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AT THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. TUESDAY, ZOthTAUGUST, 1904, At 2.30 p.m. THREE HANDSOME SEVEN-ROOM-ED VILLA RESIDENCES. MESSRS. nARCOURT AND CO. havo boon instructed to sell by publio auction nt tho Chambor of Commerce on Tuesday, 30th August, nt 2.30 p.m.— All that pinco or parool of land, being Sections 5 and 6 of T.A. 303, on (ho Map of Wellington, having n front ago of 52ft 6in to HOMESTREET by n duplh of 112 ft, having also a frontage of 52ft 6in to ELIZABETH - HTREICT, togolhcr with tho tluoo sini>n loomed dwollingii en-clod thoreon, known as Nob. 1, la, nnd 3, HOME-STREET. Thoso properties nro clo?o to Kent-torraco and tho electric train lino, nnd nro ndmirably adapted either for privato residences or for first-class business purposes. Thoy stand in a very pleasant situation of ono of tho bost suburbs of tho city. Tho ■ throo sevon-roomed dwollings erec-ted thoroon nre substantially' well bnilt, nnd quito now, woll t appointod in ovory rospoct, and reploto with nil modorn convonioncee, including outhouses, gnrdon, e^c. Further particulars from HAROOURT AND CO., Auctioneors. FRIQAY, 2nd SEPTEMBER, 1904, At 2.30 p-.m. VALUABLE RESIDENCE SITES AT NORTHLAND. • MESSRS. HARCOURT AND CO. havo roceivod inßlructsions from tho owuor to sollby PUBLIO AUCTION, at thoir rooms, 48, Lamblon-quay,- ou abovo dato — v ,,' >: , ALL that pieco orparcol of land, boing Lot 95 on the plan of Northland Estate, havuip a frontage of 44 foot to Knuptvparoud by v dopth of -150 foot. ALSO, -Lot 107, having, » frohtngo of 44 foot to Ornngi-rond by a depth of 118 foot to tho roar boundary of allolmonfc 95 above. THE PROPERTIES are situated in ono of tho Most delightful spots of tho suburbs of Wollington, and, are within onsy acoess of tho city, boing about twenty minutes' walk of Lambton-quay. Titlo, Land Transfer. HARCOURT AND, CO., Auctioneers. FRIDAY, 2nd SEPTEMBER, 1904, At 2.30 p.m. MESSRS. HARCOURT AND CO. have boon instructed by tho MORTGAGEES to sell by publio auction, nt thoir rooms, 48, Lambton-quay, on abovo dato — All that piooo or parool of land, boing Lot 2, part of Section 10, on .the plan of Ohiro Distriot, having a frontage of 73ft to Hollowav-rond, MITOHELLTOWN, by a depth of 84ft, more or lets, together with n SUPERIOR SIX - ROOMED DWELLING thoreon, with all convonienocs. ' | This ig nn exceptional invostmont, boing situated in ono of tho bost positions iv Mitoholltown. Title, Land Transfer. HARCOURT AND CO., Auctioneers. FRIDAY, 9th SEPTEMBER, 1904^ At 2.30 p.m. auction" sale. SUPERIOR' 10-ROOMED VILLA RESIDENCE, MACDONALD-CRESOEN^. MESSRS. HARCOURT AND CO. havo been favoured with instructions to soil by Public Auction 'at thoir rooms, 48, Lambton-quay, on Friday, Bth Soptombor, 1904, at 2.30 p.m.— AH that- pioce or parcel of land, boing part of Lots 8 and 9. and part of Town Acres 162 and 164- on the man of tho City of Wollington, ■ having v frontngo of 25 foot to Macdonnld-crescenl by a depth of 74 food morp or loes ( upon which .is orocted a splendid 10-roomod residence Tho property is in a vory central situation, and is also in ono of tho bost parts of tho city. v lt commands an exceedingly good viow, and is within half a minuto of the oloctrio onr lino. Tho rosidenoo orocted on tho proporty is a fir»t-cliwi ono, and is fitted up with njl modorn conveniencos, and is bringing in a wookly rental of £2 3s. Wo can highly recammond this property ns boing an exceptionally good ono. either *s an investment or for tnoio 'requiring a vory suporior rosidonco. i Tho proporty is worthy of inspection. Title, Land Transfer. For furthor particulars apply HARCOURT AND CO., Auctioneers. GREAT SUBDIVISIONAL SALE GREAT SUBDIVISIONAL SALE OF THE OAKS ESTATE, THE OAKS ESTATE, MASTERTON. MASTERTON. MASTERTON. MASTERTON. «. MASTERTON. MASTERTON. EXCEPTIONALLY EASY TERMS. M'INTYRE AND ORCHARD are favoured with instructions to give onquirerß parbioulars and plans of thi6 charming ogtato, whioh is to bo offorod at auction by MESSRS. LOWES AND IORNS nt Mastorton on SATURDAY, tho 10th September, at 2 p.m. That Mostorlou U ono of tho most prosperous of tho inland towns is provod by tho fact of its increasing population and tho rapid incroaso in land values, and consequently buyers at this sale must roap s. vory largo increase on tho prico paid n't auction. As a residontinl sitd* tho land is unapproachablo in any part of tho oolony, for tho estate is situated on the finest road 1 in tho wholo of tho Wairarana district, is flat, and of tho, bost alluvial soil. Surrounding the proporty to -bo offorod for «*lo *ro soroo of tho finest privato rosidonoos in tho district. This land* is on tho bottlers of the Borough< of Maslprton, and thoreforo will only caTry oounty rales, which aro small. Novortholoss thoro aro all tho conveniences of tho town itself— namoly, wntor supply, gas, doily lottor delivery, postal pillars, tolophono bureau to bo opened shortly, publio school within half a miio, and a general storo within a fow chains. To tho manor woman with little capital wo say, BUY, BUY, BUY. To speculators generally wo again say, BUY, BUY, BUY. And to gentlomon in this city dosirjng an aoro or two in a boautiful situation and a nalubrious climate within four hours of Wellington wo roitorate, BUY, BUY, BUY. There' nxo 68 Sections in ACRE and HALF-ACRE LOTS. As we hnvo boon ovor ovory section of the land wo will bo plonsod to give any further information and our services nt the auotion itsolf on boing favoured with a call. M'INTYRB AND OROrtARD, 57a, Lambton-quny. WF. EGGERB, 28a, Lambton-quay, • HAS FOR SALE— Off Ingestrc-stroot— -Land 44ft x 85ft, two 5-roomed Cottages, oach with copper, ! tubs, p.w.0., latest drainage, rentals at presont 32s per woek ; could be tntdo to produco higher return. Prico reduced to £875. • 318 To Aro (good bargnin) — Land 34ft x SOft, mi por ior 8-roomed Dwelling, with bnth, h. and c. water, copper, tubs, q.w.c, ?as, latent drainngc, lot at 30s per week, •rioo £1000. 379 Off Abol Smith-street— Land* 4oft x 74f1, two 5-roomod Houses, oaoh with scullery, bath, copper, tubs, p.w.0., latest drainage ; mado to roturn £2 por woek. A bargain ftt £1000. 388

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Evening Post, Volume LXVIII, Issue 50, 27 August 1904, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXVIII, Issue 50, 27 August 1904, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Post, Volume LXVIII, Issue 50, 27 August 1904, Page 8