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THE LADIES INSIST UrON HAVING RECORD TEA Because of iU PURITY, STRENGTH, and DELIGHTFUL FLAVOUR, Tho throo qualities necessary in a GOOD CUP OF TEA. Prices, 2s, Is lOd, Id Od, and Is 6d per 11). ASK YOUR G-ROCER FOR IT.

WELLINGTON CITY COUNCIL. PROPOSED SPECIAL ORDER FOR APPLICATION OF RESIDUE OF LOAN MONEYS, FOH ERECTION OF FIRE BRIGADE STATION TO WOODBLOOKING IN CUSTOM-HOUSE-QUAY. NOTICE is horoby givon lhat at a Special Meeting ol tho .Council of tho City of Wellington held on lho 23rd Jay of February, 1905, it was resolved aa follows : — Tho Council of lho Oily of Wellington hornby resolves by way of Special Order in cxeroiso of lho powers conferred on it by section 162 of "The Municipal Corporations Act, 1900," Hint lho sum of Ono Hundrml and Twonly-nuo Pounds Four Shillings and Eight Poneo (£l2l 4s 8d), being tho surplus of loan money nupod by way of Special Loan for Erection of tho Central Fire Station, shall bo expended in tho laying down of wood pavement m'Cuilom-housc.quay opposito tho Gonera! Post Oflico, tho special work for which tho money w«s borrowed having now boon coni« plotod. Tho abovo Resolution will bo Eiibmittnd for confirmation at lho Ordinary Mooting of. tho Council to bo held on Thursday, lho 23rd day of March, 1905, at 8 p.m., at Lho Council Chambers at tho Town Hall, Duba-Btroot. Datod this Ist day of March, 1905. JNO. R. PALMER, Town Clerk. TEMPERANCE HOTEL. BOARD, Rosidonco. Tea, Refreshment Rooms, Mnin-rond, Lower Hull. Mrs. Irvino, Proprietress. AMATEUR Photographic Outfits in all vnriotic*. Camoras hired out by day or wock Tittles or films dcvolopod by exports nt a nominal coi>t, or froo uso of ilavk room. Open till 9 p.m. Zarhariah, 32, Mannorv-slreel. t QPECLVLOFFEir— bivTnVtomynimioT. ' h~J ous customers not being ablo to obtain tho clioico American Swort Poa Seeds Riven away on Saturday lost, I ' ngain ropoat my offer of freo sample of seed for Saturday, 4th March. Soo window display on Friday and Saturday nt Opera Homo Pharmacy, 56, Manners-street. VIOLIN— Old French instrument, power, ful tone, good quality, selling cheaply for fivo (-uincas cash. Addre« Paris, Evening l'o«t. B> EV. *FEUGU<T'FERT4US6n v S~"Now v Address, Waitangi, or Spillor's llnll, Boulcolt-stroot. Classes nnd privatn ituclouts invited. Ohureh of the Now Thought isvory jSuMlay KvonJn>;. - • 1?K A REWARD^ wiTf"hio~pai(i~to"any * y " person who can produeo a. Suit to equal iv stylo, fit,- and quality for tho samo prico as tho Bradford Woollen Company, Lambton-quay, next Stewart DawsonV. 1 OK AA CASH will purohaso ai a going owtlV" concern compact little Mercery mid Tailoring Business in toiilro of city, doing abiolulo weekly turnover £15 to £20 ; rout of shop nnd dwelling only 30a ; owner leaving Now ' Zqalnnd ; principals only. Reply to Morcery, 1 Evoning Post.' WE invito thn public to inspcol our Showrooms in Morcor-stroot, which aro brilliantly lightod and \yoll stocked Tho world's best Cycles on view. Adnms Sfar Cycle Co NOTICE is horoby given that any per•on Infringing tho "Bird in lho Hand" Trademark, which I havo rcßistored to protect my rights in various patent medicines manufactured by me, will bo Pro<u»outcil according to law. — (Signod) Leonidas Maria Smith. 4, Vivian-streot, Wellington. jp-| pr WILL purchaso a B.S.A. Bicycle c&JLts built . to your ordor, everything of the best ; easy terms arrangod ; repaid a specially. S. G. Phillips, Ponoko Cyclo Works, SQjpJDourtonay-placo. (pOM PLE"Xl6N~Bof :t"volvo'ty, " wrinkles eradicated by using Benzoin and Almond Croam, for sunburn, roughness, rodnoss, nakod skin food. 2s 6d. W. Salck, Sydney Chomist, 17, Willis-slrot. Sr'PAtRICK r S~TlaTo~Slranco and • Co., Ltd., Christchurch) Mutual Cash Drnpory Storo, corner Ingostro nnd Marion slroels. Tho storo thnt sorvos you right. Always 15 por cent, cheaper llian others. ]TVi KlT'Wallaco's Sulphur nnd SnrsaX parilla Salt. It purifies tho blood and koops lho skin freo from blotches nnd pimples. Is 6d por bottlo : Is lOd posted. W. S. Wallaoc, ChomiU^iUwjstrcot. BREAKFAST Cruots, best 0.p., 5s 6d, 7a 6d, 10s, 15s, now designs, at Lloyd's, 55, Lamblon-quay. P^^ElT"E^glo~~Jp7in7 Sold at nil VJT Btoros. Threo tins for a shilling. Don't forgot tho name— Golden Eaglo Jam. 1 jnAILLEtt'S Gomih.o Swiss Milk ChoeovJ late— A delicious swcotinoal, a perfect fond. IADIES' aud Gentlemen's tuponor Mis■l ill and LeR-off Clothing houctht; InqHost prico givon ; letters attended to. Alu Bottorill, 13, Ingostre-strofit. ALEK'S Nerve, Blood, and Tonic ' Hnrsapnrilln for nimplos »nd boils, ; slrongt honing and purifying; dovolops an nppetilo: euros indigestion. 2*. 6d largo bottlo. W. Salok, Sydnoy Chemist, 17, Willis-stroot. . SEWING Maohinos of overy doscrintiun ropairod by skilled mechanics. Singoi Sowing Machine Co,. 5, Willis-stroot; SYPHON Sparklets^Chnrßcsi 15~~4d7 Fruit Crystals, Is ; Smoked Glassos for sun and dust, from Is ; Bleacho, clonus »lraw hats, Is ; Trilonos, for stoutness. W. Kaiek, Sydnoy Chemist, 17, Willis-strct. SIGNWRITING. sttGNWRITINO, Go to R. MARTIN, 17, Mannnristrcot. 1 AMATIttfR Photographic Outfits in all variation. Camorns hired out by day or week. Your plates dovolonod by experts at a nominal cost, or froo uso of *lnrk room*. Open till 9 p.m. Zachnrinh, 32, Manncrs-strcot. JS. BRNNEfirFarrior and General • Smith, 3, Tory-«troot. A'etcrinary and shooing in chargo R. Jonos (27 yearn' exporioncn). Sperinlty work — DrcsMiitf stunnmaaoiu' nnd other tools and ffouciHi repairs. (2_KT your Giiiii ready for tho Shooting 3T Season. H. H. Kkins, 12a, Fenthcr-iton-slreet, rear G.P.0., executes tho most difficult Repairs and nt tho lowest rales in tho colony; 10 years with W. II Tisdull. TjiLAT of several woiUfurnishetl Room* •*- to Let, view of harbour, clo<iu to tram and lii\Uh, prhate entrance; board if desired. jVddrots Seaside, Evening Pof-l WELLfNGTON CLEANING" TvWinilow and House Cleiining, Cur pet.beating. etc., by caroful men. Huntoritreet. Teleohono 956. 1

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Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 50, 1 March 1905, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 50, 1 March 1905, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 50, 1 March 1905, Page 1