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LOST, a Gold naud Ring; inilinls J.I), on. Finder rewarded on roUtrntug to BoggH Bros., Grocers, Conttablc-atroot. L"~ OST, on~l9th February, at Kilbirnio, il umall Gold Brooch, with loiters K.L.F. ongravod theroon. lleward at 104, Coromnndol-streot, Nowtown. OKT, yestorday, near. Sydnoy slroot, Knifo, engraved 0. Aston, in loalhor caso. Howard on roturning samo to LnlHiralory, Sydnoy-strcct..^ L?TST7^^"aturday7"a "Fox*Torrier Pup ; any one detaining came will bo pioscouled. Finder rowardpd at 13, Tinakoriroad. . L ""OST, bclwnon Potono Station and l'ctono Avonuo, Gout's Silvor-mouutcd Uinbrolla. Finder ploano roturn to E. Blackburn, opposito Harloy's Browory. OST.— Would tho person soen lifting Bag in mistake, containing monoy and jowollery, from D.1.0. yostoraay loavo samo Kelburno Tram office, immediately. LOST, » lot uf IJannrutT by using half a bottle of Parker's Hair Tonic. 2s 6d v bottle, by post 3s. Wm. Parker, Cbomist, Manncri-streot. 1 P"~"6UNDrarTiio~noisha', 21, Willis-stroot, from-12 till 2, Hot Dinners, throo courses, Is; 5 till 8, two courtos, Is; Tea nnd Cnkos all hours, 6d : I'^TblJNb^Joienh" Mollior,' lnte of lloulds- - worth's llair<lrc!>«ing Saloon, haa taken ovor Mr. G. Parfitt's Business of Hairdressing and Tobacconist in M 'Gill's Buildings, 71, Willis-strool. Customers and the gonornl public can roly on being well attended to, both in tho shop and saloon. ILL Bill Caldwoll kind"ly~caTl~ot Coronation Boardingliouso and soo n friend,^Edward Kelly. Important. LADY and Gentleman (English) aro dosirous of obtninhig either a email luirnishod Houso or good Accommodation in privato sooiablc family. Full particulars and torms to Confidential, Kvenincr Post. LADY in Thorndon wishos lo lot small Furnished Bedroom to young lady ; if good musician, could havo uso of piano occasionally. Address Terrace, Evening Post. _ TjjWßNlSHED""Bcdroom to lot, use of J- sitting-room and kitchon ; low prico to respocUblo young ' woman or widow. Addrcf« at Evoning Post. FRST-OLASS Waifo'r want~Situalion, town or country ; bost roforoncos lending hotels. Address Waitor, Evening I'oal. npHOUSANDS of Posf~Cnrds, Viow JL Books, Woldon. Pnttorns, Fashion Books, Waterman Pens, Letttir Pads, Maori BeautiM, Hand Books, Punlo*. and Games. Richard Brown and Son. QUGAIfBOILiNGT- Advertiser w~anU *^J good all-round Man to join him in Manufacturing. Roplios to Carbo, livening Post. P'KfVATE Family l^~Tinakori.roa(l would tako ono or two gontlomon (sharo room) as Boarder* ; roforonccs roquirod. Address Privalo, P. 0., Molos-wcrth-stroet. npUITION, Typewriting and Shorthand, X given m exolmngo %r sqrvicos ns reader, shorthand (day) department. Apply Banks s Commercial College, 58, Violoria. streot. A DVElmSEß^"^tlT£sb,'"7oqu"rre7~a Lady Partner with lame amount ; gonuino^Addross^G.S., Evoning Post. ST. ELMO", Boulcott^'treot, having changed hands recently, has Vaoancios ; doublo and singlo balcpny rooms ; ladios or gontloraon; good table. Tolophono 1481. L~K^ENFIEinD Rifi<y-for^*h>r 4 Address Enfiolil^ Evoning Poitf" l^ißSTrOLiSS^'cuitor^MSS 1 "Engage JL mont ; highest roforonoe*. Addross Cutler, Evoning J^ost. ■^OUNG Man seeks Situation, gardonJ*- ing, look after hono and trap ; references. Address Thomas, coro of Mrs. Nat. tra-s, Lowor nutl. T ! A iY-T^Y ontw )«' co «npotcnt Managing -■-< Clerk for solicitor's office iv country; knowlodgo of ueco'untanoy rcquiiito; talary to commonco with £4 per weok. Apply. to Law,, care of Messrs. 8011, Gully, Bell nnd Myors, Solicitors, Wellington. AFTERNOON Teaspoons, A dokon, in enso, bwil quality, 10s, 15s, 20s, at Lloyd s, 55, Lambton-quay. ADVICE froo to Indies who purohaf.o a Box of Ointmont, prico ss. Address Mrs. Loonidas M. Smith, 4, Vivian-strcot. Hours dnily 6 to 0, Tuesday's 10 a.m. to 8-p.m. ONT; kiro nt a timo, and thnt kiss is Henderson's Honey Kiis. All Rrocors and confectioners. 1 O OUTHERN" C7oss Jams. .Onjy ono £J quality, and that is tho bosl. A«lc for Southprn Cross Jam. Mado from puro fruit only. «. . 1 UPERIOR Board and Residence, control, quiol, select locality. Almora, 10, Mowbray-streot, top Bowen-streot, Thorndon. , ■pROFESSOR BRYANT, Psyohomotrist, X Herbaliot, otc, can bo oousultod daily on (ill matters nt No. 7, Empire Buildings, Adrlaidc-road. Hours 10 till 9. Appoinl1.11 nts maclb. ADAMF, DENNETTE, culture7cla7r~voyanlo Medium, enn guide you on health, marriage, prospects. This Indy'n readings recommend thcmsolvcs — carnoat, uplifting, practical. 10 lo 9, at 14, Cam* bridgo-terraco. MISS" EMILY A. STONEY, Supcrin* tendont Nun.cs 1 Training School, fays: — "Orangeino is invaluablo to brain workers, for Fatiguo and Headache" Ilanlon, Bricn, and nil Chomists soil it. Is 6d and 5s 6d por box. Wm. C. FitzRorald, Wanganui, Solo N.Z. Agent. WEDDING Prosonte— Biscuit Bamfisj Jolly nnd 'Juin Dishes, bost 0.p., 7s 6d, 8s 6d, lOi, 15s, at Lloyd's, 55, l.nmbton-qnay. TIIO mnko 0110 kics k!o for two is not A eoonomy— it's lovo. Ilonoy Kisses do foijill. 1 SOUTH KRN Cro/sJamTnro tho best in tho market. First iv quality, first iv ifnvour. A*k the grocer for Southern L'rrifß Jams. 1 'JTTAKK Ornn^o Quiniuo Wino for "that JL tired fnolmg. It improve* tho nppelito and is an cxcollont lonic. Quarts, 2s 6d t W, S. Wallaco, Uhomitt, Willis-slreot. ASTROLOGY tells yoiCnif Shows you charactor, fale, destiny^ Irade, profossion, otc, and answers ovory quostion ro marriage, protpocts, otc. Bond Is Id nnd rlato, your, and placo of birth for reading. Addrest P. do Vcauno, AslroloKcr, Box 519, ChriHtchurch. IFv'^ W l' rr cont. Reduction during IU Stock-taking Salo at H. E. Dison's, Wnlchnmker nnd Jowollor, 24, Vivianstreot. Hundreds nf useful ' line,* being sacrificed. Sco window. IjWIR or dark, short or tall, Honey Kifses pißivcc Ihom all. A«k tho grocer for Honey Kisscj. 1 WISTF to Soil, at o^nco^lhftTFurnTiuro and Goodwill of a 10-rooinod privatu Boardinghousc, withili 10 minutes' walk from G.P.O. For address' apply Kvoning Post. (-IMFTUN UOARDIN'GHOUSE, 162, J Upi;e" Willis-st., Wellington. Good aoconimoanlion for Travelling Public and Pormanonl Boarders. £1 per week ; 4h 6d por day Trnmn pars door. Jfivo minutos from Wharf, P. 0., ami Hailwny Station. "^ YOU'RE a dude, o ir ; KWlhg's i'mde*! air; you intriulr, sir This docs not apply to Henderson's Ilrtnoy Ki^tes. 1 XAOR Nott "Cash.— Gcninno "\Vhi7c Load, i. 25a Gd j RnwO.l.Js; Uoilott Oil, 3b W. W. G.JTtistin, 89, Willis-slroet 1 OR SALEi~chenp7~ lady's Bi'lco, \\\ splendid ordor, now tiro* ; muit bu told. Addrosi at Evening; Post.

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Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 50, 1 March 1905, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 50, 1 March 1905, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 50, 1 March 1905, Page 1