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RACING FIXTURES. January 30 and February 3 — Takapuna meeting. February 2 and 3 — Wairoa County Meeting. February 10 and 11— Taranaki Summer "Meeting. Fobruary 11 and 12— Gisborne Summer Meeting. February 11 and 13 — Canterbury Summer Meeting. February 17 and 18— Egmont Summer Meeting. February 24 and 25 — Woodvillo District Meeting. February 24, 26, and 27— Dunedin Autumn Moeting. March 3 and 4— Wanganui Autumn Meeting. [By Locnira..] Unquestionably tho leading feature of tbo racing at tno Wellington Club's Summer Moeting was Gladsomo's achievement in tho two big events. Tho performance chows tho daughter of Seaton Dolaval up in striking light. After winning the Cup ( under 8.5 in record timo, oho camo out ncact day with 9.2 on her back and «ecurod tho Wellington Handicap. Tn each instance tho maro showed that eho possesses grit and stamina in no «mall degree; fcho sustained horaelf in the early dtagCN with surprising confidence, and camo on the scene in tho lost couple of furlongs with a splendid run. In tho Cup, Ghoorka set out to nmko the pace, but gavo up tho strtigglo at tho end of a mile, which was run in lmin 42gsec. Hero Convoy cam© into prominence, and tho way ho stepped out made tho crowd anticipate — prematurely as events turned out — liis winning, but just outeido the distance Gludsone camo with a groat rattle, and, settling tlio Vanguard norse, 1 wor by a couple of lengths. Convoy mado anther bold effort to secure the Wellington Handicap, and when tho mile and a quarter was tinished, ho was only a neck behind. Tho time registered in tho Cup creates a fresh Australasian record for tho distance, which wns previously held by General Symons, who* ran tho Metropolitan Handicap at Riccaiton lasb November in 2min 34sec\ or two-fifths above Gla-doome's time. The previous best was Advance's 2min 34jteec, which ho CAtablished when ho won tho Wellington Cup lost year. Since she started, GladHomo has donfc a good deal of liard work; its tho following record will show :— Ist 2nd 3rd Unpl'd. Afc 2 years ... 5 7 0 4 At 3 years „,6 1,0 2 11 8 0 6 Her win makes tho tenth occasion on which tho Cup has been annexed by a mare, tho previous winners being Maritana, Hilda, Mischief, Dudu, Cynisca (1890, 1891, and 1892), Retina, and Brooklet. Convoy waa probably tho fitteet horae at tho mooting, and it was unfortunate for him that ho should have bumped agains\ such a good mare as Gladsome. He was well handled by Jenkins. In tho Cap tho Vanguard horse did not get away too well, but ho soon made up* tho disadvantage, and when ho passed the post ho looked tho least distressed of tho field. Canteen was fairly prominent in tho firet stages of tho journey, but tho pace was too solid for him, and when he finished he boro evidence of lmving been ridden hard. The grey Buffered a slight disadvantage aa the result of some bumping .during tho race. C&iuiie Chiel was .veil supported on tho totalizator, and though too Claaranald horse, ran promnenuy in tho Cup, his performance on th*o second day was disappointing. Ghoorka was another horse that churned a good deal of attention, but the company was too good for him. AH tilings, considered, this year's Cup, though not us exciting as some, of tho previous contests, was nob without interest. Speculation was brisk, and compares favourably with last? year, when £2897 was invested on the ten starters in tho Cup, as against £2771 on kovoii sporting eilk this year. The classic events were disappointing. Only three faced the starter each day, and Silkworm had n. "walk over", in each race. This in the fourth occasion Mx. Stead has placed tho Wellington Stakes to his credit, the previous winners being Courtier, Mcncliikoff, and Cruciform. The Canterbury sportsman has a similar record in the WoUcsley Stakes. The two-year-old handicaps wore- pulled off by Sir George Clifford's pair, Stronghold and Tessera; and Brave Heart, tho jproporty of tho samo owner, also scored in tho Electric Handicap. Stronghold's win was boldly challenged by Solution, who tackled the Clanranald — Safeguard colt in the straight, and Hewitt had to take/ the whip to the favourite. Solution also shook Tessera up in tho Nursery Handicap. \Vhen the straight' was reached Mr. Patterson's filly had a. lead of about a length, but Tcssora, who was looking in splendid condition, came with a lino run, and won with a little to spare. Livonia had a length and a, half advantage of Rawiri (iho favourite) at the finish of tho Anniversary Handicap, but the Stepniak maro was unplaced' in tho January Handicap on iho following day, Full Cry accounting for the race after a good finish with Ballarat. Mr. Laurent a representative was made second favourite on the first day in the Telegraph Handicap, and his party were sanguine of success. He, however, finished fourth, the speedy Balloiat taking first money. Puro Silver figured the largest on the totalisator in the Metropolitan Handicap, but Good Intent' showed a good turn of speed, and getting away well at tho start was never headed, Pure Silver filling second position, and Do la Bey third place. Immersion, Tercelet, Manawaru, and Replete, were responsible for tho hack events. Tho running of the first-named in tho Handicap mado her favourito for the Peucarrow Handicap, in which event sho wus weight-.; <>d with 101b more than she carried on the first day. Replete, who was second on the first day, however, mado a comparatively easy thing of it, Iho Gipny Grand filly finishing well. Bounce, who was well supported on tho machine, filled second position. Mr. Timi Kara's filly Manawaru finished well in tho Poneko. Sho occupied a handy position till the ntraight was reached, and then ran to the front, winning easily by a length. A somewhat singular feature of tho Foxton Meeting was that, tho placed horses in the Cup should secure similar positions in tho President's Handicap on tho second day. In the Cup Dexterity went out favourite, with Jeanne d'Aic and Gold Dust next on the list. Sanfoin was the first 1o show in front, closely attended by Armistice, Blackwing, Flcka, «nd the field bunched. Sanfoin fltill held Iho lead as the field raced out and along the back, where Dexterity and Gold Dust came up with tho leadeiH. As they turned into the straight several horses were disputing tho pride of place, and a magnificent race- ensued. Gold Dust made his effort 'early, but Dexterity was at him, and at oiio stage got half a length in front, but Armistice was not done with, and responding gamely to every call came to the front again, and won by half a length, a short neck separating second nnd third Public confidence in Dexterity was still unahated when the horsei saddled up for the President's Handicap, and, the Sou-w ester filly again headed the betting. She temporarily flattered her supporters by taking command at tho fitart, Mussel, tfioitj, and Armistice being adjacont. The field raced well tofletlwr til l the bend was negotiated, when

Dexterity mado a determined effoit to increaso her load. But Armistice still to bo reckoned with. Tho Mahaki iilly extended herself, and racing to the front maintained the position to the lini.-.h, minning by about a length and a half. Tlio following is tho full tepoil of tho judges (the Hon. J. 1). Oimoud and Messrs. O. Samuel and H. D. Boll), appointed to hear the appeal of the Marlborough Racing Club ngainat Iho Canterbury Jockey Club in tho Hinekoa cast — Tlio judges went through the letters and evidence as placed before the Canterbury Metropolitan Committee, then heard and examined Mr. Vavasour, the Chairman of the Marlborough Racing Club, and also 10eeived from Mr. Oeo. O. Stead, the Chairman of the Canterbury Metropolit m Club, a written statement giving tho grounds upon which that club disallowed the disqualification. The judges decide that the decision of the Marlborough Club as to tho pulling of the mare Hinekoa. by the jockey Gillett Mas a " matter of fact' which Mas definitely decided on the first day in aecoidanco M'ilh the Rules of Racing by tha- Marlboroufih Racing Club stewards at the timo. The judges further decide to endorse tho disulloM'ance by tho Canterbury Metiopolitan Club of the. disqualification by the Marlborough Club of tho maro Hinekoa, and the owner Mr. Gay, and tho disqualification for ono year of tho trainer and jockey Gillett, considering that tho grounds for. such disqualification were insufficient, and that the reasons contained in the statement of grounds given by Mr. Stead on behalf of the Canterbury Metropolitan Committee amply justify the decision that body camo to. The judges also desire to tako this opportunity of expressing their opinion Unit in all ca&es it is essential wherever possible that Racing Clubs should give owners, trainers, and jockeys the opportunity to be heard before putting a disqualification upon them. The judges further direct that tho 'stakes in tho Riverlands Handicap and the Telegraph Handicap bo paid over to tho owner of the maro Hinekoa, and that the deposit paid by tho Marlborough Racing Club on their appeal bo refunded. An interesting incident connected Avith tho Wellington Cup is that tho first Cup was won by Castaway, a hor&o of the chestnut shade, and this year's M'inner avos a chestnut. Gladsome has Avon over £2400 in prize money this season. A Southern paper advances (he opinion that Silkworm will be quite us brilliant as his hiili'-brether Hohoro. Tho Wellington Ruciug Club \vill soon have to consider the question of enlarging tho luncheon and afternoon tea-rooms at the Hutt. There avos a good deal of inconvenience and discomfort 'in this respect at the lato meeting. Mr. Whyto, the Secretary of the Wellington Racing Club, is to be complimented on the success attending bis initial labouis at the local meeting. The arrangements Avorked very smoothly. Tho Wnirarapa Trotting Club has decided to hold a meeting in June. Two hundred pounds Avill bo offered in stakes. The following Racing Clubs have decided to license members of tho Noav Zealand Bookmakers' Association: — Southland, Palmerston, Alexandra, Gore Trotting, Waimate, Waikouaiti, North Otago, IvuroM', Croimvcll, Tapanui, Olautau Hack, Waikaka, Heddon Bush, humsden, Tuapeka County, Centre Bush Hack, Arrow, Hororata, Clutha, Oropuki, BirchM'ood Hunt,, Waikaia, Waimca Plains, Taranaki, Akaroa, Gcraldine, Ohoka and Eyreton, Fairlie, Arundcl, Kongitata, Tahuna Park Trotting, Malvern Trotting, Knikoura, Amuri, TinAvald, Methven, Waiau, Amberley, Ashburton County, Oxford, Forbury Paik, St. Bathan's, Greymouth. Tho lost mail from India gives particulars of the race for the Viceroy's Cup, the result of which aws announced soveral Aveeks ago. There. AA'as a great concourse of spectators, and so thick Aver© they in the centre of the course that for some timo it Avaa impossible to start the five and six fnrlong races owing to tho influx of tho people on to the- running track. Tho defeat of Groat Scot by Loch Clieveden in tho Trial Stakes a day or lavo previously had lost him a lot of friends, and Acetino, who had run second in the earn© event, for a time, ruled as favourite*. At tho fall of tho flag they shared the responsible positions between them. The field of Boven got aAA-ay together, but Great Scott soon Avent to tho front and earned on the running. At the milo post he had a two-lcngtlis load, and Avas going Avell, Avhile Acotine Avna close up. Three furlongs from homo Acctine threw out a challenge, but Avas soon dono with, and the favourito led into the straight, followed by Cretontfo, Hoop Iron, and Northumberland. Cretonne camo on gamely from tho distance, but could never quite get up, and Great Scot Avon amidst great cheering by half a length. Penton, Avho rodo tlio winner, stated that Great Scot neA'er at any timo wonfc at moro than three-quarter speed. 110 Avas ridden without spurs by order of the OAvner, and at no time was tho Avhip turned on to him. Tho milo and three-quarters avbs covered iv 3min 7j-sec. Spcpulation on tho English Derby has commenced.' Favouritism fos tho blue ribbon avos, when tho last mail to "hand left England, disputed by Mr. Leopold Rothschild's colt St. Amant, by St. Frusguin from Lady Lpverulo, and Mr. J. Musker's Henry L, by Melton from Simena, about Avhom 5 to 1 m-us on offer, wbilo 600 to 200 Avas wanted about the pair couplod, and 175 to 25 was taken about tho French colts, Ajax and Gouvcrnant, coupled. Tho London Sportsman, referring to tho race, Bays tho opinions seem divided as to tho claims of St. Amant and Henry I. for favouritism. Thcro Avas an offer .to tako 500 to 200 about tho tAvo coupled, bub tho price wus not forthcoming, and tho bout offer against either Avas 500 to 100. Of John Porter's string. Rvdal Head had been selected, and if 1000 to 80 avos taken about that colt tho price M-as again offered, as Avns 7 to 1 about tho French colts, Ajax and Gouvcrnant, coupled, after 175 to 25 had been taken. The. former is a sou of Flying Fox, nnd Avas an easy Avinrfer of tho only race in Avhich ho took part — tho Prix do Saint Firmin, at Chuntilly last October, for Avbich thero" Avero 15 runners. Gouvornant is also by Flying Fox, and lia.9 Avon threo races out of fh'e, anU baa been placed second tAvice.

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 14

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SPORT AND PASTIME. The Turf. Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 14

SPORT AND PASTIME. The Turf. Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 14