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AT THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. TUESDAY, 30th AUGUST, 1904, At 2.30 p.m. By Order of tho Wollington City Corporation. AUCTION SALE OF MAGNIFICENT LEABEHOLD PROPERTIES, WILLIS-STREET AND OHEW'S-LANE, In tho Oontro of tho City of Wellington, With Frontages to the Main Buiiness Street in Wellington. MESSRS. HARGOURT AND CO. hnvo boon favpurod with instructions from the Town Clerk, on behalf of tho Wellington City Corporation, to soil by publio. auotion at tho Chamber of Commorco ou Tuesday, 30th Augußt, at 2.30 p.m.— THOSE GRAND CENTRAL BUSINESS SITES AND PREMISES SITUATED in WILLIS-STREET AND CHEWS-LANE, IN TiTk VERY CENTRE OF THE MAIN BUSINESS PART OJU' THE CITY OF WELLINGTON. BLOOK 1. Tho Lonso for 21 yoars, with ronowalg at revaluations from timo to timo in porpetuity for terms of 14 years oach, of that mngnificont business blook of land having a frontage of 111 ft 4iin to Willisstroet by a dopth of SOft to Chow'slano. This block will bo first offered in one lot, and if not sold as such will bo submitted in subdivisions as por plan bolow. Oa Lots 1, 2, 3 aro orcctcd tho promises now in tho occupation of. Messrs. Lovion, Shallcrass nnd Co., Mr. Dnrcy Ford, ana other tenants. On Lot 4 is orcctod tho now and substantial two-story brick buildings now in tho occupation of Mr. Darcy Ford. BLOOK 2. Tho Loose for 21 years of that contral businoss blook of land being No. 5 on plan below, having a frontage of 29ft liin to Chows-lane by a dopth of 110 ft liin. . AYXLLIS STREET ""s>?t 5m 30ft fcin 3v>ft&lu liin 7iiu * * 8 8 <4 E Mff B' 20ft I 7jin SOft Sin 88ft tin, g llOfcftiiu "a IO • - | UQftiUn" | Thoso pronortios cannot be too highly reoomroendoa to capitalists seeking an invostmont in tho capital oily of Now Zealand. 'The futuro of Wellington is now so assured that in a.vory>fo\Y yoars those" sites must. obtain a value many times that now ruling. ' "' For furthor particulars, terms of loose, oto., apply HARCOURT AND CO., Auotioneors. AT THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TUESDAY, 30th AUGUST, 1904, At 2.30 p.m. BY ORDER OF THE WELLINGTON CITY CORPORATION. AUCTION SALE OF GRAND BUILDING SITES KENT-TERRACE AND .. ELIZABETH- - STREET. ■ . , MESSRS, HARCOURT. AND CO. have boon faVourod with instructions from the Town Olork, on behalf of the Wollington City Corporation, to' sell by publio auction, at tho CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, on TUESDAY, 30th Aug., at 2.30 p.m. — \ FIVE SPLENDLD FREEHOLD BUILDING SITES, situated at tho corners of KENT-TERRACE and in ELIZABETH-STREET, and boing parts of Town Aero» 303 and 304, as Bhown in plan bo^ow. On section No.' 1 is or<sct- ' od 'n substantial Rosidonco of fivo rooms, Mtchon, scullery, bath' room, also workshop. All in' good repair, • \ ; . I 80ft. o ELIZABETH STREET 2 a.-- si a '8-« ico »i a g House % 9 PRIVATE STREET i No part of Wellington has advanood moro rapidly during the last fow years than has Kont-torraco, and sootions in this locality havo latoly boon much in domnnd for business sitos. Kont-tarraco is now wood prvod, and the Eloctrio Trams run past the soctioris. Title— Land Transfer, For further particulars, apply HARCOURT AND CO. Auctioneers. TUESDAY, 30th AUGUST, 1904, . At 2.30 p.m. SUPERIOR RESIDENCE SITES AT MIRAMAR. MESSRS. HARCOURT AND CO. have received instructions from tho owner to soil by public auction, at THE CHAMBER OT? COMMERCE, on above date — All that pieco or parcel of land, being •Lot 112 on tko plan of Miramar Etrtato, having a frontngo of 95 foot 10 inches to Main-road to Worsor Bay on ono sldo and » frontago of 156 foot to Miramaravonuo Extension by a depth of 114 foet. Also,* Lot 104 'adjoining abovo seotion, having a fronts go of 70 feet to Miramaravonuo Extension by a dopth of 200 feot 9 inches. These propertios are situated in oloso proximity to tho residonce and grounds of Alex. Crawford, Esq. Tho suburb of Miramar is so woll and favourably known that it is unnecessary to point out tho many oxcollent fcatnres it possesses. It can, howovor, ba 6afoly recommended without tho ■lighteot exaggeration as being' one 6f tho moat ideal positions in Wellington suburbs for firstclnss rosidontial purposes. Tillo, Land Transfer. Further particulars apply toHARCOURT AND CO., Auctioneers. THURSDAY, Ist SEPTEMBER, 1904, At 2 p.m. SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS. ■m/TESSRS. HARCOURT AND 00. IU. will sell WITHOUT RESERVE, at thoir rooms, 48, L»mbton-qu»y, on abovo date, under instructions FROM HOLDER OF BILL-OF-SALE-Bplondid upright piano pcrfeot order, single iron bedstoads, wiro-wovo and spring mat tresses, Austrian chairs, linoloum, bedding, sheeting, dressing tables, toilot waro, qunntity of oilcloth, woshstands, tables, sofns, curtains, looking-glasses, fcudori, kitchen utensils, orookery and cutlery, largo mangle, patent ice cneit, and large number of Valuable 'articles tpo numerous to mention. HAROOUBT AND CO., Auotioneors.

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Evening Post, Volume LXVIII, Issue 50, 27 August 1904, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXVIII, Issue 50, 27 August 1904, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXVIII, Issue 50, 27 August 1904, Page 8