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THIS EVENING. CKOFTON. CROFTON. CKOFTON. Two miloa from the General Post Office. Two miloa from the General Post Office. To the tender Father and Mother who may bo anxious to settle where their little ones will bo free from tho risks ot disease, and got ovory chanae to f.oiv np into strong and healthy men and women. To tho invalid whoso norvons system roqnires bracing, and To the tsufferer from Asthma and Throat Affections. To the Government Officer who wants quiet, peaceful home. To the Merchant's Clerk who wishes to build himself a honse within half-an-hour's walk of his office, and jet havo all the pleasures of living in the country. To the Weary Trader anxious to get out of the bustle of tho city and breathe a pnre and exhilarating air when the rush ■ of tho day is over. IN FACT To all who desire to create a home whore they may livo cLeaplyj where thoy will be healthy, and where they will be Burrouuded by the beautiful and pieturcsquo. THE LONG LOOKED FOE OPPOR TUNITY COMB AT LAST. The Healthy Suburb of CKOFrON open for purchase for the firet time. No City Kates. 15-lCths of a penny in tho £ taxation, as against 3a 2J<i in iho £ in tho City. To be sold by public auction, absolutely to the highest bidder, THIS (THURSDAY) RVENING. 25th APRIL, 1595, At 7.30 p.m., I!Y r p KENNEDY M MCDONALD & CO. -L • (Limited), m THK EXCHANGE AUCTION ROOMS, No. 84, L.13181 ON-QTTAT — THAT MAGNIFICENT BLOCK OF SUBURBAN BUILDING LA.ND MTUATK IN THK TOWNSHI.' (>F CKOFTmN, being tho property co well-known as Littlejohu's, and now subdivided into FIFi'JiEN BUILDING SECTIONS, raußir.gin area from ONE-HALP ACRK to OVER TWO ACRES each The charming suburb of Crofton has been cnown, ever sinco Wellington was founded, is one ot the most delightful residential iites. Embosomed " amongst the cvrlastng hills," it possesses a charming climate, vhoro the gontle zephyr blows soft, and not ;ho blustering breezes of Wellington. It ms many means of access. A pleasant walk >f half an hour along either the old Kaiwarra'oad or tho Wadestowi'-road, or a few ninutes' ride in the cars of the Wellington md Manawatu Railway, will land you in ,he subnrb— it being as oaty to roach Crofon on foot or by rail as it is to reach Nowown by the tramway. First-class metalled oada ran through and surround Crofton, md household necessaries aie delivered in ivery part of the suburb at Wellington >rices. Crofton has always possessed a special Alarm in Us wealth of Fernß and beautiful S'ativo Bush, giving a picturesque attraotion 0 its wonderful rural walks. From the top if tho Crow's Noi-t and the Kaka Hill, vitbin hali-an-bour's walk, tho most mag. lificont panoramic view can bo obtained, kelson, Motueka, and tho snow-capped peak if Monnt h ginont being plainly discernible ?ew Wellington residents have any concepion of the manifold scenic beauties that lie vitbin a fow minntes' walk of the enchanting mburb of Crofton. Mr. Littlejohn'B property, which is now leing submitted for sale by public auction in lOnsequenco of his increasing weak health, las long been known as the best in the iharming suburb. In order to moot the 'iews of a number of intonding buvors it has >een carefully Bnrvoycd and subdivided. Cue Family Residki^ck of two storios lontains Hall, 12ft Sin x 12ft 3in, Drawingoom, ISffc x 14ft, with largo Equare bay viudow and folding doors leading into, lift x 10ft, Dining-room, Gft x 14ft, six Bedrooms, Kitchen, b'cullery, 3ath-rc<om, Wash-house, Verandah, and Conservatory. It is built of heart of totara, md is in first-class condition. It standß ipon a block of land containing over two LCREB, and is situated about 300 ft above ica-ievel. Adjacent to tho residence is the 3oaeh-bouse, Stable (two stalls), Dairy, 3ow-house, Granary, Coal-bouse, Tool-iou>-e, Photographio Dark-room, Fowllouse, &o , &0,, &c. Tho residence faces he north-west and has a specially healthy lituation, getting the film from tho earliest ising to its setting. Special pains have >een taken with tho water supply to the re lidence and out offices. A magnificent ipriug runs iuto a newly-constructed cement eservoir, and is convoyed from thoro by >ipO3 to the hou3o and through it. '1 here iq ilso a well with force pump. The whole of hj grounds surrounding the house havo )eon cultivated and planted with great care. The lawn in front isfuinished with beautiful >rnamputal trees, ehrnbs, and flowors, while 1 well-filled orchard of about hulf an aore, regetable garden, and grass paddooks make together a charming font ensemble. The •esidenco has two approaches, one lrom the railway station, distant three minutes' walk, md tho other aloui; a beautiful avenuo abutting on to tho main road, from which Welington can bo re.i. bed in 25 minutes. It is i charming property, and cm be honostly recommended as a most delightful home. The remainder ot the bmlhas been divided nto pounxf-EN sections, r i» gino in akka. PKO3I lIALK-AN-ACUE TO OVKJI TWO ACRES. I'lih whole of these Sections aro most adnirably adapted for Villa Sites They, liko :be residence, command delightful prospects }f hill and dale, while from somo of those of ligher elovation enchanting views of Wellington and portions of the harbour can be scon. On Soetion No. 9, containing 1 rood 16 perches, thoro his been recently orected i thoroughly well-finished Cottaqs Residence ot seven room*, built of Eeasoned boart ot totara, which will prove a sound investment. No more admirable Bcildinq Sections have been offered by auction for yoars. Crofton and Khandallah are the fashionable Babnrbs, and ovnry year will sob their value increased. The new line of road, now under dieoifsiou, will be carried out in a fow months, and shorten tho distanoo from the City considerably. But the charm of C rot ton is its pura life-giving air, soft, crisp, and Light, it pnts a now soul into every fresh resident, while the calm, peaceful beauty of its sconery is a delight every morning and a repose each night. To those who wish to bo as near to the centre of tho City as Nowtown, and to be freo from the curse of heavy City Rates and Municipal imbecility, Crofton has overpowering attractions, for it is easy of access, and its rates are as nothing. The terms of salo will be as follows : — 10 per cent, deposit at sale, 10 por cent, in six months, 10 per cent, in 12 months ; balanoe in five years, bearing interest at G per cent, per annum Title, Land Transfer Aot. For conditions of eale, flans of tho property, and further details, apply to the Auctioneers, at their offices, No. 81, Lamb-ton-quay. IN THE EXCHANGE AUCTION ROOMS, 84, Lambton-quat. THIS (THUESDAyT EVENING, 25th APRIL, 1895, At 7.30 o'olook. SALE OF SPLENDID ALLOTMENT, OXFORD - STREET. T KENNEDY MACDONALD & CO. • (Limiikd) are favoured with inßtructione to sell by pnblic auction as above— That very valuable building allotment, being part of Town Acre No. 744, having a frontage of 30ft to Oxfordstreet, Adelaide-road, by a depth of 80 feet This is one of the few remaining vacant allotments in this quarter of the city, and from its close proximity to the Tramway station has an exceptional value. Terms— lo per cent, deposit. Balance on easy terms. IN THE EXCHANGE AUCTION ROOM, No. 84, Lambton-quat. THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, 25th APRIL, 1895. At 7.30 o'olock p.m. ABSOLUTE SALE OP AN ORIGINAL ABSENTEE TOWN-ACRE. m KENNEDY MACDONALD & CO. JL * (Limited) are favoured with instructions to Bell by public auotion, as above — TOWN ACRE No. 933, fronting HANSON - STREET and ADE-LAIDE-ROAD. This valuable town acre adjoins the wellknown property of Councillor Tntum, and lias remained unclaimed since tho foundation of the city. '1 he representatives of the original owner have now proved their olaim, and instructed the immediate disposal ol the Aore by auotion. It is one of the most valuable town acres in the southern quarter of the oity, and having practically two frontages of 165 feet eaoh, would prove admirably adapted for sub-division. Terms — 25 per cent, oash deposit, balanoe in a mouth, but the auctioneers oan make arrangements to allow a large portion of the purchase money to lie on mortgage. For further particulars, conditions of sale, 40., apply LEVI &. BOLTON, Solicitors, Panama-street; Or to THE AUCTIONEERS. IN THE EXCHANGE AUCTION ROOMS, 84, Lambton-<}tjay. THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, 25th APRIL, 1895, At 7.30 o'olook p.m. SALE OF VALUABLE CORNER ALLOT, MENT, ISLAND BAY. T KENNEDY MAODONALD & CO. • (Limited) are favoured with instructions from Mrs. Robt. Somerville to sell by public auotion, as aboveThat valuable corner building allotment No. 436 on the plan of Island Bay, containing over a quarter of an aore, «and having frontages to the main road and Trent-Btrest, close fo the Island Bay Hotel. This ib a oapital section, one of the most valuable in the Bay, and olose to the hotel T»bms — 10 per oent. deposit. Balance on easy terms. gBNO II TO BHOBTTB.

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Evening Post, Volume XLIX, Issue 97, 25 April 1895, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume XLIX, Issue 97, 25 April 1895, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume XLIX, Issue 97, 25 April 1895, Page 3