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THE NEW HOUSE BARGAIN' PICNIC! ANOTHER SURpTtISE PACKET! 65 DRESS ROBES AT 5a lid A DRESS! THIS lot consols of Bluok Figured AlpucaF, Flaked Twnodfi, Ropps, and Chocked Tweods, and are worth m tho ordinary way Is lid lo 3« Od per yard. They nro on tho bargain tables for jou 'JIO-MOHROW, at KB -J -I D THE FULL DRESS LENGTH COME TO THE NEW HOUSE BARGAIN PICNIC! JAMES SMITH & SONS. THANK YOU FOR RHEUMO. *O HEUMATISM in no respecter of porJlV 1 nous. Tho savant and tho swoop nro aliko its victims. Wellington's wellknown chimney-sweep, Mr. 0. Dowsott, oli'ors his Iributo to tho curative properties of Rhoumo in f-implo, but convincing language. Ho writes: — "1 thank you very muoli for the übo of ono of your bottle's of Rheumo. I havo tried nearly ovorythiijg in oxislencq for rhpuvnatics, but fo.ind no relief until I xisod your Rhoumo. Aftor ninQtoeii years' Buiforinif It is great comfort lo bo free of pain." Rheumo conquers rhcumiilinm. That is its mission.' Chomiftts and storos, at 2s 6d and 4s 6d per botlic. 1 WJ^LLiNGTO-T EISUOImOX~Y(SARIT APPLICATIONS FOR SECRETARYSHIP. A PPLICATIONS aro invited for tho ! -t»- Position of ficcrotary to Iho Wol- ' 1 hnglon Education Board al a salary of i £4uU. I Applicants must ttato their full name, ' ago, previous cxporicnca in aocountr.ucy | { and ollico m&nageinonl, as wall as in edurational mattcw, and also forward losli- J I mnnials ami photograph and elalo dato I when ablo to aseumo dutios. i Applications must be in tho offico of tho Bo.xrd, pddra'ood to tho Chairman, ; j and marked "Application for Sectotary- 1 ship," by Monday, 23rd Fobruary, 1904. F. IJRADEY, Chairman. Wellington, Ist February, 1904. TO SHORTHAND-TYPISTES. WANTED, a Shorthnnd-Typisto, of j pood education. Slato ago, experi- j onco (it any), and salary oxpected. 1 CONFIDENTIAL, P.O. Box 346, Wellington, j GIRLS WANTED" I WANTED, at onco, sovoral young Girls to learn incandescent montlo-making. Apply THE WELSBACII LIGHT COMPANY OF AUBIHAI_\SIA (LIMITED), 48, Victoria-sLrcet. 'iirßOYs! WANTED, (.mart Boy, for tailor's room. ViMteh and Allan, Cuba-st. J '■ TO'HAIRDRIiSSEkS." WANTED to approiitii'o ft rMpectablo j • Lnd lo learn Iho hairdrossing. Address Parent, caro of E\ cuing Post, LAb"YH]'nA r wJN'rErj" WANTED, iv a fow wook/ time, a thoroughly capable Ladyhelp. Apply *i 3, Jiawkor-*trcot, Wellington^ 1 • 'rV,"'p\](.oi^srTrTsr WANTED, Trousers Machinist*. App}y, al oneo t A. Lory, Colonial Mutual Jnsurnnco Buildings, CuHtomhoui>oi n'">y- ! " i»arckl" delivery. WANTED, smart activo Lad, fo deliver parcel*. Apply Mr. M'PhorI sou__p._.C. _ _, 1 TO lUIfTpERTYOWNn'yRSTBUiLDER^ I . ETC. WANTED to Rent, Workshop, botwoon Basin Ilosurve aud Munnorsstroot, about 15 x 30ft ; will tako n long lease. Apply, with particulars, etc., lo Business, Evening Post. FRENCH CLEANING! WANTED Known, lhat Ladies' Silk Bloutei, Costumos, and Fancy Articles of all description can bo French donned without shrinking or in any way affecting the most dolicato colours, at BARBER'S Steam Dyo Works, 46,, Cubastreet. i FUJ<NiTUR_. % JI/'AN I'liD Known — Sidoy, Meooh and V T Co., Miuiiiufn-Htruot.aro Ouah Uuyors ot Furniture, Pianos, and Libraries. EstublisUod over 35 years. 1 FURNITURE. ' WANTED to Buy, Housos of Furniture ; highest prico ; cash down. C. Daubuoy, 74, Tory-strcot. WANTED Known— Having decided to „ livo on my splondid cstato at Invorcargill, aftor having made a fortuuo out of my Wollington business, 1 am prepared to negotiulo for its salo ; atao tho froohold of tho ,Carlton Hall. Tho business is a going concoru with a largo stock of hato and mercory. If I cannot find ft buyer, will sell Iho Rtock at great reduction. Must bo sold, everything cheap, cominonoing to-day, till further notice. If tho bufc-inoH not sold, tho shop must bo let. ALMAO, Hattor and Mcrcor, 18, Ingostro-strcot. ANTED Known— Tho Don TailorsT Willis-street, opposite Empiro Hotel, having purchased at special nrieos a, largo assortment of West of England Spotted and Striped Tweeds, aio now making suits of those materials at 755, really worth £5 ss. Socuro 0110 of these suits nt oneo ; you will savo money. Wo guarantee our usual fit, style, and finish in Ihoso garment*, which is Iho best. THE DON, Willis-street, opposite Empiro Hotol. 1 W" ANTED] 500 ladies to try Caillor's delicious Drinking Ohocolatp. Roquircs no milk nor sugar; most nourishing and sustaining. Sola in Is boxes and 2* tiim, at Anderson's, Molosworth-stroot ; at tlio W.F.0.A., Lambton-quay ; and at Campboll's, Manncrs-Btrcot. 1 WANTED— Nothing' 'detracts from a woman's appooranco moro than itnpovoribhod, dead-looking hair; nothing boautifu'B it moro quickly than Ilondy's Kgg Julop. Try it ; Is. Kirkcitldio and Stains, Ltd., Solo Agents. WANTED, c. l'artnor in a good cubBtanlial business in a progrossing town ; turnover £2000 per annum ; oan bo easily doublod ; profit 50 por cant ; a good investment for a man with a small capital. Apply by loiter lo A.8., caro of Post Ofliro, Palmcmton North. WANTED, Buyor for stock and equip- ■ nipnt of it Tobacconist and Hairdresser's Business in a. busy country town, with loaso of good shop and haircrroFsor's njiloon. Apply G. A. Fairbrothor, Limited. Cartorton WANTED Known— Max Kroippi^, leo Chest Manufacturer, Willi.s. «4*oet. Tolophotio 1490. All oatulil^s and drinkables Icopt nico and cool in hot weather. aISt~ED~To~S(mF,~ a Email Bakory and Coitfcclionery Busiu^ii, choap. Possession at once. Apply by letter to C.H., Ofiice, Nelton. Principals only doalt with. WAl?TElT~lo~y'on, Land with 450 ft fvonldcto to Evan* B»y>voad \ only £300) a bargain. Apply 0. Daubney, 74, Tory.«treeU

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 26, 1 February 1904, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 26, 1 February 1904, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 26, 1 February 1904, Page 1