter, in Koine, wheie .scvciul of their friends reside. Mohhm. Mncdonnld, Wilbon, and Co. will submit, lo auction. at (h«ii cooaa» to-morrow at 2,60 o'clock, tho freehold of Iho Groytown Hotel, Wairnmpn, with laud ono acre in extent. Tho hotel v leaned for ii torn) of novou yours at an unuuul lontul of £286 logothur with ratos, Uxoa, and intmrnuccii. Other du tails appear in tho adveitii>emont. Immediately after this tmlu Iho linn will, uudur iiiHlructioiiij from Mr. John Row, of tlio Paris Loan Oflioo, Manneis-slruot. soil unrodeemod plcdguj, communing gold mid silver wutchuf, gold rings, gold brooohoH, uto. Tho linn reinsert tho ndvcrtinomouts of tho inlu on Iho 16th inst. of Iho Bullovuo Garduiiß and 110101, Lower Hull, voiy full details of which uiu given : aUo tho Tuinperanco Hotel it t Johnsonvillo, and fivo building suctions nl (ho HuU part of tho Ludlnm Puik Estate, adjoining tho Bollovui) (inrdoiiM, detail* of* which nppflnr. Messrs. Sidey, Meetli, wild Co. draw attenlion to tho sale of wall papers and scaffold ropon in their rooms to-morrow roimnoncing nt 2 p.m. Thn Haine firm aldo insert preliminary nolico of n sale of the furnUuro nnd elfocts of nn 8-roomed house in llioir roomx on Friday,, the 3rd Full particulars will iipponr in to morrow's in *\lo They also advert ivo for snlo n bonrdiiiKlioufc m the centra of city. Mossrn F{ H I>ivie« nnd Co, Rentlomen's tailors, bl, Lttmbton-iniAy, call attontipn to thoir ndvcrtieemeul, and invite a vitlt of imßeotian.

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Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 50, 1 March 1905, Page 6

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LATE COMMERCIAL Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 50, 1 March 1905, Page 6

LATE COMMERCIAL Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 50, 1 March 1905, Page 6