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Y©U e&N BE eURED. X"ou may have been suffering oven for years from Rheumatism Indigestion Gravoi Gout Ansamia Stone Neuralgia Blood Disorders Bladder Troubles Backache Biliousness General Debility Sciatica Jaundice Sick Headache and you will continue to suffer uuloss the disorder is tr«atod, as ifc ought to fcfr treated, by striking direct ut tho cause. All the disorders mentioned aro duo to on* cause, and one cause alono — namely, the disability of tho KIDNEYS MB LEUSK to perform the workmllotted to thorn in Naturo'd Scheme. Nature will tolerate no irregularity. When tho kidneys and livor aro working perfectly, it is impossible for anyone to suffer from any of the disorders named. In order that this important fact way be realized, tho following description of the work performed fay thoso vital orirana is givon. b The Sidneys filter and extract from the hlood about threo pints of urine every day. In tliis quantity of urine aro, dissolved about an ounce of urea, ton to twelve jrraiiiß in weight of uric acid, together with other animal and mitiofal matter varying from a third of an ounco to nearly an ounco. When the kidneys are in health, all thiß solid matter is in Solution and is invisible. Direofcly the kidneys, through cither weakness or disease, become unfit to do thoir duty properly, a proportion of tho solid matter remains in tho blood, becomes actively poisonous, and causes us to suffer from uric disorders such as Rlienmatism, Gout. Neuralgia, iumbaffo, Baokaclie, Scintica, Gravel, $tone, Bladder Troubles, and Bright S Disease. A simple test to mako as to the condition of tho kidneys is to place aome urine, passed tho first thing in tho morning, in acovered class, and let it stand until the next morning. If it is thon cloudy, or there is a biick.dust like BBdiment, or if particles lioat about in it, or it is of an unnatural colour, the kidneys aro not healthy, aud no timo must bo lo«t in adopting remedial measures, or iHright's Disease, Diabetos, or somo less serious but more painful illueas may result. The Liver.— ln the livor various substances are actually made from the blood. Two or throe pounds of bilo aro thils mado f torn the blood every day. The livor takes sugar from the blood, con verts it into another form, and stores 'it up so as to be able to again supply ib to the blood, gradually, as the latter requires enrichment. The hvor changes uric acid, which is insoluble, into urea, which is completely soluble, and tho liver also deulw with blood corpuscles which havo lived thoir life and are useful no longer. When tho liver is inactive or disoas«d we suffer from Indigestion, Bilieusness, AnEemia, Sick Headache, and Blood Disorders. Tho health of tho livor and of the kidneys is so closely connected that it is almost impossible for tho kidneys to be affected and the liver to remain' healthy, or vice versa. It is nearly thirty years since scientific research, directed specially to diseases of the Kidneys and Livor. was rewarded by the disco very of the medicine now known, throughout the world as Warner's Safe Cure. It was realised at the outnet ot tho investigation thnt it was necessary to find a curative agont which would act equally upon the kidneys and upon the liver, these organs boing bo immediately associated in the work of dealing with the body's waste material ; and, after many disappointments, tho medicino which possessed the required action in the fullest degree was at length discovered. Warner's Safe Cure cures all diseases Of the kidneys and liver, aud, by restoring thoir activity, theso vital organs t,rt> enabled to rid the body, through tho natural channels, of the urinary and biliary poisons, the presence of which, iv the system, are the causn of Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Backache. Sciatica, Blood Disorders, Anromia, Indigestion, Biliousness, Jaundice, Sick Headache, Gravel. Stone, Bladder Troubles, and General Dubility. Warner's Safe Cure cures all these disorders simply by removing the cause of tho disorder. This is tho reason why cures offeoted by Warner's Safe Cure are permanent euros. > A treatise containing full particulars, and accounts of many remarkable cures effected, even when hopo of recovery was doepairod of, will bo sent post free, by i H. 11. Warner and Co., Limited. Australasian branch, Melbourne. I M I ~ " A Smoke that does you good. ""17x3"" v- that means exceptional purity of X leaf, careful manufacture, refined flavour — that points to v You can have it in the plug or cut (iv tins), and daik or light; v . but, whichever way you get it, you will find Havei«oc;k very v< good smoking. X JL- ! , Cj TRY A PLUG AIMD SEE HOW IT GOES. Tsreci ASS the Time A Mis Feeling of Exhaustion. Unfit for Business. Debilitating Effects of Hot Seasons. Ail Easily Removed. Jpsjlip^pSjL^^ Mrs. O. McDonald, ol Northoote, /P^ s^^^^^ Victoria, Australia, sends us her M^^^^^Wt^ photograph and says: "* was a S l63 *" sufferer from some ytrfffi^^^'W&^ki °* tue most terrible forms of indiges/^w^^^^Sm!^ tion * I was aU tired out from mon *" ti«i*^^^l^^^^ [ ing until night. My languor made me l^^'^ l^^^' l^^*^ (\ unfit for work or business of any - 111 1 kind, and I was about ready to giTe up '$zPy $?i^ llr discouraged. My livor was all out of /// '"^ttl *^ ! V^»" UK) . order, and this made mo suffer from / tllW\f* t \ Mo constipation and biliousness. Two A*^/ jvjv jromedios completely cured me. I took • j W]ow/fi|swj. ' '**^^ ; " / !m\ ' Ayer's Pills to aot on my liver and • \i\fwVu\\n^^ ~"" J <«F*3S& keep my bowels in good condition,, Nl^Mwj^^^&SE^S^S^^ and Ayor's Sarsaparilla to purify my blood, strengthen my norves, and put •^wW/tf^^^n^i^^^ my ?, igestivo organs ln a hoalth y "The World's Greatest Family Medicine.' 9 Ayor's Sarsaparilla is ol groat belp to almost every one In this debilitating olimato. It provonts oxhaustion, keeps tho nervous system in .£ood order* and takes away nil that tirod feoling. Don't wait until you are down sick. It's much wiser and easier, to prevent sickness. When the stomaoh fails, sickness comos very easy. Trolit by Mrs. MoDonald's experience and put your digestive organs in a healthy stato. We must caution you against imitation Sarsaparillas. Bo sure yon get " Ayer's." There's no risk to run with this old, reliable medioine* Er-^^^^. j^ttjw ÜBS EfC O ******" s>c£ JJdl 1 1 fid, Tho Oldest, Surest, Strongest, and Best Sarsaparilla Ayers Pills aot on the liver and keep the bowels in good condition. Frop&red by SB. J. C. AVER £s CO.. Lowell, Mass.. IT. S. A.

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Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 13

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Page 13 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 13

Page 13 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume LXVII, Issue LXVII, 30 January 1904, Page 13