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33LOCK8. Designing ami Procoss Kugra.yiu.' in Lino aud JJiill'-lona. m H _ HARDI 13 SHAW STUDIOS, PHOTOS. The L.irgost aud liust.-nppoiiiled Studio in tho Colony. Tolophono, lOiiO. 51, Willis-street. ff\ O • L F. T. JL Suilo of Rooms (ono public offico, suitably fitted, and ono privato office) in Citizens' Buildings,^ Ciibtomhouse-qiiay. For further particulaia, apply lo Tho Robidont Secretary, Cilizous' Lifo Assurances Company (Limited). npO LET, in now Firoprjof Building, Vicloria-streot, a Portion of First, Second, aud Third Floors. THOS. BALLINtiER _ CO. (Ltd.), 52, Victoria slreot. TO LET, 64, Thorndon-quay, upposito Mannwatu Railway biaUon, n bupurior 10-roomed House, built livo years ago, olcctnu light tbrouguuut and all modern conveniences, porous-ion 18th Miwch next (at present ocoupiod by Purcy Baldwin, Eiq.). For rent and oilier particulars apply to A. \. H. Danby, 72, ] Ononlal Bay, alter 7 p.m. ! TU LET, Fiotchcr's Buildings, Suito ol Otliccß und Strongroom, lirst lioor; largo Ollico, about _&lt x -Uti, uscoiui tloov ; excellent lighting. Apply A. T. Bato, Lambton-quay. j TO LET, or for Salo, a i>evon-roamo<t liouso on Maariuna-crescont ; every modern conveuionco ; low ront to a gouu tenant. App 4 y at 178, Willis-strcol. _ TO LET, a b-rooinod liouso, well furnifchod. Apply Mirs Jacobs, Orange Lily Storo, MoloßWorUi-streol. TO LET, CaTlton Hall ; suitablo ~ for mootingJ, wedding parties, balls, factory, 010. , For pnrtiouTars bco V. Almao, 18, lngeatro-!=Uoot. TO LKT, Gordon-fit rod, Nowt own, two Housoj, nm» nnd fivo rooms : hot and co](I wafer, copper, tubs, bath Tiid gas. j Apply 9a, Garret l-strcjt, boweou b and 7 p.m. Rpnl 18s 6d and 16s 6d. ______ TO LET, Boarding-house, 6 rooms, cjght pormanont boarders j owner leaving city, wishes to dispo o of oontonts, a bargain to nny one ; hoiww in c«uilro ol city j rent onJy Si per week. l r or particulars apply Kvoning Post. TO LET, spaeiou* Room, Cuba^traat ; Av-oulcf suit iiiußio tcflclicr or oliior profession ; tenant can havo uao of piano, furnituro ; ront low. Apply S. Gordon, 34, Ingettrc-Elroot. TO LKT, al Maranui, 5-roomod Houto, furnithnd or uiifiirniehcd, long or short lorm; bath, wash. troughs, otc. Apply K. Tonks, 9, Tonks's-grovo^ TO LKT, ono Unfurnished Room "in eottago handy to city, or will iiharo houso with marriod couplo ; no diildron. Apply 8.C., Ev-iuuy Post. T(TTjW_rTho wl\o|o or part of n Suiflo ot Ofiioos in Ivwnbton-quay. Address Oftienn, Evening Poet. TO LKT, modern six-roomod House?, bath, scullery. tf<i'< -lid oloctrio light j no sUini ; ront _)6 per month. 'Apply on proinisoH, No. 10, Tutchcti-Hrpct, otY PiroBtroct. r»"tO Lliyi", Shop Dwi-niHR- in GluuM- nec-btiTt»t. A| ply to W. J. Gaudin, grain-ntoroi 26, Ghu_noe-strcot, /"SIO LliT, comfortablo nbwly-furnithod JL Rooms ; fivo minutos from Government ."itiuion. Apply Kvoning I'ost. TjnO LET. flrst-class six-roomod Houso, JL l.>i'niel-stroot ; ono floor, nico locality, and every convenience. Apply 6/, Daniol-stroot. rjp6 LET, a Fumishod front Bedroom, in X tilenborvio-tcrraco. Apply 123, Tiua-kori-rotid. | rt^O LET, No. 17, Tasman-itroot, throoi roomed Cottugo, with largo bascmont workshop and largo back garden. Apply to J. E. Miloe, _i, Queen-street, 6 to o p.m._ • rilO LET, from about loth Fobruary, a *_L now 6-roomod Houso, furuiHhed, oloctric light, bath, and All conveniences ; bunutiful viow, woll shoUorod from all wincb ; 2 minutoa from Sotiloun wharf ; rent for a lorm 255. Apply J, L. Murray, Seatoun. OnO LET, Shop and Dwelling, containing JL fivo rooms ; all up-to-dato conveniences ; noar cotitrn of tho oity ; ront £2 2s por wook. Apply Harcourt and Co. Tl} LKT, srCuiitod at Roeenoath, a sovonroomed Houso, with ntAblo; etc. ; Jurgo grounds, fine view, all usual conv'onioncos ; low rent. Apply Ilarcourt and Co. TO LET, at Seatoun, either furnishod or uufurnishod, a five- room od Houso. Apply W. Barber, 46, Cnbo-itront. T&" LKT, central Promises, with basomont; suitablo for warehouse. Apply Box 206. TO I.1?T, four now llouoos at Miramar, fivo and six rooms, from 12s to 17« per wook; electric- light and all modern convonioncos. Apply John Marshall, Worscr Bay, or Wm. C. Stephens, 6, Feather-ston-strnot. ' _■ riio"~L_T, Sell, or Loasoi with right to J«- purcha«o, No. 49, 'Wrighl-stroet, 7 rooms, 5 fireplaces, bathroom', n. and c. w., olcclno light, wardrobe, cupnoardi, lovely view. Apply No. 51, licxl door. D^I.UTCUKII'S PHOSPHOKISED QUININE AND IRON TONIC. Tho Most KfToativo RK&TOJSATIVK, FICK-MIS-UP and NJiUYK TONIC. Cures WI3AKNHSS, DISPUESSION, nnd L 0&8 OF APPKTITIO. RcsLores fII'JALTH, STJtKNOTIf, and KNKltav. Prico, 2s Od and 4a 6d. P/eparoil only by CHAS. F_.I_TOHISJLi, * PHA ItMACKU'J IOAL CHKMIST, Wolliiiglon. TIfITPLEASURIj"T>in.T! THE Polif-h that givos pleasure and satisfaction lo ovory ono who boots il is that rxcplloiit polish N'igrol. It 14 a, jet black polish, und thu shoon is brilliant nnd mirror-liku ; you can soo youi-bolf roflooted in your shoos whon you meNigrol, and it cosl* no moro than tho disappointing kinds. _^_ ""WARD OFFIMATU'O'X. FRKVKNTION is bolter than cure. Vucoinution is good in its way, but it does not prevent, but buvos you from a iK-vrro attack. The safest wny is to kocp your blood fruo .from dii>eu«u gonna and 111 a condition of health to resist tho invasion of bacilli. Tho blood derives H-» richncM from the food digested, and its purity depends upon tho regular activity of Iho urgent. If you hava indigestion or oomtipation or blliou»llo^8 your blood will soon bo full of poison. Tako Impeji's May Apple, tho sovorcign roniody for a-U ootnplaint* of tlio ictomach, livov, and kidnoy«. Chom_U aa<i itar«S| 2* 6d por

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 26, 1 February 1904, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 26, 1 February 1904, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue 26, 1 February 1904, Page 1